Chapter 131: The Evil Gods

You had just wrapped up your battle with Saitama as the Royal Rumble has more or less come to a close, at the same time, a new Saiyan had appeared, healing you from your fight

You suddenly sprung up from the ground at the sight of this sudden stranger as you backed away a bit to gain a safe distance

???: You shouldn't get carried away in your fights...If I weren't here you would've been in some serious trouble...

Y/N: And just who are you supposed to be?!

???: Please, you don't need to know that right now, what really matters is the situation at hand...

You suddenly heard another voice call out to you in the distance, looking to see your father flying towards the two of you while a few others followed him

Shailo: Y/N, what's going on?

Shailo then looked to see this new Saiyan standing in front of you, almost immediately recognizing this person

Shailo: ...Zalion...?

The Saiyan who your father had called "Zalion", then scoffed as he looked away with his arms crossed

Zalion: What do you want, Father...?


Shailo: It's been days since we've last seen you! You weren't even there for your Brother's return!

Zalion: I was...Busy...hey, Brother, your name's Y/N, Right?

Y/N: Er...Well...Yeah but, where did you—

Zalion: Hear your name? Well, That Girl over there wouldn't shut up about you when you arrived, I questioned a few others, and they said something about "King Y/N had returned"...some King, can't even stay in his own realm...

Daiko who was beside your father, looked down in embarrassment from your Brother calling her out as you glared at him for mocking your title

Y/N: What was that?!

Zalion: Oh don't sulk about it!

The two of you began to grit your teeth and growl as everyone began to either sigh or shiver at the sight

Shailo: I guess siblings are always destined to argue...

The two of you suddenly felt a group of different divine energies, both of you going wide eyed as the two of you looked to the left

Zalion: What's that...?!

Everyone else who was just arriving on the scene, looked to see the two of you looking to the left at this sudden energy

Y/N: It's not just one...I sense, Five Main energies, along with a few smaller ones...!

Midoriya: L/N...? Who's that? And what's going on?

Shailo: Everyone, allow me to introduce you to Zalion, Y/N's older brother!

Asia: Brother?!

Yang: Y/N's hotter...

Y/N: Yang!

Yang: What?

Blake: We keep learning new things related to Y/N almost every day now...

Shailo: Of course! My son IS the King of Celestial Saiyans after all!

Everyone then went silent as You suddenly went even more wide eyed than you already were, not telling any of your friends about your heritage or your title yet

Y/N: Dad...I haven't told them yet...!

Everyone: EEEEEEEH?!

Y/N: Here it comes...

Kirishima: Y/N's a KING?!

Weiss: He's only Sixteen!! How is HE a King?!

Y/N: Seventeen now actually...

Zalion: We don't have time for this! Y/N! We need to see what those energies are!

Y/N: Then stop it with the chit chat and let's go!!

The two of you were about to fly off when you heard multiple voices call out to you, causing you to turn around to see Lotus, Kasai, Caulifla, Kale, Daiko, Midoriya, Issei, and Ruby all facing you

Y/N: Guys...?

Lotus: We're not just gonna let you leave us in the dust again, we're coming too!

Zalion: Don't be stupid! Most of you aren't strong enough to fight at our standards!

Y/N: Don't underestimate them, "Brother", They can actually put up a good fight, Midoriya and the others can deal with the smaller energies...

Zalion: Tch, Fine, but if we die out there I'm holding you responsible...

Y/N: Trust me we're not...

with that Lotus grabbed onto Midoriya as Daiko grabbed onto Ruby, everyone then flying off with you and Zalion in the front of the group

Zalion: I sense that they're in another world from here...

Y/N: I'm on it!

You suddenly formed an orb of green Ki in your hands as you quickly fired in in front of you, the orb of energy suddenly turned into a ring and formed a portal

Zalion: I guess that will work...

With that everyone flew into the portal, leaping to another world as everyone watched the portal close

Time Skip

It was rather peaceful in a heaven like realm that you had visited before in the past, the sky was as bright as ever and lots of broken platforms for as far as you could see

However, two beings were fighting on one of the larger platforms, the sounds of metal objects hitting each other could be heard as a certain Angel like being was fighting against a warrior from a world known as Hyrule

Pit: Nice Try, you're nothing compared to the Underworld Army!

The two kept fighting in a one on one battle as Pit eventually took a kick to the stomach, sending him rolling into distance as the warrior he was up against suddenly threw a little object that suddenly turned into a tornado that was headed straight for pit

Pit braced for impact, only to not feel anything at all, he opened his eyes to see his goddess, Palutena in front of him with a barrier in front of her

Pit: Lady Palutena...?

Before anything else could happen, a small orb of red energy suddenly came zooming down from below, hitting the ground and exploding as the three entities were quickly blown away

Everyone: GAH!!

Pit who managed to recover, picked himself up as Palutena was also standing, and the warrior Pit was fighting being in one knee in the distance

Pit: Just what was that...?!

All of a sudden, 5 silhouettes appeared in the sky, catching everyone's attention as they began to slowly descend to the ground, Palutena standing and yelling to them

Palutena: Who are you! I demand an answer!!

