
( Kayla )

A doctor came out.

Doctor: Martin Rosalia.

We stood up and he walked over to us.

Jayda: Is she alive?

The doctor nodded.

Doctor: She is certainly alive but is sleeping right now. She had shrimp , which she is severely allergic to. Her airways closed and she died for a brief second. We were able to bring her back. Would you like for us to give her a allergy test.

Jayda: How will that happen.

The doctor looked from me to Jayda.

Doctor: It's simple. In an allergy skin test, a very small drop of a liquid food extract, one for each food, is placed on the skin. The skin is then lightly pricked. This is safe and generally not painful. Within 15 to 20 minutes, a raised bump with redness around it, similar to a mosquito bite, may appear. It shows that you are probably allergic to that food and you probably need food allergy treatment.

Me: Will she be awake during this?

Doctor: Yes , we will need her awake for this.

Jayda: Will it hurt.

Doctor: Since she is that young , it might. Different people have different pain levels.

I nodded.

Me: Jayda? What you think.

Jayda looked over at me , along with everybody else.

Jayda: I really need to know what she's allergic to because that other doctor said she wasn't allergic to shrimp and you see what happened tonight.

I nodded.

Me: Okay.

Jayda looked back at the doctor.

Jayda: Yes , we want a allergy test performed.

Doctor: Alright. We will wait until she is awake to do the test. Right now she need much sleep. When we get ready to perform the test , we will call her parent or guardian and they can go in with her.

Jayda: That might kind of be a problem.

Doctor: Why.

Jayda: Uh our aunt has custody , but she threw us out and I've been taking care of her ever since she was small.

Doctor: Well how old are you.

Jayda: 17.

Doctor: Does she have somebody over the age of 18 that you can think of?

Mom: I can do it. I'm her aunt.

Doctor: Alright , we will check her records to see if your really her aunt. Give me your name and number and we will give you a call to tell you if you can come or not.

Mom gave him her name and number.

Jayda: Can we see her.

Doctor: Any of you family?

Jayda: I'm her sister , that's her aunt and that's her cousin.

Doctor: Alright , you three can come in but the rest will have to wait out here.

Jayda: Alright.

Doctor: 2nd floor , room 203.

Jayda: Okay. Thank you.

Doctor: My pleasure.

He walked off.

Jayda: We'll be back.

Ariyanah: Take your time. We get it and we'll be right here.

We nodded and went to the elevator.

Jayda: How could I let this happen. I told her I was always going to look out for her and look. She's in the hospital!

Mom: Hey sweetie , it wasn't your fault. That stupid allergist person told you she wasn't allergic to Seafood.

Jayda: I know , but still-

Me: Jayda , you couldn't have prevented this in any kind of way.

The doors opened and we walked off and I spoke again.

Me: Accidents happens and this is a accident. Some accidents you can prevent , but this one , you couldn't. You couldn't prevent this.

She ran her hand through her hair and sighed.

Jayda: I guess your right.

We went inside the room and Jayda was about to pass out from seeing Rosa hooked up to all the machines.

Me: Oh my fuck.

Rosa looked pale. She had iv's in both arms and her eyes were red and closed.

Jayda sat beside her and held her hand. I sat at the end of the bed and mom sat on the other side of the bed.

I brushed Rosa's hair from her face.

Jayda: I love you so much Rosa. We all do. 

Me: She isn't in a coma.

Jayda cut her eyes at me and they looked deathly black.

Me: Nevermind , say what you need , whatever you want.

She looked back down at Rosa.

The door opened and a lady came in.

Lady: Oh. Who are you?

Jayda: Who are you?

Lady: I'm here to see Rosalia Martin.

Me: And you are who.

Lady: I'm Katrina Myson. I'm Samantha Hartly's assistant.

Jayda: Get out.

Katrina: What?

Jayda: Need I repeat myself?

Katrina: But I have a-

Jayda got up and grabbed Katrina by her shirt collar.

Jayda: I don't give 2 fucks if you are on a mission for the got damn president. I said get the fuck out and tell my aunt I said to come see me tomorrow at 4 and if she's late , well , I don't wanna tell to much details. Now GO!

She released the girl and the girl walked out after nodding.

Me: What was that about.

Jayda: I don't know honestly.

Mom: Alright , that's it. I'm adopting you and Rosa.

Jayda looked at my mom.

Jayda: What? No. Please don't.

Mom: What? Why not?

Jayda: If they know that we are living on our own , they'll put us in foster care.

Mom: No they won't cause in the will , your custody is to me.

Jayda: So how'd we end up with Samantha.

Mom: That's a discussion for another time once we get everything situated.

Jayda: Alright.

The door opened again and a nurse poked her head in.

Nurse: Visiting hours are over in 5 minutes. 

Me: Can anybody stay the night?

Nurse: One relative.

Mom: I'll stay. You guys go ahead and get some rest.

Jayda: Are you sure? I can stay.

Mom: I'm positive. Gone ahead home and get some rest.

Jayda: Alright. I'll be back first thing in the morning.

Mom: Alright.

Jayda kissed Rosa's head and hugged my mom.

Jayda: Thank you so much.

Mom: It's no problem.

I wrapped my arm around Jayda's shoulders and walked us out , after hugging and kissing my mom's cheek.

Me: Don't worry to much. My mom used to be a nurse , so she'll notice first thing of anything un normal.

Jayda: Alright.

We went down to the first level and saw Danielle and Skylar gone. Jayden sleeping on her arm and Ariyanah on her phone , yawning about every 5 seconds.

We walked up to them.

Me: We're back.

Ariyanah: How is she?

Jayda: Looks weak.

Ariyanah: She'll be okay.

Jayda woke up Jayden and explained what happened and soon we were back in the limo dropping everybody off. Turns out Skylar and Danielle was in here since it was cold in the hospital.

Ariyanah: Is it okay if I crash at your house tonight? Yanno my dad.

Me: Yeah. That's fine.

The limo let us out last and we went inside.

-  -  -  -

Chapter 39

Rosa should be fine .

Samantha's assistant ? 

What should happen next ? 

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