How (Y/N) Saved Christmas
On a dark and snowy mountain peak stood a mysterious, but familiar, figure who was brooding. From where they stood they had a perfect view of Vale in the distance, with Beacon Academy being farther than that. As they observed the view they let out an exhale of air, that surprisingly smelled like candy canes, which was made visable in the cold air.
The day of blistering cold, the giving of gifts, and the cheers of the holiday vacation....
The figure stepped a little closer to the view as snow behind them started falling harder and they glared at the town.
Vale.... Just one of the many places the souls of the naughty purge this land.....
Too many think selfishly for themselves and use this holiday to fulfill their own greed. So that's why....
The figure stepped out into the light revealing them. An older man with a long white beard, once kind eyes that are now full of evil, and a fat body that's surrounded by a red coat with a black belt with a buckle and white fluffy accents, red mittens that covered his hands, a Santa hat that covered his aged hair.
......the world will be getting more than coal this year. Because by the end of Christmas..... it will be a Silent Night.
Then cue title "How (Y/N) Saved Christmas!" with this song.
Now, our story begins on a cold Christmas Eve at Beacon Academy. Upon first glance you feel how much this school loved Christmas. Halls, windows, lampposts, and anything that could decorated was covered with something Christmas like. Like Ozpin's office tower for example; It was surrounded with a golden tensile from top to bottom and, somehow, had a wreath on every number for the clock.
Yep, it definitely looked like Christmas around here. But what also showed that it was nearing Christmas was the massive amount of snow laying around. It was almost... too much snow....
But besides that small detail, the happiest person at Beacon was none other than (Y/N) (L/N) himself. You'd think it would be team RWBY but no one could match (Y/N)'s childlike view of Christmas, even beating Ruby's. Right now our protagonist was waiting around his dorm with his team as they waited for Christmas to arrive.
But within their decorated dorm was an unusual chill causing Joseph, Death, and Zack to wrap themselves with their covers from their beds... but for their leader...
(Y/N) View
"Guys Christmas is almost here!" I said excitedly as I smiled at my teammates.
"I know! We're all excited and all but it's FREEZING dude!" Joseph said as he shivered.
"It's surprising how your still standing." Zack added.
"What are you guys talking about? It's not cold." I asked.
"Dude there's icicles forming on the ceiling." Joseph pointed to some of the icicles on the ceiling.
"But... isn't that supposed to happen during winter?" o_o?
"Not indoors!" Joseph snapped.
But before I could say something else Death tackled me onto my bed, shivering as she held onto me. But after a few seconds she looked fine. Which she gave me a questioning look for.
"What?" I asked but she still had the same look on her face.
"You must be warm if she stopped shaking." Zack said.
"How are you so warm?" Joseph asked.
"I don't know." I shrugged as Death continued to snuggle on me. "Maybe living at Mount Glenn made me more resist to the cold."
"Hey, maybe we should ask Ozpin to turn up the heat in this place." Joseph suggested. "Y'know, before we die to hypothermia."
"I could ask for you guys since all of you are cold." I said as I unwrapped myself from Death's hold, which made her pout. "Don't worry, I'll be back in a few."
Getting up with a stretch, I quickly headed out the door and headed towards Ozpin's office. But once I stepped into the hallway I could see frost covering most of the hallway. From the floors, to windows, to walls, and even the doors was covered in frost.
"Wow. Yeah, I really need to talk to Ozpin." I said to myself before I started walking off.
As I walked down the hallway I noticed it was quiet. Too quiet. Especially on Christmas Eve.
Where is everyone?
Mini Timeskip
It didn't take too long to reach Ozpin's tower office. When I walked through the doors I expected to see Glynda around but she wasn't. There was however a sticky note on her desk. Being curious as I am, I walked over to it and read the message.
'I'm sorry to inconvenience any student that needs me but I'm currently out at the moment. If there's a REAL emergency then call my number. Until then, Merry Christmas.
From Glynda Goodwitch.
Then there was her scroll number at the bottom. I saved the number to my scroll then stepped into the elevator. After riding it up to Ozpin's office I walked in only to find that he wasn't there.
"Huh... He's usually in his office..." I muttered. "Okay. Looks like I'm going have to search the school..."
I stepped back into my dorm room with a tired sigh. I glanced at my team to see that they're still shivering.
"Sorry guys, but I couldn't find Ozpin anywhere." I told them.
"C-Crap.. " Joseph shivered.
"Are you sure he isn't in Vale?" Zack asked.
"No. He wouldn't leave the school if Glynda left. But everywhere I went he wasn't there." I explained.
"So... where is he?" Joseph asked.
That question made everyone go quiet so they can think. But our thoughts were interuptted when the front door swung open. Immediately I turned towards the door and my eyes widened when I saw a familiar face.
"Qrow?" I asked.
