Chapter 124: PaintBall
Cruise Ship: Auditorium
Everyone had just returned from playing hide and seek in a variety of different locations, everyone was back in the Auditorium now awaiting the next event
You were sitting next to Lotus as the two of you chatted with one another while waiting
Y/N: Where did you even hide back there?
Lotus: Places I can't simply give away...
Suddenly The Grand Priest appeared in the front of the room in front of everyone, the entire room going completely silent as he then spoke
Grand Priest: Hello again, Everyone. That settles things for our first event, the second event shall now be underway.
People all around began to talk with one another, wondering what kind of event they'd be going through
Grand Priest: Now now, let's not get too hasty, our second event is the Sport Event, and the sport we have selected is Paintball!
Sero: Paintball? Sounds simple enough!
Grand Priest: Before we begin, just like last time I must explain the rules, everyone will he divided into groups of 24 participants in each arena, if you look under your seats, you shall find your paintball gun.
The Grand Priests words caused everyone including you to check under their seats, to their surprise finding different paintball guns
Your Paintball gun was a rather small compared to most others, it's colour scheme consisting of a mix of blue and green
Y/N: It's small...but this is probably the best choice for me, a small and light paintball gun allows me to move around easier!
Grand Priest: Your Paintball guns have limited ammo like any other gun, once you run out of ammo, you must wait 5-10 seconds for them to automatically reload depending on the size and mass of your Paintball Gun. To eliminate your opponents, you simply have to hit them with a paintball only once, if the time limit of 15 minutes runs out before there is one person standing, then the one with the most eliminations wins. that sums it up for the rules, there are a set of protective goggles under each seat as well for anyone who would like to wear them.
With that everyone began to glow, and was eventually warped to their respective paintball arenas as you smiled with competitive thoughts
Paintball Arena
Everyone had just been warped as you appeared in a completely different location, the paintball arena you had been warped to was filled with structures to hide in, which wasn't really your style in all honesty
Y/N: Hm...not really used to using a gun...but I guess I'll have to manage...
Loading your gun, you waited for a signal to begin the match as everyone stood completely still like statues, the wind blowing by as a loud alarm suddenly went off
With that the chaos began, you leaped away and landed behind a building as Paintballs began to fly everywhere
Y/N: I the only one who wants to strategize...?
???: Nope...
You suddenly looked over to Ren who was aiming his gun right at you, leaping and avoiding a paintball that splattered on the wall
Y/N: You're most experienced with Ninja stuff like this right?
Ren: Yes, at the Tournament you had me outclassed with raw strength, but here is where I can perform best.
Y/N: Oh Yeah?
You suddenly aimed your gun at Ren and pulled the trigger, shooting a small pellet of paint front the nozzle as Ren dodged, you continued firing as Ren proceeded to do a series of backflips, avoiding the pellets of paint
Y/N: Quite the nimble one, but let's see how you handle this!!
You suddenly planted your feet to the wall as a web of cracks formed on the wall, turning into a small crater as you leaped off and shooting at Ren who dodged once more, as he dodged your paintballs you bolted past him and landed on the wall behind him, shooting at him from there as well
Ren managed to barely dodge those as well as you bounced off the wall once again and fired your gun from above, hitting Ren in the shoulder and eliminating him, but it wasn't down there, Ren stopped dodging due to the realization of his elimination, causing the rest of the Paintballs to hit him as well
Ren: ...I guess I'm eliminated...
With that Ren suddenly began to glow, and suddenly disappeared, most likely being warped back to the auditorium to watch
Y/N: Heh, That was fun!
Time Skip
You were now sitting against a wall while holding your stomach as it growled loudly, s you were suddenly very hungry
Y/N: Man...I'm famished...I guess that Fight with Vegito really helped me work up an appetite...
You suddenly went wide eyed as you had remembered something, smiling with joy as you reached into your pocket and pulling out a chocolate bar
Y/N: Good thing I have this Chocolate bar that Buu gave me earlier! Lucky!
With that you eagerly ripped open the wrapper, revealing the tiny bar of sweetness that was your snack
Y/N: Come to papa!
You then opened your mouth and was about to chow down when a Paintball suddenly hit the Chocolate bar out of your hand, making you go wide eyed as you turned your head to see The Chocolate bar on the ground and covered in red paint
Issei who had no idea who or what he had just hit, was celebrating with Rias as he jumped with joy
Issei: Hell Yeah!! I hit em! Did you see that Rias?!
Rias: Good Job Issei—*Gasp*...
Issei who was still celebrating, didn't notice Rias slowly back away as he eventually stopped and realized she wasn't there anymore
Issei: Uh...Rias...?
