Chapter 88: Redemption

Y/N: It certainly wasn't a pleasure knowing you Issei... I'm going to destroy you now...

Issei stared you down as your aura began to grow larger by a long shot, everyone watched in awe at your divine new form as you glared at Issei who began to growl

Issei: What? Want me to kill another?!

Issei began to growl even more as He opened his mouth once again, green energy began to shine from his mouth, this time he aimed at Yang

Yang went wide eyed as Issei got ready to fire, however in the blink of an eye you appeared in front of him and grabbed his lower jaw

Kirishima: So fast...!

Y/N: I won't let you destroy any more lives...

With that you forced your hand down to the ground while still holding Issei's lower jaw, before his head could hit the ground you grabbed him with your other hand by the top of his head, forcing his lower jaw to come clean off

Issei roared in pain as you kicked him away before disappearing and reappearing beside the dead bodies of Tsuyu and Blake and crouching down to their level

Y/N: ...I can't believe that idiot would hurt such innocent angels...

You placed your hand on Blake's cheek before doing the same to Tsuyu, you then took both of your hands and held them in front of the two bodies

Small Green particles of energy began to emit from your hands as the green energy sunk into the bodies of Tsuyu and Blake

Soon enough their wounds disappeared as you moved your hands away from them

Uraraka: W-What was that...?

Suddenly Tsuyu and Blake's eyes went wide open as they gasped and shot up from the floor and sat up leaving everyone beyond surprised

Jaune: You can resurrect people?!?!

Blake: What happened...?

Tsuyu: I was about to ask the same thing...

Y/N: The two of you were killed, by that little bastard over there...

You pointed to Issei who was just getting up from the ground with blood dripping down from his now eternally open mouth

You suddenly rushed towards Issei and smashed Your fist into his stomach making him gag as even more blood began to gush from his mouth

Y/N: It's your turn to die...

With that you reeled your leg back and kicked him away, sending him flying out of the stadium

Intercom: By ring out Y/N wins—

The intercom was interrupted when you powered up and rushed after Issei, leaving the stadium as well as everyone began to talk amongst themselves

Koneko: He's done it again...

Yang: Y/N broke his limits...

Professor: This is incredible!

As everyone continued to talk, The Professor thought to himself

Professor: In this new state of power...not even I can stop him...the only two adversaries in reality itself that can combat him are Ark and Zeno himself...

Meanwhile you were soaring right after Issei who was flying out of the atmosphere

Issei: D-Dammit!! He's become so strong..!!

Suddenly you appeared below Issei and kicked him up even higher into the sky, at this point the two of you were flying in space

Y/N: Your weakness disgusts me...

Issei went right through a whole planet as you went right after him, Issei began to cough up blood as you appeared above him and sledgehammered him into a large astroid that was in the distance

You slowly flew down to the Astroid and spotted Issei in a large crater, somehow still in his Juggernaut Drive

Y/N: So you're still alive...

You landed on the ground and began to slowly walk towards Issei as he forced himself to get up

Y/N: Back for more...?

Suddenly Issei began to roar in anger as he began to emit a large amount of energy before a beacon of red energy shot straight up


Y/N: So you're gonna actually fight me now?

Back At The Stadium

Everyone could see the energy that Issei was emitting from the sky as they began to talk

Lotus: Is that Issei...?

Koneko: I don't remember him being this strong...

Professor: No matter how much power Issei gains, He won't stand against the power of an Omni God 3...

Weiss: What? 3?

Professor: Allow me to explain, When Issei killed Tsuyu and Blake, A new power awakened in Y/N, This power was of course the power of the white Omni God, but on top of this came an evolution in the transformation that somehow merged with Super Saiyan 3 which acted as a great multiplier for his Omni power...

Back In Space

Issei's roaring finally stopped as his chest opened his revealing a shining green light, suddenly all of the gem like objects on Issei's body began to glow green before beginning to gather energy


Y/N: Heh...This brings back memories...

Eventually all of the energy stopped gathering as Issei for ready to fire an attack


Suddenly you punched Issei in the gut so hard that it made him revert back to his normal state

Issei fell to his knees and was nearly unconscious as you stood in front of him and put your hand out in front of him

Issei: D...Dammit......!!

Y/N: You're done Issei...this over...

Issei: Tch...

Y/N: Before I end your life, I'm going to ask you a simple question...

Issei: Fine...What...

Y/N: Why...?

Issei: Eh...?

Y/N: Why are you like this? Why are you a big perv? Why do you always challenge me?

Issei went wide eyed for a short moment before he finally gave in and admitted his reason

Issei: I was jealous...

Y/N: Hm?


Y/N: Hm...There's no need to be jealous Issei...You're powerful in your own right, you have a few ladies that care about you, the only thing you lack is talent...

Issei: What...?

Y/N: You're so attached to your silly dream that you forgot about what really matters...

Issei: And that is...

You stood tall and looked straight ahead with a straight face

Y/N: Friends, Family, Home...Rias is very fond of you Issei, And I'm willing to bet things will stay that way, as for your jealousy of my strength, I'll tell you this...No matter how strong you become, There will always be someone stronger...that even goes for me...

Issei: How are you so sure...?

Y/N: Remember that little child like entities that stopped you from attacking me? He's the most powerful being in the multiverse, nobody can be above him. He is he Omni King, Grand Zeno...

Issei: I get can say and ask you something?

You nodded as Issei managed to stand tall and face everyone's temporary home planet

Issei: How did you get so strong...despite my jealousy, my Curiosity would sometimes overcome that...

Y/N: Well, there are multiple methods that I used, the very first being Zenkai Power, it allows me to grow stronger with every fight, second Method, Training, and lots of it, third and most important, the greatness in life...

Issei: Huh?

Y/N: Whenever I think I'm beat, that there's no way out, I think of the ones that I love, Yang, Blake, Tsuyu, Weiss, Koneko, Asia, they all brought me the happiness and encouragement that I needed to thrive...

Issei: Y/N...

You looked to Issei who gave you a sad look

Issei: I'm sorry...for everything, The Peerage Business, The Fights, Assaulting Skylar, Even Killing your girlfriends...I'm don't have to forgive me but...

You then turned to Issei and reached out to him with a smile

Y/N: Apology accepted

Issei went wide eyed and questioned you

Issei: What...?

Y/N: My family has taught me that Anyone can become an ally. Now Let's go home...Issei...

Issei did his best to hold in his tears of both guilt and relief but failed to keep it in, he began to pout and rub his eyes as he took your hand

The Dawn Of A New Friendship Has Arrived

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