Chapter 154: The First Incarnation
You couldn't see a single thing, there was no noise, you couldn't feel anything, there was only darkness, quiet and endless Darkness
What...? What's going on...? Yang...? Kirishima...? Goku...? Vegeta...? Is...Anyone there...?
King Kai's Planet: Otherworld
You suddenly sprung up like a rocket as you gasped with widened eyes, looking around as you noticed the pink sky and yellow clouds that you immediately recognized
Y/N: Wait...I' otherworld...? What happened?!
You began to feel the grass as you ran the bits of it through your fingers, raising a brow when you suddenly felt a familiar energy approaching you, looking to your right to see King Kai who looked rather unsettled
King Kai: Y/N...
Y/N: King...Kai...? What happened...? Was I warped here...?
King Kai: No, Unfortunately not, look up...
Following King Kai's odd order, you turned your head towards the sky above you to see that you had a halo hovering above your head
Y/N: Wait...What?
King Kai: It all happened incredibly fast, so take a moment to process it...
You kept looking around, at the trees, to the sky, down to the grass, over at King Kai's monkey, Bubbles, to King Kai himself, and eventually back to your Halo
Y/N: King Kai...Otherworld...Halo...N-No...I can't be...!!
King Kai: I'm afraid so, Y/N, You've passed on.
Y/N: No...I can't be...I CAN'T BE DEAD!!!
All of a sudden you gained a massive golden aura as you unintentionally transformed into Super Saiyan, letting out an unholy scream as you blew away everything around you in an instant
King Kai: Y/N CALM DOWN!!!
Failing to hear King Kai's call, you kept screaming, your aura growing larger as King Kai was nearly blown off of his own planet along with Bubbles and his house
However, King Kai hadn't lost all faith just yet as he began to slowly make his way towards you, heavily struggling in the process, but eventually he reached you and placed his hand on your shoulder
This caused you to realize your actions as you suddenly stopped powering up, reverting back into base form as you then looked at the ground and hung your head low
Your knees then hit the ground as you punched the ground over and over again, now on all fours as you began to cry the hardest you have in years
King Kai: I know it's hard to accept, but your fight it not over yet.
Y/N: *Sniff*...I-I worked so hard...I r-reached completely d-different levels...and yet...i-it still wasn't enough...!! I'm sorry...Midoriya, Ruby, Issei, Yang, Kirishima, everyone!! I'm so sorry...!! I...I...I Failed...
King Kai: Y/N, Know that Ark hasn't won just yet, When you used that monstrously powerful combination as a last resort, I knew that the deadly drawbacks would kill you, and because of that, I've called someone to meet you.
Right on cue, a large shadow began to loom over the two of you, you then began to sense a massive energy, and it wasn't just normal energy, not God Energy, but Celestial Energy
You then picked yourself up from the ground as you wiped your tears, looking up to see just who or what you were sensing
Y/N: Wait...This is...
It was a man, a Celestial Saiyan, one who had large golden wings and a triangular mark covering the majority of his chest, and white Saiyan hair that looked awfully similar to yours
Earth: The Final Battle
Everyone was currently surrounding your dead body as the cries of many could be heard in one spot, some only shedding a few tears, others shedding more tears than they every had before
Ruby: Y-Y/N...!!
Midoriya: Y/N...I-I'm so sorry...I should have done more!!
Issei: C-C'mon Man...!! Stop playing around...You...You have to be playing around, right...? RIGHT...?!
Kasai: No...I can't believe it...someone as great as you...I just can't believe it!!
Ark: Honestly, some of you pathetic Humans are deeply in denial...Y/N L/N is Gone, and He's Never Coming back...
Yang who was now completely silent, slowly rose up from the ground and turned around towards Ark, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, trembling from the sheer anger that she was now feeling
Yang: You...YOU...!!!
All of a sudden Yang's eyes sparked to a bright red, her hair rising and resembling fire as she punted her fists together and death glared Ark
Lotus who had now finished off the last Evil God, flew over to the crowd and faced Ark along with Yang
Lotus: Let me lend you a hand...I'm also VERY PISSED AT THIS GUY!!!
Rias: No, You Two! We can't allow you to throw your lives away!!
