Escape from the city
The kids remember one of the stories Tony once told them stories of the symbiotes alien creatures that attach them selves to host and gift the amazing abilities and if that person has a power it is increased ten folds there was Venom,Carnage,Toxin,Scream,Mania Some choose to be good while others used it for the own gain but they would also make there owner crazy or act differently than they usually would now Jet and his mother were bonded to there own symbiotes while his mom has Venom once bonded to Spider man and eddie brock now bonded to Black cat while Plauge the mysterious symbiote that Jet Freed now possed his body he gave Ultron a deadly glare as he thought of multiple ways to destroy him for good
Pym:I-is Jet
Tony:Yeah He has been infected with a symbiote be care he might not be able to control it
James:Is it wrong that I think he looks cool
Ultron:Come now child do you really believe you can defeat me with the help of that parasite
Jet:Well lets find out now shall we
Before anyone can say anything else say anything Jet lunged at ultron with his bladed hand and went for a head slice but ultron duck and punched him but his attack went right through him he hit a mirage of him Ultron looked around not seeing Jet when he heard his voice and he sounded like a manic and this startled everyone cuz they have never seen the jokester this well crazy before
Jet:The itty bitty Ultron approached the spiders web down came the spider to wash the robot out hahahaha
Jet then appeared behind Ultron with a crazy grin as he whispered in his robotic ear.
Ultron turned around but a hand grabbed his face and he got slammed to the ground Jet smiled at this as he charged up a venom blast and hit ultron with his attack he saw that it did some damage ultron then shot a powerful beam at Jet that he dodged easily he then went to a wall and jumped at ultron hitting him with a double kick to ultron's chin Jet was about to stab Ultron in the gut with his stinger when he felt a blade hit his back angry he turned around thinking it was a iron avenger but he instead saw his mind controlled mother
Jet:Awww Crapbaskets
Then Black cat attacked him with a fury of claw attacks he dodged everyone one of them but then she kicked him in the gut,upprercutted him into the air she leaped up and punched him into a wall the he used his wall crawling to stick to
Plauge:God damn she strong as hell
Jet:You just noticed that
Black cat slowly approached him also wall crawling of course Jet did not wanna fight his mom but he knew it was the only way Ultron and the others watched as the son and the mother were about to fight
Black Cat:So your my little spider oh look at how grown you are how old are you 8
Jet:*Confused*I am 12 mom
Black cat:Sorry I could not be there for you I do thank Tony for raising you here lets bond like Mother and Son
Jet:I don't like where this is going
As she Said that she ran to Jet with her claws ready to kill him Jet dodged the slash and roundhouse kicked her away he then used his Impact webs to trap her in multiple webs but she soon broke out of it
Jet:Okay this might be the worst bonding experience I may have ever had in my life
BC:Oh baby we are just getting started
Jet got nervous from that as his Mom turned her arm's into Axe's as she swung them in Jet's direction he dodged but the blade managed to cut his cheek Black cat keep up the attack as he turned his arm into a shield to block them but his Mom went under his legs trips him and kicks him back to the ground making him bump into someone as he recovers he rubs his head and looks at who he landed on he was on Torunn they both were blushing really hard Jet got off of her as Torunn got up as well but James,Azari and tony had that look on there face
Jet:I am so sorry
Torunn:I-it's fine
BC launched herself at Jet When an explosive arrow hit her on the back making her scream in pain launching her Away and it knocked her out everyone looked and saw Barton
Barton said nothing as he launched another Explosive this time at Ultron but It did not damage Ultron moved his hand making some of the platforms move And reinforcements came through the the platfroms attacking Ultron and his minions
James;Azari,Pym,Jet Run go with Hawkeye,Torunn take tony
Torunn nodded as she went to grab tony as everyone group near Barton
Barton:Scavagers Disappear
One of the scavagers gave Barton a thumbs up as they retreated the robotic captain america tried to attack one but a scavager fired at him making him use his shield to block letting him escape but Cap's shield was melted Barton jumped down and escaped using diffrent platforms as the remanin scavagers followed
As he Said that Azari,Pym and Jet followed Barton as did Torunn
Ultron:There is no hope for the avengers
James Turned around and saw Ultron fire a blast at him James Jumped away and landed on a platform and he followed Azari
