Chapter 6: Teamwork
You were all surrounded by your Giant enemies, Asia was still healing you as the Death Stalker began to move towards the two of you.
Asia: No!
Suddenly Midoriya leaped over the two of you and began to punch the Death Stalker using his quirk, that's where Yang joined him and began to fight the thing as well.
Y/N: You guys...
Asia: Try not to move, I'm almost finished!
Y/N: ...Fine...Hey everyone! Our fate is in your hands! Don't fail us!
Uraraka: We won't let you guys down!
Tokoyami and Blake began to fight off the large Nevermore as Yang and Midoriya took on the Death Stalker, the zero pointer was getting closer to the two of you, it reeled it's arm back and soon it's fist was dashing towards you, suddenly a flash of lightning bolted past you and hit the Zero Pointer's fist.
Asia: Akeno!
Akeno: That's My friend your trying to crush there, I won't allow it~
Uraraka Landed beside Akeno and looked up at the Giant Zero Pointer.
Uraraka: What can I do to help?
Akeno: A way to get me up there would be nice.
Uraraka: I'm on it!
Uraraka placed five of her fingers on Akeno's shoulder removing her weight, Akeno then looked at the Zero Pointer.
Akeno: Perfect!
Meanwhile Yang and Midoriya were doing their best to hold off the Death Stalker, Midoriya leaped into the air and smashed his fist into the top of it's head making it let out a loud roar.
Yang: My turn!
Suddenly Yangs gauntlets appeared on her hands as she began to wail on the beast's back making it roar even more, Yang and Midoriya landed next to each other and stared the Death Stalker down.
Yang: We won't let you hurt our friends!
Meanwhile Tokoyami and Blake rushed the Nevermore before it leaped into the air and began to soar into the sky.
Blake: Do you think there's a way we could get up there?
Tokoyami: I can ride Dark Shadow!
Suddenly dark Shadow came out of Tokoyami's body and wrapped around him once before the two of them leaped towards the Nevermore, Dark Shadow extended his hand down towards Blake.
Tokoyami: Grab on!
Blake jumped and took Dark Shadow's hand before the three of them began to fly towards the Nevermore, The Nevermore spread its wings causing a bunch of large black feathers to rain down on them, Dark Shadow began to dodge as Blake took her weapon out and threw it onto the Nevermore's back, Stopping it's assault.
You were still on the ground with Asia who was just about finished healing you, She was just patching you up before suddenly the Zero Pointer swung it's arm, Akeno dodged the attack but she wasn't it's target, the Giant fist raced towards the two of you eventually reaching you and smashing into the ground, getting everyone's attention.
Yang: Y/N!! Asia!!
Suddenly the Zero Pointer's fist began to tremble a little bit before rising up to reveal you holding it up with your hands, slowly lifting up it's fist.
Y/N: You won't get rid of me That easily!
You threw the Zero Pointer's hand away before flying towards it.
Midoriya: They're okay!
Y/N: You're quite a large robot so you won't be able to dodge this!
Sudden you put your hands in the air before five blue orbs of Ki formed in between your hands, soon five began ten, ten became twenty, twenty became forty, and so on.
Suddenly the Zero Pointer was being bombarded with blue Ki blasts, each separate Ki orb exploding on contact and dealing Maximum damage, eventually then whole Zero Pointer fell backward and landed on the ground hard before blowing up, resulting in a large explosion.
Blake: What kind of power does that guy have?
Yang and Midoriya were too busy staring in awe at your triumph over the Giant Robot to notice that the Death Stalker was about to impale them with it's large stinger. You noticed this and rushed to their aid.
Y/N: Watch out!
The two went wide eyed before you zoomed past them and stuck your hand out in front of the Death Stalker.
Y/N: DIE!!
Suddenly a yellow orb of Ki formed in your hand before you fired the attack on the Death Stalker, completely obliterating it.
The after explosion of your attack caused a large smokescreen, you leaped out of the smoke and flew towards Tokoyami, Blake, and the Nevermore, you reeled your arm back before Midoriya leaped into the air and appeared beside you.
Y/N: Midoriya?
Midoriya: Let me lend a hand!
You looked at him in surprise before smiling and facing the Nevermore, the two of you reeled your arms back together and screamed at the top of your lungs.
The two of you smashed your fists into the Nevermore's gut, causing massive pressure to be put into it before it was launched forward, you disappeared and reappeared above the Nevermore and cupped your hands together.
Y/N: This'll end it! KA...ME...HA...ME...HA!!!
You fired a huge beam of blue light from your hands that engulfed the Nevermore, obliterating it just like the Death Stalker. The beam hit the ground and caused a large explosion, you noticed that Midoriya was falling the the ground and his arm seemed broken.
Y/N: Midoriya! I got you!!
You flew down to Midoriya and caught him right before he hit the earth, you gently put him down next to Asia.
Y/N: I think his arm's broken, can you heal it?
Asia: Of course!
She put her hands over Midoriya's broken arm before emitting a bright green light that began to heal his arm, in an instant his arm was as good as new.
Y/N: Wait, how did you heal him so fast?
Asia: You See, you have a much higher source of power within you, that made it a bit difficult to heal you...
Akeno: Well That hasn't happened before~
Y/N: Well, we should get moving and find those relics.
Everyone nodded and you all began to make your way to find the Relics as one big group of eight, soon, you found a shrine like structure where little chess pieces could be found.
Yang: This is it!
Blake nodded as you all looked at them, you saw a golden chess piece and grabbed it, eventually you all had a "relic" and made your way back to the edge of the cliff where it began.
After you all arrived at the top of the cliff, everyone had gotten the relics.
Professor: Good work! You managed to survive the night and retrieve the relics I assigned you to, you are all dismissed for the rest of the day!
With that you all began to head back to the school absolutely exhausted. Midoriya approached you with a notebook in his hand.
Midoriya: Hey L/N, can I ask you something?
Y/N: Sure, What is it?
Midoriya: Can you explain your Quirk?
Y/N: Well, first off, it's not a quirk, anyone can learn to use Ki, as for my strength and transformations, that's something only I can do.
Midoriya began to write in his notebook as you explained how your powers worked, eventually you all reached the school and headed to the ballroom to relax.
Y/N: Fiiinally! After all of this I need a nap!
???: Y/N L/N was it?
You looked behind you to see a girl with yellow eyes and short blue hair and a green bang that split
Xenovia: We'd like to have a word with you.
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