The Rise Of The Phoenix ~ The Final Battle (pt.1)
Dante's POV:
I can't believe after all this time, Aaron finally proposed. He was wanting to do it at LoveLoveParadise but he obviously wasn't able to. I never thought that he would've done that yesterday. He and her had an ENTIRE night to themselves and I kind of wonder what they did. WHOA!!! That came out wrong. Anyway, Kawaii~Chan and I had to watch their kids last night and now we're heading over to meet them in the park. As soon as we get close enough to see them, Elena and Lilith run toward them. They are cute little girls. They have on dresses, shoes, and hair bows that Nekoet doesn't fit anymore.
"Look at these two beautiful princesses standing in front of us."
"You two look like flowers in the summer. Aaron, I think we are going to be good parents. Well, obviously I'M a good parent. Look how the kids turned out so far." Aaron gives her a goofy look. "Dante we'll meet up later. We need to bring them to the house for Zoey to watch. Levin and Malachi, you two can do stuff around the village to help. We'll meet where Laurence and I first got to know Aaron. Laurence knows where that is. Travis and Katelyn are already training so we won't see them. It's just Aaron, you, Laurence, Garroth, and me training."
"Okay, see ya guys later." This is going to be like old times.
Aphmau's POV:
This week is getting a little better everyday. Sure yesterday Brian was given the death penalty, which I can't believe I can say, but Aaron proposed and now I'll become Mrs. Aphmau Liken. It's crazy. So we head to see Zoey, but she's outside watering the plants.
"Hey Zoey. Mind watching the little ones? Aaron and I need to train."
"Have I ever said no to watching the kid? OF COURSE I'll watch them. Come here little ones. I'll teach you how to plant flowers." Huh. I guess we get to meet up early. I bet they're already down there. Oh well. As we walk down to the spot, Aaron walks closer and puts his arm around me and so I return the gesture by holding his hand and leaning on his shoulder. Aaron is the best.
"So Mrs. Liken to be, how does it feel to be engaged to the handsomest man ever?"
"I'm not engaged to Garroth, I'm engaged to you." He gives me a crazy look, "I'm just kidding. It's good. After all these years of knowing each other and liking each other, we are finally engaged and are to get married when everything is over. It's...nice to know that we didn't wait for nothing." We reach the spot and I feel a tear stream down my face. Aaron wipes it off my cheek and kisses my forehead. Turns out they aren't here yet. I give Aaron a grin of hope and happiness. He returns the same look. We pull out our swords and I go change into the outfit I used to wear for this stuff. We are going to train for about.....1 hour before they come that way we are already warmed up. It feels weird being here again. I am still in my Irene form so I take it easy on him, but right now he's sweating like crazy. Geez. I guess it has been that long since we've trained. Heh, guess I've gotta whip my boy into shape.
Laurence's POV:
Garroth and I were packing lunches and stuff for when we take a break to eat down at the spot. All of a sudden I here Dante laughing hysterically.
"What's so funny Dante?"
"Aphmau and Aaron. They barely had to travel a few feet because Zoey was outside and she was just so excited. Then, I saw Aaron and Aph go to the spot in that hug-walk thing couples do. I guess they've gotten this couple thing down, huh?" At the thought of Aphmau never being able to ever love us the way Garroth and I do makes my heart break. At least she's with someone who will keep her safe. I try to shake the thought into the deepest part of my brain.
"Yeah. Anyway, we should get going over to the place. I'm assuming Aphmau told you that I have to lead you.
"Yep! Now come on and prepare to get your butts kicked."
"On no. Laurence help me. I'm so scared of the old man walking in front of us." We both laugh and Dante looks at us. Now it's time for some real fun.
"Oh yeah. If this 'old man' beats the both of you at once, then you buys have to clean the weapons for a week. If you both take me down, I have to clean the weapons for a week. Deal?" Of course I like a little wager.
