Zues Talker

Zues Talker

Warning Ahead!!!

Suggested themes

If you don't like, then dont' read.


Hermione wanted to run after him and ask him to repeat what he'd said. However, he went into his office, which meant that she would have to go through the portrait on the first floor, as she always did, to ask him. Instead, she decided to wait until that night, when they would have their dinner here, with it being Wednesday. Of course she was over the moon about his saying 'love'. However, she wanted to make sure that he meant it before saying it back to him. She didn't want him to feel pressured into saying it by anything. She, of course, wanted to say it for weeks now, but didn't. With his rather bad trek of relationships in the past, she understood the long wait of 'love'.

She tried to put the phrase out of her mind and focus on her lessons, but she couldn't. Instead, she was so focused on her "problem?", that she almost ruined her charms essay, mistranslated several runes, and almost got Neville killed in DADA by a boggart of a werewolf. (Her boggart had changed after the war to something a little more...understandable.) By the time she got to her last class, Potions, she was in a bad mood and wished that someone would try to make conversation with her. She would fire off on them so bad, they would have to take a calming draught to recover. To her utter dismay, however, everyone was keeping a fair distance from her.

In the potions room, Hermione even got a table to herself because of it, to which she was pleased about. People were the last thing on her mind at the moment. She focused solely on what she was writing. Names of boys. All of them started with Severus, but the middle name was different. The one that seemed to stand out at the moment was Severus Pharaoh Snape. Severus loved Pharaoh, and she would get her wish of naming the child after his father. It was a perfect collaboration.

When Severus entered the class several minutes late, he expected the students to be talking loudly, some actually starting the essay he had put on the board before class started. He expected Hermione to be one of the ones that started the essay early. Instead, he got a silent classroom. All the students seemed to be looking wearily to Hermione's table of one. She was busy writing something angrily. Sighing heavily, he knew that he'd get an earful tonight about what she was angry about. He was wondering who had made her so mad that would make the whole class avoid her, but brushed it aside for a moment.

"Your assignment is on the board already," he said in his dull, dark voice. "Why are you not starting on it?"

Several loud clanks and thuds were heard as students hurried to get out their books to start the rather complicated essay. Instead of having to deal with the students dismal potions attempts, Severus had decided to change two lessons. Today was an essay, next lesson would be practical. He didn't feel much like keeping the students from killing themselves. His body was tired, however his mind was at full attention on what he'd said this morning. He didn't really mean too, but he felt like he had to say it at that moment. After all, he already said it to Minerva, and he had no doubt that it would be soon making its way around the staff table. Might as well let Hermione in on it. (Not that it was all business like it sounds). He really did love her.

Hermione was the only one who didn't get out her books to start her essay. She continued to write baby names, calming herself down from her good day turned bad. Severus noticed that Hermione wasn't moving to get out her books, but just this once, he'd give her the benefit of a doubt. After all, she was a month ahead of her classes, almost two. She'd already done and handed the essay in to Severus, who had graded it rather harshly, however couldn't find a single mistake in the essay. He'd given her a high grade with prideful disdain. He actually wanted to give her something else to work on in his class, since he had nothing else to have her work on in his class. Pretending not to notice her, he went to his desk to do some built up paperwork. After several minutes, a throat cleared. Sneering, he glanced up to see Pansy Parkinson looking at him with a sneer expression herself, hand in the air pleasantly.

"What, Parkinson?" Severus asked with a snide expression.

"Granger isn't doing her essay!" she tattled, pointing to Hermione like a toddler. About twenty pairs of eyes tore from their books to stare at Hermione, who had simply rolled her eyes at Parkinson.

"Oi, Parkinson, keep your nose out of my business, or I'll have it removed!" Hermione hissed.

Parkinson swelled with anger, about ready to retort, when Severus cleared his throat. Parkinson immediately went sweet and gave an almost seductive smile. Raising an eyebrow to her, he walked over to Hermione menacingly. He heard several Slytherin's snigger as he approached her, clearly expecting cruel treatment. If only they knew the truth. He almost smiled to himself at the thought.

