Chapter 113: All The Help We Can Get: Part 4
You had just returned from the Fairy Tail guild and recruited Natsu and his team to your army of warriors, as you were now headed to your next stop
You looked over to see Bulma walking towards you, you turned around and faced Bulma as she spoke up
Bulma: Hey Y/N, would you happen to know anyone by the name of Ruby Rose...?
Y/N: Uh, Yeah, she's right over there.
You then pointed to Ruby's direction where she was Playing video games on her scroll with Ashido and Hagakure
Bulma: Good, because there's this girl outside who wanted to see her...she calls herself "Penny"...
Y/N: Penny...? Never heard of her...hold on...
You then walked over the the three girls as you tapped on Ruby's shoulder with a raised brow
Y/N: Hey Ruby.
Ruby: Huh? Oh! Hi Y/N! What's up?
Y/N: Uh, Well...there's this girl outside, and—
Bulma: SHE GOT IN!!
You suddenly turned around to see a girl who looked like she was around Ruby's age, with orange hair, green eyes, and a little pink bow in her hair
Penny: Salutations!!
Ruby: PENNY?!
Penny: Yes! I am here!
All Might: Hey! That's my line!
You looked around at everyone as you slowly walked away, Penny continuing to talk with Ruby as she introduced her to Ashido and Hagakure who were quite friendly with her
You eventually got far enough and opened a portal to another world once again, walking through it before it closed with you in it
Hidden Leaf Village (2-3 Years Later)
It was a nice, sunny day at the hidden leaf village, flocks of birds were flying in the sky as a portal appeared in front of the entrance Gate of the village
You suddenly walked out of the portal and sighed of exhaustion, portals took energy to create, and making as many as you have in such a short time, drained a lot of your energy
Y/N: Man...Making this portals is getting a little tiring...I wonder if they still have that Ramen place...
With that you walked into the village through the gate, which for some reason didn't have guards like last time
Time Skip
After a little bit of venturing into the village which had even more people than last time, you started to lose hope in finding that Ramen shop
Y/N: Geez...did they take it down or something...?
You then suddenly felt a familiar energy behind you, causing you to go wide eyed as you turned around to see none other than Kakashi himself in the flesh
Y/N: Wait...Kakashi...?
Kakashi: Hm...? Hold on a second...Y/N...?
Y/N: Y-Yeah, I'm back as you can see...
Kakashi: I can see that, what brings you here...?
Y/N: I'm actually looking for Naruto, is he in the village somewhere...?
Kakashi: Yeah, he's right in there.
Kakashi pointed past you as you turned around to see the Ramen shop you went to the last time you came to the Village
Y/N: Are you kidding me?!
With that you went over to the Shop as Kakashi leaped away, you moved the sheets over you and walked into the shop as you took a seat
Lady: Hello there! What can I get for you?
Y/N: Three bowls of Ramen please...
Lady: Sure thing! Coming right up!
???: Man, you sure like Ramen don't ya?
You suddenly looked to your right to see the person you looking for in the first place, Naruto Uzumaki, sitting there waiting for his order, he looked a bit older too
Y/N: Naruto!
Naruto: Huh? You know me...?
Y/N: You don't remember me?! It's me, Y/N!
Naruto: Y/N...? Y/N......? Y/N?!?!?!
Y/N: There you go...
Naruto: Y/N! What are you doing here?! It's been a few years!
Y/N: Only like a month or so for me, how have you been?
Naruto: We've been alright, hanging in there.
You were about to speak up when you smelled the lovely scent of food, you looked over as the sales lady placed Three bowls of Ramen in front of you, and one bowl of ramen in front of Naruto
Lady: There you guys go! Enjoy!
Both: Alright! Thanks for the Meal!!
After eating your Ramen rather quickly, you realized that you didn't have any cash on you, but Naruto, feeling a little generous, covered you for the Ramen
The two of you were now walking in the village, catching up on stuff as you were now explaining the Whole situation about Ark and Archon to him
Naruto: You want us to fight with you?! You're really strong on your own though!
Y/N: Even so...these two are both far stronger than I am, I need you guys to fight against the army he has planned to attack us during the final fight...
Naruto: Oh...Alright! I'll help! I don't know about the others though, you'll have to ask them yourself...
Y/N: Speaking of...
Right on cue, you heard the sound of a foot stomp behind you, you turned around to see someone else you were familiar with, Rock Lee
Lee: Y/N! I heard from Kakashi Sensei that you had returned!!
Y/N: Well, here's your proof.
Lee: It is a pleasure to see you again! I was hoping for an opportunity to speak with you once again!
You then looked to Naruto with a nervous smile as he slightly chuckled
Y/N: I can see that he hasn't at all...
Naruto: That's Lee for ya!
Lee: Y/N, I have a request if it is okay with you!
Y/N: Go on.
Lee: I would like to have a rematch with you! Outside of the Village! Please Consider!
Y/N: Heh, I was hoping you'd say that! Challenge Accepted! Naruto, I'm gonna head out with Lee, gather everyone and meet us in the woods!
With that the two of you leaped away to have your rematch, Naruto running off to gather the others
Y/N: This Outta be good.
Time Skip
You and Lee had just arrived in the woods not to far from the village, Lee quickly got into his fighting stance as you stood still
Lee: I have been waiting for an opportunity to fight you again, Y/N! I have greatly improved since our last battle!
Y/N: I can tell, just so you know, I've improved too, you're facing a completely different Y/N from the one you first met!
Lee: Of Course! I'd expect nothing less!