Issei kept looking around but no Rias could be seen in sight, he then heard faint growing as he went wide eyed, slowly turning around with sweat going down his face to look and see a very pissed off Y/N staring into his soul
Issei: Hehe...Heyyy...Y-Y/N...! I'm so dead!!!!!
Blake was currently in her own paintball battle with Jaime as the two of them were running and shooting at each other
Jaime: Man! Stand still!
Blake: It looks like we are pretty evenly matched when it comes to paintball...
Jaime: Well then let's finish this!!
Blake: Your call.
With that the two girls stopped dead in their tracks with their Paintball guns aimed right at each other, everything going silent as the wind blew by
Blake: 3...
Jaime: 2...
Both: 1...
They were both about to pull the trigger when they heard a structure go crashing down in the distance, both of them looking over to see Issei running away from a madly furious Y/N who was shooting at him with two Paintball Guns
Y/N: DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Issei screamed with fear as both girls met out a sigh, meanwhile Lotus who was watching the whole thing from a distance, chuckled to himself with a smile
Lotus: Uh-oh, Y/N's angry...!
Blake: Oh...Issei touched his food...that's the number one thing you DON'T want to time Kaminari snuck into Y/N's room and took some of his snacks...he almost blew up the planet that day...
Time Skip
Issei was now laying on the ground completely covered in blue and green paint, not even a single spot was left untouched as you had one foot on top of him, huffing with anger and frustration
Y/N: *Pant*...*Pant*...*Pant*...don't EVER touch my food again...fucking normie...
Issei raised his fist and gave you a thumbs up with his face still in the ground as you got off of him and walked off, completely forgetting about your hunger
As you walked off a Paintball suddenly bolted past your face, you suddenly looked over to see Wolf and Kasai staring you down with their paintball guns aimed right at you, with Lotus behind you with his gun aimed at your back
Todoroki and Bakugo suddenly appeared to your left side as Natsu and Gray appeared to your right side, you suddenly loaded both of your Paintball Guns and spread your arms out
With that you began to shoot everywhere as everyone scattered and lunged towards you as well
Meanwhile: Unknown Location
In a very dark and lifeless area, not the slightest sign of light could be seen for miles, explosions began to go off
Suddenly a female entity everyone knew as Val, suddenly came flying back, skidding across the ground with burns all over her body
Val: Ugh...!! W-Who are you...?!
???: That's none of your business...
This unknown entity was about to finish Val off when a blade of energy suddenly went bolting past them, stopping them dead in their tracks
???: Who...?
Suddenly another entity landed beside Val, an entity that you had engaged in combat before, the masked swordsman, wielding his blade of energy as the unknown entity scoffed
M/S (Masked Swordsman): What do you want from us?!
???: I want you to stop messing with Y/N...he's already got Ark scratching at his back...he doesn't need you nuisances bugging him as well...
Val: What do YOU know about, Y/N?! You look like you've never even met the guy!!
???: Trust me...I have...many years ago...
The Masked Swordsman suddenly lunged at the unknown entity while wielding his blade, prepared to slash
The Unknown Entity suddenly weaved under the blade and delivered a kick to The Masked Swordsman's gut, causing him to gag before swing his blade again, this time managing to slash the Unknown Entity's face
???: Tch!
Val: If you know what's good for you you'll stop attacking us and leave right now!
???: Don't make me may intimidate Y/N and his little gaggle of "Friends", but you don't scare me...
The entity suddenly emerged from the shadows and revealed himself, a Saiyan with a red and orange jacket, with red and black hair, black and yellow baggy pants along with a little necklace that looked nearly identical to yours
???: So do yourselves a favour...And stop fucking with my little Brother...
With that the Saiyan raised his hand and formed an orb of red Ki in his hand, suddenly blasting the Val and The Masked Swordsman with a massive beam of red Ki
???: Next time you try any of that crap...I won't spare you...
With that The Saiyan who claimed to be your brother leaped off into the darkness to do his own thing as Val and The Masked Swordsman laid on the ground covered in wounds
???: About time I've paid you a visit...
Back To You
You had just taken on a whole team of people, covered in paint from the ground and the walls as everyone else was on the ground covered in Blue and Green paint
Y/N: Damn...!
All of a sudden the loud alarm went off once again, causing everyone to stop dead in their tracks
Intercom: Time is up. 4 participants remain, due to having the most eliminations, Y/N L/N wins!
Y/N: That definitely wasn't easy...but I win!!
Your stomach suddenly growled once again, this time even louder than last time as you held your stomach once again as you gritted your teeth
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