Chapter 17 (2.0)


I do not own any of the images below. You guys already know that but I don't really know how copyright claims work.
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"Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days and you gave us nothing but small talk and weird looks!" Blake gave Sun a stern glare. "Yeah, like that." Sun said.

Blake rolled her eyes then looked at Sun with a sad look.

"Sun.... (Y/N).... Are you familiar with the White Fang?" Blake asked us.

"My mentor mentioned them to me once. She said that they was a group that went to the extreme to have equal rights for faunus." I said before I took a sip of tea.

"I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps if you ask me!" Sun said before he started drinking his tea.

"I was once a member of the White Fang." Blake said.

Sun went wide eyed and started choking on his tea. I looked at him worryingly but he shook it off.

"Wait a minute, you were a member of the White Fang?" Sun asked.

"That's right. I was a member for most of my life actually. You could almost say I was born into it... " Blake started.

She started telling us the story of her history with the White Fang. It was shocking really and it only made me wonder who changed the White Fang from peaceful protesters to killers.

"So I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I dedicate my life to becoming a huntress. So here I am; a criminal hiding in plain view, all with the help of a little black bow." Blake said as her bow moved a bit.

Sun and I was silent. We were coming to terms with all this. Especially me. There's so many questions I want ask but they're probably too much for her to answer them.

"So... have you told your friends any of this?" Sun asked.

Blake only looked down in response. I stood up from my chair and walked over to Blake. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she slowly looked up at my face.

"It's okay Blake. You shouldn't be ashamed. They'll understand when we'll see them again." I said.

Blake gave me a small smile which made me smile in return.

"Come on. Let's get moving." I said.

We got up from our chairs then walked downstairs into the cafe we've been hanging out on the roof of. Blake paid the shop owner and we walked outside.

"So where are we going exactly?" Sun asked.

"I don't know. Where ever the road takes us." Blake said.

"That's not vague." I said which earned me a stern glare from Blake.

"Sorry." I said.

We started walking down the road until I heard someone call my name.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice shouted.

Blake, Sun, and I turned around and saw Ella running down the block towards me. She was carrying a big grey box in her arms.

"Whew! I've been looking all over for you!" She said.

"Sorry I've been....places." I said.

"I made that impressive weapon of yours and I even made a couple of modifications to it." She said.

"Thanks Ella." I said as she handed me the box.

She smiled brightly but then Blake walked in between me and Ella.

"Who's this (Y/N)?" Blake asked me.

"Oh yeah. Ella these are some of my friends. Ella meet Sun and Blake. Sun and Blake meet Ella." I said.

"Oh look you're friends with another girl." Ella said.

"What? Is that a problem?" Blake asked as she glared at Ella.

"No. Not at all." Ella said as she glared back.

Sun and I was standing on the sidelines as we watched the two girls give each other death glares.

"Does.... this happens often?" Sun asked me.

"A lot. Why?" I asked.

"No reason." He said.

I looked down at the grey box in my hands. I opened it up to find a silver and black weapon folded up. I took the weapon out of the box then pressed a button to activate it.

"Woah! That's cool." Sun said.

This caused Blake and Ella to stop their intense staring contest and they gazed at my and Ruby's weapon; Burning Rose.

"This is awesome. Thanks Ella." I said.

"No prob. Press the button again." Ella said.

I pressed the button again and the scythe split in two transformed into two shorter axes.

"What's this?" I asked.

"This is LEVIATHAN MODE!" Ella said happily.

"Is it special?" I asked as I inspected the axes

"In this mode any and all Dust that is used will have a huge impact on its target." Ella wiped a tear from her eye. "It's the greatest feature I've ever put into a weapon."

I pressed the button again and the axes transformed into a pistols. I aimed the gun around and smiled.

"This is great. Ruby is going to love this." I said before walking over to hug Ella.

"Like I said no prob." She said as she hugged back.

Then I felt the my sweater hood get pulled and I walked backwards out of Ella's hug.

"Let's go (Y/N)." Blake said as she pulled my hood.

"Okay, bye Ella! Blake can you let go of my hood?"

"Bye (Y/N)!" Ella waved.

Blake let go of my hood so I started walking forward in the right direction.

"Anyways..... what's the plan now?" Sun asked.

"I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much Dust before." Blake said.

"What if they did?" Sun said. Then he started pacing right in front of me and Blake. "I mean... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is go to the place where they would most likely go if they were to do it, and not find them there. Right?" Sun asked.

"I think?" I said.

"The only thing is, I've no idea where that would be." Blake said.

"Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a huge shipment of Dust coming from Atlas." Sun said.

"How huge?" Blake and I asked.

"Huge. Big Schnee Company freighter." Sun said.

"You're sure?" Blake asked.

"Is Neptune afraid of water?" He asked.

".....what?" I said.

"Oh sorry. That was a yes." Sun said.

"To the docks!" I pointed onwards.


When we arrived at the site where the shipment of Dust would be dropped off it was about mid-afternoon. Now it's night and not a sound was heard except for a couple of chirps from crickets.