"Granger, wait outside," he hissed to her. Rolling her eyes once more, she grabbed her notes and left the room, making sure to slam the door on the way. "Parkinson, five points from Slytherin for tattling like a child. The rest of you, get back to your essays!"

He ignored the shocked gasp come from Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin, however, he didn't care. His worry about Hermione was too great. He went outside to talk to Hermione, however, not before telling the class to keep quiet while he was out. Hermione was leaning against the wall opposite the door almost too casually. All traces of anger seemed to have melted away. Her index finger was settled between pages in her notebook where she had been writing. Making sure there was no one around, he went to her and embraced her in a large hug. He heard her sigh, wrapping her own arms around him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pulling back.

Hermione bit her lip, clearly decided whether to tell Severus or not. "Today went from good to bad. Couldn't concentrate on my classes because of what you said. Worried that you would regret it and take it back before I could tell you it back," she said quickly.

Severus took a deep breath. "How bad has it been?" he dared to ask.

"Almost got Neville killed by a boggart, ruined my Charms essay, and mistranslated several dozen runes," Hermione responded, thumbing the notebook in her hand.

Finally taking notice of the notebook, Severus asked "What were you writing?"

She handed the notebook over. He opened the notebook to where Hermione had her finger and gasped. Several names were written down, the one that had a star next to it was Severus Pharaoh Snape. Smiling to himself, he looked at Hermione.

"I was trying to find a median in our wants of a name," Hermione explained, catching Severus' eye.

Severus raised his eyebrow. "You chose Pharaoh?" he asked lightly, with a hint of mocking in his voice.

Once again, Hermione rolled her eyes, which seemed to be her response for everything today. "Shut it!" she shoved Severus, who had started laughing suddenly.

If anyone had come by right then, they'd have seen a shocking sight of Severus Snape smiling and laughing with mudblood Granger, eyes shinning with love. Quickly composing himself, he set his grimace back into place and cleared his throat. "Yes, well, you better start your essay when we get inside, or since you actually already did it, pretend you're researching it at least. I'll have to take fifty points from Gryffindor too, for practical purposes. You have 'Detention' too this evening," Severus said in his snide tone.

Hermione nodded with a smile. "What will I be doing for my detention, sir?"

"Cooking dinner," he responded, smiling widely as Hermione's face drew a shocked expression. "Punishment for not listening to me," he explained, opening the door and hurrying inside before Hermione could respond.

His satisfied expression seemed to have made the Gryffindor side angry and the Slytherin side of the room happier than he'd left. The class must have been doing exactly what he told them to do, silently working, which slightly made him upset. He really did like taking points away.

Hermione did end up getting her book out and pretend to do the essay that Severus had assigned. Although, Pansy was still checking on her, to see if she would do something else wrong. Since Draco had "broken up" with her and turned nice, she's had it in for Hermione and the Gang. No one knew why because they hadn't done anything to her. Yet, really what Slytherin would need a motive to make a Gryffindor's life Hell? Hermione simply ignored Pansy. After seven years, she was an expert on ignoring Harry and Ron, so she simply pretended that it was Harry or Ron that was staring at her.

When Severus dismissed the class after another hour, he didn't even bother keeping Hermione after class. He knew that she'd go to the Library and spend the rest of the day until dinner there reading or writing more names. He'd go up and get her an hour before dinner was to be served. He had to do some grading and prepare for the next lesson. Maybe by the next lesson he'd have slept all night and be nice and fresh. He could only hope.

An hour before dinner, Severus shoved his plans for next lesson aside. He had to go get Hermione and bring her back to their chambers. He walked swiftly, the students parting fearfully as he walked. He brightened up at the sight of the cowering students, however it was short lived. Hermione was, as he expected, in the Library, reading a book about rare magic that she had most likely gotten from the Restricted Section. He knew that book all too well. Rare Magic Reversal. It was full of ways to break rare magic, like what they had. Was Hermione not satisfied with him? Did she want to break it off?

