Chapter 142: Prom Night
Cruise Ship
You had just arrived back at the cruise ship with Steven and Connie as Prom was to begin in about 15 minutes since they had to find the proper attire to wear
Steven: Thanks for giving us this Opportunity, Y/N, I feel like we're gonna have a really fun time tonight!
Y/N: Oh Trust me you will, everyone here is super nice and in this situation, super funny!
Connie: So where do we go exactly...?
You then responded to Connie's question by pointing to a large door with two signs on each side, one that said the word "Prom", and another that said "Party"
Y/N: Just go wait by that door over there and you should be good for now.
Steven: Alright, Thanks again!
Y/N: No Prob!
With that Steven and Connie walked off as you brushed some battle-dust off of yourself as you sighed
Y/N: Man now I gotta find something to wear...
???: Yo Y/N!
You suddenly looked over to see Kirishima walking towards you, he had already been dressed into his Prom outfit which surprisingly wasn't a tuxedo, instead he wore a colourful jacket along with a jaguar undershirt, with some red pants to match his hair
Y/N: Wow Kirishima! Wasn't expecting you to be dressed like this for Prom!
Kirishima: Yeah, To be honest, Super Fancy things like Tuxedos just aren't my style, and if this is potentially the last time we get to do something like this, I might as well be comfortable!
Y/N: Heh, I get ya, man, last dance I wore a tuxedo and Geez, those things poke me, like a lot...
All of a sudden you felt a familiar energy from above, you looked with a confused look on your face to see Piccolo watching from above
Kirishima: Hey It's Piccolo!
Y/N: Hey Piccolo! You need something?
Piccolo: This is one of your teenage events, right? Are you really going on dressed like that...?
You looked at your current clothing that you had one that was all ripped up and covered in ashes and dust from your little battle with Moro, then looking back up to him and responding
Y/N: This? Nah, I just got back, actually, you have Clothes Beam, Right? Can you give me something Similar to Kirishima's?
Piccolo: Hmph...Very well.
With that Piccolo directed his hand towards you and fired a small yellow beam of energy at you, Kirishima flinched thinking that he was attacking you as you were suddenly given a new outfit
This outfit consisted of a black and yellow jacket, a grey undershirt, white pants, and a pair of black and cyan sneakers
Kirishima: Woah! Not Bad!
Y/N: Hm...It's not a Gi, but it's definitely better than a Tuxedo!
Piccolo: Hmph, I'll probably never understand why you have to dress like this for a get together...Teenagers are so confusing...
With that Piccolo flew off as you waved to him, shouting to thank him as he left your line of sight
Y/N: Thanks, Piccolo!! I really Appreciate it!!
With that it was just about time for Prom to start, everyone getting more and more pumped up as the large door was suddenly opened from
the other side by Ozpin
Ozpin: Greetings Students, I am pleased to inform you that everything is ready for use, bare in mind that you students are not the only ones enjoying yourselves here tonight. With that being said, please come in and have fun!
With that all of the students began to make their way through the long hallway before a large room could be seen at the end, to which everyone was very surprised by what they saw
Upon sight of this large and well made room, everyone began to get even more excited and some even flipped out
Ashido: HOLY CRAP!!!
Uraraka: SO COLOURFUL!!!
Jaune: They has this in store for us?!
Kiba: Isn't this a little much...?!
Kaminari: What are we waiting for?! Let's Rock this Prom Night!!
Everyone: YEAH!!!
With that everyone scattered to do their own things, such as Bakugo challenging Inosuke to a dance off, Ban and Jaime getting very drunk within the first half hour, and Goku, Luffy, and Natsu all trying to catch Hawk in hopes of cooking and eating him to name a few
You were currently hanging out with Kirishima as usual as you suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder, looking to your side you saw nobody, you then felt a tap on your other shoulder to which you looked to see only a confused Kirishima, you then completely turned around to see your first Girlfriend, Yang in quite a hot dress, literally
Kirishima: Hey Yang! About time you've showed up!
Yang: Yeah, Nora got a hold of the pancake mix in the back room and we had to do something about that, but I'm here now! Speaking of which, what do you think of my dress, Y/N? Do you like it...?
Y/N: Pretty Hot if you know what I'm Saiyan...
All of a sudden Sans Appeared next to you with a slightly bigger smile than usual as he spoke up
Sans: See? Under all that muscle is a Funny Bone after all!
Yang: You like puns too?!
After dealing with a nearly 10 minute Pun contest between Yang and Sans that you don't know why you stuck around for, you sensed too energies headed for you, 2 turned into 4, then 4 turned into 8, next thing you knew, you were surrounded by all of your girlfriends
Blake: Hey, Y/N.
