Aarmau Part Two(Finale)

Aaron's POV:

I had an amazing night with Aph. Since everyone came to spy on us, we played different games when we got home. Luckily, they let us spend the rest of dinner alone. I still can't believe that we got 4 hours of alone time with each other. We walked home with everyone after that because they ended up eating at Olive Garden. It's morning now and Aphmau and I ended up staying together for the night. She's still asleep though so I try very hard not to wake her up while I'm getting ready. When I get out, to my surprise, she's up.?

"Morning sleeping beauty."

"Morning. Did you just get out of the shower?" as she says that I realize that I'm still wrapped in my towel. I feel my face start to heat up.

"Yeah. Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to wake up yet."

"I'm just as surprised as you are. What are we doing today?"

"Well Dante wanted me to meet him at the mall but everyone else wanted you to go over to Garroth, Laurence, Tavis, and Dante's house to play Monopoly."

"That'll be fun. Well I'm going to get ready. Love you." She get's off the bed, comes over to me, and kisses my cheek. I turn toward her and kiss her. She wasn't expecting that. She smiled though. As usual, she blushed.

"I'm going to go meet up with Dante, okay? I'll see you later."

"Okay, bye. Love you."

"Love you too." Then I left. I didn't want to abandon her after the night we had last night, but Dante started spamming my phone so I had to go. I wonder what he is so eager to show me.

Aphmau's POV:

"Okay, bye. Love you."

"Love you too." He left. I wonder what in the name of Irene Dante needed to show Aaron so bad he had to start spam texting him. Anyway, I got in the shower and got ready then I'm going to start to head over to the guys house. When I get there, I ring the doorbell. It is so quiet in there. Ding Dong. I hear whispers. Then finally, Laurence opens the door to let me inside. When I get in, everyone is just huddled in the middle of the room. I know what's going to happen next.

"WHAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEN YOU TWO LAST NIGHT?!?!?" everyone screamed. I knew something was going to happen like this. I was hoping it wasn't.

"Guys, guys. We just talked and laughed for a little while longer then we fell asleep. Nothing big"

"Aphmau~Senpai, are you sure nothing else happened. Kawai~Chan needs to know."

"I'm sure. Now let's play some Monopoly!"

"Aphmau, can I talk to you for just a moment."Laurence and I haven't had little private talks since high school. This worries me.

"Aphmau, you know that I want what's best for you. You know that right? And you know I love you, right?"

"Yes Laurence. I know."

"Are you sure nothing else happened? I care about you and if there is anything wrong you can come to me okay?"

"Nothing else happened and yes. I know. I will come to you if anythings wrong. NOW LET'S GO PLAY!!!" So we walk over to the group and play monopoly.

Aaron's POV:

I've been to the mall before but it's weird not going with Aph. I've always known where to go at this place because of her. But now it's just me and Dante.

"So how much do you love Aphmau?"

"I would do anything for her."


"What are you planning Dante?"

"Well have you heard of Love Love Paradise?"
"Yes. The tickets are expensive though."

"Well what if I tell you that there's a contest that is giving away free tickets to the winners."

"REALLY?!?! What contest is it?"

"Look over there."

                                                                              LOVE LOVE PARADISE

                                                                          KISSING CONTEST

                                           WINNERS GET FREE TICKETS TO LOVE LOVE PARADISE


                                                                 Time Skip Sponsored By Zane~Chan


Aphmau's POV:

I was just about to win monopoly but Aaron and Dante broke down the door.



I'm curious on what they are talking about. "What do mean we have to go?"

"We just have to go now! Come on Aph!"

After that he grabs my arm and pulls me to the car. He owns a blue 2017 Subaru WRX STI that looks like this:

I love my Aaron. Anyway, we got in the car and, of course, everyone wanted Aaron and I in the same car together. Joke's on them though. I actually wanted to have it just me and Aaron. I am still super tired so now sleep is taking over. I guess Aaron doesn't care that I'm falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Wake me up when we get there. Love you."