"Hermione," he greeted softly, well aware that she was too busy reading to notice him.

She gave a jump when he laid a hand on her shoulder. "Severus!" she exclaimed, "You startled me."

"Sorry," he apologized, "What are you reading?"

Marking her place in the book, she closed it so Severus could read the title. It was indeed Rare Magic Reversal. "Just to see if there was any other way to break the spell over my parents and have them keep Harry without the large chance of disappearing."

Severus wanted to give a large sigh of relief. He didn't think he'd be able to take it if she wanted to leave him. He loved her too much. He's given her his heart. "Not much in there, I'm afraid," he responded, sitting in a chair beside her.

"You read it?" she asked.

He nodded, "When I was your age, I was just like you. Overly book smart, reading too much, cramming knowledge into my head that wouldn't be useful later in life. Nothing in there that we don't already know. It mentions a book all about beating chance, but our library doesn't have it."

"What is the book called?" Hermione asked.

"Beating Chance," Severus responded airily.

Hermione scoffed at the bad joke, but grabbed the book and left Severus there, confused. He quickly followed. "The library may not have it, but the Room may have it," she said smartly.

The Room of Requirement. Of course. How stupid of him. He'd found the room the same year that he found out that Lily had started going out with Potter. He went to it often to try to work up the courage to tell her he loved her. That was after he read the book. The quickly went to the room to ask it for books on how to beat Rare Magic Chances, which the room had obliged. Hermione filled her arms up with several books, then ordered Severus to stay here while she went to take these to their Chambers.

Several trips and arguments later, Severus was carrying the last stack of books to their Chambers from the passage that the Room had provided. Hermione had plopped herself on the couch and opened one of the books to start reading. "I'm going to break this spell and keep my brother," she muttered darkly to herself.

Severus had no idea where this sudden burst of energy to save her brother and get her parents back came from. He supposed it was because of their own child, it had been coming on for a while now. "Flynn," Severus called and with a crack, his old friend was in front of him.


"Could you make dinner for us, please?" Severus asked, going to sit beside Hermione.

Flynn nodded his head happily and bounded off. "Yes, sir." Suddenly he stopped and slowly walked back to stand in front of Severus, who had turned to the elf curiously. "Sir, my sons, Felix, Fernando, and Finn, they are needing to learn how to take orders, sir. I was wondering, if you could be so kind as to allow them to serve you and Miss too." He shuffled his feet, scared of the potential punishment ahead.

Several moments of silence followed. No doubt that Flynn was right. The elves were supposed to learn how to properly care for their master's wishes. However, he also wanted his child to have an elf to grow up with. It forms a special connection that can save lives. "Yes, Flynn, you're right. Hermione will get one, then, the other two will be shared until my child is born. One of them will be this child's when the child is old enough to talk. I'd really like the child to have a friend like you were to me. Is that alright, Flynn?"

The elf, shocked by his master's kind words, looked like he was going to cry. "Yes, master, And if you and Miss need any more elves for future children, my wife and I will gladly have more for your benefit, sire," the elf pledged.

Severus smiled and half wanted to say, Yes, sex with your wife is considered for my benefit, of course. He didn't say it though. He understood what Flynn was talking about. "Well, Flynn, I'd get around to it soon. We're wanting between two and four children, and you only have two free sons at the moment," he mentioned lightly.

A small grin appeared on Flynn's face. "Master and Miss want more than one? Master's house will be filled with small feet again?" Without waiting for an answer, he bustled off to the kitchen to fix dinner, happier than Hermione has ever seen an elf before.

"That was sweet," Hermione said, looking at Severus. "Was he really your friend as a child, Severus?"