Koneko: Glad to see this you're not in a plain old tuxedo like everyone else, it's unique, I like unique.
Tsuyu: I-I wasn't expecting to be walking around in a dress like this tonight, but if I'm with you I feel comfortable, Y/N, Ribbit.
Asia: As am I! You'll protect us!
Velvet: What do you think...? I tried to find a dress that you'd like...
Weiss: What's with that outfit...? I expected a suit like last time, but this will do too I guess.
Jiro: T-This isn't really my at all...but I still feel happy knowing that I can share this night with my friends, and you, Y/N.
Kendo: I didn't want to go too far since this is our first time doing something like this in an actual relationship, but I hope you like it, Y/N!
Y/N: Doesn't matter what you guys wear, I'm just glad you came tonight, and for that I say Thank you!
Yang: There he goes again, we're all dressed in these cute dresses and all he cares about is us as people, he's too adorable I can't take it...!!
Velvet: That's why I fell in love with you, Y/N.
As things started to get more exciting, more things began to happen, All Might had Challenged Might Guy to an arm wrestling contest, with Midoriya and Lee cheering them on, in the end, Goku somehow won, Android 17 and 18, along with Genos and Penny were all having a conversation of what kind of robots they were, along with Ruby somehow sneaking over 50 cookies at the dining tables and ate almost everyone one of them
You were currently sitting at a small table on your own as you needed a little bit of space from your 9 girlfriends, taking a sip of a can of Hetap that you had gotten from the snack bar
Y/N: *Sigh*...Tonight's been nice so far...I wonder how the other Saiyans are doing...
Lotus: We're doing good! This is fun!
Y/N: Oh Jesus!!
Lotus: Nah, It's Lotus.
You then looked behind you to see Lotus, Accompanied by Kasai, Caulifla, Kale, and Wolf who all had their fancy outfits on
Kasai: These Tuxedos are really weird, Why couldn't we wear things like Y/N?
Wolf: Because He's Y/N, He has his benefits of being the Protagonist.
Y/N: Okay I think the fourth wall has been broken a bit too much...
Caulifla: Huh?
Y/N and Wolf: Nothing...
All of a sudden a song that you knew quite well came onto the speakers, none other than F/S (Favourite Song), as a your face quickly lit up from excitement
Y/N: Oh man! I love this song!
Lotus: C'mon, Let's go dance! Maybe we can pull it off better than last time?
Y/N: We'll just have to wait and see!
Kale: Sounds like fun!
With that the 6 of you all headed to the dance floor, the first to dance was Lotus, who started break dancing on the floor, grabbing the attention of many around you
Kasai: Hm...that's good, but can you do this?!
All of a sudden Kasai began to dance like it was the last day of his life, not only managing to move with the beat of the song, but also pulling off a sick pose at the end
Wolf simply tapped his foot and bobbed his head with the beat as You suddenly stepped next to Kasai and Lotus
Caulifla and Kale danced with each other casually as you took a deep breath and started hitting the dance floor harder than when Goku slapped Frieza
Y/N: Just act like nobody's watching...!!!
Everyone watched your dance moves with wide eyes as everyone began to either gasp, laugh, or clap by the sudden gesture
Kaminari: Kirishima! Look at Y/N!
Bulma: Wow, I guess Y/N really learned how to party when he was away!
All of a sudden everything went silent as you had stopped dancing, getting back onto your feet and looking behind you to see a new challenger that you remembered too well from the last School dance, just standing there, Menacingly
Y/N: Oh Shit...!!
As you could clearly see, Issei was back in his Perry the Platypus costume, clearly the classiest one there, however, this time he was not there to just bounce a ball, but he was there to dance
Issei: Dance...
Y/N: Off...
Both: START!
With that the dance off began, Issei starting off by wiggling his legs and moving his holding one arm in the air, swaying from side to side as everyone struggled to hold in their laughter
Rias: Issei please, Y/N doesn't have time for dance moves like that—
Uraraka: Pffft!!! These guys are so silly...!!!
Bakugo: What the actual hell—
Krillin: C'mon Y/N! Show Em what you got!!
Y/N: Right! Vegeta this is for you!!
All of a sudden you turned sideways and started to tap your feet on the floor and move your arms as if you were running, every single Z Fighter remembered this dance all too well
Lotus: I-I Think Y/N's had a bit too much of that Hetap...
Kasai: This might have become a problem...
Y/N: It's only a problem when I run out!!
