Chapter 151: Planet-Busting Battle
Ark: Don't Disappoint me...Y/N L/N...
Y/N: Trust Me...I won't...
The two of you proceeded to glare at one another as the two of you began to emit a considerable amount of energy, resulting in one massive aura that could be seen everywhere
Roshi: It looks like their battle is about to commence...
Zalion: Y/N...
The entire planet continued to rumble as Ark clenched his fist as well, keeping a calm and collected, yet serious expression on his face, you on the other hand, struggled to contain your anger, all of the trouble he had caused you and your friends, You wanted to make him pay
Y/N: Grr...!!
All of a sudden you tilted to the side as you made your first move, going in for a kick to which Ark didn't even budge to as expected, you followed with a series of heavy punches, none of them causing Ark any harm whatsoever, still not even moving
Y/N: Should've Known...
You suddenly flashed into Super Saiyan as you went in for a spin kick from behind as Ark still wasn't budging an inch, a small crater formed in the ground below him as you continued your assault
You then landed in from of Ark and took a quick squat while at the time time switching to Super Saiyan 2, suddenly lunging towards Ark and Kneeing him in the gut, but he still didn't even budge
Ark: Why are you coming at me with such weak forms...? I certainly hope that you're not underestimating me, especially after what I did to you last time.
Y/N: Trust me, Ark, I know better than anyone what you're capable of...
You then proceeded to transform to Super Saiyan 3 as you coated your once again clenched and tightened fist as you shot it forward and hit Ark directly in the face with an energy infused punch, this actually caused his head to move, but still not moving from his spot nor doing any damage as you gritted your teeth
Y/N: Damn! HAAAA!!
Ark: Super Saiyan 4...
You didn't say a word as you quickly reeled your fist back and threw another punch, Ark putting one of his arms in front of himself as he successfully blocked your punch
Ark then spun around and whacked you in the face with a heavy blow from his tail, sending you skidding across the ground on your feet as you coughed up blood
Eventually you managed to stop yourself as you took a moment to catch your breath before wiping your mouth of any blood
Y/N: Tch!
At this point, most of the other fighters of both sides were watching the battle, even some of the Grimm watched as you gritted your teeth and powered up once again to Super Saiyan God
Pyrrha: It's Started...
Akeno: And Ark's scored first blood...
Y/N: HA!!
You suddenly leaped into the air as you flew down straight towards Ark as you put your hands together and hit him on the top of his head with a powerful sledgehammer, causing most of the ground below him to break as you switched to Super Saiyan Blue
Ark: Now we're starting to get into the important category...
You were about to punch Ark when he suddenly wrapped his tail around your neck and slammed you to the ground, this alone did a considerable amount of damage as he released you and kicked you away, sending you Rollin across the ground again
Ark: But it's still nothing compared to me...
All of a sudden you emitted a massive beacon of white light as you transformed yet again, this time activating The Full Form of Ultra Instinct as you let out a loud war cry
Jaime: I don't get it, why doesn't he just go into his White Super Saiyan Thing or whatever...?
Blake: That's not how Y/N fights, he always builds his way up to try and figure out his opponent, their fighting style and their weaknesses...
You suddenly lunged towards Ark as you reeled your fist back once again, Ark casually throwing a punch as you dodged thanks to Ultra Instinct, you proceeded to dodge another punch before he grabbed you by the leg and punched you in the gut, harder than before
Y/N: GAH...!!
You then gagged and coughed up an unhealthy amount of blood as you were sent hurling back, crashing into a group of Grimm and killing them in the process
Todoroki: L/N!!
Ark: Did you seriously go through these two months just for me to beat you this easily?! Stop being a fool and fight me seriously unless you want me to destroy this entire solar system!
Y/N: Tch...
Archon was currently still fighting against both of Zeno's guards were seeming to be gaining the upper hand on the Evil Omni King, however, Zeno began to sweat nervously as he watched his guards begin to struggle against him
Zeno: I know that he's immune to my Erasure...and My Guards won't be able to last for long...I might have to use our Last Resort...
Guard 1: We are the ones who will exterminate all Evil!
The first guard suddenly punched Archon directly in the face as he was suddenly whacked towards the ground by the second guard, sending him hurling towards the ground and crashing in a large crater
Guard 2: Be on guard! He is not finished yet!
Right on cue, Archon suddenly bursted from the ground as he rushed towards both of Zeno's guards at impeccable speeds, hitting one of them with a heavy punch and hitting the other with a nasty knee to the gut before elbowing him down to the ground
Zeno watched anxiously as Both guards crashed into large craters in different spots
All of a sudden the sound of your voice screaming could be heard, the entire battlefield rumbling as everyone was watching at this point
Ark then crossed his arms as he tapped his finger against his arm, waiting for you to transform as everyone else struggled to stand on their feet
Saitama: Wait...he had another form other than the one he fought me in?! Does that mean he could have beaten me easily?!
