Chapter 44: Field Trip

It's been a few days since You and Lotus went absolute Overkill on a Grimm, Recently Caulifla has been bugging you like crazy to teach her more forms

Y/N: No Caulifla...

Caulifla: C'mon! That white form looks awesome! Teach Me! Teach Me!

Y/N: You literally just tapped into Super Saiyan 3, how could you expect to achieve a from that's beyond blue...?

Caulifla: C'mon! I wanna learn!

Y/N: Sorry, This form his a Y/N exclusive for the time being

Caulifla: Aww, you're no fun!

With that she stormed off in completely and utter frustration, you shrugged and walked towards Kirishima but before you could reach him someone hugged you from behind

Y/N: I thought you were over me...Kuroka...

Kuroka: I'd be stupid to let someone like you slide away from my grasp~

You sighed before forcing yourself off of her, you walked over to Kirishima and Tetsutetsu and  began to talk with them

Y/N: What's up Kirishima?

Kirishima: Y/N! Great timing! This is my good bud Tetsutetsu!

Tetsutetsu: What's up man! Nice to meet ya!

You shook his hand with a warm smile

Y/N: Likewise, Do you guys know what's going on today?

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu looked at you in confusion

Kirishima: No? what's going on?

Y/N: We're—

Suddenly Nora appeared in between the three of you and jumped into your conversation

Nora: We're going on a Field Trip today!!

Everyone: Wait What?!

Nora: You guys didn't know?! We're heading to the Beach today!!

This caught everyone's attention as a bunch of heads turned to you all

Everyone: EEEHHH?!?!


Issei: I knew—

Y/N: No you didn't...

Issei: No I didn't...

With that, the professor walked into the room catching all of your attention

Professor: Good morning students, as Nora stated, we are heading to the beach today!

Y/N: I'm starting to think that the Professor likes to Spoil us...

Professor: Well, we don't have all day, get ready and meet me at the front of the academy!

Everyone began to get ready as you and Lotus put on your swimming trunks

Lotus: This is a first!

Y/N: No, he took us to a water park before you showed up.

Lotus: Really? Huh.

With that you went and the rest of the class headed out to the front of the school to find the professor waiting for you all

Professor: Alright! Now that everyone is here, Let's go!

The Professor raised his arm as you and everyone else began to glow green, the next thing you knew everyone was standing in front a shoreline with a bright blue sky, white sand, and crystal clear water

Everyone began to get excited before taking off the clothes that were over their swimming clothes,

You and Lotus removed your shirts and cannonballed into the water, soon the two of you came right back out

Y/N and Lotus: C-COLD...!!

Eventually you and Lotus adapted to the temperature of the water and began to mess around with the usual squad, You, Lotus, Kirishima, And now Tetsutetsu

all four of you were wrestling in the water, Kirishima was wrestling with you as Lotus was wrestling with Tetsutetsu

Y/N: I got you!

You wrapped your arms around Kirishima's Torso from behind before jumping into the air and suplexing him to the ground making a large explosion of water

???: Yoohoo! Y/N!

You looked over to see none other than your first and second girlfriends Yang and Blake in  their new swimsuits

Y/N: Oh hey Yang! What's up?

Yang: Nothing much, how do you like my new swimsuit?

You gave her a thumbs up and smiled

Y/N: Lookin good!

She giggled and blushed before you were tackled by Kirishima before he picked you up and chucked you away, he then ran towards you and dove at the spot where you landed as that spot began to glow red, soon you flew out of the water and towards a kirishima with a red aura


You picked up Kirishima by his leg and began to swing him around before letting go sending Kirishima flying away

Y/N: So Long Kirishima!

He landed in the water making water fly everywhere, Yang sighed as Blake patted her back

Yang: Does he even find us hot...?!

Blake: It's not like that, it's just that he has something else on his mind other than the female body...

They than looked over to Issei and Mineta drooling over their revealing outfits, the two glared at them as the two began to get scared

Yang: Unlike a certain duo we know...

???: Having trouble getting Y/N's attention?

Blake and Yang looked over to see Koneko and Tsuyu in their swimsuits as well

Koneko: That's one of the things I like about him, he's not a pervert like Issei...

Tsuyu: ...Or Mineta...

Blake: Well, we seem to agree on that

Suddenly Tetsutetsu went flying out of the water while screaming, he landed back in the water as Lotus emerged from the deep blue

Lotus: I Win Tetsutetsu!

Tetsutetsu: No fair!

Y/N's Harem: I'll never understand guys...

Koneko: That does it, I'm going to get him and we are going to do something as boyfriend and girlfriends...

She began to walk towards you as you stared Kirishima down who noticed Koneko sneaking up on you, she then picked you up catching you off guard

Y/N: U-Uh...Koneko...? What are you doing...?

Koneko: I am taking you to your girlfriends and we are going to do something together.

Y/N: Your call, See ya guys!

They waved as Issei glared at you in jealousy


Mineta noticed Issei clenching his fist while making a pouty face, he got somewhat uncomfortable and slowly walked away

Y/N: So, we have all day to spend here, what do you wanna do?

Blake: Why don't we go check out some of the marine life?

Koneko: How do we do that?

Tsuyu: I have an Idea, I'll be right back.

She walked off to do whatever she needed to do and came back with five pairs of googles

Y/N: Hold on, I think I can do something a little better...

You began to focus your energy into one point as a bubble of energy began to form in your hands, you then walked over to Yang and passed the bubble to her, she took it and as soon as she touched it it spread around her body like some sort of barrier

You gave everyone else a bubble as well

Y/N: These will provide you with oxygen to breathe while underwater!

You spread one around yourself before you all ventured into the sea, eventually you all stumbled across a coral reef with plenty of fish

You all looked at each other and nodded before swimming into the reef, Tsuyu and Koneko swam over to a bunch of different colored starfish, Blake and Yang came across a sea turtle that was passing by

you swam over to a Moray Eel that was just chilling in it's little den, you moved on to find a sea lion stuck under a boulder and was struggling to breath, you swam over to it and removed the boulder allowing it to swim off

The girls saw you do this and all smiled knowing they made the right choice choosing you as their partner

Time Skip

After exploring the Reef, you all went back to the shoreline and were just relaxing as the sun began to set making a nice view

Y/N: Was today a success Girls?

Girls: Yes!

You stood tall and walked towards the water, you stopped where the water began to start flowing and the waves glide over your feet

Tsuyu: Y/N, I have a question...

Y/N: Yeah?

Tsuyu: What's your goal in life?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Tsuyu: Like, What do you want to be when we fully become adults Ribbit?

Blake: We all have our goals, Me and Yang want to become Huntresses one day.

Tsuyu: I wanna become a Pro Hero one day Ribbit!

Koneko: I want to be the best I can be for my master, Rias.

Y/N: Well...I never really thought about that...but if I had to chose...

You turned to them and smiled before speaking up

Y/N: I want to be the Strongest Warrior to ever live!

Your smile became contagious as the Girls smiled as well

Y/N: Alright! Let's go back, I need a nap!

With that you marched off as the girls followed you happily and giggled

Girls: He's so amazing!

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