"Okay, I will. Love you too Aph."

Aaron's POV:

"Wake me up when we get there. Love you."

"Okay, I will. Love you too Aph." I can't wait to see the look on her face when we get to the resort. She's always wanted to go to a tropical island. She would never stop talking about. This is our first summer together and I want to make it special. No matter the cost. So as she falls asleep, I'm planing on what I want to do with her. I've texted everyone, except Aph, if they could leave her and I alone for a couple days and they said sure. Also, I made sure with Katelyn if it is okay if Aph and I share a room. Thank Irene she said yes. Now I have to plan the rest. Maybe take Aph to the beach alone during the sunset, or maybe even a night in the jacuzzi and a moon lit dinner. It'll remind us both of our first kiss in high school. Now that I think of it. Without Aphmau, I wouldn't be the person I am today and I wouldn't have even been here in her beautiful presents. I love Aphmau and I want to ask her to move in with me, but I don't know how. Maybe on our last day here I'll ask her during the fireworks. Irene knows what I'll do. All I know is that I love Aphmau and I want to do something special for and with her. I'm so deep in thought I didn't realize that she fell asleep holding my hand and laying on my arm. She must be really tired. She's so cute.

Dante's POV:

One minute we were rushing out the door and the next moment everyone is singing along to Smoke and Mirrors sang by Nightcore. I can't wait to get out of this car. Especially because I'm in between Kawaii~Chan and Garroth.

"We're here!"

"OH THANK IRENE!!!!" I rush past Kawaii~Chan and start to kiss the ground not realizing that it's wood and now I have a splinter in my lip. Now I see a sight to never miss. Aaron is carrying Aphmau bridal style. I know exactly how to make them blush.

"Here comes the bride....All dressed in white. OW!! What was that for?!?!"

"For ruining their first day here. OH!! Have you met me. Hi. My name is Katelyn. I like to punch stuff and people if I'm mad or annoyed."

"Guys stop arguing. We're on vacation. We need to be relaxed and happy."

"Aph's right. Now let's go and.....AHHHHHH!!!"

"Hello there!!!! Welcome the Love Love Paradise!! My name is Guy and I'll be your GUYED!!! Get it!?"

"Don't worry everyone. I've gotten rid of all my days of pun. That is my last one. Trust me"

"Okay then. Now if you follow me, I'll show you to your house!!"

Well he's......strange. Anyway, off to our beach house.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip Sponsored By Ceptiplyer


Aphmau's POV:

Aaron gave me a piggy back ride all the way to the house and I'm actually happy about it. I'm not blushing or anything. I'm getting better. Yaya!

"Okay guys. Since Aaron~Kun and Dante~Kun got us the tickets, they should be able to pick their rooms first."

"Thanks guys. Come on Aph. Let's go find a room."

"Right behind you. Hey Aaron, now that no one else is around I have something to tell you."


"Actually....I'll wait until we get into the room."

"*ugh*Why do you like to taunt me?"

"Because I think you're cute when you're frustrated at me. But you don't get too frustrated because I'm so small and inocent. I love you for that." Finally while we are talking we find a room.

"Come here Aaron. I need to tell you the thing."

"Okay, okay. I'm coming."

"I don't think we have had time alone since last night."

"One step ahead of you." He gives me that cute grin that makes my heart melt. He put on some music and puts an earbud in my ear and the other in his. Then he grabs my waist and hand and I grab his hand and shoulder. Then, we dance. He whispers something in my other ear.

"Aphmau Phoenix, I promise with my life I will love you, protect you, and never leave as long as I live."

"Aaron Licken, I promise the same." As soon as I say that, a vision of Aaron dying appears in my head. Now I'm on the ground huddled in a ball sobbing. I feel a figure above me and immediately know it's Aaron.

"Aphmau, are you okay?" I don't know how to respond. I just go over into his open arms and hug him as if he was to disappear if I let go.

"Promise you'll stay?"