All of a sudden you heard a loud crack come from your leg as you suddenly fell over, Issei simply fell over because he lost his balance
Y/N: C-Cramp...!!!
As everyone began to laugh, the two of you joined them, the adults watching in the distance as everyone had smiles on their faces
Ozpin: Looks like we made it work.
Aizawa: Indeed, I've never seen everyone so happy...
Grand Priest: Well, That's what we had aimed for.
Time Skip
Prom Night had now been concluded as it was a complete success, everyone was happy and in a great mood, most of the students were tired out, but not Jiro, she was currently pulling you through a hallway by your hand as the two of you ended up at your assigned room
(WARNING: Things get a little saucy here, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, you can stop reading the chapter here.)
Y/N: What's got you all excited...?
Jiro: You'll see.
As the two of you entered your room, she had striped out of some of her clothing, at this point she had pulled you into your bed as you were now on top of her
Y/N: Jiro...
Jiro: Y-Yeah...?
Y/N: .........What are we doing?
Hearing those words, Jiro seemingly completely froze as her eyes were about as wide as they could get
Jiro: *Sigh*...Sometimes I think you're too dense for your own good...
???: You got that right...
All of a sudden something or someone began to move under the sheets, all of a sudden Koneko crawled out, wearing a robe with her cat ears and tail exposed
Y/N: Koneko......?
Koneko: What's Wrong...? Aren't you nervous at all...?
Y/N: I mean...should I be nervous...?
???: Yes, any sensible teenager would be...
You suddenly looked towards the bathroom door to see not one, not two, but three of your girlfriends, Yang, Blake, and Weiss dressed up in similar bunny costumes
Y/N: Yang? Blake? Weiss? What's with the outfits...? You guys celebrating Halloween early or something...?
Weiss sighed as Blake shook her head with a smile, Yang simply laughed seductively as she had the biggest blush despite being the most confident
The next thing you knew, the front door opened as another girl walked in, wearing what you saw as a strange outfit as well
Tsuyu: A-Are you sure about this...? All of us at once seems kinda extreme...!!
Y/N: Wait, what is she talking about...?
???: Don't worry, We won't be too least at first~
You suddenly turned your head to the left to see Velvet in the most revealing outfit yet, now you were really confused
Y/N: Why are you in a swimsuit...? The Pool closed hours ago...
Velvet: Just you wait, You'll find out soon, you little cutie~
You suddenly felt something on your hand, you suddenly looked to the right to see Asia in the same kind of outfit as Velvet
Asia: W-We'll be taking care of you for least that's what Yang said...
???: Yeah, Let's see if those certain match the drapes~
And last but not least, you looked at the end of your bed to see Kendo standing there, wearing nothing but her bra and underwear, a pink blush on her face as she smiled at you
Kendo: I-I'll be honest...I'm really nervous...this is really quick, but, there's a chance that it's the last chance we'll get...
At this point, you had absolutely no clue what was going on, everyone began to get closer to the bed as a few of them laughed
Yang: Hehehe...I've waited too long for this~
Blake: Please, I know that you're a god and all, but try to be gentle...
Y/N: I have so many questions but I doubt I'll be getting an answer to any of them...maybe it's better that way...?
All of a sudden Yang leaped towards your and pouched you from behind, the rest of the girls starting to carry on as you went wide eyed and screamed from the sudden action
Later That Night
Beerus was currently standing outside enjoying a bowl of soup along with Whis as they both smiled happily
Beerus: Whis! This Soup Truly is delicious!!
Whis: Took the words right out of my mouth, my lord!
Beerus: you hear that...?
Whis: Hear what, my Lord...?
As Beerus continued to listen, he could hear the sound of a bed bending over and over, all of a sudden he could hear the loud moans of Yang and Kendo
Whis: What is it...?
Beerus didn't respond as he could suddenly hear your loud moaning and somewhat scared and confused screaming as you began to form words
Yang: Right There!! Right There!! HARDER!!
Y/N: Oh...Shit...!! Wait...FUCK...STARLIGHT BOMBER!!!
All of a sudden a massive barrage of blue orbs of energy bursted from the wall as they all exploded in the distance
Y/N: Oh my god.........!!!!
Yang: Oh...Definitely worth the wait...
Kendo: Y-You're amazing...!!
Y/N: *Pant*...So...*Pant*...are we done yet...?
Koneko: Nope, My Turn.
Y/N: WHAT?!?!
Meanwhile Whis who was very confused looked at the after smoke from your blasts, looking over to Beerus as he spoke
Whis: That was Y/N's move was it not...? Is something the matter...?
Beerus: *Confused Internal Screaming*
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