Chapter 153: Ultimate Tag Team
You had just been powered back up to 100% of your strength thanks to Asia's healing and the energy provided form Goku, Vegeta, Issei, and Midoriya as you were ready to face Ark once again
You were now standing tall while looking up towards Ark with a serious expression on your face, Zeno then appearing next to you as he had planned to fight by your side
Y/N: Zeno!
Zeno: It seems we have to team up, at this point Ark and Archon are bound to work together seeing that I have finally transformed.
Y/N: I see, well then, let's give em a good show!!
You then began to power up as you gained a massive white aura, your Omni Symbol glowing bright red as Archon and Zeno's eyes suddenly flashed to Silver, implying that they were using Ultra Instinct
Archon: Get Ready to meet your end! "Omni King"!!
Ark: Our little game ends here, Y/N, give up now and I'll make your death a quick one!
Zeno: Let us fight as equals!
Y/N: Prepare yourselves for a Multiversal Clash!!
The tension in the air began to become so intense that everyone could literally feel it as Goku and the others flew away to ensure that they didn't die during this battle
Issei and Midoriya when ran back to their group and got some cover as they were prepared to watch the clash of Omni Gods
Midoriya: We better hold on to something! This is gonna get intense!!
Grand Priest: Last Time Y/N fought Ark in this form, he was blinded by rage, I'm curious to see the results of this fight...
With that a single piece of debris hit the ground as all four of you suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight, followed by a massive shockwave burst that was more than enough to collapse the barrier that the gods had created
This caused all of the gods to go staggering back as they took a moment to recover from what had just happened
Champa: The Barrier!!
Whis: I should have known that a battle of this caliber would break our barrier, luckily there is still some oxygen for everyone to live off least for now...
Ark: Tch! Please! If you think that this form of yours is enough to match me then you're poorly mistaken!!
All of a sudden you appeared right behind Ark and spoke close to his ear as he went wide eyed out of slight surprise, you then whacked him away sending him flying away from the main battlefield
Y/N: Underestimating any opponent is the biggest mistake a fighter could ever make...
You then bolted after him as Zeno quickly followed since he wanted to stick together, because of this of course, Archon zoomed right after Zeno as everyone watched
Ruby: There they go...
The two of you were now in a glacier type of area as you began to think to yourself, considering the outcome of what happened last time you had engaged with Ark
Y/N: Last time I fought Ark in this state, I managed to land a couple blows, I was blinded by rage then, and fought in the most reckless way I could, if I play this right, I can stand a chance!
With that you managed to catch up to Ark who was still flying back from your attack with your fist reeled back, you were about to punch him when he suddenly wrapped his tail around your arm, moving his body and tossing you through a mountain
It was at this point when Zeno and Archon had caught up and appeared in the area, Archon coking his arm back and landing a heavy punch that sent him flying through a mountain as well, while all of that happened you managed to recover from Ark's attack, while Zeno tackled Ark to the ground, now you were facing Archon
Archon: That Puny Form is nothing compared to me! I won't fall to it in a million years!!
Y/N: Well for your information I've managed to improve during our time away from each other...and that's not just power...
With that the two of you rushed towards each other with your fists reeled back, resulting in a massive fist clash that blew away everything in the area
Of course you were blown away by Archon's punch as you managed to recover rather quickly, screaming and powering up before bolting towards him once again
Y/N: KA...ME...HA...ME...
You then appeared in front of Archon as you were ready to unleash a full power Kamehameha on him
It was at that moment when Archon suddenly grabbed you by the neck with one hand, beginning to choke you as your Kamehameha faded off
You were now gagging for air as you attempted to free yourself from Archon's Grasp, but to no avail
Archon: That Move won't work on me twice...
Suddenly out of nowhere, Archon received a swift punch directly to the face by Zeno as he had just saved you from being strangled
Archon then went hurling away as he began to spin at insanely high speeds, eventually crashing into a mountain and going right through it as you gagged for air
Y/N: Gah...Thanks, I owe you one...
Zeno: Archon is mine to deal with, I'd prefer if you didn't trouble yourself with the task of fighting him, you focus on your battle.
Y/N: Alright, Will do!
With that you flew away at high speeds towards Ark who was hovering in the air after Zeno's little attack, you went in for a kick only for him to dodge out of the way
Ark then put his hands together while gritting his teeth as he swung a devastatingly powerful sledgehammer, you managed to cross your arms together and block the actual attack, but the force behind it was enough to still send you hurling towards the ground and crashing into the water
Ark stayed in this spot for a moment and awaited your return, right on cue, a massive beam of energy suddenly bursted from the water as you began to rise back into the sky
Y/N: Is That All?
