Chapter 41: School Dance
After discovering a very important secret about The Professor that will change everything, you were told about a school dance by "The Professor"
Professor: Well it was announced during the class you skipped to fight X so that's to be expected...
You took a deep breath and sighed before shrugging and heading to class, you got to your class and walked in to be luckily be greeted by Ozpin who was rather friendly in these situations
Ozpin: Oh, You're here today!
Y/N: Yeah, The Professor needed to speak with me about something...
Ozpin: May I ask what it was about?
Y/N: He's requested to keep it a secret for now, Sorry.
With that you walked to your seat and sat down, Ozpin's lesson went by quicker than usual since the fact that one of your teachers was one of the top 5 most powerful beings in the multiverse, was stuck in your head,
your unusual behaviour of course caught the attention of a certain Gremory who was looking right at you, but you were too busy thinking
Rias: Now...What is he thinking about...
She attempted to read your mind but all she could hear was strange static sounds, this caught her by surprise since it's never happened before
Meanwhile The Grand Priest was hovering above the school, completely aware of what Rias tried to pull
Grand Priest: I'm sorry Miss Gremory...
Suddenly he changed back into the Professor and headed inside
Professor: ...I can't let you find out just yet...
Time Skip
Everyone was leaving class and getting ready for the dance as you and Lotus were talking to each other while putting stuff into your locker
Lotus: So are you going to the dance tonight?
Y/N: I mean...Do I have to...?
Suddenly Yang and Koneko appeared behind you while emitting dark aura's
Yang and Koneko: Yes, Yes you do...
Y/N: Okay!
The girls then went back to their normal selves and walked off
Lotus: Geez...they sure are feisty...
Y/N: Buddy you don't know that half of don't even have anything appropriate to wear for a school dance...
Lotus: I figured you'd say that...
He then began to dig into his back pack before pulling out a white tuxedo
Lotus: So I picked one out for you!
Y/N: Heh, Thanks! I wouldn't of chosen anything this fancy though...
Lotus: Well that's the theme everyone else is going with so...
You shrugged as you began to walk the direction of the ballroom when Lotus stopped you
Lotus: We can't access the Ballroom right now, in the meantime do you wanna spar?
Y/N: You know me well buddy!
With that the two of you literally flew out the window and began to spar with each each other until the sun went down, eventually the Sun went down and the two of you were exhausted
Y/N: Whew! Look at us...were in no conditions to go to a dance...!
Lotus: Yeah...We better get washed up while we still have a little bit of time...
The two do you headed to the Gym and used their showers to get washed off, after that you both got dried off and put on your clothes for the dance
Y/N: How are you feeling about this man?
Lotus: To be honest I'm kinda nervous...I've never really done this kind of thing before...
Y/N: Heh, You and me both buddy...
The two of you put on your tuxedo's and headed out to where the dance would be...The Ballroom
Meanwhile With The Girls
The girls were getting changed into their dresses as they were talking amongst themselves
Koneko: This isn't really my style...But I'll go with it...
Tsuyu: Same here...I've been so used to wearing a skin tight hero outfit that I forgot what this was like Ribbit...
Yang: Well we have to look our absolute best for Y/N!
Blake: Y-Yeah...
Yang: You still haven't come out yet Blake?!
Koneko: is she shy?
Tsuyu: C'mon our Blake, I'm sure you look amazing.
Blake: Alright...Here I come...
With that Blake walked out in her dress
Everyone stared at Blake making her nervous again
Blake: I-Is it that bad?!
Girls: No You look stunning!!
Time Skip
The girls were now in the Ballroom, Using it for what it was meant for, everyone's belongings had been sorted out and temporarily put in the next room over, The Ballroom had such a different feel to it now
Blake: Where is he...?
Koneko: Maybe He's running a little late...?
Yang: He has to be coming!
Tsuyu: He wouldn't leave us here, I know he wouldn't, Y/N isn't like that
Suddenly the doors went wide open as you and Lotus walked into the room with the proper attire
Lotus: This is what Teenage Humans enjoy?
Y/N: It's kinda weird...
The girls spotted you in your tuxedo and they all got aggressive nose bleeds as soon as they did, especially Yang
You spotted the girls and waved to Lotus before walking over to them
Y/N: That's my cue! Get yourself a date as well would ya?
Lotus: Y-Yeah! I'll try!
With that he scurried off to find someone to hang out with, you walked over to the girls who were cleaning out their excited nose bleeds
Y/N: My, you girls look amazing tonight!
Yang: We could say the same thing about you!
