Chapter 123: Hide N Seek


You and the others were just arriving at the Auditorium to participate in the first special event that The Grand Priest had in store for everyone

Y/N: Wonder what crazy events The Grand Priest had in store for us...?

Taking a seat on one of the many chairs with the other Saiyans sitting around you, you watched The Grand Priest enter the room and stand in front of everyone

Grand Priest: Hello Everyone, and thank you for joining us for this series of special events. Our first event will be a causal game of hide n seek, however there's a few things that need to be explained first.

The Grand Priest suddenly lifted his hand a little bit and projected a hologram from his palm, showing illustrations of the examples for the rules

Grand Priest: 8 people will be able to participate in a single match, one of the 8 will be the main seeker, who's objective is to find the other participants and turn them into seekers as well, if everyone is caught, the seeking team wins, if the time limit of 5 minutes runs out, the judging team wins, simple enough, yes?

Y/N: So it's just a matter of lasting long enough...

Grand Priest: There's also a little something extra about each match, but I'll leave that for all of you to find out on your own. Without further ado...

The Grand Priest suddenly raised his hand as the entire room began to glow, warping 8 people to the first match

Round 1: Mall:
- Y/N
- Yang (Seeker)
- Kirishima
- Asia
- Kasai
- King
- Weiss
- Gasper

You were now in a little mall with a bunch of stores and other establishments installed within the facility, looking around to see your hiding choices

You then noticed that the other 6 hiders with you as well, Kirishima immediately ran off to find a place to hide as Gasper did the same while covering his face

Y/N: So I'm assuming this is our starting point...

With that you ran off to find a place to hide, leaving everyone behind as you looked around for a decent place to hide

Y/N: I didn't see Yang back there, she must be the seeker...that alone is pretty scary...

You then looked at your hands and clenched your fists as you ran, noticing that your powers had been somewhat nerfed, most likely for the sake of fairness

You eventually found a place to hide, the most basic place ever, one of the fake bushes that could be located all across the mall

You crouched and jumped inside as you got settled in, sitting in silence for a good 30 seconds or so when you heard a faint voice scream in the distance

King: What the heck...?! NOO!!

Y/N: Okay...Whoever that was got caught for sure...

As you stayed settled into the bush, you looked around to see Weiss struggling to find a place to hide, not quite willing to give away your top tier spot, you stayed low for the time being as Yang's voice called in the distance

Yang: I know someone's over there!!

Y/N: Don't be me, Don't be me, Don't be me...


Y/N: Oh thank god...

Weiss began to panic at the sight of Yang running right at her, but that didn't seem to be what she was panicking about, she ran off as Yang dashed after her, you didn't get a full glimpse but you noticed that something was definitely off

You suddenly heard Kasai scream in the distance as he was running away from King, who seemed to be catching up

Y/N: Well it seems that I'm not the only one that got nerfed...

You then heard Weiss complaining in the distance, clearly caught be Yang who was laughing, Kasai who was quickly caught as well, chuckled as he ran off to find the others who consisted of you, Gasper, and Asia

Y/N: In all honesty...I'm surprised that this spot actually is working...

Yang: Hey Y/N~

You then turned around with widened eyes to see Yang looking right at you, and she was a lot...Smaller?


You screamed as you ran away from a tiny yang who laughed while reaching out to you with a smirk on her face, as you ran you could hear Asia and Gasper laughing in the distance

Y/N: Laughing...? Did they get caught...?! I'm the only one left!!

Yang: C'mere Y/N! I just wanna touch you!


Kirishima: Y/N why are you still running? you already won!

You suddenly stopped dead in your tracks as you stood still as Yang poked you, only for you to not go through any changes

Y/N: Wait...oh.

Everyone suddenly bursted out in laughter as you had a slight blush of embarrassment on your face

Yang: You should've seen the look on your face!!

Y/N: She scared the shit out of me...!!

Round 2: Elementary School
- Y/N (Seeker)
- Kaminari
- Midoriya
- Chopper
- Issei
- Jaune
- Lotus
- Jaime

You suddenly appeared in another location for the second round, this time the round taking place in an elementary school, this time you were seeking, and you had gone down in size as well

Y/N: What the shit?! What happened to me?!

You acknowledged the fact that you didn't have much time to find everyone as you leaped away from your starting spot

You looked around to see what places people could hide, scratching your head

Y/N: There's 7 people so I'm—

You suddenly heard a crashing sound coming from the room right next to you, causing you to stop in an instant and look at the door

Meanwhile Midoriya and Kaminari were hiding  in the small classroom with desks and other items of the sort all over the room

Kaminari: Do you think he heard us...?!

Midoriya: I don't know...

The door suddenly opened to their surprise, causing the two boys to flinch and quickly crouch down to escape your line of view

Y/N: I can smell fear...

Midoriya: He's really getting into character, Huh...?

Kaminari: Midoriya, I'm actually scared...!!

Y/N: It smells like crayons...

Kaminari: Look at him...! He's gonna touch us with his little arms...!!

Midoriya: Kaminari calm down...

Y/N: I am but a little man...and I will KILL YOU!!

You suddenly bolted towards Midoriya and Kaminari as they both screamed from the sudden increase in sound, splitting up as they ran out of the classroom

Y/N: Get back here!

You ran out the door and ran after Kaminari who was now panicking, hearing your laughter as you were right behind him

Kaminari: Oh Screw you! Why'd you pick me?!

Y/N: Cause I saw you first!