Nodding slightly, Severus sighed. He knew he'd have to say something about his past sooner or later. "Yes, my mother was disowned for loving a muggle. My grandmother, she still loved my mother, though, and gave Flynn to my mother as a wedding present. He was a baby then. He was taught to be a good house elf by Dobby, Lucius' old house elf as he grew older. However, he was a child, and as I was born, an only child, he and I played together. Occasionally, he would take me out to Diagon Ally to get an ice cream with Dobby's help. As I grew older, the ice cream trips became more frequent, and I found out why. My father was a drunk, though in his right mind, was a nice man. He'd get drunk and my mother would tell Flynn to get Dobby and take me out. To spare me from his wrath. However, two years before I met Lily, my father got drunk when my mother was out. He got...harsh...when he was drunk, and I made the mistake of playing with Flynn in the living room when he had got drunk. Needless to say, Flynn was only three years older than I and was as terrified as I was," Severus broke off as Flynn re-entered the room. He was glad. It was getting hard to talk about, though he didnt want to admit it.

"When Mr. Snape started beating Master, I was terrified. No one had told me what to do if that were to happen, though I knew he was beating Mistress Snape. Mistress Snape was at her mother's for the first time in years. I didn't want to bother them. So, I got Dobby, but Lucius' father shooed me away saying that Master deserved it. I was about to go get Mistress when Master here called for me. Mr. Snape was done beating him and he gone to his room to sleep it off. I treated his injuries everytime Master was beaten." The room was silent for a moment. Flynn's head was still running, Hermione could tell. "Master ordered me not to tell Mistress about the beatings because she would fight him, then he would drink, and he'd beat her, then Master. Whenever Mr. Snape looked like he was going to start drinking, Master would make Mistress leave to get something that would take a while, then take the beatings. I begged Master to keep his head down, but after he and Miss Evans parted, the last year Mr. Snape was with us, Master would get beat every day. After Mr. Snape died, Mistress became depressed, and died soon after. Master shunned me to the side in despair and fell into the dark arts. He ordered me to help Dobby and stay by Dobby's side. Dobby liked having me around. When Mr. Potter freed Dobby, Dobby offered to have Mr. Potter trick Master. Even though Master wasn't nice anymore, I refused, and went with Dobby to travel around. When he came to work with Professor Dumbledore, I was happy to find that Master was working here too. I hoped that Master would find use in me again," Flynn continued solemnly.

A few more minutes past with silence. Both Severus and Hermione were waiting for Flynn to continue his side of the tale.

"I lost my Mistress, my friend, and my Master in one year. Every year after that, even with Master ordering me to find a mate and family, I felt alone. I wanted to be used again. I wasn't used until that night. The scariest and happiest night of my life. Master needed me, but master was dying. My friend was dying," he wailed, thinking back.

Severus heart broke. He never knew how much he meant to Flynn. The elf was always there for him, they had a connection that he and Hermione would never have. Even now that Hermione knew of everything that he'd went through as a child. Flynn had a connection to the memories they shared and made together that couldn't be broken, which was a reason he wanted Flynn's children to be connected to his own as a young child. Not only to teach the child that species doesn't matter, blood doesn't matter, but give them a connection that could save their lives. Thinking back to that night. It brought back a memory that confused Severus. He hadn't called Flynn to him, he was quite happy to die.

"Flynn, how did you find me? I didn't call you," Severus asked.

Flynn looked into Severus' eyes for the first time in years, since Severus was nine years old. "The connection, Severus," he responded. Then almost immediately after, he ran to the pile of books that Hermione and Severus had placed on the floor neatly, picked one up and started beating himself with it.

Hermione gasped and said, "Flynn, stop it!" It didn't work. They weren't married yet, Hermione wasn't really Flynn's Mistress yet, so he couldn't stop.

Severus was shocked by being called his first name by Flynn. The last time he was called that was when Severus had decided to take all the beatings for his mother. After that, Flynn called him 'Master' or 'Sir'. "Flynn! Stop that right now!"

As soon as the words left Severus' mouth Flynn stopped. Panting hard and kneeling on the floor, he crawled over to Severus and Hermione. A bruise was forming on Flynn's head. "Master, forgive me. I spoke your given name, forgive me. Allow me to punish myself, please," Flynn begged.