Yang: SHUT UP!! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW THIS FEELS...YOU COULD NEVER have the one who meant more than the world to you, someone who you could cuddle, and talk to, someone who's always there for you...YOU'RE YET TO EXPERIENCE WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE IT RIPPED AWAY FROM YOU!!
With that Yang and Lotus dashed towards Ark who gave a toothy smirk and rushed towards Yang and Lotus as well as they all had their fists reeled back
Vegeta: Kakarot...Fusion, NOW!!
Goku: What?! You wanna Fuse?!
Vegeta: JUST DO IT!!
Goku: ...Fine...
With that Goku and Vegeta then stood a slight distance away from each other, performing the fusion dance as Vegeta didn't even care that he was being watched, he just wanted to make Ark suffer
Both: FU...SION...HAAA!!
With that the two of them touched finger tips, completing the dance as a large flash of light occurred, a certain fused Saiyan Warrior emerging from the light, and he was NOT happy
Back to You
Y/N: Y-You're a Celestial! A Celestial Saiyan!!
???: That's Right, Y/N L/N, It's an Honour to finally meet you.
King Kai: And this isn't just ANY Celestial, This is Inazi, The Previous Celestial King!
Inazi: Thank you for introducing me, Kai of the North.
Y/N: Wait, You're the Previous Celestial King?! But aren't I the reincarnation of you?! How are you here?! Aren't we the same being?! How are we looking and talking to each other?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!
Inazi: Please Calm Yourself, I know that this must be very confusing for you, so I'll explain everything, make yourself comfortable.
With that you took a seat, anxious to hear him out as you were hoping that he could come up with a solution
Inazi: You see, Y/N. I have been watching your adventures since the day you were born, I know everything about you, and I know that you were fighting in a battle against Ark before this current event took place, The Reason why I can exist now, is because you have passed on, I can now exist as my own being.
Y/N: So...You've been in my subconscious ever since I was a baby...?!
Inazi: Not Exactly, I have been watching you, but I haven't been with you, when a Celestial is Reincarnated, they share the same soul in two separate bodies, if you die, I will cease to exist, I've been watching you from a special dimension up until this very minute.
Y/N: I see, and...why are you telling me this...besides the fact that I seemingly demanded an answer...sorry about that...
Inazi: Becuase, Y/N, I want you to know that there is a way that I myself can bring you back to life.
Y/N: Wait...
You then began to think to yourself when you suddenly remembered that you had one wish left from Super Shenron, as this was the best time to use it, you called out to him
Y/N: That's It! My Last Wish! Super Shenron, My Last Wish is to be brought back to life!!
You stood there in front of your previous incarnation as nothing happened, you didn't even hear his voice
Y/N: Uh...Super Shenron! My Wish is to come back to life!
You then went wide eyed as you realized something that he had told you in the past, his words playing in your mind as you gasped
You see, as you began to grow stronger overtime, your soul began to become a larger vessel for mine, I've eventually become so linked with you to the point where if you perish, so will I, along with the Super Dragon Balls...
Y/N: Dammit...!! I totally forgot about that!!
Inazi: Don't Lose Hope, Like I said, there is a way that I can bring you back, but in order to do that, I must make a sacrifice.
Y/N: Oh Man...What Kind of Sacrifice...?
Inazi: ...In Order to resurrect you, I must sacrifice my physical plane of existence...This mean my subconscious will merge with yours.
Y/N: Wait, Your Giving up your body?! But why?! You just got your freedom back!
Inazi: Ark has been my problem for many long years, if I can make sure he never hurts a living soul again, It's more than worth the sacrifice in my eyes.
Y/N: Okay...So how do we do this thing...?
Inazi: The Process is Simple, first, we must power up to our maximum, once we've done that, I can do the rest of the work.
Y/N: Alright, But before we start, We need to get away from here, King Kai just got resurrected not too long ago and I wouldn't want to cause him any trouble...
Inazi: Hm...Very Well...
With that The Celestial gained a large golden aura and flew off as you turned around towards King Kai and gave him a thumbs up
Y/N: Wish me luck, King Kai...
With that King Kai smiled back at you as you the flew off and followed Inazi
King Kai: ...Kick his butt, Y/N...
Time Skip
The two of you were now arriving extremely high in the sky as there wasn't a single thing in sight other than the clouds and sky as you spoke up
Y/N: Alright, Inazi, we're here, what now...