You eventually caught up to Kaminari and grabbed his shoulder, turning him into a pikachu boy to a small boy

Y/N: You are now Smol!!

Kaminari who tried to act frustrated at first, could help but laugh at how small the two of you had become

Y/N: Alright, you go find Midoriya, I'll go rack down someone else...

Kaminari nodded as he ran off into the hallway, meanwhile you ran the other direction and began taking every turn you could

Y/N: 6 people left...

You eventually took a turn to where Chopper was wandering around, noticing you as you stopped dead in your tracks like the roadrunner

Y/N: Oh hello there!!

Chopper: AAAAAH!!!


Issei was walking around the hallways with his hands behind his back while whistling with a bored expression on his face

Issei: Man...out of all the potentially cool places they could've chosen they choose a school...this blows...

Issei's peace was suddenly interrupted in the blink of an eye as Chopper came running around the corner screaming as you were right behind him


You and Chopper suddenly went right past Issei as he spun around at least 5 times, at that very moment you caught chopper as Issei noticed he had been caught as well

Issei: Oh C'mon?! How was I supposed to defend myself from that?!

You shrugged as you looked towards Chopper who was now even smaller than he usually was, causing you to almost laugh

Y/N: Holy shit! he's smaller than a bite sized mineta!!


The three of you looked over to see a small Jaime who was caught by a small Midoriya, who was followed by a small Kaminari

Jaime: With one second left...!

Y/N: Well, I think that's everyone!


Everyone: EEH?!


Round 3: Train Station
- Y/N
- Daiko
- Ruby
- Natsu (Seeker)
- Luffy
- Meliodas
- Wolf
- Saitama

You were now in a very open space compared to the last two locations, this time being a train station as everyone quickly went to hide

You quickly ran off as you went into the train, hiding under some of the larger seats as you could hear foot steps in the distance

Luffy: Y/N is that you?

Y/N: Luffy?

You peeked out of from under the seat to see Luffy with a look of urgency on his face, not knowing where to hide

Luffy: I can't find a spot!!

Y/N: Then get down here...!!

You suddenly grabbed Luffy and pulled him under the seat, looking around and keeping an eye out for whoever was seeking

Luffy: He's not gonna find us, out spot's too good...!

Y/N: But you realize if he does find us, we're both going down in meters...


Ruby was walking around on her own looking for a place to hide, not seeing many good places without a big risk

Ruby: I gotta hide...but where...?

???: Hey.

Ruby suddenly looked behind her to see a small Saitama looking right at her, catching her by surprise as she flinched

Ruby: You got caught already?!

Saitama: Yep. I wasn't paying attention.

Ruby: ...I...Guess I should probably RUN!!

With that Ruby ran off using her semblance, leaving Saitama in the dust as she sighed with relief

Ruby: Whew...that was close—OH MY GOD!!

Ruby was intercepted when Natsu suddenly appeared in front of her, of course, he was small like the rest

Natsu: Gotcha!!

With that Natsu gave ruby a little poke on the nose as she suddenly shrunk in the blink of an eye

Ruby: Darn it!!

Natsu: Nice try!

Back To You

You and Luffy were still hiding under the seats as you could hear some faint foot steps, looking but you didn't find anyone

Y/N: They must be outside...Luffy we gotta move, if we stay here then they'll find us for sure...

Luffy: Okay...!

With that you and Luffy got up from the seats and began to slowly make your way through the train

Luffy: You think they know we're here?

???: I don't know, you tell me.

The two of you suddenly looked over to see Wolf who had been caught due to his size, causing the two of you to flinch


Suddenly a small Meliodas appeared behind you and Luffy as he grabbed Luffy by his shoulder causing him to turn small as well

Luffy: WHAT?! NO WAY!!

Y/N: It's an ambush!!

Ruby and Natsu suddenly entered the scene as well as Natsu jumped through the window and Ruby came in through the door

Natsu: You called?!

Ruby: Help has arrived!

Y/N: Shit! I'm surrounded...!!

There was a short silence as everyone lunged right at you, in the heat of the moment you leaped forward and broke through another window as everyone crashed into each other

Y/N: Long Shlong!

(Whoever gets that reference get's a cookie and milk from Ruby)

With that you ran off as everyone practically destroyed part of the Train getting out of it, chasing you as you went wide eyed

Y/N: Dammit!! KAIOKEN!

You suddenly gained a red aura and increased your running speed, eventually turning around a corner and noticing a box, jumping into it as everyone came around the corner the very second the lid of the box shut

Ruby: Where'd he go?!

Luffy: Maybe over there!

Wolf: This way!

With that everyone dashed away from the scene, leaving a dead silence to fill the area as you peeked out of the box, once in the clear, you crawled out and sat down, wiping your forehead

Y/N: Whew...I'm not used to Kaioken having that kind of toll anymore...!

You suddenly felt yourself go down a few meters as you felt something on your head, you looked to the side to see a small Daiko hugging you from the side

Daiko: Gotcha!

You sat there in silence for a short moment, still processing what just happened as you suddenly back away and screamed

Y/N: AAH!!


Luffy and the others suddenly returned to see you and Daiko to their surprise

Luffy: You got him!!

Ruby: Good work, Daiko!

Y/N: Man...look at Luffy, you look ridiculous at that size you know...hehe...

Luffy: Haha! You're one to talk! Look at you!

Y/N: Haha!

Natsu: I couldn't get over how Saitama looked though! Hahahahaha!!

With that everyone started laughing with each other as you gave off a smile of pure happiness for the first time in a few days

Y/N: Hehehehehehe!!

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