Blake and I was laying down on our stomachs waiting for anyone who would look like they would steal Dust. We had a couple of small talks here and there but everything was quiet for the moment.


"....And everyday, my father would come home, furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood."

It can understand her hatred but how could her own father hurt her? He may be one of the richest men on this planet but I swear if I ever see him-

"(Y/N)?" Blake snapped me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked as I looked at her.
"Are you okay? You haven't said anything for a while." Blake asked.

"Yeah. Just thinking about things." I said as looked away from her.

I could see her give me a worried look in the corner of my eye.

"Did I miss anything?" I heard Sun ask.

He landed to my right in a crouch.

"Not really. They're offloaded the creates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there." Blake said.

"Cool." Sun said as he pulled out two green apples. "I stole you guys some food!"

"Do you always break the law without a second thought?" Blake questioned him.

"Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?" Sun asked earning him an angry glare from Blake. "Okay, too soon!" Sun said.

As soon as he said that another "ship" flew over us. It shined a light at the ground and then it landed. It opened up and multiple men with metal masks covering their eyes came out.

"Oh no... "Blake muttered.

"Is that them?" I asked.

"Yes.... it's them." Blake said.

One of the White Fang soldiers ordered the others to grab their gear and more soldiers came out the "ship".

"You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?" Sun asked Blake.

"No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right." Blake said with a sad look on her face.

"Hey! What's the hold up?!" A voice shouted.

Blake, Sun, and I directed our attention back at the ship to see a redhead man wearing a white coat, a small hat, black pants and shoes while holding a cane.

"We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?" The man shouted.

"This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a human. Especially not one like that." Blake said.

Then she stood up and unsheathed her katana. Then she walked off the edge of the roof.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Sun yelled at Blake but she already landed on the ground.

We watched her zip around the creates and up to that man. She held her katana to his neck.

"Nobody move!" Blake shouted.

The White Fang raised their swords and guns in response. I looked at Sun.

"Come in if we need backup." I said before I jumped off the roof into a crouch.

"Wait! Argh!" Sun groaned.

I hid behind some boxes and activated (W/N) in their blaster form. I watched Blake remove her bow to reveal her cat ears which made the White Fang soldiers lower their weapons. The man Blake had in her hold started laughing for some reason.

"Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?" The man asked.

"What are you talking about?" Blake asked.

"The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!" He said.

"Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation." Blake said.

As soon as she said that two more ships came in and started taking creates of Dust. The man aimed his cane at the ground and it fired an explosive shot making a big explosion underneath him.

I couldn't see anything due to all the smoke the explosion caused but I heard multiple gun shots. I moved away from the smoke and I seen the man looking around.

"Is this the time for backup?" I heard Sun say right next to me.

Without looking at him I smiled and said "Let's show him what we got."

We jumped on top of some stacked up crates then we dropped down right in front of the man.

"Leave her alone." I said sternly.

Then even more ships came in and even more soldiers came out.

"Shouldn't you kids be home? You can hurt this late at night." The man said as the White Fang soldiers started surrounding us.

3rd Person View

Sun and (Y/N) went back to back as they readied themselves for a fight. The soldiers surrounded them in a circle but that only made the two smile mischievously. The soldiers charged in with their swords and the two boys retaliated with punches and kicks to anyone who came close to them. Then Sun pulled out his weaponized staff and took down 3 soldiers in one go while (Y/N) blasted them back with his (W/N). (Y/N) glanced over at Sun and smirked before he noticed Roman aiming at Sun. Roman fired a shot but you jumped in its way and released your newest weapon, Burning Rose. You activated the weapon in its scythe form and you deflected Roman's shot easily.

Blake came from behind some crates and rushed at Roman in a fury of afterimages. Roman was able to block and dodge all of Blake's attacks despite her speed and landed a few hits on Blake. Then he smacked Blake with his cane which caused her to fall back.

But Sun rushed in straight afterwards and transformed his staff into shotgun/nunchucks. He attacked quickly and gracefully but Roman still blocked his attacks. You saw that Sun needed help so you rushed in with Burning Rose and slashed Roman, knocking him on the ground. You was ready to attack again but Roman fired a shot above a crane holding a large crate. The box fell down and (Y/N), Sun, and Blake jumped out of its way. You jumped back with Blake but Sun fell on the other side on the ground with Roman. Roman stood above Sun and aimed his cane at Sun's face but a new challenger arrived.


(Y/N) View

"Hey!" I heard Ruby shout.

Blake and I looked up on top of a building to see Ruby wielding Crescent Rose. I smiled then I climbed up on some boxes to get a view over the giant crate that separated me and Blake from Sun and that man.

"Well, hello, Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?" The man asked.

Ohhhhhh! So he's Torchwick.

"Ruby are these people your friends?" Penny asked as she appeared right next to Ruby.

"Penny get back!" Ruby shouted. But that man fired at shot at the two girls, making Ruby fly back.

"Ruby!" I shouted.

I gripped onto Burning Rose tighter and glared at Torchwick. I jumped down from the crates and got ready to fight. There was three White Fang members I'm front of me but not for long. I rushed forward..... but a sword took him down.