But the cool huntsman ignored me calling him as he stumbled into the room. At first I thought he was drunk but he looked like he was in a fight recently and could pass out any second. But the strangest thing was he was holding a small wrapped up present box.
"K-Kids.... Santa.... is coming.... to town... " Qrow said as he stumbled over but I managed to catch him.
"Was... he singing...?" Zack asked.
"About Santa...?" Joseph asked.
"N-No... Santa Claws.... " Qrow muttered before he passed out in my arms.
"Santa? What does Santa have to do with anything?" Joseph asked.
"I don't know... " I said.
Carefully, I picked up the unconscious Qrow and placed him down on my bed.
"So... what now?" Joesph asked.
"Probably telling Ruby and Yang that.... Huh?" I noticed the small present Qrow was still holding was beeping. "Guys... I think the present might have to do with this... "
Saying so, Death carefully picked up the box and unwrapped the wrapping paper from it. And, to my surprise, inside was a black cube. But then the cube immediately glowed a bright blue color and showed a... projection of Ozpin?
"Hello children." The see through Ozpin greeted.
"Ozpin?" Joesph, Zack, and I questioned.
"Yes, it is me children. If you're asking that. This is a pre-recorded message after all. I'm not psychic." Ozpin said with a small smile. "If you have received this message I could only assume that today is in fact Christmas Eve. If so then we don't have much time." His expression became more serious. "Presumably I'm missing from the academy and no one has a clue of where I am. That is because I have been kidnapped by an evil spirit.... Santa." Ozpin said.
"What?! But Santa is a good guy!" I blurted out.
"And not real." Zack said. -_-
"Oh, he is very real." Ozpin said. "Terrifyingly real. I may not know why what happened to our jolly Saint Nick or why I'm his target but today he is the ultimate evil on this holiday. So, Team (Y/N)DZJ, I want you to go out there and defeat this incarnation of evil this Christmas Eve. Or else the world will be on his naughty list."
"Wait! Where are we supposed to go?!" Joseph said.
Ozpin smiled.... like he somehow heard him.... "Where else? The North Pole." He answered.
Then the AI disappeared and the box turned black again, leaving everyone to think over what Ozpin said.
"So.... that just happened...." Joesph said.
"So this means.... " Zack trailed off.
"We're going to save Christmas!!!" I shouted happily."Now all we have to do is get to the North Pole!"
"Do you know how hard that's going to be?" Joseph asked.
"Difficult. Unless we fly there." Zack answered with Death nodding in agreement.
"Well I can't use my semblance to make Nevermores to fly us there; It's snowing too hard for that. So we're going to have to find a pilot... somehow." Joseph said.
Just as he said that we heard a loud boom coming from outside. Immediately we rushed over to the window and saw a bullhead was crashing towards the ground and quickly crashed somewhere near Vale.
"What was that?" I asked.
"A bullhead... but what made it crash?" Joseph asked.
I scanned the sky and briefly saw... something fly by....
"Well maybe whoever crashed can help us get to the North Pole? So dress warm and let's go!" I said as I headed out the door.
"*sigh* Back into the cold.... " I heard Joseph mutter.
3rd Person View
So with that, our heroes (now dressed up with thick jackets, mittens, and scarves) headed out towards Vale in hopes of finding the crashed Bullhead. With their Christmas spirit at 100% their quest assigned by Ozpin looked like it was going to be a breeze.... but they have no idea what they'll be facing this Christmas Eve.
"Oum it's freezing!" Joseph shouted as we trudged through the thick snow as cold wind blew into our faces.
"There shouldn't be this much snow out. This is too abnormal for snow."
I nodded in agreement with my teammates as we continued to force our way through the snow. But I kept myself from becoming frustrated by humming Christmas songs to myself, and, of course, holding Death's cold hand.
"Come on guys. Vale shouldn't be that far now." I said. "And maybe the snow has to do with our mission."
"Maybe." Joesph said as we finally reached Vale but not in the condition we thought it would be.
I... I can't believe what I'm seeing right now...
Vale... All of it... was completely frozen. The streets was now ice blue, the buildings had ice all over them.... but there were no people in sight.
"What the?!" Joesph shouted in shock. "Vale, it's frozen!"
"What happened here.... " I asked. "Where's all the people?"
"Possibly indoors due to the cold... but stay alert." Zack said.
As we headed straight into town we continued to find that Vale was just a frozen ghost town. Absolutely no one was around....
But after wandering around I saw a woman running towards us with terrified look on her face and tears running down her cheeks. At first she didn't see us until she bumped into me, but even then she looked scared.
"W-Woah! H-Hey, are you okay miss?" I asked.
"W-We have to run!" She shouted as she kept peeking behind herself repeatedly.
"Run from what? We'll protect you." I told her but she continued to look uneased.
"No he'll-Oh no they're coming!" She screamed as she hid behind me.