Ultron:Find them
As Ultron said that more platforms would move to the main tower in side multipe platforms tried to crush them
James,Jet and Azari managed to dodge some of the platforms Barton looked and saw that They might not make it
Barton:Move it you two
James saw how close the platforms were to closing as he used his shield to make it stop moving as the three slided down the platform just barley making it they kept on running until a platform pushed them off making them fall until Torunn flew down and grabbed them before they could fall
Jet:kinda cutting close there Tor
Tournn:Better late then never
We are now back at the base with a fire there and we can see the kids and Tony
Tony:I created Ultron to be a force for peace,Law and order but it's programing evolved it began to believe that the only way to bring order to the world was to control it that's when it turned on us
Barton:That's why Ultron did not kill you because your his daddy
Tony:My Armor was damaged in the attack Cap told me to get you kids to safety I could not get to you in time Francis
Pym:Hawkeye's name is Francis
As he said that Barton smacked his head with the back of his arrow
Tony:I thought Ultron had already gotten to you otherwise you would have come with the others
Barton said nothing as Tony took another glace at the children
Tony:I raised you all hopefully the way your parents would have wanted I owed it to them Ultron was my fault
Jet:Hey don't blame yourself you did not think he would have rebeled
Torunn:Why didn't my father help
Tony:Thor left the avengers when his father odin died he said asgurad was his responisbility from then on not earth few months after the crash the vison found us he survied by staying intangeble he became my eye's and ears in the really world he kept track of ultron's capabilitys and movements trying to find a way to defeat him but I could not bear the thought of losing you so I kept you hidden and I kept the truth from you until Vison told me that you and the other children were alive I thought we were the only one's who survied Ultron's attack I did not know your father was the only one to escape
Betty:You weren't the only one's Tony
Tony looked up and got up from his seat
Betty:The Hulk survived too
Pym;What's the Hulk
Barton:The hulk was a monster that's what my dad would say he used to tell me the Hulk was the strongest one there is
Azari:What like a monster monster like with fangs and stuff
Tony;Francis is Right the Hulk was a monster creture of pure rage
James:Could the Hulk help us defeat ultron
Betty:He won't help you james he is too scared
Tony:He was hidden from Ultron all these years where
Betty:Where he always goes the desert
Tony thought for a moment before going to Barton
Tony:Can you help us get out of the city
Barton:yeah right help the guy that created ultron,who got my father killed what do you think my father would have done stark
Tony:Clint he would have punched me in the face then he would have helped me
Barton:Wow you really knew my dad
The screen now showed a ship in a railroad tunnal
Barton:We've had it for a couple years but the minute you power it up Ultron will know he's-
Tony:He's wired in I know but I know how to wire him out
The children started moving some boxes as Barton shook the hands of one of the Scavagers
Scavager:We'll buy you as much time as we can
Barton nodded as the ship flew into the sky away from Ultra city in the ship we can see Pym sleeping on Vision's head as Azari rested as well sometimes his suit would turn blue as he slept
Betty:You did a good job raising them tony
Tony:Should have done better
Betty:No your being to hard on yourself
We can see Torunn looking out the window feeling sleepy herself Barton,Jet and James were looking out another window
James:You alright
Barton:Yeah Everythings okay it's just I've never be outside the city before it's really big out here
James:That's how we felt inside the city but why'd you come back for us at the citadel after everything you said
Jet:Yeah did you miss us robin hood
Barton:The scavagers look up to me they rely on me it's only a matterof time until Ultron wipes out every single one of them so if you guy's have even the sligtest chance at beating Ultron I've gotta try otherwise what's the point besides anything to impress a girl right
Barton Elbowed Jet's stomach when he said that
James;What torunn you know she's like my sister besides you spider boy likes her
Barton:Oh really now
Jet:What I-I-I don't like her she is um just a friend er sister nothing else just a friend
James;Then why are you blushing
Jet;I-I am not I am um just uh very hot is all
Barton:Really that is the best you could come up with
Jet:S-shut up or I will shock you
The two started to tease Jet about Torunn back with Torunn she appears to be getting sleepy knowing it is going to be a long ride she goes to sleep to enter her dream