"No, I don't care what you call me, Flynn. As long as it isn't completely rude and subjective. I don't want you to act like my servant. I need a friend that can actually listen to me." Severus' voice was harsh, making Flynn flinch. However, Flynn knew it wasn't directed towards himself, it was the pull to punish himself after using Master's given name.

He couldn't take it. Severus summoned a bruise salve from his stores and knelt down beside Flynn. The elf's head raised in shock as Severus applied the bruise salve to the small bruise that was starting to grow. "Thank you, Se – Severus," Flynn said, tears in his eyes.

Severus nodded as he got up. "No problem." He looked at Hermione. Flynn wasn't the only one that had tears in his eyes. Hermione had Flynn beat severely as tears were flowing silently with happiness.

"St – stupid hormones," she choked, taking out a handkerchief and blowing. Severus wanted to laugh, but knew that he'd be sleeping in his office if he did, so kept silent. She shuddered and sniffed. Then turned to Severus. "I thought I was going to be cooking dinner?" she asked mockingly.

Smirking, Severus enveloped her into a loving hug. "Your new punishment won't come until tonight," he muttered in her ear, one hand stroking her thigh seductively.

It made her giggle so loudly that Flynn, who had returned to cooking dinner called out bravely, "Severus go in your room if your going to do that." Hermione started laughing so hard she had to run to the bathroom before she peed herself. When she came back she was still cackling happily.

Dinner was amazing, as always. Hermione didn't know who taught house elves to cook originally, but she tipped her hat off to him. After a third small helping of pudding, she pushed the plate away and sighed happily. Severus had been watching her eat comfortably. He didn't like it when women got subconscious about their weight and didn't want to eat in front of men. Everyone had to eat, some eat more to keep themselves going, others don't. Some eat for two or more.

"Severus," a familiar voice called.

Stiffening, Severus got up from his small table and went to the fireplace where Lucius' head was bobbing up and down. Hermione followed slower, feeling as if her stomach grew four months in one night. Man this baby could eat. She wanted to stop after the first pudding, but the baby kept kicking until she got another helping.

"Lucius, what is it?" Severus asked harshly. He was wanting to take Hermione in the bedroom and relax before her "punishment". He wanted to be comforted by their baby. Now it looks like his plans were out the window.

Lucius' head took one swivel to Hermione, whose hand was on her stomach in a loving manor, to Severus, whose hand was twitching towards Hermione's waist. A smile crept on his face, but didn't say anything. "Severus, I think I know who was responsible for the twins kidnapping. Zeus Talker."

Severus raised an eyebrow. Zeus was his age, Slytherin, and close with Lucius. He was too tame to kidnap the twins though. However, Lucius was most definitely involved, which meant that Zeus could have been showing off for him to get Lucius to get him in the Death Eaters. He never was able to get in with them. He was muggleborn, and in Slytherin, not a good combination. He was bullied by the whole house.

"Zeus? He's too tame for this," Severus reasoned.

"Not the Zeus I remember. We were hanging out two years before you. He was evil, loved kids...if you know what I mean." He winked with a smile.

Hermione gasped in shock as she quickly put together the double meaning.

"Dont look so shocked, Granger. Many death eaters loved a good reveal. Some risk punishment to ask for a private reveal or to keep some of the reveals for themselves. They're all muggles or muggleborn, so the Dark Lord always obliged, as long as the promised to put on a show once in a while. Zeus asked for private reveals on what we'd call teenagers, but he'd call children. They were all muggles and around 13 to 16. Some were a bit younger, but he didn't keep them. Severus here kept only one reveal for a short while when we were young. Remember, what was her name? Peony?" Lucius suggested with a mocking air to his voice. Severus looked like he wanted to leap through the fire and choke the life out of his old friend, by Hermione's eye.

