Chapter 118: The Grand Priest's Request

You were just beginning to wake up from your dream of eating an infinite amount of food as Yang's snoring had evidently woken you up, looking around as everyone was still asleep, that is except for the angels and The Grand Priest, along with a few teachers

Y/N: Damn...I was really enjoying my sleep too...

Grand Priest: Ah, I see that you're now awake, did you sleep well?

Y/N: Yeah...I wanna sleep more though...

Grand Priest: That seems very unlike you, you were usually the first one up out of your roommates.

Y/N: Yeah but that was before I learned that I was actually a king of Celestials that I didn't even know existed until a few days ago, plus everything else tbat's happened, and the main event hasn't even arrived yet...

Grand Priest: Yes, That seems understandable, in that case you can come over here and—

Before The Grand Priest could finish his sentence you were fast asleep once again, causing a few of the Angels to giggle or chuckle

Whis: Oh? It seems that he's still very drained.

Ozpin: Indeed he is, while he may be the Reincarnation of a Celestial King that holds the fate of all of reality itself on his shoulders, he is still just a boy.

Glynda: To think a boy his age would come so far, he makes all of us proud.

Time Skip

It was now around 10:00 in the morning as everyone for the most part had woken up by now and was ready for breakfast, that is with the exception of you, as you were still sleeping like a bear going through it's hibernation

Ruby: He's still sleeping?!

Midoriya: He never sleeps in, at least not on school days...

Issei: I don't blame the guy honestly, these past few days have been crazy...

Suddenly Goku walked over to you and crouched closer to your level with his eye brow raised

Goku: Yo! Y/N! Time to wake up, Buddy!

Vegeta: Step aside Kakarot, Y/N! Get your lazy ass off the ground before I make you!

You still continued to sleep as you suddenly mumbled a few inaudible words before easing your hand

Y/N: Ugh...No...Mess off...

With that you suddenly whacked Goku and Vegeta away with a single swipe as they skidded across the ground, catching everyone by surprise

Lotus: I'd be willing to go over there and wake him up but I'm a little scared after seeing that...

Yang: Step aside we got this...

Yang, Blake, and Asia suddenly walked over to you and began to talk to you as you slept, all of them with gentle smiles on their faces

Yang: Yoohoo! Y/N! Time to get up!

Blake: Lotus and Kasai want to challenge you to a fight, and if you get up I'm sure you'll have fun.

Asia: Please wake up, Y/N, Today will be a new day! Aren't you excited?

You still continued to sleep like a baby even after the calls of three of your girlfriends, that usually woke you up

Yang: Dang, he's usually up by now...Initiate plan B!

Tsuyu: Y/N there's going to be food in a few minutes, get up or you'll miss breakfast.

Hearing those words was more than enough to get you up as your eyes shot wide open in an instant


You suddenly picked yourself up from the ground and looked around to see no food anywhere

Y/N: Where's the food...? You can't tease me like that...

Bulma: *Sigh*...C'mon Chichi...Y/N's Hungry and I'm assuming the others are too...

Goku: You bet I am!

Luffy: I'm hungry too!!!

Time Skip

Jaune: Oh...

Kiba: My...

Jiro: God...!!!

Jaime: That's just gross...

Everyone watched in Awe, Horror, Disgust, or all three as You, Lotus, Kasai, Wolf, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, Son, Caulifla, Luffy, Zoro, and Chopper were all at one big table, seeing through a large mountain of food like it was nothing

Everyone watched with drops of sweat going down their heads as the insanity began to ensue

Goku: Ah!! This is good stuff!!

Lotus: Hey Wolf! Pass me some more rice, Please!

Wolf: Okay, Pass me some soy sauce.

Y/N: Could someone pass me an extra fork? I broke mine...

Zoro: We need water over here!!

Gohan: We're out of fish!

Luffy: This stuff is amazing!!

Caulifla: Hey!! Don't touch my food!!!

Kasai: Says you, Caulifla!! You snatched three of my bowls!!

Son: Yummy!!

Everyone who wasn't at the table began to eat their own meals or at least tried to without losing their appetite, empty dishes began to stack up as Bulma and Chichi sighed in slight annoyance, but at the same time they were satisfied watching everyone enjoy their food

Bulma: Should've known this wouldn't be enough...hop back to it guys!

Sanji: Geez...Luffy was bad enough...

Ban: I'm just glad it's not the captain back here making these dishes...

Eventually, after what seemed like thousands of dishes of food, everyone stopped eating, stuffed and satisfied with their meal

Y/N: Ahh!! That was awesome!!

Goku: Took the words right out of my mouth, Buddy!!

Jiro: I know where Y/N got his eating habit from...

Everyone began to leave the table as a few of Bulma's workers had retrieved the many dishes and took them away, You were now currently walking around the area as you had stored a bunch of extra energy from eating so much food

However, your walk was cut short when the Grand Priest suddenly approached you, something he had been trying to do all day

Grand Priest: So you enjoyed your meal I see.

Y/N: You said it! But now I have all of this extra energy, and I don't know what to do with it!

Grand Priest: Maybe I can be of assistance, we still have that important errand to attend to.

Y/N: Oh Yeah, well then, let's get to it!

The Grand Priest nodded as he suddenly placed his hand on your shoulder, causing the two of you to glow before disappearing into thin air

However, what the two of you failed to notice was that Kiba, Ashido, and Todoroki were watching from the distance

Ashido; That "Grand Priest" guy was who the Professor really was this whole time, right?

Todoroki: Yes, I wonder what he needed L/N to do for him...?

Kiba: Probably off to do some supreme god stuff that we wouldn't understand...


You and The Grand Priest suddenly appeared in a place where you had been before, the location where the preliminary round for the first tournament had taken place, The Null Realm, or The World Of Void

Y/N: Wait, we're back here? You holding another Tournament or Something?