"I already have. But for you I'll say it again. I will never leave you. I'll take care of you, I promise." At that very moment words that he has said some point in time come into my head. I don't know when or where he has said them but the words are "She'll take care of you....I promise." Now I'm crying even more than before.

"AAAAAAAARRRRRRROOOOONNNNNNN!!!!!!!! What did you do to my precious Aphmau?!?!"

"Katelyn, I'm fine. I just... had a special moment with Aaron. Also, I had a weird dream."

"Aphmau, was it about me? Is that why you asked me if I'll always be here?"

"Yes. The vision or dream showed me you. It wasn't just you. It also showed a man clothed in black and other people that looked familiar but couldn't 100% recognize. The man in black was dead and....well...you sacrificed yourself for a man with blond hair. Like Garroth's color hair. You died Aaron. It was to hard for me to handle and the only way for me to cope with it was to cry. One more thing. When I started to cry harder. That was because when you said 'I'll take care of you, I promise.' a voice in my head that sounded like you said 'She'll take care of you, I promise.' and then the vision appeared again. I'm scared."

Aaron's POV:

I'm worried for Aphmau. I asked her what happened and this long response, that frightened me and her both, came out. I'm going to ask Guy if they have like a witch or someone of any magics here on the island.

"Caaaannn I help you?"

"Do you have anyone of magics here?"

"I'm coming. Yes young man."

"Ma'am, my girlfriend has had this vision or dream or whatever and she started crying. This has never happened to her before. I'm worried she might be ill, but I need someone of experience to see if I'm right or not."

"Let me pack up a few of my potions and things and I'll be right out."

"Thank you." I'm worried for Aph. I've never been without her since highschool. Even in college I kept in touch with her and stuff. If she is in trouble and it is critical, then I don't know what I'll do. I can't live without her. If I didn't have her, I would go back into my state of isolation.

"Okay, let's go." So I lead her back to the house. Luckily it's only around the corner from the Shoppe. When we get to the room, Aphmau is on the balcony crying.

She must've had more of the visions.

"Aph!!! Are you okay?!?!"

"Yeah. Just more of those visions. Who's this?" I help her up and over to the bed.

"This is Hyria. She's the witch of this island. She's here to see what's going on and why you're having these visions or whatever. Hyria, is it okay if I stay in here?"

"Of course, but everyone else has to wait outside."

"I've got you Aph. I'm not letting go of you."


"Yes Aphmau?"

"Can you sing me that lullaby I taught you in highschool?"

"Of course.


Don't you cry

Sleepy little baby

When you wake

You shall have

All the pretty little ponies


Don't you cry

Sleepy little baby

When you wake

You shall have

All the pretty little ponies


"Yes. Much. Can I stay close to Aaron ma'am."

"Of course darling. I just need to get to your head so I can receive the visions and whatnot. Hold still and this will be over in a second."

"Aaron, I'm scared."

"Me too. But don't worry. Everything is going to be okay. Right Hyria?"

"Yes. There's nothing wrong. The only thing I suggest is that you get good sleep tonight and stay inside tomorrow. If you want Aaron, you can stay with her. These images in your mind are visions of something that has happened somewhere I know not. Just make sure to tell whoever you need about them so you don't have to hold all that stress. Lastly, if they get worse and seem to be more realistic, just come find me in the Shoppe. I hope you two have a wonderful evening and I hope that these get better. Good night."

"Good night Hyria. Thank you for helping her. Now let's get you in the shower and ready for bed, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you Aaron." I grab her hand and help her up. The moment I let go of her hand, she falls. I'm going to have to help her in that shower and out and everything else. We're the only two still awake. Everyone else respected our privacy.

Aphmau's POV:

"I guess you're going to help the entire time. I bet I'm blushing."

"Actually, you're not blushing like I thought. I'm definitely blushing though. I can feel my face burn. Are you ready to get in the shower?"