Inazi: We do what everyone in our universe is known for...We Yell.
All of a sudden Inazi clenched his fists and gained a massive golden aura while letting out a loud scream that produced a powerful gust of wind, nearly blowing you away as you smirked
Y/N: Heh, Nobody can out scream me!!
All of a sudden you flashed into your Omni God Form as you began to power up as well, eventually ascending to Omni Super Saiyan 3 as you gained an equal sized aura as Inazi
It was at this point that the two of you were shaking all of Heaven and Hell at the same time with the amount of raw power the two of you were emitting
The loud screaming and destructive results went on for a little while, That is until Inazi then went wide eyed and in one quick move, hit you with a move that looked similar to Ark's Disable
Inazi: There!
A microscopic particle of energy suddenly shot out of Inazi's eyes and into your eyes, sinking into your head as no pain was felt
This caused you to stop powering up and revert back to base form as Inazi's body began to turn into many particles of energy
Inazi: Y/N L/N...It was a pleasure to meet you, Thank You.
With that Inazi's body had now fully disappeared, a few seconds after, your halo slowly fading away as your entire body began to fade away as well
Earth: The Final Battle
Lotus and Gogeta were currently fighting against Ark as they were fighting all over the place
Lotus: HAA!!
Gogeta: HAA!!
Yang was now on the ground, hardly conscious as she looked over to your body laying in the massive crater
Yang: Y-Y/N...
Ark began to grow rather irritated as he simply scoffed and readied his arm to swing while Lotus and Gogeta approached him at high speeds
Ark: You are NOTHING!
All of a sudden both Lotus and Gogeta were whacked by a heavy smack to the front of the neck, sending them hurling back to the ground as they both landed in separate craters
Lotus and Gogeta struggled heavily to get up from the ground as Ark began to descend to their level while chuckling
Ark: Did you really think that the two of you thought that you could stand a chance? That's Laughable!
Lotus and Gogeta: Shut Your Mouth...!!!
Ark: Well, It looks like you two are eager to die...
With that Ark aimed his palm towards the two men as a large orb of crimson energy slowly formed in his hand
Ark: This blast has more power than anything I've used previously in this battle, it will kill everyone here, and Planet Earth will be gone forever...
Archon: Finish Them Off...
Lotus: Dammit...!! I'm Sorry, Y/N...please forgive me...
Ark was about to blast them when all of a sudden the entire planet began to shake violently, everyone being interrupted in their battles as Ark looked towards your crater and scoffed
Ark: Damn...No Matter how many times youre put down, you just keep getting back up...Why Won't you just die?!
All of a sudden to everyone's surprise, a large beacon of white light suddenly bursted from the center of the crater your body laid in, a very familiar silhouette emerging from the bright light as everyone began to realize who it was
Midoriya: That...That Light...
Ruby: You don't think it's...
Issei: Of Course it is!
Kirishima: Y/N!!
All of a sudden you had fully emerged from the light as the beacon of energy slowly shrunk and faded away, the left over sparks and ashes flying around you as you faced Ark in base form, fully recovered and ready to fight once again
Y/N: Thought You could get rid of me that easily, Huh...
Ark: Well, I'm not surprised, is Celestials have always been able to do what the others couldn't!!
You then looked around to see Lotus and Gogeta which surprised you, you hadn't seen him since the fight with Broly
Y/N: Lotus...Where's Caulifla and Kale...?
Lotus: T-Their Still fighting with Teigri I think...
Y/N: Alright, Gogeta, think you can help us with this?
Gogeta: Yeah, You can count on us!
With that you began to walk over towards Ark, Lotus and Gogeta standing along side you as you flashed into your Omni God Form
Gogeta: Now it's my turn!
All of a sudden Gogeta reverted back to base form which confused the both of you, taking a deep breathe as a familiar aura began to surround his body
Eventually, His Hair and eyes had turned completely silver as Gogeta had achieved Ultra Instinct, something you had never seen before
Lotus: Wow...!! Incredible...!!
Y/N: An Ultra Instinct Fusion...? This Outa be good...
With that the three of you faced Ark as a team, powered up and ready to fight as Ark got into a fighting stance, ready to kill the three of you
Ark: Enjoy your dumb luck while you still have it, Y/N, This Time I'll send you to hell Myself!!
Y/N: Alright then, let's see what you've got...
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