Chapter 114: Erubus The Eater Of Gods
You had just returned from the Hidden leaf village to recruit the Ninjas for your large army of heroes, currently taking a nap under your tree as the others were up to their usual shenanigans
Penny: Salutations! It's a pleasure to see some fellow robots around here!
Android 18: "Android", to be specific...
Android 17: Seems like you don't get out often...
You continued to rest under your tree as you looked over to see Hawk talking with Amajiki who was eating at a table, you haven't talked to the guy yourself, he was quite shy so you gave him his space
Hawk: So, you get your powers from eating too, huh?
Amajiki: Y-Yes...
Beerus and Whis were currently eating as usual at the same table, not paying attention to the conversation happening in front of them
Beerus: So this is Sea Urchin?! It's delicious!!
Whis: Yes I know! I've already had it, but it's just as good as it was before! Maybe even better!!
You suddenly smiled with slight happiness, seeing everyone laugh, smile, living without having to fear Ark, you haven't seen them so happy in a while, and that brought joy to your heart
You suddenly felt a slight tap on your shoulder, making you flinch as your eyes slightly widened
Y/N: Hm?
You then looked over to see Neo standing next to you, you looked at her for a moment before scooting to the side, letting her sit next to you
Y/N: Is there something you need?
Neo shrugged with an unsure look on her face, Yang watched from afar as you sighed
Y/N: I'm not sure what you want from me, I also know that you have some unfinished business with Yang...
Neo suddenly pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote on it, suddenly holding it up once she finished, the piece of paper saying
"I don't speak, after some events that took place, my partner had been killed, I followed you because you're different from the rest, your strong, nice, but deep within you can be ruthless and menacing, that's what caught my eye"
Y/N: Really? Your "partner"...? Well...I don't know how close you two were, but I know how it feels to lose someone...I lost my entire family as a child, but another group of warriors then stepped into my life, and made everything so much better, and so much more exciting!
You suddenly looked down at your hand and clenched your fist as your hand began to shake a little
Y/N: But I'd like to know, even though you think I'm "Menacing"...does that mean you think I'm a bad person...? That's the exact opposite...most warriors say that they fight for their loved ones, and the same goes for me...but that's not the main reason I fight, I fight for myself, My Pride, the rush of every battle I go into, brings an unexplainable feeling in my heart...I see the goodness in everyone's heart...but at the same time I don't hesitate to kill...does that...make me a bad person...?
Neo suddenly pulled up a sign, and what was wrote on it, was enough to reassure you to keep going
Your eyes widened as you sat still in shock for a brief moment, until you suddenly let out a small smile
Y/N: Heh...thanks...
Yang, now slightly angry at Neo, taking this for an attempt to take you away from her, got up and began to stomp her way over to the two of you
However she was interrupted when Blake took her shoulder, taking her by surprise, going wide eyed as she questioned her
Yang: Blake...?
Blake: Yang...leave him be...he's going through enough as it is...I've seen his fear...
Blake: ...I know that he's afraid of what will come in the near future...he needs this relief...
Yang stood silent for a moment when Asia and Koneko stood by her side in an act of reassurance, Tsuyu and Weiss standing beside Blake as they began to talk
Tsuyu: I haven't ever seen Y/N scared like this, and I don't really like it, these might be our last days to live, I don't want him to spend them afraid...
The others nodded as Yang finally gave in and sat back down, trying her best not to rush over and slug Neo
The other gods of destruction, with the exception of Beerus who was of course eating, and Rumsshi who was sleeping, were standing in their own spot, watching the little mortals do their thing
Quitela: Look at's like they don't even care that Ark and Archon are coming in a few days...
Heles: Spending their potential last days with the ones they care about...I find that truly beautiful.
Iwan: Let's just hope that Y/N can make the peace can last...
Mosco suddenly began to make a bunch of beeping robot wounds that were soon silenced when all of the gods felt a sudden appearance of a massive energy, catching them all by surprise
Champa: GAH!! What the heck is that?!?!
Beerus suddenly felt the sudden energy appearance as he choked on his food with wide eyes, Rumsshi waking up from his slumber for the same reason
Whis: This you think it's...
Vados: Yes...without a doubt...
You were still sitting with Neo as your eyes suddenly widened to their maximum as if you had taken a deadly blow, feeling a massive energy from outside
Y/N: What the hell?!
Neo, now confused, reached out to place her hand on your shoulder when you suddenly got up and ran off to the other gods
Y/N: You guys feel that?!
Cus: Yes, it's Erubus...The Ester Of Gods...
Y/N: Erubus...who or what is that?!
Whis: Erebus is a corrupted god of pure you recall when I told you that there used to be 18 universes instead of 12?
Y/N: Well Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?
Vados: Well, the 18 universes used to be perfectly intact, but these 6 unfortunate Universes were the victims of this divine beast...
Marcarita: Erubus hunted down the Supreme Kai's of each of these universes, killing and eating them, stacking their power on top of it's own...with the death of the supreme Kai, came the death of the destroyer as well...along with the deactivation of that Universe's Angel...