Grand Priest: No, however we are here for a rather similar reason, we are going to test your skills here.

Y/N: My skills?

Grand Priest: Yes, When you and then original 35 students arrived that the academy, you could hardly even use Ultra Instinct Omen, as you stayed with us, your abilities evolved as you grew more powerful. I'd like to see just how powerful you have become.

You suddenly smashed your fist into your palm and cracked your knuckles with a smile on your face as you spoke up

Y/N: Alright, so I'm just fighting somebody, right? Who is it?

Grand Priest: Hm, You will be engaging in a 1-1 battle with your truly.

At that very moment it took you a second to process what The Grand Priest had just stated, you stood in complete silence with widened eyes for a short moment before screaming

Y/N: EHH?! I'm fighting you?!?!

Grand Priest: Yes, but there is a small catch.

Y/N: That being?

The Grand Priest suddenly gained a somewhat mischievous smile on his face, causing you to raise a brow as he spoke up

Grand Priest: You must fight me, without using Your God Ki.

Y/N: Wait, what?! Without my god Ki?! So the highest form I can use is Super Saiyan 4?!

Grand Priest: I don't see why you're so surprised, Your base power is on par with Whis, is it not?

Y/N: Well Yeah, but Whis isn't in the top 5 strongest beings in the entire Multiverse!!

Grand Priest: I see your point, however, if you can't defeat me without using god Ki, then defeating Ark and Archon will be quite troublesome.

You suddenly perked up as The Grand Priest spoke up, small drops of stress induced sweat running down your face as you began to slightly tremble

Grand Priest: You witnessed first hand how powerful these two are individual, now imagine how capable they'd be together...and both of them are practically immune to Zeno's Erasure, so the only one who can truly defeat them, is you.

With that The Grand Priest began to walk further away from you to gain some distance as his hands remained behind his back

Y/N: Do you really think I can beat you with Super Saiyan 4...?

Grand Priest: I suppose there's only one way we can find out. Without further ado. Let's get this battle started.

At that very moment you could feel a sudden surge of energy coming from The Grand Priest, it was horrendously strong, but at the same time calm and silent, all that made it more intimidating as he gained a smile that was different from his usual one

With that you got into a battle stance and gulped as you continued to slightly sweat from your head

Y/N: Okay...Calm Down, Y/N...Clear thoughts require a clear head...of my thoughts aren't clear then this fight will be over before it even begins...

Grand Priest: Well then...consider this as your Final Trial, Prepare Yourself, Y/N L/N.

The Grand Priest stood completely still as you clenched your fists, took a deep breath, and looked straight ahead at The Grand Priest.

Meanwhile On An Unknown Planet

Things were rather chaotic on the surface of an unfortunate Planet somewhere in the Universe, Explosions could be seen and debris was flying everywhere as something suddenly went flying back

This person skidded across the ground for a few seconds before crashing into a large boulder, causing a large smokescreen to occur

Eventually the smoke cleared from the boulder, revealing who it was who was being attacked, someone you knew rather well, covered in battle wounds and could hardly stand

Frieza: Damn You!! You think you can just blow up my ship and walk away?! Well you're wrong!!!

Frieza suddenly powered up, gaining a red aura as he then rushed forward at the entity who was responsible for giving him such a beating

Ark: What a pain...

Ark suddenly turned around with his fist reeled back as he lunged towards Frieza at speeds he couldn't even comprehend, going wide eyed as Ark planted his fist into Frieza's gut, causing him to gag and cough up some blood

Frieza went flying back and crashed into the same boulder, this time causing it to break and collapse on top of him

Ark: I'm impressed, usually they only take on hit and then they die off...

Frieza suddenly powered up once again, his aura blowing away the debris that had buried him as he screamed his loudest battle cry


This caused to Ark scoff with annoyance as Frieza raised his hands into the air and forming a Supernova above him, ready to Vaporize Ark with it

Frieza: If you dare ignore me then you shall perish along with this Filthy planet!! DIE!!

The Supernova suddenly grew in size by 5 fold before Frieza screamed and tossed it at Ark, who smirked and simply whacked the large blast away with his tail

Frieza, his trump card now gone down the drain, began to back up as Ark now had a big smile on his face, revealing his sharp teeth that glistened in the moonlight

Frieza: You...You're a Monster!!! It shouldn't be possible to have that much power!!!

Frieza suddenly flew away in an attempt to escape as Ark kept his toothy smirk, leaping into the air as he formed an orb of dark red energy in his hand, the same attack used to kill your mother


Ark suddenly fired the blast as Frieza kept flying away at full speed, barely leaving the atmosphere before noticing the attack that Ark had launched, it was too fast for Frieza to outrun, so he had no choice but to try to stop it

Forcing his hands forward, Frieza managed to stop the small blast, but he was heavily struggling, so much so that his veins were clearly visible


Frieza who had let out his last shout was almost instantly overtaken by the blast, as it began to push him farther into space, but with no explosion

Ark who was still in the exact same spot, lost his smile as Archon was standing behind him with his arms crossed

Archon: You shouldn't toy with your victims so much, it might one day do you dirty...

Ark: I do things how I want to...

Archon: Whatever...These guys you left form me were so pathetic I'm almost ashamed to use my powers in them...

Archon then pointed behind him to a pile of 3 dead bodies, One Being All For One, Another being Salem, and the last being Ophis

Archon: A "Quirk" stealing mad man, a delusional girl cursed with Immortality, and a so called Infinite Dragon "God"...Pathetic...

Ark: We still have 3 days to kill...what do we do...?

Archon: Who cares...I certainly don't...let's just go destroy some planets while we wait...

Ark: ...Speak for yourself...

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