"Deal!" We get to the place to see Aphmau and Aaron training. Garroth has a good idea going. All three of us climb a tree to get a batter view. Aphmau has become the teacher. She hasn't even started to sweat, but Aaron is a sweating heap. Who knew Aphmau would become the strongest of us five. It seems only yesterday she met all of us and couldn't barely defend for herself. How the tables have turned. CRUNCH!!! Aphmau put Aaron against the tree with such force, the tree was pushed down a little. She actually BENT a tree. Imagine how much damage she can do in a battle.
"So that's 10 points for me and you are still stuck with 0 points. Aaron, I'm not even using my entire strength."
"Let's go once more, and this time use ALL your strength. I need to see you fight to you're full potential, or else you'll be used to fighting as much as you have on me and then you'll get killed. Once more and then we can watch the guys train." He looks at us and grins. Aphmau waves and I wave back with a big smile on my face.
"YOU'VE GOT THIS APHMAU!!!" I have to scream it. It's the sports guy coming out. Aphmau pulls out her mithril sword while Aaron pulls out his demonic sword. This is going to end with Aaron getting hurt. Luckily Aphmau will use her healing powers. "Aaron, to get her to her full potential you have to make her mad. Think of something that will anger her to the extreme."
"Think of all the people who have betrayed you. Think of the fight with Shad. Think of the time Zane ate all your cupcakes. I know you can't fight. You're a girl, and girls are weak. Guys are the stronger, more intelligent ones. Come on Aph, COME AT ME!!!" At that point Aphmau has a glowing, white aura around her. She goes at Aaron, but she's to quick for him to dodge. She kicks him in the stomach, and punches him in the gut. They go on like this for about 30 more seconds until Aphmau pushes Aaron against the same tree as last time. She pushed him with more force than last time and with that, she knocked the tree over. Aaron is covered in bruises from head to toe. The aura, that once was around Aphmau, is gone. She looks at Aaron with fear in her eyes, lets Aaron sit down on the now fallen tree, and hugs him with tears streaming down her face. I feel bad now. It was my idea to get her hyped up. I look at Garroth and Dante and we jump from the tree to where they are. She's crying.
Aaron's POV:
I have bumps and bruises in places you can't even imagine. Aphmau sets me down and hugs me. With sore arms, I attempt to hug her back. Luckily I succeed. I see Laurence, Garroth, and Dante jump from the tree they were on over to me and Aph. I pull away from Aphmau's hug and give the guys a glare that means 'we need some alone time'. They nod at me and walk to the side. Aphmau helps me up and leads me to the cave to help heal me. The cave has grown deeper that I used to have it. It's still lit though, so that means we don't have to. Aphmau grabs a blanket that we had over here last night, spreads it out, and set's me down on it. She takes a deep breath in and closes her eyes as a glowing light comes from her hands. I don't hear the guys training yet so I guess they are waiting for us. As soon as she's done healing me, we hear the guys yell "FREEZE!" We both look at each other and head outside. I can't believe my eyes. It's Ein. After all these years. Aphmau looks annoyed, frightened, mad, and sad all at one time. I don't blame her. I'm trying very hard to contain my anger.
"What are you doing here Ein?You know I never wanted to see you again after you put ME under a spell and made me try to KILL AARON! YOU have no place here. You have no place any ware. So explain."
"Well you see, Aphmau, I came with an army. YOU MAY COME OUT NOW!! I work for Shad now. I was sent to try to kill you. Unfortunately for you, you're out numbered. Bring forth the prisoners!" He has Dotty, Ryland, and Daniel as CAPTIVES? He's a cruel ma- werewolf. "If you want them back, you have two choices you can make. A) You can beat ME in a battle or B) You can turn your self in. You have two days to choose. We'll be set up out side of the front gaits. TWO DAYS! I'll be waiting"
"What are you going to do? He has Dotty, Ryland, and Daniel. HE only wants one of two things but both might turn out to be suicide. Well, at least one of them is. You have to fight him. If you don't choose, he'll most likely release his army on you. Aaron, Garroth, Dante, and I can't do anything to help you."
