Chapter 68: Finish That Sparring Match

You and everyone else were standing outside in the front of the academy, With You, Goku, and Vegeta staring each other down

Vegeta: Don't think I'm going to go easy on you Y/N...

Y/N: Didn't expect nor wanted you to!

Goku: Hehehe!! This is getting me excited!

Meanwhile everyone on the sidelines were watching the whole thing

Kirishima: Oh Boy! Y/N fighting against his
Mentors?! This is gonna be awesome!!

Midoriya: I gotta study this!

Ruby: Good luck to all of you!

Yang: Y/N is gonna kick their butts!

Koneko: Beat them up Y/N...

With that you all exchanged one last glare before disappearing into thin air, shockwaves began to burst in Mid air as Goku and Vegeta clashed fists

You literally flew into the action and began to exchange blows with Vegeta who was aiming for your face to punch, you dodged, blocked, and smacked away all attacks that were even close to your face making Vegeta grunt

Vegeta: So you have improved...

Y/N: What? You think I've just been laying around this whole time?

With that you kicked him away, Suddenly Goku appeared next to you as you received a heavy elbow to the right side of you face sending you flying away

You eventually stopped yourself as everyone watched the fight in awe

Sato: So strong!

Midoriya: I guess he wasn't lying about them, they're just as amazing as him!

You and Goku began to exchange blows at high speeds as Vegeta went super saiyan and blew the two of you away with a green Ki blast

Goku stopped himself and transformed into a Super Saiyan as well before charging straight towards Vegeta and smashing his fist into his gut making him cough up some saliva

Weiss: Where's Y/N?

Kiba: Now that you mention it, I can't see him...

You suddenly appeared above them as two orbs of F/C Ki formed in your hands

Y/N: Enjoy Oblivion!!

before they could react, you blasted them with large beams of energy as they were sent bolting towards the ground, the two crashed into the ground as a large explosion followed leaving a large gust of wind and dust cloud behind

Pyrrha: Is it over...?

Just as that was said, The ground began to violently shake, the large dust cloud on the ground was then quickly blown away by the aura's of a Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Vegeta

(Yes Vegeta Can Go Super Saiyan 3 In This Story)

The entire area began to shake as trees began to fall and clouds began to move faster and even split, before you could even get into a fighting stance the two charged towards you and landed a double punch to your gut making you gag loudly while coughing up some saliva

The two then kicked you away as you were sent towards a boulder and crashed right into it, the rubble began to fall on you as everyone went wide eyed

Jaune: P-P-Powerful!!!

Kuroka: Now I know where he got that god like strength of his~

Vegeta: Quit toying with us Y/N...

Goku: We know you can take a hit like that, Fight us seriously...

Goku and Vegeta looked down upon the rubble as their aura's began to spark up, soon the ground began to shake as a large beam of F/C energy shot up from the rubble as you rose up to the sky and stared at them

Y/N:'s about time I've brought this fight to the next level...

With that your muscles tensed up as a Golden Aura sparked out from your body, you then transformed into something they didn't expect


Goku and Vegeta went completely wide eyed as you stared them down with a cocky grin

Goku: Woah...!

Vegeta: What in the world...?

Y/N: You're Surprised from what you see, this is what I call a Super Saiyan 4...

Gohan: Super Saiyan 4...!

Kasai: I didn't know he had this form!

Suddenly you revealed your red saiyan tail making all of the Z fighters go wide eyed as some even gasped

Goku: Wait! Your tail! It's fully regrown?!

Y/N: I managed to pull it off with Whis' help at a special Tournament...Now...

Suddenly you appeared behind Vegeta and grabbed him by his arm before bolting towards the ground and slamming him into the earth with full strength making the ground shake

Goku: Vegeta!!

Vegeta's hair went back to normal as he grunted and eventually passed out

Y/N: Whoops...looks like I over did it...

With that your head turned to face Goku who was sweating, however the sweating soon stopped as he gained a red aura and transformed into a Super Saiyan God

Yang: Things are heating up!!

Kirishima: This Fight is absolutely breath taking!

The two of you stared each other down with excited yet intimidating smiles as you got into a fighting stance

Y/N: Now we'll see which form is Better...Super Saiyan 4...or Super Saiyan God...

Goku: Only one way to find out...

The two of you began to scream loudly as everyone got punched up and some even began to cheer, the two of you reeled your fists back and dashed towards each other at full speed

Tsuyu: You can do it Y/N!

Goten: Get Em Dad!!


The two of you shot your fists forward and charged at each other, the two fists clashed as a large shockwave was created nearly blowing everyone and everything away

Shoji had to hold Mineta by his leg to prevent him from being blown away, everyone else covered their eyes from the wind and dust flying everywhere

The two of you reeled your fists back once again and shot them forward, however before they could clash, the two of you suddenly went wide eyed and stopped in your tracks

Everyone began to get nervous from the sudden expression changes and silence

Asia: W-Why did they stop?!

Ashido: What's going on...?

You and all of the Z fighters then looked towards the Sky with serious looks on your faces as a monstrously powerful energy could be felt

Goku: What is that?!

Y/N: This energy...I know it!

17: Something's here...

Beerus: Jiren...

Suddenly a large beam of Pink and Red energy shot from the sky and hit the ground leaving an explosion, You and Goku descended to the ground as you continued to look towards the after explosion

Soon the smoke that the explosion left behind cleared up revealing who the entity emitting the energy was

Goku: No way!

Krillin: W-Wha?!?!

Gohan: This is bad...!

Y/N: H-How did he even pull that off?!?!

???: It's about time I've found you...Saiyans...

???: It's time to fight...

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