Ark: Heh...You know Damn well that it isn't...
Ark then straightened his fingers while putting them together while bending his hand forward in a "Come At Me" gesture, this caused you to smirk and gain a massive aura as you charged towards Ark at full speed
You then attempted to punch Ark on the bottom of his chin as he weaved the punch, now floating below you with a Grin as his eyes twitched for a short moment as you went wide eyed
You suddenly clenched your eyes shut as you were ready to lose consciousness, which was why you were surprised when nothing actually happened
Ark: Tch...!!
Y/N: What happened...? I'm still conscious...?
Super Shenron: Ark's Disable is likely required to have direct eye contact for the technique to function properly, you may of found a way around it.
Y/N: Seriously?! Sweet! That gives me an advantage over his most effective technique!
All of a sudden you spun your body around and delivered a heavy spin kick to Ark's side, sending him flying back the way the two of you came as you bolted after him, of course, Zeno and Archon followed
Time Skip
Everyone the battlefield was back to doing their thing when all of a sudden Midoriya spotted you and Ark headed back to the battlefield
Midoriya: Look! They're back!!
However, something different was going on as Ark was now pummelling you with a series of punches and kicks as you blocked each blow, but you still took damage
Y/N: Dammit...!!
Ark: DIE!!
Ark suddenly managed to land a devastating kick directly into your gut as his foot forcefully sunk into your stomach, this caused you to scream while gagging and even coughing up blood as you went flying towards the ground, crashing in a massive crater
Goku and Vegeta: Y/N!!!
You lied motionless on the ground as you heavily struggled to pick yourself up from the ground, you were certain that he at the very least had broken a rib as you began to cough up more blood
Y/N: *Cough*...Dammit...One Good hit...*Cough*...and I'm already down...
As Ark slowly began to descend to the ground with a smirk as you managed to pick yourself up from the ground, tolerating the taste of blood in your mouth as you took a deep breath
Y/N: Damn...I really didn't want it to come to this...but he leaves me no choice...I have one last trick up my sleeve...I've been working on it since I last fought chances of surviving this might as well be zero...but it's the best chance I've got!!
Ark: Well, I suppose that was a little fun, hardly anyone can even land a singe blow on me anymore, and you managed to land multiple, I can't say that it's not commendable, but a worthless effort in the end.
Y/N: Hold on Ark...
You then stumbled back a little bit as you struggled to keep your balance, catching Ark's attention as you suddenly glared at him
Y/N: Don't Count me out just yet...KAIOKEN!!
All of a sudden you gained a massive red aura over your white one as Ark was almost immediately blown away, Debris instantly beginning to fly as everyone could either feel your energy, feel the pressure in the air, or could see your colossal aura from the distance
Vegeta: H-His power is terrifying...!!!
Midoriya: Amazing, just what I'd expect from Y/N...!!
Ruby: I think the whole battlefield is shaking...!!
Issei: The Battlefield...?! More like the whole planet...!!
Y/N: I've been planning this since our last fight, Ark, no amount of power a single transformation can emit alone is emough to beat I came to the conclusion of THIS!!
All of a sudden you looked up at Ark as your eyes flashed into a familiar shade of Silver, along with your red aura becoming even larger than before
Y/N L/N: (SSJOG3 + Kaioken 100x + Ultra Instinct) The Trinity of Power!
Zeno and Archon were just arriving on the scene as they both noticed your massive energy signature, surprising even the both of them as you gritted your teeth, clenched your fists, and charged towards Ark at immeasurable amounts of speed
Nobody, not even Zeno could see you move, as your fist was now smashed into Ark's face as he began to show visible signs of pain
Ark: I-Impossible...IMPOSSIBLE!!!
All of a sudden you clenched your fist once more as you brought it up on Ark, nailing him in the chin with a tremendously powerful uppercut that send him flying out of the large crater and rolling across the battlefield
Vegeta: Unbelievable...!!!
Goku: Y/N...Just what have you grown to become...?!?!
Yang: ATA BOY!!!
Saitama: I...just wet my pants...
Everyone else on the battlefield watched in either horror, shock, happiness, or all at once as you appeared behind Ark before he could even finish rolling as you tilted over with your leg bent back, swinging it forward to deliver a massively devastating kick to Ark's back as he gagged and even coughed up a tiny bit of blood
Ark: DAMMIT!!!