"I-I DON'T KNOW!!" And she runs off. I try to grab her hand but the sweat from clenching my hands so hard make it had to hold on to her. I have no choice but to run after her. The guys stay behind though. They know that they should stay out of this. She goes in the cave and I follow, dropping the curtain we put up over the entrance last night. She turns around and steps close enough that our noses and foreheads touch. She has tears streaming down her face so I put her face in my hands, smile at her, and kiss her. She returns the kiss and with each breath the kiss become stronger, more meaning full each time. We slowly go to sit on the blanket and continue what we started. This feels nice. This feels RIGHT. Being here with her, no space between us, alone. It's the one moment I want to never end, but it does. Aphmau pulls back and looks at me. We are now laying down on the blanket with our bodies parallel. She kisses my cheek, then my lips, and then she lays her head on my neck so we are both side ways and perfectly aligned. My hands run across her hips to her back and I pull her to me for a hug. She needs this moment. I need it. The stress has made us blind to what we have dedicated out life's to. She moves her head up so that I can hear her breath in my ear.
"Please don't make me choose." She whispers. I run my hand through her hair. She says it again, "Please don't make me choose." And then she fall asleep. I can't make her so I won't. I call the guys into the cave and I feel bad. Laurence and Garroth look heart broken to see this. I look at them with sad eyes to say 'I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me.' They look at each other, smile, then nod. They forgive me. I give them very specific instructions. I hope this works.
~Time Skip By Scales Wind~
Garroth's POV:
We reach the gates and automatically we see Ein. He looks at us with an evil grin. I hope Aaron's plan works. "Ein, we are here on behalf of Lord Aphmau."
"She chose already? I'm shocked."
"No. Another higher up chose for her. Aaron. She couldn't choose and so he chose for her. He'll go with you to the Nether in turn for Dotty, Ryland, and Daniel. Is that a deal?"
"Hmmm. Tell him that we leave in 2 days." I can't believe it worked. I feel bad for Aphmau and Aaron though. They get engaged one day and one is sacrificing themselves a SECOND time for the people they love. Aaron HAS to make the last 2 days with Aphmau worth it. She's going to be heart broken to wake up without Aaron next to her. I look at Laurence and as we walk back to the village, we start to plan who we'll ask to help with their wedding tomorrow.
Elena's POV:
Mommy says that she's okay whenever her and Daddy are alone, but I'm smart. I can tell she's very sad. "Uncle Garroth and Uncle Laurence!!!! Can you give us a piggyback ride to Mommy and Daddy?"
"Sure girls. Elena you can get on my back and Lilith can get on Garroth's."
"YAY!!!!" Uncle Laurence and Uncle Garroth are the best. "WEEEEEEEEEEEE!! This is fun. You are the bestest uncles ever. Hi Daddy and Mo-. MOMMY, are you okay?"
"I'm okay Elena. It's just been very stressful for Mama lately." I go and give them a hug and Uncle Laurence, Uncle Garroth, and Lilith follow. I wish I could help Mommy in some way.
Time Skip 2 hours
Aphmau's POV:
Laurence and Garroth have been planning Aaron and I's wedding for tomorrow for 2 hours now. They have asked people to help.
-Emmalyn, Zoey, Donna, Emma, and Brendan=Decorations
-Kenmer, Levin, Malachi, and Garroth=Guests
-Dante and Travis= Flowers, Chairs, and Isle
-Lucinda=Protection Barrier, Spa for the bride and groom, and distraction
Now all me and Aaron need to do is pick who we want to be the brides maids and groomsmen. Also, we need to pick the ring bearer and flower girl(s). We already know who the flower girl(s) are going to be. We chose Nekoet, Elena, and Lilith to be the flower girls. We also chose Dimitri to be the ring bearer. Now for the brides maids and best men. "So have you chosen your groomsmen and who's is going to be your BEST MAN yet?"