I gave the woman a worried glance before looking down the road. Upon looking I saw what seemed like a regular person dragging their feet towards us.
"It's... just some guy?" Joesph questioned.
"Zack can you get a better look?" I asked my teammate as he pulled out his sniper and looked through his scope.
".....Something isn't right about him.... He's almost pale as the snow and his eyes are completely blank... " He put his sniper down and looked at the woman. "Ma'am what happened to him?"
"S-Santa.... T-The r-real Santa came here and... just attacked Vale. Froze everything and then this.... green thing came and turned people to mindless monsters!" She said.
"Green thing?" I asked.
"Wait so you're telling me that he's a zombie?" Joesph questioned as he pointed down the road towards the wandering.... zombie?
"I know I sound crazy but it's true!" She stated.
".....And that's what happened to the rest of the townspeople, right?" Zack asked as he put his sniper on his back and looked behind us. "Because there's the townspeople."
"O_O!" Joesph, Death, the woman, and I went wide eyed before turning around to see a whole ARMY of blank faced townspeople.
"Christmas.... must.... end...." They all muttered in unison.
"Oh crap. We gotta run!" I said before I picked up the woman bridal style and ran towards a street to our left, entering a four way intersection.
"How are we supposed to fight zombies?!" Joesph said as we continued running.
"You can't! If they even touch you, you'll become one of them!" The woman told us. "That's what happened to my brother."
"Well we can't engage them in combat then, since they might be still human, the only thing we can do is find the bullhead and hope that defeating Santa will stop this." Zack said.
"Alright.... Wait didn't you say that something green started this? Not Santa?" I asked the woman.
"Y-Yes?" She answered.
"Then where's-"
Suddenly there was a green blur that would have struck me if I didn't jump back. As I skid back to a stop I saw someone unbelievablely evil for this holiday....
"....Is that freaking GRINCH!" Joesph said.
"The Grinch...." I glared at him. "Have you been making these people turn their backs on Christmas?! If that's the case we'll happily take you down!" I said which only made the green man chuckle evilly.
"T-That's him! The one who did this!" The woman pointed to him in fear.
"Don't worry miss. We'll take it from here." I said as I put her down. "Just stay behind us." I activated Burning Rose as she nodded and ran behind me.
"Okay this is not how I thought I'd be doing on Christmas..... but this is going to be an awesome story." Joesph said as he unsheathed his katana, Lost Shift.
".....I'm gonna have to agree on that." Zack said as he pulled out his dual pistols and Death pulled out her scythe.
"Let's do this guys!" I said as Joesph and I charged towards the Grinch.
The Grinch didn't seemed fazed by our advance as he pulled out.... is that.... a pole that's striped like a red and white candy cane? Joesph and I charged by him side by side and unleashed a synchronised barrage of slashes from your weapons. But to our surprise he was able to keep up with both of us without much effort. As we both swung our weapons downwards he blocked both of us by holding his.... pole? sideways. Then he countered by giving Joesph a hefty kick to the middle of his chest (while still blocking) knocking him back, then he sidestepped to the side and roundhouse kicked me making me fall right next to Joesph.
"When in the H E Double hockey sticks did the Grinch know how to fight?!" Joesph asked as Zack started firing shots and Death immediately charged in.
She had a running start before she jumped up into the air and struck down where the Grinch was but he barely dodged out of the way. But Death continued her onslaught and chased after him, forcing the Grinch to block and parry her and Zack's bullets.
"That's my girl." I smirked as Joesph and I got back up. "Let's finish this!"
We ran back towards the fight to help Death but a flurry of rose petals went right past us.
"Ruby!" I said happily as she stood in front of me and Joesph.
"What are doing.... Oh no..." Joesph trailed off as I noticed it too.
Ruby had a pale and blank look on her face as she stared at me and Joesph.
"Christmas.... must.... end" She muttered before Blake landed right next to her and in the background I could see Yang and Weiss started attacking Death.
"Christmas.... must.... end!" Ruby and Blake said as they pulled our their weapons.
"No, I don't want to fight you guys!" I said as I backed away slightly. "Especially on Christmas!"
"Grahhhh!" Ruby groaned before she lunged at me forcing me and Joesph to jump back.
"Argh! Joesph, make sure either of them touch you. I can take on Ruby and after that Yang. You hold off Blake." I told him.
"Okay!" He nodded.
"Let's do this!" I said before Ruby and I charged at each other head on.
We both swing our scythes together creating a loud clanging sound and making sparks fly from our blades.
"Ruby snap out of it! You love Christmas as much as I do remember?" I asked her but she continued to give me that blank look.
"Christmas.... must.... end!" She shouted as she dashed back then lunged forward with her hand out to touch me.