Grand Priest: Erubus began to set his sights on the 12 universes you know today, however, under some miracle, we managed to seal him away into the null realm, leaving him to fall in the abyss, until now...Ark and Archon must have summoned him...
Beerus suddenly stood next to you as the other gods of destruction stood behind you
Beerus: Allow us to take care of Erubus, we'll wipe him off the face of the universe!
Y/N: I'm coming too! You'll need help!
Lotus and Kasai suddenly ran over to you and the gods as Lotus spoke up
Lotus: Let us help too! We can prove ourselves to be useful!
Y/N: Lotus...
Kasai: We can handle our own! Erebus is as good as Space dust!!
Y/N: Kasai...
Beerus: ...Fine...but don't blame us when you die!
Y/N: Don't worry about them, I've trained them to the point where they're on the level of a destroyer...
With that everyone looked ahead as you all ran out the door, once getting outside, you, Lotus, and Kasai flew off
Caulifla: I wanna fight too!!
Kale: How can we help?!
Champa: You can help by staying out of our way!
With that the destroyers flew after the three of you, eventually leaving the city as everyone else had to stay behind, only able to hope that you would come back safe
Blake: Don't die on us Y/N...we need you...!
Time Skip
You, Lotus, Kasai and The Gods Of Destruction were now out of the city, now looking for Erebus to show it's ugly head
Lotus: So where exactly is this thing?
Belmod: Who knows, it could be anywhere in the area...
Arak: Down there!
Everyone looked down to see a massive red magic circle right below them, the circle beginning to glow as everyone went wide eyed
Y/N: RUN!!
Everyone suddenly flew away as fast as they could from the magic circle as it suddenly fired a massive beam of red energy straight into the sky
The beam eventually bursted, releasing a massive explosion that could be seen from the city
The amount of sheer wind power that explosion generated was enough to blow everyone away, luckily nobody was caught in the actual explosion itself as everyone quickly recovered
Kasai: Crap! If that hit us we would've been done for...!!
Beerus: Just what was that?!
Y/N: Uh...guys...
Everyone looked to you as you pointed to the smoke where the explosion happened, in the smoke a large beast began to emerge, everyone going wide eyed as they knew it was Erubus
The creature being covered almost entirely with smoke, it's eyes and mouth glowing like molten lava as it let out an absurdly loud roar that pushed everyone back
Iwan: Well...There it is...
Sidra: Looks like we found it...
Geene: More like it found us...
Y/N: Can we FOCUS!!
Erubus suddenly let out another roar that pushed everyone back even farther, forcing everyone to recover once again as you powered up to Super Saiyan 2
Y/N: Let's Take this thing down!!
You suddenly rushed towards the massive monstrosity as it let out a roar, you struggled to keep moving forward but you pushed through and reeled your fist back
Unleashing a roar or your own, you shot your fist forward and punched Erubus right in the forehead, however it felt as if you had hit an impenetrable wall, because it hurt, really bad
Y/N: Y-Y-YOW!!!
Beerus: Idiot!! Erubus has skin harder than that of Kachin!!
Y/N: Ugh...So I've noticed...I think my knuckles are broken...!
You looked at your hand to see red marks at the end of each knuckle, each one stinging like hell as your hand trembled
Champa: So how are we going to take it down if we can't even make it budge?!
Y/N: Who knows...but there's always a solution...Always...
Kasai: Well then...
Lotus: We'll just have to hit it with everything we've got!!
Both Kasai and Lotus powered up to Super Saiyan Blue and rushed towards Erubus with their arms cocked back, large orbs of Ki formed in their hands as they launched a double beam of Ki towards Erebus
A large explosion occurred as a bright light engulfed everyone, once the light eventually faded, everyone looked to see that it had no effect at all
Kasai: What?!
Lotus: There's no way!! How can it be THAT durable?!?!
Erubus began to let out little growls as it's eyes suddenly glowed red, you felt something coming your way as a metal fist suddenly whacked you in the face, followed by 4 more fists, all getting faster and hitting you at different spots
Y/N: Gah!! What was that?!
In the blink of an eye, everyone was taking blows as metal fists began to ruthlessly ravage everyone to a pulp
You were suddenly hit with a heavy blow, sending you flying back and crashing into a mountain
Erubus suddenly opened it's gapping maw and fired a massive burst of flames from mouth, burning the whole area as the fire headed straight for you
Lotus: Y/N!!!
You opened your eyes to see the massive raging flames heading straight for you, you went wide eyed and went to move when a metal hand appeared behind you and grabbed you
Y/N: What the?!
The flames were about to engulf you when three beams of energy, each one being a different colour, shot straight past you and hit the fire, eventually exploding and blowing you away
Quitela: Who's that?!
Once the smoke cleared, 3 Silhouettes appeared in the smoke, revealing the three adversaries you fought in the second tournament
Glint: Sorry We're late!!
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