Chapter 135: Unexpected Admirers

Cruise Ship

You had just awoken after taking a massive toll from your Celestial Power awakening from deep within for the first time, you were now on your way to see who had sent you the letters that you had received

You were currently standing in a store as you had decided to make a quick stop and buy some stuff, mainly some more comfortable clothes

You suddenly heard a voice speak in your mind, however it wasn't Super Shenron, but rather Beerus

Beerus: Y/N.

Y/N: Beerus?

Beerus: Whis is allowing me to speak with you telepathicly. We need your help, Vegeta is going on a rampage chasing after a few kids...Issei, Saji and Mineta were they're names...?

All of a sudden Issei, Saji, and Mineta zoomed past the entrance as an Angry Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta stormed right after them while screaming


Issei: CALM DOWN DUDE...!!!

You looked back to what you were looking at as you spoke back to Beerus

Y/N: I can't I'm buying clothes.

Beerus: Well then, Hurry up and get over here.

Y/N: I can't find them.

Beerus: ...What do you mean you can't find them...?

Y/N: I can't find them there's only soup...

Beerus stayed silent for a moment as he eventually spoke up again with a slightly annoyed tone of voice

Beerus: ...What do you mean there's only soup...?

Y/N: It means there's only soup!

Beerus: Well then get out of the soup aisle!!

Y/N: Alright you don't have to shout at me!!

You then walked over to a different part of the store as you were in another aisle, not being any different from the last one

Y/N: There's more soup!

Beerus: What do you mean there's MORE SOUP?!

Y/N: There's just more soup!

Beerus: Go into the next Aisle!

A short moment passes as you went to the next aisle as Beerus as told you to, seeing more of what you've been telling him about

Y/N: There's still soup!!

Beerus: Where are you right now?!



Y/N: I mean I'm AT SOUP!!




Y/N: *Goes Super Saiyan Blue* FUCK YOU!!!

Time Skip

You had just given up on trying to get new clothes from the store as you were too tired to deal with it, instead, Piccolo was nice enough to give you a free outfit with his clothes beam

Y/N: Man, this is much better...

Your new outfit consisted of a normal T-shirt along with a pair of red baggy pants, your footwear remained the same as you through they were comfy enough to tolerate

Y/N: Alright...let's go see who this person is...

With that you headed out to where the red hearted envelope said where they would be, the top deck, usually you would fly there, but you were a little too tired and drained of your energy to do so at the moment

Eventually you managed to make your way to the top deck, the sun was just about to completely set as you looked around to see nobody in the area

Y/N: Uh...Maybe I got here too fast...?

???: U-Um...Over here...

You then looked over to see someone who you hadn't spoken to that much as the letter has stated, the Faunus Girl of Team CFVY, Velvet Scarlatina who seemed nervous and flustered, holding her ears down as a taint of red spread across her face, most of the time that you've seen her she just looked nervous

Velvet: H-Hi Y/N...

Y/N: Velvet...?

Velvet: I-I'm Sorry that I couldn't confront you face to face...I tend to get nervous...

Y/N: So I've noticed, well at least you built up the courage to talk to me at all.

Velvet: T-Thanks...

Y/N: So what did you want to talk about...?

You then thought to yourself as Velvet began to speak, somewhat stuttering as you scratched your head

Y/N: Even though I know for a fact where this is going.

Velvet: I-I talked to Yang, Blake, and the others, and they said that they were okay with I'd like to ask...Would you like to go on a date with me...?

You took a quick moment to think about your choices, you hadn't talked to Velvet like at all, but seeing as you were said yes to put up with Yang of all people, you were willing to give anyone a shot

Y/N: Sure thing!

Velvet: Walt...Really?

Y/N: Yeah, why not? You seem like a nice person, but I'd like to ask, what made you want to ask me out?

Velvet: W-Well...I remember when Issei got really angry and killed Tsu and Blake, and I saw how furious you were...

Velvet: ...That's why I came to develop feelings for you...Your so strong, yet so kind hearted and so inspiring, you even inspired my teammate Yatsuhasi to train more!

Y/N: really think I'm inspiring...?

Velvet: Absolutely! That's why...That's why I love you...

There was a short silence as you stood completely silent, you were still flattered on how she called you inspiring considering the fact that you had to fight and struggle to protect everyone

Velvet: L-Love...?! Did I say Love...?! I meant Like! Yeah! Like! I'm sorry—

At that moment you interrupted the shy looking Faunus with a few simple head pats, causing her to go completely silent as her face went as red as your Super Saiyan God form

Y/N: It's okay, we can take it at your own pace, I'm down for anything honestly.

Velvet: You mean it...?

Y/N: Of course! Us Saiyans tend to do that.

Velvet who could now hardly contain her happiness, simply tackled you into a tight hug as you went wide eyed by the sudden move, but eventually returning the gesture

You suddenly felt two other energies approaching the area from two different directions, you raised a brow as you looked to see Jirou walking towards the two you

Velvet who now pulled out of the hug, looked to see Jiro as she also raised a brow, you then looked to the other side to see Kendo who you barely even talked to, approaching from the other side

Y/N: Ah shit, here we go again...this joke is being over used isn't it...?

