Chapter 1: New Faces
Y/N: What the heck is going on?!
Everyone began to look around to see each other, everyone had seemed to have come in groups, there was a group of twenty, a group of eight, and a group of seven, meanwhile you jus stood by yourself.
Issei: Rias! Do you have an idea of what's happening?!
Rias: No, I'm not sure...
Midoriya: Did someone's quirk bring us here...?
Yang: This is freaky...
Suddenly you all heard a faint voice in the distance, you all looked to see a large building, very different from any school you've ever seen. There was two main parts of the building with two hallways between the two
(Minus the people)
Iida: An academy?
???: Yes, you have all been brought here for an...experiment.
You all looked to see a man in a large, loose black cloak, you all sharpened your guard ready to fight if he did anything funny.
???: Hehe, Settle down, I'm not going to hurt you, like I said you have all been brought here for a purpose.
Rias: What kind of purpose?
???: That will be revealed later on, for now, please come with me.
Blake: You expect us to come with you? we don't even know your name!
The cloaked man looked towards the girl before looking forward again and chuckling a little.
???: My real name isn't important right now, just call me "Professor" for now.
With that he began to walk towards the entrance,
Professor: Come on, we don't have all day.
You all looked at each other before following the man, everyone was talking among their groups while you were just walking ahead of everyone silent.
Eventually the Professor guided you to a large auditorium like room. In the front stood the Professor while I front of him were a bunch of seats that were in sections, to the left, there was eight seats, to the right, there was seven seats, and in the middle was twenty seats, there wasn't a seat for you so you decided to just float in the air with your legs crossed.
Professor: Please take a seat.
Y/N: Something tells me I'm not supposed to be here...
Professor: Now, you have all been gathered here for the sake of improvement, I've seen each and every one of you in battle, you are all very capable against your enemies.
The professor then threw off his cloak to reveal a man in a black and white uniform.
(What he was wearing)
Y/N: What's up with that Uniform? Black and White? Nothing like I've ever seen...
Apparently that's what everyone else thought as well, because they all had the same confused looks on their faces.
Professor: Now I'm sure you still have plenty of questions, if I'm not mistaken then you all come from different schools.
He looked to the group of seven and pointed to them
Professor: Kuoh Academy...
He then looked to the group of eight and pointed to them
Professor: Beacon Academy...
He then looked to the large group of twenty and pointed to them.
Professor: U.A Academy...
He was about to continue his speech until he spotted you, he stopped in his tracks and put a spotlight on you. Suddenly all eyes in the room were on you.
Professor: Who are you?
Y/N: I-I'm Y/N Sir.
Professor: How did you get here?
Y/N: Well...I was sparring against my mentors, we all went all out and fired our full power attacks, they all collided causing us to be sent to this weird bright abyss for about...3 three seconds and the next thing I know, I'm standing out there...
Professor: You must of jumped realms...! Well Y/N, welcome!
Suddenly a seat appeared below you, you descended to the ground and sat on the chair, it was actually pretty comfy.
Professor: Now, back to the situation at hand, Nobody is Sure how long You'll stay here, not even me, but once you leave, it will seem that you've only been gone for about a second in the world you came from.
Y/N: So it kinda works like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber...
Professor: I'm sure you'll want ask some questions, but this is practically your day zero, gather in the Ballroom, that is where you'll be sleeping and spending free time during your time here.
Kaminari: Where even is that?
Professor: Come with me.
With that the professor began to walk towards the door and for the first time you all followed him together as one big group. The hall ways had nice lights on the ceiling making the place feel like a big hotel.
You all eventually made it to the Ballroom, the Professor opened the door and held the the door open as you all walked in, you all then saw a bunch of large suitcases on the floor.
Professor: This is your resting and free space, you will find a suitcase with your name it, inside contains your personal belongings.
Everyone began to open their suitcases and like the Professor said, they had they're personal belongings and clothes inside plus a sleeping bag, there was even one for you.
Y/N: My Training Weights!
Midoriya: My Hero Costume! And my notebooks!
Ruby: Crescent Rose!
Issei and Mineta: My Magazines!!
Everyone including you looked at the two either Weirded out, Disgusted or both making them both blush in embarrassment.
Professor: Well, I have work to do, see you all tomorrow!
With that he left the room and closed the door behind him. Everyone began to talk amongst themselves.
Midoriya: We want to become pro heroes when we get out of school!
Ruby: Nah! Being a hunter or huntress is way cooler!
Weiss: Do you really think this was a good idea...?
Momo: Probably not...especially since we're sleeping in the same room as Mineta...
Rias: I'm fine wth it,
Ashido: It's like a big slumber party! And it's every night!
Yang: I know I approve~
Yang purred while staring at the guys who were wrestling for some reason, you were working out with your training weights on, soon grabbing her attention.
You were doing some sit ups as two people approached you, one of them being Yang since she saw you working out, and the other being Kirishima since he wanted to make new friends.
Y/N: Need something?
Yang: Yeah, How about your digits-
She was interrupted when Kirishima began to speak.
Kirishima: hey man! The name's Eijiro Kirishima! What's yours?
Y/N: I'm Y/N! Nice to meet you!
Yang then shoved Kirishima out of the way to talk to you.
Yang: My name's Yang, But you can call me whatever you like~
Ruby then walked over and dragged Yang away from the scene.
Ruby: Sorry about that...she can be kinda flirty some times...
Suddenly another Girl with black Hair and a bow on her head walked over. She seemed pretty serious most of the time. Then another person walked over, a boy with short blonde hair.
Blake: My name's Blake, this is the one group that isn't that crazy, so I decided to come and chat.
Kiba: My name is Kiba, I came here for the same reason.
Kirishima: It's nice to meet you guys! Say what are your Quirks?
Y/N: Quirk?
Kirishima then used his Quirk to harden his skin, you all looked in slight awe.
Kiba: You mean Sacred Gears.
Y/N: Sacred gears?
Blake: I'm pretty sure you guys mean Semblances...
Y/N: Semblances?! What the heck are you guys talking about?!
They all turned to you in confusion.
Blake: Do you not have powers?
Y/N: Oh! You mean powers! I have them!
Suddenly you formed a small orb of Ki in your hands, the light caught the attention of many,
Issei: Whoa!
Tokoyami: So bright...
Ruby: Nice Semblance there pal!
Suddenly the Orb of Ki faded away, you then let out a long yawn.
Y/N: Man, Sparring with Goku and Vegeta has made me Super tired!
With that you grabbed the sleeping bag from your suitcase and got it set up before plopping into your sleeping bag and falling asleep.
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