My eyes went wide but I jumped back before she made contact. But immediately after she started attacking me with a barrage of slashes from her scythe but I was able to parry them. She swung her scythe vertically, trying to slash my chest, but I jumped over her attack and axe kicked Ruby's head to the ground.
"That's definitely going to leave a mark..... " o_o|| I said as I landed behind her. I took a glance at Ruby and she was completely knocked out. ".....I feel so bad right now....."
But my thoughts were broken as I heard Yang's shotgun shells being fired rapidly in the background. I turned towards the sounds direction and saw Death narrowly dodging Yang, Weiss, and the Grinch at once, only being really covered by Zack's protective gunfire.
"Don't worry, I'm coming Death!" I shouted as I activated (W/N) in their blaster forms. Then I activated my semblance causing a blue light surround me and my paras. "Dodge now!"
I fired a combined shot from both my patas creating a giant blue blast about half my height towards the four of them. But with my earlier warning Death jumped back as the blast hit Yang, Weiss, and the Grinch and launched them into a wall with a cloud of smoke.
"Christmas.... must.... end!" I heard Yang chant before a golden light blew away the smoke revealing Yang with her semblance active but an unconscious Weiss and Grinch.
"Oh... I kinda forgot she could do th-Woah!" I said as I barely dodged Yang's fist.
"Christmas.... must.... end!" She said more aggressively as her punches became more and more closer to getting a hit on me.
But suddenly a shadowy version of a small Nevermore crashed into Yang. Glancing over I saw Joesph with his semblance active and an unconscious Blake. I gave him a thumbs up before I saw Yang punch straight through the bird and charge herself at me with her arm reeled back. But within a precise moment I dodged to the side and gave Yang a hard roundhouse kick to the back of her head, launching her to another wall. But when the dust cleared this time she was knocked out.
"Whew! That was close!" I said as my team walked up to me and my semblance faded.
"So now what are we going to do with him?" Joesph pointed to the unconscious Grinch.
"Uh.... Wait give me a sec." I said before activating my semblance again.
I walked over to a lamppost and tugged at it until it I pulled it out the ground. With the lamppost in my hands I walked over to the Grinch and wrapped it around him tightly as I could.
"There!" I said as my semblance faded again.
"That's property damage...." -_-|| Zack said which made me laugh nervously.
I rubbed the back of my head in shame but I stopped when I saw a mob of townspeople heading down the road behind us.
"T-They're coming back!" The woman shouted as she pointed at the mob.
"And they're not the only ones!" Joesph said as he pointed to a mob coming from our left.
"There too!" Zack said as he gestured to our right.
"Christmas.... must.... end!" I heard chanting from behind me.
I immediately looked down the road to see a mob stumbling our way. Blocking off ALL directions of escape.
"Crap!" I muttered as I ran over to my team and we all surrounded the nameless woman. "Okay.... all ways are blocked off by thousands of zombie like townspeople.... and we can't get touched by them or kill them...."
"Yeah.... " Zack agreed as we both looked around for some type of opening.
As my eyes darted around my gaze met with a familiar face in the crowd of townspeople.
"Wait... isn't that Penny's... caretaker?" I asked which Death gave me a nod.
"What does that matter?!" Joesph said.
"Because if she's here... that means-"
"Sal-u-tations!" Penny greeted as she appeared out of NOWHERE!
"Ahhhh! Penny how did you-?! Nevermind." I said.
"Hello (Y/N). How are you this Christmas Eve?" She asked sweetly.
"Um, kinda good? Except for all these townspeople ready to turn us into mindless zombies." I said.
"Oh, that doesn't sound very nice." She said.
"Yeah... Hey Penny. Can you, I don't know, help us get out of here? Please?" I asked.
"Don't worry friend! I'll get you and your friends out in a jiffy!" Penny said with a sweet closed eyed smile.
And her smile didn't waver as she turned towards the road in front of me. Then suddenly her back opened up several swords just emerged from inside her before floating right behind her.
What the....?
Without a second to lose Penny just glided across the ground with a sudden burst of speed. She zipped past and around the townspeople as she knocked out people by chopping the backs of their necks. At the speed she was going she could rival Ruby's or my speed. Which is amazing coming from Penny.
And after just a few seconds there was already a narrow path open for us to run through.
"Come on!" I said as I picked up the woman and ran with my teammates behind me.
We continued running behind Penny as she continued to create a path for us until we completely cleared through the mob and took a turn around a corner.
"Thanks for the save Penny." I told her which made her smile at me.
"You are very welcome friend!" Penny said before she pulled me into a very strong and tight and, oddly, a very cold hug.
"P-Penny! Need-d to b-breathe....!"
"Oh? My bad." She apologized as she released me.
"Penny how did you stay unaffected for so long?" Joesph asked.
"I don't know... *hic*...." She said. "I just stayed out of arms reach from everyone..."
"Do you know where a bullhead crashed Penny? Whoever is there might be a pilot and if they're already changed then we can just take the ship." I asked.
