Chapter 161: Ark's Domain
Everyone stood completely still in a large crowd, still processing what had just happened before their very eyes
Both You and Ark had disappeared into an eternal Black Hole that lead outside of reality, everyone standing there with widened eyes as Midoriya spoke up
Midoriya: He disappeared...
Xenovia: Y/N...Really just sacrificed himself for a second time during this one battle...for us...
Mineta: N-No Way!! Y/N's Gone!! If he disappears and he gets beaten by Ark, then He'll be gone forever—
Mineta then went skidding across the ground with a red hand mark on his left cheek that was left by Yang who growling in anger and frustration
Yang: Don't You Dare even think that Y/N'll lose!! Not him, Y/N always finds a way! AND I WON'T GIVE UP ON HIM JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T MAN UP!!
Vegeta: Hm, That One's Feisty and determined...Y/N chose well...
Goku: C'mon Y/N, everyone's counting on you right now, for as long as I can remember you were always just there so help us in the heat of battle...wether it was with The Androids, Cell, Buu, Beerus, Frieza, Black, The Tournament of Power, and even were always our secondary...but not it's YOUR turn to shine! Make him Pay, Y/N!!
Outside of Reality
You were now rolling uncontrollably in the air as you had appeared outside of reality, it wasn't what you had expected it to be, in fact, it wasn't anything at all
You looked around as you floated aimlessly in a purely bright white abyss that seemed to infinitely expand into the distance
Y/N: this is where Ark's been sleeping, huh...?
You then looked up to see Ark descend to your level, he didn't look happy as he had his arms crossed and a frown on his face
Ark: You Ignorant Fool...Bringing me here was the biggest mistake you could possibly make...I could easily return to reality whenever I please.
Y/N: Oh Yeah, well not if I beat you down first!!
Ark: Hm...Go on and try...
You then smirked and readied yourself to attack Ark with some of your most powerful attacks, Ark floating in front of you with absolutely no concern in his face whatsoever as you chuckled
Y/N: Suit Yourself! HA!
You then tried to fly over to Ark and slug him in the face, but nothing happened, and by that meaning that you didn't even move
Y/N: What...?
You struggled heavily to remove yourself from the spot where you were floating in but to no avail, you couldn't move a muscle
Y/N: What The Hell is this...?!
Ark: This is outside of Reality, Nothing is meant to exist here, let alone move, after thousands of years, here I have managed to adapt and move freely in this dimension...but unfortunately for you...You won't have that kind of time to waste...
Y/N: Dammit!! Even with 100% of my Power I can't even move an inch...!!
Ark: So now you see, you fucked yourself over a thousand fold...
You then smirked and chuckled, this confused Ark but amused him nonetheless
Y/N: Heh...I don't think so...this is nothing...
Ark: Oh? Overloading with Cockiness I see, just accept the fact that you've lost, nobody can help you, you can't even move at 100% of your full power, you've reached your Limit...
Y/N: ...Who Said 100% was my limit...?
Ark then went wide eyed as you suddenly emitted a massive aura of energy, your power rising exponentially as Ark was blown away
Slowly but surely, you began to move, struggling at first, but eventually managing to shake it off like it was nothing
Y/N: Thanks for the Idea, Midoriya, you really helped me out here...1,000,000%!!!
As your power began to infinitely grow stronger, Ark was taken back by your terrifying feat
Ark: Inconceivable!! How are you—
Before Ark could even finish his sentence, he was cut off when you suddenly smashed your tightened fist right into his face, shaking all of the Outside of Reality as you sent him flying back
Ark: Of Course! The Limiters! Y/N Doesn't have any! He can just infinitely become more and more powerful!!
You then suddenly appeared behind Ark as you gave him a Smirk, your eyes glowing white for a moment as you then leg dropped Ark in his Back, causing his body to bend in ways that shouldn't be possible, easily severing his spine and almost snapping it
Ark: GAH!!
With that you suddenly dashed towards Ark who was still zooming in the air from your last attack, appearing in front of him with your fist clenched as you forcefully smashed it into Ark's Stomach
Ark proceeded to cough out a mix of vomit and blood as you then spun around and kicked him in the side of his face, bolting after him as you let out a loud scream
Back on Earth
Mineta was now rubbing his cheek with tears forming in his eyes as Yang sat on the other side of the crowd with her arms crossed and her face all puffed up in anger
Yang: Stupid Imp...
Blake: So how do you think Y/N's Holding out...?
Pyrrha: He's Likely gaining the upper hand, while in combat, Y/N never goes into battle without thinking.
Koneko: Oh You'd be surprised...
Goku, Vegeta, Lotus, and Kasai were all looking into the sky when they suddenly felt a massive power signature coming from an unknown location, causing all of them to go wide eyed and gasp
Ruby: What is it?! Is it Y/N?!
Lotus: Yeah...His Power's Gone up even more than before...!
Vegeta: This energy...I can't sense a Beginning nor an end...!
Goku: Y/N's Really Become a new fighter while we were gone...!
Kasai: Of Course! It was all part of his plan! By taking Ark to the outside of reality, he can go all out!
Iida: What do you mean?
Lotus: Think About it, Naturally There's Probably Nothing Outside of Reality, so Y/N can go all out without having to destroy everything around him in the process, because there's nothing to destroy in the first place!
Vegeta: It's Still Hard to believe that we can feel his energy from even the outside of reality...
Outside of Reality
You were still batting Ark around like a training dummy as he was now covered in wounds, Ark went flying towards what was seemingly the sky as an afterimage of yourself appeared above him, hitting him with a nasty sledgehammer attack
Air then went zooming down towards the ground as another afterimage appeared below Ark and punted his side, sending him flying away
Y/N: By Taking this battle here, I've made this 100 times easier on my behalf!!