"Not yet. How 'bout you and your brides maids and your MAID OF HONOR?"
"Yep. I'm going to ask Katelyn to be my Maid of Honor. Then I'm going to have Lucinda, Kawaii~Chan, Cadenza, and Zoey as my brides maids."
"I'm going to ask Travis, Dante, Garroth, and Laurence be the groomsmen. I know there is usually just ONE best man but I couldn't choose between Levin or Malachi, so I chose both of them to be my best men." Two best men. I think he just set a record for the most best men at a wedding.
"Well, I'm just proud of you for coming to a compromise with yourself. I'm proud of you honey." At that one word, he jolts his head up and looks at me in shock. "What? Is there something on my face?" He just laughs, stands up with a big smile on my face, and kisses me. We pull apart with our foreheads touching and smile. "I love you," I whisper. He's told me what he chose for me to do and I can't get over it. I told him I was okay, but I'm not. This is all I've ever feared and now it's coming to life. I've been waking up in a sweat because of the nightmares and this doesn't help ANYTHING. I can feel his gaze as my eyes are closed and tears streaming down my face. He puts his hand on my chin, lifts my head up to where my eye meet contact with his and he hugs me. I can tell that he regrets his choice about going because he's about to have a wife, 2 sons, and 2 daughters. He has all his friends he's made since we moved to MyStreet and high school, he has a family, he has a life and he is about to give it all up for us. Just thinking about it makes me hug him harder and the tears come heavier now. I can hear his breath deepen and hear small sobs once in a while from him. I look up at his red face, now covered in tears, and start to name everything perfect about him. Every little thing that made me fall in love with him.
"Kindness, bravery, confidence, selflessness, funny, open, amazing, handsome, dependable. The reason I'm here with you today, Aaron, is because of those things and more. You stuck up for me in high school, you never let me down, you tried everything in your power to find me and to get to me, when I was moving you helped me pack, you always knew how to make me laugh, you used to tutor me whenever I had trouble in werewolf class, you made me the alpha female, you gave me meaning, you knew me better than anyone, when Kia broke my heart you talked to me the entire time until I fell asleep, you never gave up, and when I asked you 'What do you know about me?' you answered in a way I didn't think was possible. I love you, Aaron. Those are the reasons I fell in love with you and about to marry you tomorrow evening. never think I will leave you on your own."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm going with you with Ein. He almost took me away from you before, I won't let him take you from me now." He smiled and stroked my cheek. We both yawn and head to bed. "Good night Aaron."
Aaron's POV:
I'm kind of happy Aphmau wanted to go with me to the Nether, but at the same time, I'm scared. I don't want her to become a Shadow Night, or worse. Why is she so head strong? I guess that's what I love about her. I guess we'll train soon for war. I don't want war and I don't think Aphmau would want war. I need to contact Garroth and Laurence. Luckily, they are staying downstairs in the basement for now. I try very hard not to wake Aph up. She needs her sleep. I make sure before I close the door that she and the boys are asleep. I head downstairs, to the first level, and see that Garroth and Laurence are playing cards and drinking coffee. Once they realize I'm down here, they stop their game, pick up the cards, and deal me in. I guess I'm playing Rumee.
"Guys, I have a plan. You can't tell Aphmau though. I need you to listen and tell Katelyn, Travis , Dante, Gene, Sasha, Zenix, and Zane. So listen up. Aphmau and I both are going to the Nether in two days. So when we go to the Nether, I need you guys to trail behind us and follow us through the portal. Be ready with your swords and forms. That mean access your divine relic. Laurence, you can choose between your relic or Shadow Knight form. Once they are alone and weak, we strike. Aphmau will eventually catch on, and we'll be at war. I didn't want this to come but do you two understand?"
"It's settled then. We prepare for war."
To Be Continued...
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