You put your and behind your back and chuckled with a small blush
Y/N: You think so?
Blake: Absolutely, You're looking amazing!
Koneko: Where did you even find the get the tuxedo?
You pointed over to Lotus who was currently talking with Todoroki and Ren
Tsuyu: Lotus picked so for you?
Y/N: Yeah, I was unconscious when the dance was announced so he picked something out for me
Yang: Well he chose well~
Suddenly Uraraka and Ashido walked over
Ashido: Hey girls! Come hang out with us we're playing some party games!
Tsuyu: But what about Y/N—
She was interrupted when Kirishima showed up and put his arm around your neck
Kirishima: Cone hang out with us Y/N! Loosen up and have some fun!
The girls looked at you as you nodded and you all went to hang out with your groups, you were hanging out with of course Kirishima, Lotus, Kaminari, Kiba, Sero, Jaune, and Midoriya
Kaminari: Lookin sharp Y/N! You're lucky you have like 4 dates! How do you do it?
Y/N: Well, I make them happy, that's what they love me for, I make them happy and they make me happy!
Suddenly Kirishima heard the door open and immediately began to grab Everyone's attention I tapping your shoulders
Kirishima: Guys, look, Issei's Finally here!
Kaminari: No way! He actually did it!!
Y/N: Did what?
Suddenly Kirishima huddled everyone up and spoke somewhat quietly
Kirishima: I told Issei that if he dressed up ridiculously and do something dumb in the middle of the dance floor I'd give him 5 bucks!
Y/N: Do you even have the money?
Kaminari: Heh, Nope, that's the catch!
Issei walked in while wearing a Perry the Platypus costume and began to chase a basket ball across the dance floor as all of the guys laughed
Asia: Is that Issei...?
Xenovia: What is he doing...?
Todoroki: Kirishima talked him into doing it...
You face palmed while growling and sighing to yourself, soon growling and sighing turned into snickering, soon enough snickering turned into full on laughter
Issei took off the hood and began to laugh with everyone, Issei then went and got changed into his proper attire.
Y/N: Ah...! You guys are freaking crazy you know that?
Kirishima: Yeah, we know...
Suddenly some good music came on as everyone looked towards the speakers
Kaminari: Finally some good music!
Midoriya: C'mon let's dance!
Lotus: What do you say Y/N?
Y/N: Hmph...Let's go boys!
Kirishima and Lotus went to your sides as everyone else accompanied the three of you in the back
You then started to do some martial arts style dance moves with your friends
(Minus The Auras and super saiyan forms...)
Uraraka: Wow, Y/N sure has a rather...Bizarre way of dancing to say the least...
Ruby: I think it's cool!
After a little bit of dancing you all decided to play some party games with the others, starting with a game of good old Spin the Bottle That ashido dragged you into
Y/N: Do I have to...?
Ashido: C'mon It'll be fun!
You say in a circle with nothing but girls who consisted of Momo, Weiss, Rias, Ashido, and Pyrrha
Weiss: Why is he here?!
Y/N: I was asking the same question...
Ashido: Cause I invited him!
Y/N: You mean you dragged me...
Ashido: Just sit down!
She put her hands on your shoulders and forced you to sit down as you looked over to your girlfriends who were talking amongst each other
You looked at them and gave them a "Help Me" kind of look on your face, but they didn't notice you.
Ashido spun the bottle and it landed on you and Momo
Y/N: Um...Pass...?
Ashido: Oh relax it's just on the cheek!
Lotus then swooped down from out of nowhere and appeared by your side
Lotus: Need something?
Y/N: Save me...!
He looked at what the situation was and began to walk away
Lotus: Nah, you can get yourself out of this...
You were interrupted by Momo pouncing you to the ground before she kissed you cheek, you went red and warped away to you actual girlfriends who were now confused
Tsuyu: Y/N?
Yang: Why are you so red?
Suddenly Ashido ran over and grabbed your arm as you went wide eyed again
Ashido: C'mon Y/N we're not finished...Yet...
She looked to see your girlfriends glaring at her with dark aura's as she giggled nervously and slowly walked away
Ashido: S-Sorry...!
Y/N: Okay...thanks for that...
Suddenly a certain type of slow dance music began to play as all of the girls in the room squealed in either excitement or fear
Y/N: Crap baskets...
Yang: So who are you gonna dance with Y/N?
Koneko: Yeah Who...?
Y/N: U-Uuuuh...All of you!
Girls: What?
Suddenly you got up before emitting a normal white aura and splitting into four, you then held your hand out to each girl
All 4 Y/N's: Care to dance?