All of a sudden the five silhouettes revealed themselves, revealing five deities with smirks on their faces as they faced everyone

Zarama: It seems we will have to wait a few seconds longer.

Coycutus: I wanna kill them!

Sebas: It wouldn't be much of a challenge at all.

Palutena: Are they...Gods...?!

Pit: What would other gods other than you be doing here?!

Palutena: Stay back! They're monstrously dangerous!!

All of a sudden a large portal opened up in the sky, catching everyone's attention as Zalion came flying through, not wasting any time and immediately shooting at the five gods that just made their appearance

The five gods leaped away as the blast exploded at the spot where they once stood, everyone else suddenly flying out of the portal as Midoriya and Ruby let themselves go of the Saiyans and fell to the ground, landing on their feet and facing everyone from the ground

Zalion: The Evils Gods!

Y/N: It's strange...when I sense all of their energies together it feels a lot like...Archon...!

Super Shenron: Don't get too concerned, they are only fakes like what you have faced in the past.

Y/N: Eh?! Super Shenron?! I haven't heard from you in forever! Where have you been?!

Super Shenron: I've been busy, Thinking of things. They are not the only threats here.

Y/N: What?

???: Well look who we have here...

You suddenly looked up to see someone who you hadn't seen in quite a while, you immediately recognized this entity as one of the first main threats since you first arrived at the academy

Y/N: Xarran?!

Xarran: That's right, You most likely thought you'd never see me again, puny Saiyan, after you ended my Master Karuza's life, I've been plotting my revenge against you!

Xarran suddenly raised his staff as two more beings suddenly appeared by his side, you and your brother recognized these two as well Val and The Masked Swordsman, except Val looked a little different


Y/N: I remember these guys! Val and The Masked Swordsman!

Lotus: I remember the last two, but who's this Xarran guy...?

Y/N: Xarran was our one of our two first main enemies when we were first gathered at the academy, none of you besides Midoriya, Issei, and Ruby were there at the time...

Xarran; During our last battle you humiliated me with that Devil form of yours, I will not accept such humiliation!!

Midoriya: Guys! Look!

Ruby and Issei suddenly looked to see three more entities that they remembered well, Villain Deku, Fallen Issei, and Grimm Ruby, has also made their appearances

Fallen Issei: Well Well, it seems that the weaker versions of us have decided to peek out of their hiding holes.

Grimm Ruby: I'm gonna slice you up!

Issei: Dammit not these assholes again!!

Ruby: It won't go the same way it did last time!

Zarama: One by one, more weaklings begin to crawl into the battlefield.

Xarran: Care to repeat yourself...?

Zarama: I don't have to repeat myself to weak mortals like you.

Y/N: Heh...Guess I really am a Saiyan...because despite how bad this situation looks...I'm getting excited!!

Caulifla: Let's floor these guys!!

Kale: R-Right...!!

Pit: L-Lady Palutena...? What do we do...?!

Palutena: We've caught ourselves in the middle of an all out battle of higher gods...!

Palutena suddenly grabbed Pit and flew away as the warrior from Hyrule went running off for his own safety as well

Y/N: Ha! Well...let's see what you can do!

At that very moment, everything went dead silent, everyone starting at each other as the wind blew by, Issei Activating his boosted gear as Ruby brought out crescent rose


Midoriya suddenly activated his Full Cowling as everyone got into their fighting stances, time seemed to slow down as a little drop of water fell from one of the platforms, once it hit the floor and bursted into bits, everyone suddenly screamed

Everyone: GO!!

With that everyone leaped from the spots they stood from, everyone rushing towards each other as a large explosion occurred when everyone clashed


Ark and Archon were currently on another planet, killing time by hunting down the planets strongest warriors and beating them down

Archon: I'm beginning to lose my patience...we still have three days before we can take over thanks to your stupid rule you made to the Reincarnated one...

Ark who scoffed while elbowing someone away, sending them out of the atmosphere of the planet, turned and looked at Archon with a glare as he spoke up

Ark: You have no pride, I want to crush that boy when he thinks he can win...

Archon: ...How boring...

Archon suddenly formed a small orb of Ki in his hand, leaping into the air as he fired the blast, Archon leaving the atmosphere as the blast collided with the planet

Ark suddenly appeared next to Archon who was now well out of the atmosphere for the planet

Ark: Trying to blow me up...?

Archon: Shut your mouth, you know it wouldn't have done anything to you...

Ark and Archon suddenly looked at each other with a glare as everything went silent, an asteroid zooming past them as the planet suddenly exploded

At that very moment both Ark and Archon suddenly bolted towards each other at full speed and clashed fists, shaking the entire solar system as they began to exchange blows

Archon suddenly whacked Ark away while suddenly firing death beam like blast from his finger

The blast penetrated Ark's chest and went right through him, going wide eyed as the blast suddenly exploded along with Ark

Archon scoffed as the smoke from the explosion eventually cleared to reveal that Ark was blown to nothing

Archon: Tch...Stupid Clone...

Meanwhile: Outside Of Reality

Ark who had been controlling a clone of himself this whole time, was still meditating in the endless void that was outside of reality

Ark: The Time is almost here...Y/N L/N...

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