Torunn did not know where she was all she could hear was a voice
???:Torunn,Torunn wake up gosh and they say I am a deep sleeper
Torunn opened her her eye's and saw Jet she looked around and saw she was in her bungalow back at her home
Jet:About time you woke up I thought I would have to shock ya
Torunn:W-what are we doing here
Jet:Oh well uh this is your room gotta say looks nice smell's weird
Torunn;No w-we lost our home because of ultron and y-you get a symbiote a-a-and there are other's like us
Jet:Wow and I thought I had a wild imagination you were just dreaming tor must have been some dream though
Jet then grabbed her hand making her blush
Jet:Come on Tony's making a breakfast bacon sausage and egg sandwich
Torunn obviously confused followed Jet to the Main room seeing the other children there waiting for them so that they could eat
Tony:AH your here food's ready for you to eat
Jet and Torunn sat down as everyone thanked Tony before eating
Tony:Eat up today's training will be intense once you finish the training you can have free time sound good
Everyone nodded at Tony as he smiled
Tony:Great I will see you there
Tony left the kids as they ate they would joke around,talk about stupid funny moments it was like the ghost never cam to the dome and Ultron never found there location and it was just like the good old days she smiled they all finished eating and went to training room
Tony:Alright today you will have to fight Drones I will allow you to pick a partner for this or you can run solo I will give you sometime to think
James obviously wanted to run solo Pym and Azari teamed up as well as Jet and Torunn James went first he did well knocking down the Drone's with ease next was Azari and Pym it was hard for Azari to focus without Pym get to Excited and sliping up every now and then but they were able to win the fight soon it was Torunn and Jet's turn Jet did some stretches' as Torunn charged her sword with lightning as the round started Jet used his Venom Energy and transferred it into his stingers as he charged at the bots as he sliced one of the bot's head of before wrapping his legs around another one before slamming that bot down one the ground Torunn charged in jumping over him as she sliced on bot in half before kicking one down and stabing it in the gut she saw two more bots charge at her as she sliced the air making a thunder slash rip the bots in half she looked to see how Jet kicked on bot into the air before hitting it with his Venom blast
Another charged at Jet as he slid past him tripping the bot over before punching it on the face while Torunn was distracted a bot came over and tackled Torunn holding both of her arm as that she won't attack she grunted trying to free herself but the bot did not let go the bot turned his hand into a stun blaster and was about to hit her when a stinger went through it's head as sparks came out of the bot it was then kicked in the head with a venom charged kick Jet looked at Torunn and offered his hand to her
Jet:Come on we still got some metal heads to crush
Torunn took his hand blushing as Jet got her back on her feet turning back to the enemy's and running towards them as Torunn followed Eventually they finished the round and traning was over for now it was free time for a hour Tournn went for a walk to clear her mind she was relaxing near a waterfall it was one of her favorite places to relax at what she did not know was that someone was approaching her.
Jet:Hey Tor um Is it okay if I sit with ya
Torunn:Of course
Jet sat down right beside her as they both look at the waterfall
Torunn;Beautiful is it not
Jet:Not as beautiful as you
Torunn blushed from the comment as she looked away
Torunn:T-thank you Jet
Jet:No prob
Soon Tony came on the inercolm and requested that everyone come back for last minute training
Jet:Welo time to go
Jet Got up and was about to web swing away but Torunn grabbed his arm
Torunn:Wait before you go I must try some thing
Jet:Oh uh okay sure
Torunn gulped as she reached for his mask and slowy took it off until she could see his lips
Jet:What are you doing
Torunn:Just trust me
Torunn the put her hands on his cheek as she got closer to his face and closer and closer until
(Dream end)
Tournn woke up yawning seen that she was back on the ship
Tony:Hope you slept well Torunn because were here the hulks location are you ready
Torunn nodded as she got up from her seat and followed Tony while still thinking about that dream and how she was about to kiss Jet before it ended still blushing from that she exited the ship to see what the hulk had been doing all these years as the Screen turns black
(Hope you enjoyed the story guys and I also hope you like my attempt at love in this story I am going to work on it obviously but tell me what you think still thank you for reading this story I love your support)
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