They all went bright red and covered their faces before taking your hands, each version of you went to a different corner and started to slow dance with the girls, The first one dancing with Koneko, the second dancing with Yang, the third dancing with Blake, and the fourth dancing with Tsuyu
The first you who was dancing with Koneko stayed silent while staring into Koneko's eyes, she blushed before getting closer to you and holding you
Koneko: Never Change Y/N...Ever...
The second you who was dancing with Yang who instantly started to get a little touchy with the second version of you.
Yang: How are you so freaking cute?
The third version of you was dancing with Blake who was feeling nervous, meanwhile Sun was watching the the background with a little bit of jealousy
Blake: Thank you Y/N...
And last but not least the fourth version of you was dancing with Tsuyu, she was acting pretty normal for a slow dance, that is until she began to scoot closer and eventually held you into a slow dance kind of hug like Koneko
Mineta who had nobody to dance with, was watching Todoroki dance with Momo as Envy filled his little heart
Mineta: *Sigh* Nobody ever wants to do anything with me...wether if it's something casual or something like this...
???: Hey...
Mineta looked over to see Asia standing in front of him, soon she took a seat next to him
Asia: You were looking lonely so I came to see if you were okay
Mineta: I don't have anyone to dance with...
Asia: you want to dance with me...?
Mineta: Wait, Really?!
Asia: Yeah, I know what it's like to be overshadowed by others...
She then looked over to Issei and Rias who were slow dancing
Mineta: T-Thanks!
Asia giggled and took Mineta's hand before walking him to the dance floor, meanwhile another person was also feeling left out, Lotus
Lotus: *Sigh* Look at Y/N's girls...they all look so happy...I wish I could make a girl happy like he does...
He looked over to see Weiss sitting by herself as well, he decided to man up and go talk to her
Lotus: Hey Weiss...How are you doing?
Weiss: *Sigh* You come to pick on me cause I don't have someone to dance with...?
Lotus: W-What?! No of course not! I actually wanted to know if you wanted to dance with me...?
Weiss looked up at Lotus with a look of surprise in her eyes
Weiss: You wanna dance with me...
Lotus: Yes.
Weiss then grabbed Lotus' hand without warning and pulled him to the dance floor, the two started slow dancing as you spotted the two
Y/N: Heh, Good job Lotus.
A few moments went by until the music finally stopped and went back to normal music, the clones of you then went to the Center of the dance floor and merged again to make the Original you
Y/N: Ah! I like being the only me.
As the night went on a lot of other things went down, everyone began to play some more party games that you stayed clear of
Y/N: Thank you everyone, you've made this night something to truly remember...
You then heard some commotion going on behind you
Issei: You danced with THAT shrimp?!
Asia: H-He was feeling lonely and—
Issei: No! You're mine Asia and no one else's, I want to keep you safe from any creeps that may be out there!
Y/N: But she's talking to one right now...
Issei: This isn't any of your business Y/N!
Y/N: Just leave her alone man...I don't wanna argue tonight...
Issei: But she danced with someone else! She's. not supposed to—
Y/N: Not supposed to what? Cheer someone up? Mineta May be a pervert as well, but I can give him some credit for sometimes thinking of something other than large breasts...
Issei: It's not right! Me and her are a thing! It's wrong to do something with another guy she you're in a relationship!
Suddenly you stood up and walked up to Issei before speaking up again
Y/N: Oh right but it's okay for you to check out other girl's when you're in a relationship with two girls already?
Issei: I don't check out other girls!
Y/N: Issei...Please...
Suddenly you gave Issei a menacing grin and glared at him
Y/N: ...We both know that's a Wet pile of lies
With that you walked away to hang out with some of your friends, leaving Issei dumbfounded, Asia then walked away, somewhat frustrated
Issei: Asia Wait! I'm sorry!
Asia: You went too far Issei...
Time Skip
Eventually the dance ended and the Ballroom was back to "Normal", you were sitting in your sleeping bag as you talked to Jaune, Kirishima, and Lotus about the dance
Kirishima: That was fun!
Jaune: Yeah, it was great!
Y/N: Yeah! Especially Issei in that weird costume!
Meanwhile With The Professor/The Grand Priest
The Professor was going through some files on his computer when he met with an unknown file, he clicked it to see requests from familiar entities to join the academy
Professor: Let's See...some requests from Class 1-b...and a teacher from UA...Midnight and All Might...a teacher from Beacon...Glynda Goodwitch...and a student from Kuoh...Sona sitri...well since all of these new people are coming, I think it's time you've come out of that Box of yours...Gasper...
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