"Yeah. Let's go." So he helps me up off the floor and leads me to the bathroom. Here comes the awkward part. He helps me take off my shirt and pants but he's not blushing as much as he was. I guess it's because he's seen me in a bikini before that it's nothing different. He hands me a towel to wrap around my body and leans me against the wall. He grabs the towel and uses it as a curtain for me so I can take of the rest. I grab the towel and he leads me to the shower. The shower door is as clear as the water. He starts the bathtub and makes sure the water is warm enough for me. Then, he puts bubble solution and rose petals in there for me.

"Awwwww. Babe, you didn't have to do that for me."

"Well I feel bad for you and I wanted to make you feel better. Don't worry, I have many more surprises for you."

"Well don't tell me that. You're the best though." He helps me to the bathtub and sits me on the side. He turns around to give me privacy until I'm in the tub.

"You can turn around now."

"I know. I have something for you though. Tada! It's a gift." I grab the present and open it.

"Oh My Irene. This is beautiful. Thank you so much. I love it." It's a necklace with a little heart locket on it. Inside the locket is two pictures of us from highschool and now. The one from highschool is our first kiss. The one of now is a picture Kawaii~Chan took of us while we were slow dancing on our first date.

"It took me forever to earn enough money for it. I'm glad you like it. It's a real white gold chain with real diamonds lining the heart. Told you I had more surprises."




Aaron's POV:

I just had Aph go to sleep. I hope she's okay while I'm talking to Laurance on facetime. I'm in the living room explaining everything that has happened today.




Aa=So yeah, Aphmau is having these visions and so she's asleep right now

L=Well I feel bad for her. She's never had to go through this. I've had visions like this before but I wasn't in it I don't think. It was a man with red eyes, a black and red full body suit on, and had ears and a tail like a mifwa. I was pretty scared

Aa=Yeah. Aph said that in the vision.....I died

L=I'm sorry Aaron. That must be scary for even you. And Aph was the one you saw it happen. Yikes

Aa=Did you hear that?

L=Hear what?

Aa=That scream. There it is again. APH!!!!!

L=Go Aaron. I'm right on your phone

Aa=I'm coming Aph!! Aph, Aph! Weird she go?

L=Aaron, over there. It's like a mask or something.

Aa=You're right. It is. Shhhh. Aph, are you under here?

A=I'm here. Please help me. A dark figure came in and he said his name was Shad the Destroyer. He said he was coming for me then left. That cloth was from his cloke. Aaron are you seriously on the phone at this time?

L=Hey Aphmau.

A=Oh, it's Laurence. Sorry Aaron. Anyway, I'm scared.

Aa=Don't worry. It's gone now. You're alright. Let's just enjoy the rest of our vacation here. I'll talk to you later Laurence. Have fun at your parents house.

L=Thanks Aaron. Bye you guys. Have a good vacation.


"Can you stay here with me this time?"

"Of course. I'm not leaving you after that. Come on." So we get in bed and she huddles right next to me. I wrap my arms around her to keep her safe and make her feel safe. Soon enough she and I are now falling into a deep sleep. I'm not letting that Shad guy get to her. EVER!

Laurences POV:

I'm really worried about Aphmau. I know that that figure in my vision was me. I was a Shadow Night in another dimension. A Shadow Night is a type of magics user but isn't directly, so I wonder if people with some kind of important magics of some type are starting to have these visions as Aphmau and I have. Maybe it's started with us early because we've had events that have triggered it? Now that I think about it, in my vision I was amongst Lady Irene. But she looked like Aphmau. Could Aphmau be Lady Irene in that other dimension? It all adds up now. The reason Zane is evil here is because he's evil there and vice versa. Everyone who is good here has eventually been good in the other dimension and everyone who is evil here as eventually been evil there as well. It all makes sense now. Before I tell everyone, I need to go a expert on this stuff. She's where Aphmau and everyone is though. I'll have to be sneaky not to be caught by them while I'm there. I NEED to get to Hyria. She's the only person who is an expert on this kind of stuff. Better get packing.