A third afterimage of yourself then appeared beside Ark as a small orb of energy formed in your afterimage's hand, blasting him and doing some major damage
Y/N: Heh!
All of a sudden you flashed back into the Normal Super Saiyan 4 form for a split second, causing you to go wide eyed at the realization that your new power was slowly drifting away from you
Y/N: Damn! I don't have much time left like this...*Flashes Back into Super Saiyan 4 once again for a moment*...I've Gotta finish this right now...
Ark who was heavily wounded and winded from your attacks, Proceeds to go flying back as you dashed towards him, flashing back into Super Saiyan 4 around 3 times as you smashed your fist into Ark's face, sending him flying back as you formed an orb of energy into your hand
You then fired a Power Impact Blast at Ark as he didn't have the time or stamina to avoid it, forcing him to take the blow as he was now being pushed back into the distance
Y/N: There's Nothing here to use...Me and Ark are the only things that exist here...I only have one option at this point...*Raises hands into the air*...C'MON!!
Your Power Impact Blast continued to carry Ark away from you as he began to go farther and farther, eventually he opened his eyes and destroyed the blast with a single swipe as he growled
Ark: It's About Time I've put an end to your misery!!!
With that Ark gained a Large Dark aura as he began to make his way towards you via flight, eventually he made it to you as he stopped and went wide eyed at what he was seeing
You were now back in base form with no other techniques activated, just your pure base form as you had your hands raised in the air for a large Ki attack that looked identical to a Spirit Bomb
Ark: What The Hell is That?!
Y/N: This is it, Ark! This attack has gathered all of my life force and Omni Energy into one full scale attack! There's no escape for you!!
Ark: You Fool! What makes you think that it will be fast enough to even hit me?!
Y/N: Oh, I'm not throwing this sucker...
You suddenly began to shrink the giant orb of energy at your own will, with blue energy flowing around you and directly into your dominant arm, coating your arm with a pure blue energy that emitted little bits of blue lightning
With that you then dashed towards Ark at speeds that you normally wouldn't be able to reach in your base form, appearing in front of Ark and going in for the kill only for him to dodge and descend to the area below you
You then gritted your teeth as you bolted after him, your fist and arm beginning to take damage from all of the energy gathered into that one part of your body was too much for base to handle for long
Ark began to move all around the white dimension that surrounded the two of you, but wherever Ark would end up, you would be right behind, getting closer and closer to him each time
Ark: I can't outrun him!
Ark then turned around to face you as he placed both of his hands out forward and formed a large ball of red Ki in his hands
Ark then fired a massive beam of red energy as you charged towards it head on, balling your hand into a fist and cocking your arm back while gritting your teeth
With that you inevitably collided with Ark's attack, hardly able to move as large flashed of energy began to fly everywhere, the entire dimension shaking violently as you screamed
Both attacks were ignited into one another along with the conclusion of this clash about to be settled, you gritted your teeth even harder as you began to forcefully fly your way through Ark's blast
Y/N: YOU'RE MINE!!!!!!
Eventually, You popped out of the other end of Ark's large beam of energy as you reeled your fist back, your fist clenched so hard to the point where it bled as you smashed your fist right into Ark's Stomach, and slashing right through him
Ark's jaw hung wide open as a massive gust of wind began to blow around the area, along with a Multi-Dimensional Explosion that lit up everything everywhere
Ark: NOOOO!!!!!
With that everything went bright as you were evidently blinded by the aftermath of your own attack
Back on Earth
Everyone was still gathered into a large crowd as your massive energy that everyone had been sensing had quickly vanished, conceding everyone as Goku Spoke
Goku: His energy is Gone!
Yang: What?!
Kirishima: What do you mean "Gone"?!
Vegeta: We can't sense his energy anymore, and that massive explosion likely had something to do with it...
Everyone went into a short dead silence for a moment when all of a sudden a tear in the dimension was created, everyone going wide eyed as you came flying out of it with your body leaving a trail of smoke behind
Everyone: Y/N!!!
You eventually hit the ground and skidded back a little bit, gritting your teeth in pain as your entire body was now bloody and broken
Kirishima: Y/N!!
Y/N: Huh...?
Yang: You're Back!!
Y/N: I'm Back...? I'm Back!!
Weiss: Don't ever go diving into cataclysmic Black Holes ever again!!
Y/N: You Know I can't promise that...
All of a sudden you sensed Ark's energy in the distance, he was still alive, everyone going wide eyed as they spotted a bright red blast headed straight for them
Everyone with their own methods dodged out of the way as you simply took the blast head on, no deflecting and no blocking
Ark: Transcending Time and Space just wasn't enough...was it, Y/N...
Y/N: Tch!
Everyone looked into the distance to see that Ark was back into his very first form, the form that he was in when you first met him
Issei: Look, He went back to normal!!
Lotus: Archon was Likely destroyed in that blast...Ark's now truly all that's left now!
You then cracked your knuckles and cracked your neck while staring Ark dead in the eyes, everyone backing up as you suddenly flashed into Super Saiyan
Ark: I'm Done with This War, Y/N! I'm Going to enjoy tearing you into pieces!!!
Y/N: Then Let's Finally Finish this!!!
(And That's a warp! Hey everyone, It's Lavender yet again! Just wanted yo thank you for reading this chapter, and stay tuned for the +10,000 word conclusion of the war that will decide that fate of everything! See you all next time!!)
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