The sword seemed to be floating and it flew right behind me. I turned around and saw Penny with 6 swords floating behind her.

"Penny? You're Psychic?!" I asked.

"Oh, hello (Y/N). I'm combat ready!" Penny saluted.

I smirked. "Let's do this Penny!"

Penny somehow used the floating swords as wings and she glided across the ground to fight more White Fang soldiers. But I took a different route. I ran past any White Fang soldiers and rushed directly at the redheaded man. He saw me coming so he fired more shots from his cane but I deflected them with my scythe. When I got close enough we clashed our weapons together.

"You don't know when to give up kid!" He said.

"I sure don't!" I said before I activated my semblance.

The red flame like light surrounded me then I sidesteped out of the way and slashed his side.

He stumbled back but he quickly shook it off. Then we rushed at each other and started exchanging blows. My scythe vs his surprisingly durable cane. He dashed back a bit and started firing shots at point blank range at me. But I spun my scythe as fast as could and deflected his shots. Then I transformed Burning Rose to its Leviathan Mode. I back flipped a couple of times until I landed on top of a dust crate. I quickly took its top off and I grabbed the first Dust Crystal I saw.

"Hope this works." I said to myself.

I placed the light blue dust crystal into the port at the bottom of the axe and the axe started giving off a cold blue glow. I smirked as I jumped off the crate and slammed my weapon into the ground. When the blade of the axe made contact with the ground a giant blue explosion of ice happened. Giant shards of Ice spiked up from the ground and even took down a couple of White Fang ships. The man and I looked at the destruction I caused equally surprised.

"Ella really did go all out on this." I said to myself as a sweat dropped.

The man looked at me with a surprised look then ran towards the only ship remaining. I ran after him but he made it to the ship faster than I did. The ship lifted up with the door opened so I saw the glare the man gave me before it closed. I felt my semblance fade and I looked into the sky.

I watched him fly away but then I was tackled me into a hug.

"(Y/N)! You're alright?!" Ruby asked.

"I'm fine Rubes." I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

"We've been looking all over for you and Blake." Ruby said as we got up.

"I know. Blake just needed to sort some things out. Speaking if which..." I turned around and saw Blake and Sun walking towards us. "You guys alright?" I asked.

"Yeah." Blake said.

"Blake!" Ruby said before tackling her into a hug.

"Hahaha!" Sun and I laughed.


Soon after the White Fang left the police arrived. They questioned us and we explained the situation to them...except for the ice spikes. So we (Sun, Ruby, Blake, Penny, and I) stayed at the docks as we waited for Yang and Weiss. Speaking which here they come now.

Ruby got off the create she was sitting on and ran up to Weiss.

"Look Weiss, it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute..." Ruby said super quickly but Weiss just ignored her.

Blake had a calm look as Weiss approached her.

"Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang when I was with the-"

"Stop!" Weiss cut Blake off. "Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you?" She paused before answering. "Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided.... I don't care." Weiss said.

"You don't care?" Blake asked surprised.

"You said you're not one of them anymore, right?" Weiss asked.

"No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-"

"Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah!" Weiss waved her finger to silence her. "I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up.... you'll come to your teammates. And not some...." Weiss peaked around Blake and looked at Sun. "Someone else." Weiss finished.

"Of course." Blake said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

We all smiled then Ruby started waving her arms around excitedly.

"Yeah! Team RWBY and Team (Y/N) is back together!" Ruby shouted.

The girls and laughed but then Weiss spun around and pointed at Sun.

"I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!" Weiss told him which caused Sun to laugh nervously.

"Hey, wait a minute.....Where's Penny?" Ruby asked.

I looked around and didn't see her anywhere.

"Huh. She was just here..... and I didn't get to thank her." Ruby said sadly.

I came from behind Ruby and picked her up then placed her on my shoulders. She gave a little yelp but that only made me smile.

"Don't worry Rubes. We'll see her again." I said. "Now let's go home."


I was laying down in Blake's bed again. She had her head on my chest sleeping soundly, just like the other girls. But I was wide awake. I was thinking about Torchwick and the White Fang. They're behind the robberies just like how the police suspected but what are they using the Dust for?

I sighed and looked down at Blake but was surprised to see her looking back at me with her beautiful amber eyes.

"Having trouble sleeping?" She whispered.

"Yeah. I'm just thinking about things." I whispered.

"Oh okay." She whispered.



"Why do you still sleep with your bow on?"

She looked away from me for a second then looked back.

"I'm just not ready to show the world who I am." Blake whispered.

"Well I like the way you are. Bow or not." I whispered.

I could see Blake smile in the darkness.

"How about this. I'll only take it off when I'm with you?"

"Deal." I whispered.

Blake did as she said and took off the bow from her head. I could see her cat ears wiggle from side to side as she laid her head back on my chest. I smiled as we both drifted off to sleep.
Author Note

Hey guys! The weapon has been revealed! Burning Rose. I used the idea to use the Leviathan Axe from the comments but I also remembered that Ruby also helped make the weapon so I combined the two.... plus the pistols.

Hope you liked the chapter!


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