"Oh, I know where it is! Ms Goodwitch actually wanted your presence there." Penny said.
"Glynda is there?" I questioned.
"Yes, I'll show you the way!" Penny answered before grabbing my hand and, literally, started dragging me down the road.
"Why do you even need a bodyguard....." I questioned, mainly myself, as Penny dragged me.
But the question just passed through Penny's ears as she hummed a Christmas song to herself and walking down a road. But within a few short moments I noticed that Penny's hand was very cold. Extremely cold....
"Hey Penny? Do want my sweater because your unbelievablely cold right now." I asked her which made her stop in her tracks.
"I, Uh, t-thank you for the kindness but I-I'm fine!" She stuttered.
"Ah come on Penny, you'll catch a cold like this." I told her as I took off my sweater and put it around her shoulders. "Here. I don't my friend to freeze to death out here."
She slowly glanced over her shoulder and gazed at me with her green eyes. "You... really want me to have this?"
"Sure. I'm fine. You need it way more than I do." I reassured her.
"T-Thank you." She looked back ahead but I saw her face turn red slightly.
Mini Timeskip
After a few minutes of trekking through Vale, while occasionally running from the townspeople, we turned around another corner just as a man was flung straight past us.
"Woah!" Joesph said as he narrowly dodged the flung person.
Ahead of us was a crashed Bullhead that didn't seemed that damaged, but it was on its side, with Glynda using her semblance to magically fling away any people who came nearby.
"Hyah!" She shouted as she blasted away a woman with her crop. "*sigh* That seemed to be the last of them.... Where is he?" She mumbled to herself.
"Ms Good!" I called out to her, gaining her attention with a slightly annoyed glare. "Merry Christmas." Her glare softened before she smirked.
"Merry Christmas children." She said as we all approached. "And miss." She referred to the woman with us.
"Uh... you too?" She said.
"Oh I feel stupid now. Uh, I'm sorry that I didn't ask for your name Miss." I asked her.
"Oh, Uh, my name's Lucy." Lucy answered.
"Children, do you have any idea what happened here? All communications are down, people all over Vale has turned to mindless zombies, and I think, a flying sleigh shot me down from the sky." Glynda asked/explained.
"Well.... we got this mission from Ozpin to save him from Santa...." I said.
"Be serious (Y/N)." Glynda said in a low tone as a dark aura surrounded her.
"I-I am being serious!" I raised my hands up defensively.
She continued glaring at me for few more seconds before sighing.
"Well that would explain what I was attacked by earlier and why these people are chanting together... " She said lowly.
"So, Uh, can we use this Bullhead to get to the North Pole?" Joesph asked.
"Yes but there's the matter of turning it back on its side and the matter of Lucy's welfare in this mission." Glynda said.
"Well we can't leave a civilian in a situation like this so keeping her in the Bullhead is the best bet for her safety." Zack said.
"And Joesph and I got the bullhead part." I said.
"We do?" He asked.
"Sure we do! Let's go 100%!" I said before activating my semblance.
"Okay.... " He said as shadows started covering his body and eyes started glowing.
We both walked around the Bullhead to opposite of the others and manged to slip our fingers right under the machine.
"Now.... flip!" I grunted as we both lifted up as hard as we could and flipped the ship over. "Now, to the North Pole!"
Once again I was humming another Christmas song with Penny as we let Glynda fly you towards the North Pole. It's been a quiet trip so far as Penny sat to my left humming, Death on my right leaning her head on my shoulder boredly, Zack and Joesph across from us just waiting, and Glynda silently piloted the ship.
"So...." Joesph broke the silence. "...what exactly are we doing when we get to the North Pole?" Joesph asked.
"When we get there we have to find Ozpin and then subdue Santa. He's the key role in this havoc." Zack said.
"Yeah. And when we get back home we'll finally be able to celebrate Christmas!" I cheered happily as Penny giggled to my reaction.
"Heh. You have such a bright view about this holiday (Y/N)." Glynda said from the pilot seat.
"What's not to love about Christmas! It's amazing!" I smiled. "Hey, what do you want for Christmas Ms Good?"
"Hmm... Honestly, all I want for Christmas is a nice book so I can read by a warm fire.... with someone I love...." She said, muttering that last part.
"How about you Penny? What do you want for Christmas?" I asked her.
"Oh.... Um... I want...." She looked at me and continued to think but as time went on her happy expression saddened. "'s nothing."
"Hmm? What is it Penny? It can't be so bad." I tried reassuring her but she just looked away from me.
After a few moments of silence she spoke again.
"(Y/N).... you promise you'll stay my friend no matter what.... right?" She asked lowly which seemed to make Glynda nervously glance at her.
"What? Of course I would Penny. What's wrong?" I asked before Penny started whispering in my ear..... ".....What?" O_O
"I knew you'd look at me differently!" Penny said sadly as she turned away from me.