"Petunia, and you know I only did it to keep Lily's sister safe." Severus retorted viciously. Hermione's eyes widened. She knew who Petunia was. Her hands flew to her mouth at the sheer thought of it.

Lucius nodded thoughtfully, obviously happy at the sudden change in atmosphere. "Yes, that's her. He endured Crucio for almost five minutes to get her away from the Lestrange's. He owned her, he could have repaid all she said about Lily and even himself, but he kept her for a few days, then let her go. Quite noble of him. Anyway, Zeus kept over ten reveals for himself, even though he wasn't a death eater. He was the only one that the Dark Lord let around without the mark. Don't know why, but he was an "honorarily death eater". I suppose because the Dark Lord wouldn't allow a mudblood to wear his beautiful mark. However, Severus, remember those reveals where you took cruciatis to get out of. Those were the ones Zeus was leading. Not bad for reveals, don't look at me that way Granger, it wasn't as bad as you think. Keeps marriages going."

Hermione gagged and pointedly turned her back. She didn't really want to hear anymore, but Lucius was talking again. He knew how much it was starting to bother her, and as a pureblood, he still believed in purity, but didn't show it anymore. She suspected that this was as close as to "torture" as he'd ever get with her anymore. He'd never call her a mudblood to her face again, lest Severus Avada him into oblivion.

"Anyway," Lucius said once again, "Zeus was a mad man, sex crazed. Wouldn't have surprised me that after the Dark Lord disappeared that he decided to keep the boys for himself as a part of his "collection". I know how you can find out, too."

Severus knelt in front of the fire. "How? I thought he was abroad."

Lucius shook his head. "Not anymore. Since the Dark Lord's been vanquished, he decided to come back, don't know why he went into hiding, but that's something else. He's got an apartment in muggle London." (BTW I've never been to London so I don't know any street names or anything to use, so I'll most likely be skipping that.)

"Hmm, write me the address and I'll pop in and 'visit' him. I still don't think it's him, though," Severus told Lucius.

"Whatever, Severus, only trying to help." Lucius cleared his throat. "I'll be leaving now," he said, vanishing. The fire died down to its usual fire orange color.

Hermione was still staring at the wall with her back to the fire. Severus sighed heavily. He knew he'd have to bring up that part of his life he'd really like to forget. "Hermione," he started, standing beside her.

"No, Severus, don't start," she said harshly.

With a heavy heart, Severus lowered his hand that was making its way to Hermione's back. He knew that this would happen. He just didn't think that it'd be from Lucius. He really wanted to kill that man now. "Hermione, please, you don't understand."

Hermione turned to Severus, eyes blazing. Severus knew that it was the hormones, mixed with real feelings. "Don't understand?" she echoed. "You, you raped them?" It came out more as a question.

Severus shook his head quickly. "Never, not once." He responded. "My father would have risen from the grave and killed me. No, I never did."

Quietly, as the fire dimmed from Hermione's eyes and started to turn back to the brown love that Severus adored, she asked, "Then what did you do?" It was little more than a whisper.

"I helped torture," he said in an equal whisper.

Hermione gave a loud wail and threw her arms around Severus. She was torn between disgust at Severus torturing innocents and relief that he never raped anyone. After several moments of embracing each other. Their husky atmosphere returned.

"Now, Miss Granger," Severus said in his deep teacher voice. "About your punishment."


Question: What is it about men that they only see the outside beauty not the inside? I know I'm bigger than most, but I'm trying to loose weight. I don't need people in my life that only thinks of me as a "big woman" and not a "beautiful woman". What's the difference between the two, really? One can fit in a size 2 and one can't? Why does size matter so much to men? (No offense) Are their brain so small and compact that they can only see super skinny women as sexy? Are their brains so small that that all they see is size? Honestly, I'm starting to think that humanity is doomed to failure.

Also, I wanted to get into Severus' past in this one. I'm not sure what all is really true about his past, I tried to make it all as true as I could and also be mine. If anyone has anything on how his past was really, I'd love to hear from you.


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