As a massive amount of energy exploded from the spot where you landed, most of the people in the area were immediately blown away as Ark simply scoffed and freed his arms from their crossed position
Everyone on the battlefield looked to see you in your Omni Super Saiyan form with one limiter, Ark grinning as you stood tall and faced the Evil Celestial
(Play Music On The Top Here)
Vegeta: The Real fight is about to begin...
With that the entire planet began to shake, the two of you ready to charge as you were the first to make a move, an insanely powerful get swift aimed for the face to which Ark managed to Dodge
He then quickly reeled his fist back and threw a punch as you dodged his attack as well and rushed behind him to grab his tail, spinning him and throwing him into the sky
You then screamed while powering up with a large aura before rushing after Ark into the sky
Ark then flipped himself over and recovered from your throw as he saw that you were headed straight for him, placing your hands in front of you, you began to unleash a massive barrage of Ki blasts towards Ark who began to dodge each one while flying down towards you
At that point Ark began to fire blasts of his own as Explosions began to light up the sky, the two of you still firing blasts as the two of you passed each other before turning around and both throwing a punch, resulting in a tremendously powerful fist clash which shattered the planet into multiple pieces and blowing the moon away in the process
The only thing keeping everyone alive at this point was the fact that they were protected by a barrier formed by every God and Angel
Issei: HOLY SHIT!!!
Lotus: They'll tear the planet apart!!
Wolf: I think they already have...!!
The two of you were now bolting towards each other after the massive explosion that split the planet into pieces, charging towards one another and clashing resulting in a massive shockwave that blew everyone away
The two of you were now staying in place as you and Ark began to push one another, you were nearing your limit in your current form, but Ark kept fighting with that same expression on his face
Ark: Tell me, what drives you to keep fighting, Y/N?! You should know that victory is impossible!!
Y/N: So long as I can breathe in this realm, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!
You suddenly broke the pushing struggle as you clenched your fist and nailed Ark right in the chin with an uppercut that connected perfectly, with Ark actually showing a sign of pain
Kirishima: Yeah! That's it!!
Ark began to slowly float backwards as everyone looked in shock that you managed to land such a strike
However, everyone's shock came to be for a new reason as Ark spoke a few words while slowly looking back at you with a smile
Ark: Not a bad Strike, you got me by surprise there.
You then felt a rush of pain enter your fist as all of your knuckles of your dominant hand were bleeding violently
You could hardly move your arm as it was seemingly paralyzed from making that strike, both your hand and arm trembling as you began to take heavy breaths
Ark: Are you really willing to sacrifice a limb just to deal what's a pinch's worth to me...? Are you really that desperate...?
Y/N: Dammit...!! I can't move my arm...!! And my hand feels like it's about to shatter...!! I didn't even draw blood...!!
Ark: I should have known you would've gone that far only for such little damage...
Y/N: Now you wait right there, Ark! I'm nowhere close to finished!!
You suddenly put your other hand out towards Ark as you began to form a large orb of blue energy in your hand, quickly powering up and yelling
With those words being chanted, you then fired the Omni Powered Big Bang Attack without hesitation as it went bolting towards Ark who scoffed
Still willing to play around, Ark smirked and easily whacked away the Ki attack as it went flying into the distance and exploded behind him, nearly destroying the barrier that kept everyone alive
You then gasped with wide eyes as Ark began to chuckle, you began to slowly back away from him while sweating nervously as he spoke up
Ark: Did you really think that you had a chance in that form of yours?! That's Laughable!
Y/N: Shut your mouth!
Ark: Heh, The Previous Celestial King was more satisfying than you could ever be, you weak child!
All of a sudden Ark disappeared into thin air as you were confused for a short moment before being hit directly in the face by a ruthless spin kick, doing the most damage yet as you were sent hurling towards the ground and crashing in a massive crater
Yang: Y/N!!!
Yang began to run towards you as you lied on the floor, struggling to breathe as you were covered in blood, all from one simple attack
Y/N: DAMMIT!! After everything I've done to become stronger, I still can't even touch him...!! Do I really need to go all out this early...?!
Ark solely descended to the ground and walked towards you as Yang appeared by your side and held you in a protective manner, Ark slowly forming a large red orb of energy in his hand as he spoke
Ark: I suggest you get out of the way, Little Girl...
Yang didn't even move a muscle as she continued to hold you while death glaring Ark right in the eyes
Ark: Suit yourself...
Ark was not even a second away from firing when suddenly one of your first acquaintances and friends rushed past you and charged towards Ark
Vegeta: HAAA!!
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