Jiro: There you are, Y/N.

Y/N: Jiro...?

Kendo: I didn't think you'd be here of all places, nice outfit by the way.

Y/N: Thanks...?

Jiro and Kendo eventually stopped in front of you as the three girls looked at each other in confusion, thinking that they were the only one who had planned a meeting with you

Velvet: Can we help you...?

Jiro: I'm only here to see Y/N...

Kendo: Same here...

You could already feel the negative energy in the atmosphere approaching from a mile away as you tried to say something and change the subject

Y/N: about we—

Velvet: You two should just go away for now, I got to him first.

Kendo: Excuse me?! I was the first one to send him a letter!

Jiro: Whatever, he knows me more than the two of you combined...

Y/N: Man this muffin is looking...really delicious right now...

Meanwhile, Goku and the rest of the Z Fighters were watching the whole thing go down from the sky, seeing three girls fight over you, Krillin simply chuckled

Krillin: Y/N's at it again!

Yamcha: He said he already had six! That's just crazy...!!

Goku: If those girls are anything like Chichi, I wouldn't want to be in that situation...

Tien: He doesn't even seem too concerned about the whole situation...

The three girls continued to argue over you as you were now watching the stars, however, you eventually spotted the Z Fighters and raised a brow as they all made a break for it

Y/N: Heh...Neat.

Velvet: Y/N, You want me, right?

Y/N: Depends on what you mean by "Want"...

Kendo: I can please you more! I'm more into action! And I heard you were into Strong Girls!

Jiro: C'mon Y/N, let's ditch these two and go somewhere where the two of us can be alone...

Y/N: ...Nah...

Girls: What?!

Y/N: Listen...You all have your ups and downs, I think you're all nice, but right now...just look at the sky and enjoy the show...

Velvet: What do you mean...?

The three of them suddenly looked up at the sky to see what was happening, a Meteor shower passing by the beautiful night sky

The three girls, now no longer arguing, all went silent as they watched in awe from the meteor shower as they all smiled

Velvet: It's so pretty...!

Kendo: I've never seen a Meteor Shower before...!

Jiro: This is amazing...!

Y/N: I probably shouldn't tell them that I destroyed a planet just to see them smile...

Kendo: Guys...I'm sorry for getting mad at both of you...I just like Y/N so much...

Jiro: I don't blame you...

Velvet: You're right...We shouldn't let something like this shatter our friendship...

Y/N: See? All better now, and that's why I accept all of you!

Jiro: You're really willing to be with us...?

Y/N: Yep! The three of you have put your different aside and apologized in the end, that's what I like most in a girl...all full blooded Saiyans as a whole are attracted to strong Women, and I'm no different, but what I love most is when they can find it in their hearts to forgive others.

Velvet: There you go again, that's why I love you...

Jiro: I'm glad we can finally be in an actual relationship, I've liked you for the longest time...

Kendo: I hope I can make you happy, Y/N!

Y/N: Well, Keep working hard, and being the best people you can be, and that's enough for me!

You then smiled a happy one as you began to chuckle, making all of their hearts melt as they giggled

The three of them then smiled happy ones with you as they all spoke up in union

Girls: Of course, Y/N!

With that you began to hear clapping in the distance, specifically slow clapping, the four of you then looked over to see Kirishima clapping at the sight of you and your new girlfriends

Kirishima: Mango Nation...Fox Mccloud.

(Whoever get's that reference is on Bakugo's non-extra list)

Y/N: Kirishima!

Kirishima: You're so damn manly, Y/N, that's why you're my best bro!

Y/N: Well, I'm glad to see everyone happy!

You were about to take a step as you suddenly felt all of your energy left you, turns out your toll had a second wave of effects as you suddenly fell face first onto the floor causing all three girls to gasp

Velvet: Y/N...! Are you okay?!

Y/N: Uh.................Where's the leak ma'am...?

Jiro: His brain just melted...

Kendo suddenly grabbed you and helped you up, Kirishima doing the same as Jiro and Velvet stayed for backup incase you fell again

Meanwhile: Unknown Location

Somewhere in a greatly large plain with nothing but grass, a few explosions could be seen going off, a certain Devil going flying into the air as he crashed onto the ground, looking back while gritting his teeth

Diodora: Grr...Insignificant Oaf! I'm a high ranking Devil! You should stand no chance against me!!!

???: Oh Please...I simple Humanoid such as yourself has no business dealing with someone such as myself.

All of a sudden Diodora was suddenly blasted by a massive wave of Ki as he let out a loud scream of pain, vanishing into the light as his body was completely destroyed

With that the entity responsible for the Devil's destruction made himself known, standing out into the open as he spoke up

Cell: A Devil you say...? You have no right to call the Perfect Being an Oaf.

Cell then looked to the south to feel a group of incredibly powerful Ki's, some he recognized, others not so much, one of the Ki's he did managed to recognize however, was yours

Cell: Hah! Looks like I finally found you, Y/N!

With that the Perfect Bio-Android left the ground and flew towards your direction with a shit eating grin on his face

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