"No no Penny. I'm not scared or anything.... I'm just... a little surprised... okay, VERY surprised. But I'm not going to stop being your friend because of that. That just makes you more special." I said.
"R-Really?" She asked me desperately.
"Yeah. And you don't need Santa to get you that. You're already human as it is." I told her with a smile.
"Oh thank you (Y/N)! Now I need to get you a better gift!" She said as she started hugging me....
"Sp-pine.... breaking.... "
When she released me from the hug I took as much deep breathes I could. I glanced over at my friends as they looked at me with a look questioning what she told me. But before they even asked Glynda announced....
"We're here."
Immediately I looked out the window to see the glory of the North Pole.... Only to see what was once a giant village of cookie houses and workshops was completely frozen over. And all that frost followed all through the town, all the way a very ominous mountain.
"Children get ready. We have no idea who or what can be waiting for us in this village. So stay vigilant." Glynda warned us as the Bullhead landed in the snow.
Then she let the door open, immediately letting a cold gust of wind blow inside the ship.
"Brrrrrrrrrr.... It's a lot colder here than Vale." Joesph commented.
"Well it is the North Pole." Zack said.
"Miss Lucy please stay inside the ship and don't make too much noise while we're gone." Glynda told the woman as we all stepped out of the ship without her.
"Okay." She responded as she closed the door behind us.
"Alright.... I'm gonna guess we're going to have to head up there." I pointed at the mountain at the far end of the village.
"We can't assume that he's...." Glynda trailed off.
"What is it..... " Joesph trailed off too.
"What are you guys.... looking... at... " I trailed off too when I saw another person that only existed in the Christmas holiday.
"Is that... an elf?" Zack questioned.
"Oh.... my.... Oum! Look how tiny he is?!" I said as I walked over to him, he was only up to my shin.
"Who you're calling tiny you fucking giant?" He said in a very high pitched voice.
"He's got a mouth on him for an elf.... " Joesph said.
"Oh, you would too if your house was frozen by your boss!" The elf fumed.
"Santa did this to your town?" Glynda asked in a surprised, as she was still in disbelief seeing an elf.
"Yeah that fat bastard did this to my town. So weird thing attacked him a few months ago and he's all "People are bad! Everyone's bad! Wah Wah!" Then he started attacking us with that creepy green bastard. A real crybaby that one is." The elf said.
"What thing?" I asked.
"If I knew what it was I wouldn't call a weird thing you idiot!" He growled.
"I was just asking." -_-#
"Do you know where Santa is now?" Glynda asked.
"Yeah, up on the mountain. He's gotten his sleigh ready to start delivering pres-I mean bombs." He corrected himself.
"Bombs?! We gotta get up there!" I said before I started running.
"Wait there. I can help ya out." The elf said before he put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.
As the sound echoed out across the snow I think I started hearing... bells?
I glanced towards the sound and went wide eyed at was coming.
"Ahhhh! Reindeer!" I said amazement as several flying reindeer ran across the sky then landed in front of us.
"Got on one and they'll take you to Santa. And do me a favor and kick his arse!" The elf shouted.
"Uh, we will." Joesph said as he mounted one of the reindeer.
"Thanks for the help!" I said as I mounted Rudolph himself.
"Merry Christmas!" Penny told him as she got on right behind me.
"Hold on tight!" I smirked as Penny wrapped her arms around my waist. "Onwards Rudolph!"
With a snort from Rudolph his nose glowed brighter as he took off running. Then with his running start he started flying with the other reindeer following right behind us.
"This is the most awesome Christmas ever!" Joesph shouted happily.
"Yes it is!" I agreed with him. "Now, to the mountain!"
And with that order Rudolph started running/flying faster towards our destination.... and a fight.
3rd Person View
On the mountain was a hollowed out chamber to lead straight outside. The chamber itself was non other than the famous room that parked Santa's sleigh. With the sleigh being the centerpiece of the room as several reindeer, which were Grimm this year, everything around it was just piles of many different types of toys and gifts to should being delivered.
On the sidelines however was Ozpin, tied up in a chair with red ribbons around his chest, hands, and feet.
"The time is almost here. For the time of Christmas and cheer to end." A voice said ominously as a figure approached the tied up Ozpin. "And I have the 1# person on my naughty list right here to witness it."
"You know that this isn't you Nick. All the holiday cheer has been sucked right out of you but the real threat here. That Grimm in your head. Playing tricks on your thinking just to end everything for her." Ozpin said.
"Hohoho! You mean the only one the nicest woman on my nice list? You must be a fool Ozpin." Santa retorted. "Either way... It's almost midnight... and there's nothing you can do to stop me."
"Gangway!" You and Joesph shouted as you, Penny, Joesph, Rudolph, and Prancer crashed into a pile of teddy bears.