Ark suddenly emitted a large amount of energy that launched you into the air, Ark rushing after you as you recovered almost instantly and charging towards Ark
The two of you began to clash rapidly as each time the two of you collided, the very fabric of reality itself trembled at your sudden awesome power
Blake: I'm so happy to have an Omni God as a boyfriend......!
Tsuyu: Incredible! He Amazes me every single day! Ribbit!
Issei: He's so freaking hardcore...!!
All of a sudden you hit Ark with another kick, sending him flying into the air as you bolted after him, Zeno then went wide eyed as Archon suddenly flew past him and towards you
Archon was then served what was coming to him as you smashed the bottom of your foot right into his face with full force, sending Archon hurling away and crashing through a mountain once again
With those words being chanted, you then fired a colossal beam of blue energy with sparks of yellow lighting coating the beam, zooming towards Ark who didn't have time to react
Ark was quickly engulfed by the massive beam of blue and yellow light as the beam itself began to light up a part of the earth, becoming a visible trait of the planet
After around 10 seconds of the beam stretching out of the earth's atmosphere, the massive gathering of energy that you had created had completely bursted with Ark still engulfed within it
A massive gust of wind occurred immediately after as Zeno was forced to place a temporary barrier around the already shattered planet as Ark screamed
As the explosion in it's entirety began to fade, the horrendously powerful winds eventually calmed down, a massive amount of Debris falling around you as the aftermath of your brilliant display of power
Uraraka: He Beat Him!!!
Jaune: Yeah!! I knew you could do it, Y/N!!
You suddenly flashed back into base form as you kept looking at the sky, your face facing the smoke from the aftermath of your massive attack as everything went quiet
Y/N: ...
Grand Priest: No...NO...after all of that...?!
All of a sudden a beam of red light bursted from the clouds as it went straight towards the ground, everyone being blown away upon it's landing as Ark touched down onto the ground, clearly battle damaged, and he was PISSED
Ark: Hey...YOU MISSED A SPOT...!!
Ruby: It doesn't matter! Show him some more of that crazy power, Y/N!!!
You didn't answer as your head kept facing the sky, confusing everyone Midoriya spoke up
Midoriya: ...Y/N...?
Once he spoke out to you, he didn't get an answer, but instead, something that made everyone go wide eyed, you started to fall, and not simply because you were tired
Vegeta: Y/N!!!
You then landed with a hard thud back into the large crater as you laid there, completely void of any life whatsoever, Yang and a bunch of others running to you with worried expressions on their faces
Yang slid down the crater and ran to you as she held you right, holding your face up to hers as she spoke to you
Yang: Y/N! Y/N ANSWER ME!!
Goku: Y/N!! Hold on!!
Goku then used the last bit of energy he had to go Super Saiyan Blue as he managed to form a large ball of Ki in his hand, holding it to your chest and giving you a jolt
Goku: Dammit C'MON!!!
Midoriya: Y/N!! You don't let go!! You can survive this...Y-You can...can survive a-anything...!!
Midoriya began to stutter as tears were forming in his eyes, the same thing happening to yang and a bunch of others as Goku kept trying to wake you up
Kirishima: Dammit, Y/N! You can't die...! *Sniff*...We have so much to do with our can't leave us...!!!
Meanwhile, Lotus was still fighting with the Evil Gods, he had finished most of them off with the exception of Zarama as he heard all the screaming, looking over to see everyone surrounding you, lifeless on the ground
Lotus: Y/N......?
Lotus then noticed that not too far from the crater you lied in, was Archon who had Zeno completely subdued by pinning him down, he also noticed that all of the gods, angels, and The Grand Priest were now on the ground unconscious
Lotus: What?! The Gods are out cold!!
Archon: Dark Siphoning Has Finally Taken it's effect...
Zeno: Tch...Damn You...!!
Vegeta: He's...He's Dead...!
Yang: Dammit Y/N...!! Come back!! We can't lose you..!! I CAN'T LOSE YOU...!! YOU'RE THE BEST THING THAT'S STEPPED INTO MY LIFE...!!!
Ruby: *Sniff*...Y-Y/N...!! No...!!!
Issei: No...First Vali and now even Y/N...NO!!!
Midoriya: Y/N...!!
Kirishima: C'mon Bro!! You gotta wake up!! PLEASE!!
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