With that a dead silence filled the air as the wind blew through your hair, your heart beating in slight excitement as Lee suddenly dashed towards you, he was noticeably faster than he was the last time you fought him
Lee suddenly got up close to you and threw a punch as you simply dodged, Lee stayed on the offensive as he continued to throw punches and kicks at you, all of which you dodged with ease
Lee: I see you senses have sharped dramatically since our last encounter!
Y/N: So you noticed...
Lee continued to attack you with punches and kicks, it was obvious that he was still hopeless when it came to using Genjutsu
You blocked and pushed away each a every attack that Lee threw at you with ease, you could tell that he was lacking in both speed and power
Meanwhile Naruto and the others who consisted of Sakura, Kakashi, Guy, Hinata, Tenten, Neji (He's not dead), Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru
Naruto: Woah! They already started!
Kakashi; I'm not surprised, Y/N is a perfect example for what Lee strives to become one day, a master of Taijustu...
Sakura: I wasn't expecting him to actually come back...!
Neji: He's clearly improved, Lee can't even land a full blow...!!
Might Guy: Y/N is truly something special, I saw that the first time we saw him fight!
Y/N: C'mon Lee, that really all you've got? I thought you said you improved?
Lee suddenly got into a certain stance and began to suddenly power up, his skin turning red with green energy forming around him
Y/N: There you are, show me your strength!
Lee suddenly dashed at you at full speed, not saying a word and beginning to launch a full assault towards you, attacking you with a volley of punches and kicks which you still dodged with ease
Y/N: Still too slow, still too reckless...
Tenten: Even when Lee opens his third gate, he still can't even touch him...!
Ino: Darn it!! He's only gotten cuter...!!!
You suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Lee, chopping his neck and knocking him unconscious as you caught him from his fall
Y/N: Good Job, Lee, You'll be a great master of Taijutsu one day...
Kakashi: Are you two finished...?
Y/N: Yes...
You then walked over to Guy and placed Lee in his arms as you looked behind you with a serious look on your face
Y/N: You guys go back to the village, I need to do something first...
With that you walked off deeper into the woods as Naruto and the others hesitated, but went back to the village anyway
Time Skip
You were still wandering the woods of the hidden leaf as you were getting closer to what or who you were looking for
You suddenly stopped and looked around, sensing a familiar energy as you frowned
Y/N: Come on out here Sasuke, I know you're here, there's no use trying to hide from me...
Right after those words were said, Sasuke revealed himself from behind a tree, he looked less angry at the world but you could tell that he was still more formidable than ever
Y/N: I was wondering when you'd reveal yourself, I have a few things I'd like to discuss with you.
Sasuke: What do you want with me...?
Y/N: I know you're probably going to say no, but I need your help, a dangerous threat has emerged from the shadows and plans to attack the multiverse in 4 days from now, please lend us your aid, if you don't then everything you've every known may be gone before the week is over...
Sasuke: I see...then I'll help...I'm currently trying to redeem myself for my past actions...
Y/N: I see, then come with me, The others are waiting for us.
With that you began to walk away with Sasuke following you to the village
Time Skip
You and Sasuke were just arriving at the entrance of the hidden leaf as Naruto and everyone else was waiting there, with a few more people like Tsunade and Killer bee with them
Naruto: Look! Y/N's back!
Hinata: T-That was fast...!
Guy: There's someone with him!
Everyone took a closer look and went wide eyed when they saw that it was Sasuke of all people
Everyone: Sasuke?!
Y/N: We don't have time for this, Not everyone can come along, we don't have enough space, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi, Guy, Lee, Neji, Tenten, Tusnade, and Killer Bee, come with me.
You suddenly spread your arms out, emitting a bright white light that engulfed everyone you listed and warped them away
Zoro, Erza, and Kiba were currently having a casual sword fighting match as a few others were watching around them, with Zoro gaining the upper hand
Luffy: Zoro's gonna kick their butts!!
Gray: Don't be stupid! Erza's got this in the bag!
Happy: Aye!
Rias: I wouldn't doubt Kiba if I were you...
Suddenly a bright light appeared in the distance, gaining everyone's attention as you appeared with the ninjas
Y/N: We're back again!
Kaminari: Holy Crap dude! You brought so many people this time!
Pyrrha: Well, this IS going to be an all out war.
Y/N: Man...*Pant*...gotta take a break from warping for a while...*Pant*...
Naruto: So this is where we're staying huh...?
Sakura: So spacious!
Ark and Archon were still destroying the planet where the academy was for entertainment as they began to get bored
Archon: What's the point of this...? we can go and crush those insects right now!!
Ark: No...I said our battle would be in 2 months, and I intend to keep my word...
Archon: Tch! Fine! But let's make this a little more entertaining...
Archon suddenly formed a massive demonic circle on the ground that was the size of a large field as something began to emerge
Ark: I see what your doing...RISE EREBUS!!
Ark began to pour his energy into the circle as a large beast began to emerge from the ground, letting out a loud roar that shook the planet
Meanwhile, Wolf, Glint, and Scrawl who were still in the planet, just barely alive, were watching from afar while hiding their energy
Glint: What is that thing...?!
Wolf: Whatever it is, it isn't good...!
Scrawl: I sense a lot of power within's best not to combat it...
Ark and Archon suddenly Raised their arms as the massive beast suddenly disappeared, what the actually ended up doing was warping it to Universe 7
Wolf: We need to go!
Glint: Where?!
Scrawl: To Universe 7...
Ark: Consider this, the "Final Battle" before our Final Battle...
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