"Maybe not me.... But definitely them." Ozpin smirked.
"I told you two that racing reindeer was a stupid idea." Zack said as he and Dancer landed.
"I agree." Glynda agreed as she and Death landed with their reindeer too.
"Sorry but it was too good to resist." (Y/N) said before he noticed Santa and Ozpin. "Ahhhhh! It's Santa!" He gazed at him with stars in his eyes.
"(Y/N) stop fanboying!" Zack scolded his leader.
"Ozpin are you alright?" Glynda asked which Ozpin responded with a calm nod.
"Yes Glynda I'm fine. I would do better with these bindings off though." Ozpin said with a small smile.
"Right." She said before she pointed her crop at Ozpin but Santa stepped in the way.
"Those who open their presents early are put on the naughty list, girl?" Santa threatened which Glynda glared at him for.
"Well there's too many us to take on Santa! Give it up!" Zack said.
(Play song at the top)
"Oh Storm...." Santa said making Zack's eyes widened slightly. Then almost immediately a ice cold whirlwind of ice surrounded around him. "'re not dealing with your average Santa."
"Tch." Glynda scoffed as she raised up her crop which made several sharp wooden pieces from the ground break off and float in the air with purple outline around them. Then she thrusted her crop forward and shot the wood at Santa.
But as easily as Glynda did that, Santa easily caught each of the wood and dropped them at his feet.
"Do you want to try again dear?" He taunted. "Or how about I have a go?" He said as he thrusted his hands forward sending several shards of ice at Glynda.
Her eyes went wide at the quick attack but you and Joesph easily jumped in front of her and knocking away the shards away with your weapons.
"Not so fast-Guah!" (Y/N)shouted in pain as Santa quickly zoomed in front of you and sucker punched you straight in the gut, causing him to fly back and cough up saliva.
"(Y/-" Joesph didn't even finish saying his name before Santa struck him across the face making him crash in a wall.
With a burst of speed Santa Sparta kicked Glynda making her fall on her ass, roundhouse kicked Zack on his ribs, headbutted Death, and kneed poor little Penny. Immediately everyone collapsed on the ground but got back up ready to fight.
"Argh!" You shouted in anger as your blue colored semblance flared around you. "Take this!" You activated (W/N) and fired both shots at Santa which exploded on impact.
But when the dust cleared he was still standing with barely any scratches.
"....!" Your eyes widened as he smirked at you menacingly.
But you charged at him anyway with Burning Rose ready and Death quickly joining behind you. As fast as both of you could you flanked Santa with a barrage of scythe slashes but he dodged your attempts and uppercutted you. As you were launched back Santa threw rapid punches towards Death who barely was able to dodge him until Zack pulled out his sniper and fired at Santa, making him jump back. But unknown to him Glynda was using her semblance to gather a huge pile of wooden toys, and the wooden planks from the floor as well, right above his head.
"Haaaaa!" She shouted as she pointed her crop down causing all the wood to fall violently on top of Santa with a loud boom.
Glynda let a small smirk appear on her face in success before it turned back into a scowl when the pile rumbled then blew apart as a raging blizzard filled the room.
"Haaaaaaa!" Santa roared as the blizzard became worst and worst but unknown to him Joesph came from above him with his semblance active and his katana ready to slash him.
"You're mine!" He shouted before Santa immediately snapped his neck in his direction and jumped to the side. "Argh!"
Joesph kept up his aggressive pursuit with his katana until he slashed downwards and Santa sidestepped him then countered him with a frost covered punch to the center of his chest. Upon impact Joesph was launched back and his chest slowly started freezing.
"M-My body....! I-It won't move!" Joesph said as his body stopped moving and frost covered him.
"One down." Santa said as Joesph passed out.
"You bastard!" (Y/N) said as he charged straight at Santa but didn't see Santa's fist was covered in frost again.
You reeled back a fist and lunged at him but Santa already threw a punch towards you. You saw it happen in slow motion as his punch was going to make contact with your chest but Death jumped in the way, taking the blow for you.
"No!" You said as she was launched straight into you making both of you fly and fall to the ground. "Death are you okay?!" You asked as you laid her head in your lap.
She gave you a pained look but smile a little as frost covered her until it reaches her face. Then she passed out.
"Death? Death!" You shouted.
As this happened Zack continued his rapid fire of bullets at Santa to hold him back, but Santa wasn't even trying you dodge them. When he got too close Zack he was forced to roll back as Santa slammed his fist down where he used to be. Once back on his feet he pulled out a sword and took in a defensive stance as Penny appeared next to him with several swords floating behind her. The two gave each other a nod before charging in together against Santa.
They both forced Santa to block and parry them but he didn't budge that much. Then when an opening showed itself Santa grabbed Zack but his hand and threw him at Penny. Penny, being the nice soul she is, caught him making her skid back a little as Zack froze in her arms.