Time Skip By GenSha


Garroth's POV:

Man I'm a sound sleeper. I had this dream where I was in this dimension type thing and there was this big giant steeple, castle thing. I was with Aaron, Emalyn, Kenmer, Zane, Lily, Aphmau, Kaitlyn, and Laurence. Zane and Lily were evil and I had switched to Zanes side becoming part of something called the Jury of Nine. I was just about to hurt Aphmau before she snapped me out of it. She absorbed this kind of gem looking object and then before Zane destroyed her for it, I hopped in front of her to protect her. Then someone came out of a portal and told them to hurry and get through. I told Aphmau I would stay back to hold Zane but she refused. Then I kissed her and told her I loved her. Laurence pulled her through the portal and they were gone. Then I woke up to being on the couch.

I think these are the visions Aphmau was talking about. I think that I was having like a flashback of something somewhere else. I was in the Irene Dimension. I am Aphmau's guard and Aphmau is Lady Irene. Has she realized this yet? I need to talk to her.

"Aphmau. There you are. I was just about to find you. I just realized something."

"So did I. I'm Lady Irene. You, Laurence, Dante, Travis, and Katelyn are my guards. Aaron is somewhat my guard and we still love each other in that dimension."

"We live in a place named Phoenix Drop and Aph and I have four kids. Three are adopted and one is our blood born child. We have Levin, Malachi, Lilith, and Elena." I didn't know Aaron had the same visions and stuff as we did.

"Aaron, why didn't you tell me about this?"
"I wanted you to figure it out on my own. I asked Hyria about my visions on the way here yesterday and she explained everything." As soon as Aaron says this, Laurence and Hyria come through the door. Also, Kawaii~Chan, Lucinda, Kaitlyn, Dante, and Zane come down the stairs ready to say something. I have to ask them.

"Did you guys have the same dream last night and realized the same thing too?"

"YES!!!!" They all made my ears hurt after they said that in unison.

"That's why Hyria and I are here. I realized this a week ago. So did Aaron. I wanted to wait till everyone eventually had the dream. When I was thinking about it last night, I thought only people with some sort of magic would get the dream. But now that I see everyone had it, I was wrong."

"Now children, I'm going to tell you Aphmau's backstory and then I'll tell all of yours and your relationship to each other. Now Aphmau, you know that you are--"

"WAIT!!! You can't tell this story without Ivy." As soon as Garroth says it, Ivy, Lily, Levin, Malachi, Brandon, Sasha, Gene, Zenix, Emalyn, and Kenmer walk in.

"Now you can begin."

Hyria's POV:

"Aphmau, you know that you are Lady Irene and that you have incredible powers. What you don't know is the backstory. The story of the Divine Warriors takes place over 900 years ago.. Irene was a fighter for peace, and often fought for causes she felt were just. She was the only one of her friends not to go through the cycle of death and rebirth, as she had to remain as she was to protect the world. Because of this, she had to watch her friends die and be reborn over and over again. She often fought alongside Esmund, who was a shield for good. It is currently unknown what the other Divine Warriors' roles were. Shad was a different story. He was a warrior of destruction, a force against the sanctity of the world. He and Irene loved each other, but the fates were against them, as they personified opposing forces. Her constant fighting against Shad, as well as the conflict between the love triangle between Her, Shad, and Esmund, took a great toll on her. She forgot how to feel compassion or love for anyone, she completely lost her emotions for everyone and everything. She continued to do good for the world, but could not return feelings of love to those that loved her. During this time, Enki, Esmund, and Kul'Zak decided that if Shad was gone, there would be no more darkness in this world, and Irene would be able to feel again. It is unknown how they came to this conclusion. Shad found out about this betrayal, and his anger turned him into something infinitely dark and powerful. He became what is know as the Shadow Lord. Irene had to fight him, and had to create a new realm for their battle; the Irene Dimension. Banding together, the other five warriors were able to break him and his relic into pieces, scattering them across the world, and locked his soul in the Nether. But Irene didn't feel anything...in a twisted way, this actually hurt her. She wanted to feel sad for Shad's death, but could not. Eventually, the other warriors died again, leaving her all alone. Irene wanted to learn how to feel again, so she decided to seal away all her memories and go into slumber in the realm she created. She took her powers out and sealed them in her relic. As she sealed away her memories, she gave her best friend Hyria a staff, and said, when it glows, to place it somewhere she could be awoken from, and that needed her help

Hundreds of years later, a boy who had recently become a Shadow Knight (Vylad) came into my forest. Even though he had lost his emotion, he still wanted to help his brother (Garroth) and his village (Phoenix Drop). I told him to place the staff at the place that needed help, but Vylad didn't know the actual Irene would come. And thus Irene came back into the world under a new name: Aphmau."