"D-Damn.... " He muttered before passing out.
"Hohoho! Do you not see the errors of your naughty ways?! The wolf who would kill an organization for revenge, the loyal dark knight parading like a dog for someone who barely notices, and the unknown solider who's haunted by the past. All of them were naughty and deserved this as their reward than expecting presents!" Santa said.
"Shut up....!" (Y/N) said as he got up with his blue hair casting a shadow over his eyes. "Christmas isn't about the presents, about who's naughty and nice, and it's not about Santa!" His aura started wavering from blue to an orange color along with his spiked hair as he continued to become angrier and angrier. "You punish those by the tiniest parts of their past think that's all there is to them! If Santa is as wicked as this then....!" (Y/N) snapped his head up as his eyes where now white and pupiless. "....I'll be the defender of Christmas!" Your semblance flared a new orange color and your shirt completely ripped itself apart, which made Glynda and Penny blush at the sight despite the situation.
With a burst of speed you charged at Santa and threw a punch, which he barely manged to block as he slid back upon impact. But you quickly rushed back in and started exchanging blows with Santa. Every punch or kick either of you threw was blocked by the other and had enough force to shake the mountain.
When Santa threw a punch you blocked by crossing your arms in a "x" position before countering it but giving Santa a sucker punch to his gut, making him cough up saliva and skid back.
"Argh! Rrrrrraaaaahhhhhhhh!" He shouted in anger as two balls of frost formed in Santa's hands and the blizzard became fierce again.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" You shouted from the top of your lungs as your semblance flared around you and you charged two shots from (W/N).
Then the both of you fired at each other creating a giant clash of energy between you two. A blue blast clashing against a white one, and neither of you two were giving in.
"Grrrrrr.....!" You grunted as you were getting tired and you fell to one knee.
"Hohoho! It seems your going to be erased along with Christmas aren't you (Y/N)! Hohoho!" Santa gloated.
"No he's not!" Penny said as she stood right next to you. "As long as they're friends and people who care about you....!" Her swords behind her started spinning before they fired a green laser with (Y/N)'s blast. Making it grow stronger and pushed Santa's attack back some.
"As long as there family and good times....!" Glynda said as she appeared on the other side of you and a purple light was added to your blast.
"....Then they'll always be a Christmas!" All three of you shouted. "Hyahhhhh!"
With one last push your attack completely overwhelmed Santa's as it hit him.
"N-Nooooooooooooooo!" He shouted before the blast exploded causing the three of you to fly back as everything went white....
"Owwwwww....." I groaned as I felt pain all over my body. "What happened.....?" I opened my eyes and sat up letting me remember what happened as I scanned over Santa's sleigh runway. "Right.... we beat Santa.... " I glanced to my sides and saw Penny and Glynda unconscious by my sides.
"Alright wha-" I froze when I saw Santa's unconscious body but related when I saw he couldn't do anything.... until he got up!
But then I noticed that as he gotten up there was.... a jolly aura to him now... and also there was some sort of ghost Grimm floating next to him.
Without even giving that Grimm a chance to repossess Santa I fired (W/N) at it and watched as it turned to dust.
"Hohoho! Well done my boy! Well done!" Santa laughed.
"Santa? Are you okay now?" I questioned him as I kept (W/N) aimed at him.
"Yes (Y/N)." Ozpin, who I forgot was watching from the sidelines, answered for him. "You expelled the Grimm from his body and destroyed it completely. We're safe... now. Can you untie me?"
"Y-Yeah I ca-"
"Oh no! I'm behind schedule!" Santa freaked. "You, (Y/N), can you please help me deliver these presents tonight?" Santa said as he magically pulled a extremely large, red bag from nowhere and loaded it up on the sleigh. "I'll really appreciate the extra help." He said as he let the Grimm reindeer from their reigns and let them fly off as Santa's original reindeer quickly swapped places.
"Do I?!" I said. "But... my friends...." I glanced at a now unfrozen, but still unconscious, Death, Zack, and Joesph. "....are they going to be alright?"
"Yes. Most definitely! By the time we come back they'll have just have awoken after we delivered the world's presents, along with theirs." Santa quickly explained.
"Alright Santa!" I said as I jumped in the sleigh.
"Hohoho! That's my boy!" Santa said as he hopped into the driver side of the sleigh. "Now let's go!"
"Wait what about-!" Ozpin shouted.
With a "hiya" from Santa as he whipped the reigns, the reindeer took off as fast as a they could (Leaving a tied up Ozpin). With their running start they leapt ahead and started flying with no restraint.
"This is the best Christmas ever!" I shouted. "Don't worry everyone I'm gonna deliver your presents!"
"Hohoho! That the spirit!" Santa agreed.
"Merry Christmas and to all a good night!" Both of you shouted to the heavens above.
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