"Now that I know my own background, I see what that figure meant. He's coming to destroy me for putting him im the Irene Dimension."

"On to everyone's relationship with each other. Zane, Sasha, Zenix, Gene, and Laurence stand here. Aphmau, Garroth, Aaron, Dante, Travis, Malachi, Levin, and Katelyn stand here. Now Laurence, stand in between the two groups. Ivy and Lily stand here. Now Zane, stand in between the two groups and same for you Garroth and Katelyn. Kawaii~Chan and Lucinda stand here. Brandon, Emalyn, and Kenmer stand here."

"Now what? Hyria, I brought you here to show us what this means."

"I am. These are the spots you are in. If you are in a group with Gene, then you are a Shadow Night. With Aphmau, a protector and potentially a Divine Warrior. Laurence, you are both. With Ivy, you are a Jury of Nine. Garroth and Katelyn, you are with Aphmau but also with Ivy. Zane, you are with Gene but also with Ivy. A matter of fact, you are the leader of the Jury of Nine. If you are with me, you are a magics user. If you are with Kenmer, you are a friends but play a very important role in everyone's journey. Aphmau and Aaron, you have seen two of your children already here. Levin and Malachi. They were adopted before you two became a thing in the other dimension. You have two other kids though. Both are girls, one is blood-borne and the other you both adopted before you had a kids. I'm going to show an image of them and tell me if you've seen them in you visions.

Look familiar?"

Aphmau's POV:

My children. Right now, I can't help but fall into a ball and cry.

"My babies! I want all four of them with me right now! I want us to be a big happy family again! Without Aaron dead! There, they didn't know their father well! Elena didn't even see her father like Lilith did!"

"Don't worry mom. We are going to figure out a way to get our sisters back."

"Levin's right. Aph, we are going to get our children. Hyria, is there a way to get them back?"

Third Person POV:

"There's only one way to get them." At that moment everyone looks at each other oddly. Everyone except Aphmau, Aaron, Levin, and Malachi. They know what they have to do. After a moment of confusion Laurence finally speaks.

"What is that way exactly?" Still with tears and a glint of hope in her eyes, Aphmau speaks.

"We must go to Phoenix Drop." Everyone turns to each other and nod in agreement.When everyone looks at Aphmau, light shoots from her. She lifts off the ground in a ball of light. Once she's 15ft in the air, it happens to everyone else and they transform. They are dressed in their clothes specified for that group. They all look at each other for a split second but then all eyes dart to Aphmau. She has beautiful white wings that are 12ft long, a white dress that is short in the front and long in the back, and a long white sword in hand. They all bow as they are in her presence.

Aaron finally comes up from his bow, walks over to Aphmau, kisses her, and says lifting his demonic sword

"I will follow you Lady Irene! We will ALL follow you Lady Irene! And I will always love you. Now let's get our children." First Aaron starts the chant the Levin and Malachi join in. Soon enough it's become a battle cry.



"LET THE JOURNEY.....BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!"

To Be Continued.....

Hey peoples. Kat here. You know I don't usually do authors notes and stuff but I just want to let you know that the next FanFic IS going to build off of this one but this Aarmau FanFIc was going to be the last one of this series. There is going to be a series built within the series. Anyways, that's enough for spoilers. I hope y'all liked this FanFic and the other. I hope that I keep you on your toes for the nest fanfiction. Have a great day and love 💕Aarmau. 💕

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