Kickin' it with the Roo's
(Y/n) POV
Australia, a land that has been isolated from the rest of the world for millions of years. A land where weird and wonderful creatures dominate the land. The brother's and I are in the upgraded Wild Kratt's Createrra VX, looking for the largest animal on the continent, the Red Kangaroo.
Chris: Obstacle, straight ahead!
Martin: Not even a waterhole can stop the Createrra VX.
(Y/n): Engaging hydro-glide water wheels.
I press a button on the dashboard and the wheels are pulled under the vehicle and the tire inflate to let us glide over the water.
(Y/n): Ya Ha!
Back in truck mode I drive us to a large gully.
Chris: A big gully can't stop the Createrra either.
(Y/n): Engaging Turbo Booster!
I press another button on the dashboard and a set exhausts appear and speed us forward, with our badies comically pressed into our seats and us screaming as we drive over the 20 ft gully.
Martin: I think the Createrra VX is my favorite Wild Kratts vehicle.
Chris: When you're looking for a group of red kangaroos, all-terrain is the way to go.
(Y/n): You got that right, dude. I can't wait to see them leap 40 ft.
Chris: That's like jumping the length of a school bus! Not even the Createrra can do that.
Martin: I can't wait to see them go 35 miles per hour.
(Y/n): The Createrra can do that. *presses accelerator*
Chris: Yeah, we're up to kangaroo speed, (Y/n)!
Chris: What's with the weird laugh, bro?
Martin: Wasn't me.
Chris: Sounded just like a wild Australian kookaburra bird.
(Y/n): Oh, that was the new car horn Aviva installed. *presses horn*
*kookaburra laugh*
Chris: Cool!
*kookaburra laugh*
Chris: Okay, you can stop honking now.
(Y/n): I only honked once.
*kookaburra laugh*
Martin: Ah, looks like the horn attracted a real one!
*kookaburra laugh*
Chris: All right, we know it's your turf, Kookaburra.
(Y/n): We're moving on.
A bit further on and we finally come across some a mob of red Kangaroo.
Chris: Whoa! We found them!
(Y/n): Red Kangaroos! The largest Marsupial in the world.
Martin: Yeah, the males are red, but check out the females. Female red kangaroos are blue!
I park the Createrra a little ways away from the mob so we don't scare them.
Chris: Be out in a second. I'm setting up the digital measuring meter so I can get the distance of their leaps.
Martin and I hop out and start looking at the mob.
Martin: Okay (Y/n), you know the drill. What advantage do Red Kangaroos get by being big?
(Y/n): Well, look at where we are. The Australian Outback, a huge expanse of red desert where food and water are few and far between. The advantage for being big is so kangaroos can have a longer stride, or hop in this case, and cover greater distances while spending the least amount of energy. So being big allowed the red kangaroo to move quicker without wasting more energy by evolving long springy legs.
Martin: Every creature's size has it's reason. *notices Chris* Heheh. *nudges and whispers* (Y/n), watch this.
I look over at Chris, who is sitting in the Createrra looking at his creature pod, while two kangaroos hop clear over the vehicle in a single hop. Now that's a bounce.
Martin: So, Chris, how many roos does it take to hop over your head before you look up?
Chris: Huh?
Suddenly, a male kangaroo hops over Chris as he looks up surprised by the leap.
(Y/n): Three! Ha!
Chris: Got it! Wow! That last one jumped 39'! That's just a foot shy of the maximum distance of a red kangaroo jump.
(Y/n): Red Kangaroos really are the best jumpers in the creature world. *activates Creature Pod* Aviva, please tell me you got that?
Aviva: Incredible! I'm gonna add that jumping power to your Creature Power Suits!
Chris/Martin/(Y/n): Cool!
Aviva: Jumping over and out.
Suddenly, we all feel something touch our hands and we look to see three baby kangaroos, or Joey's, and one of them has a floppy ear.
Martin: Hey, you might be small, but I think that last hop was almost a meter high.
Chris: 1.4 feet to be exact.
Martin: I'm gonna call you, Hopster!
Hopster then leans back a little to stand taller which is typical of kangaroos getting ready to kick... wait.
Martin: So, you want to take me on? Huh? *kicked* Oof!
(Y/n): Oh! That looked painful.
Martin: *laughs* You're a tough little guy, aren't you?
Chris: He has to. For a kangaroo, kickboxing is as important as breathing and eating because- *Hopster jumps on Martin* Oh, nice one Hopster. He got you good, Martin.
Hopster then hops away...
Martin: Hey, Hopster! Where are you going? We didn't even finish round one!
(Y/n): *sarcastically* Probably didn't want to hurt you.
We all get a laugh out of this. I do enjoy being around the brothers and the crew, they are different from soldiers I'm used to dealing with, The Wild Kratts are more relaxed and always find fun whenever they can, they're a really nice change of pace. Anyways, a little while later we see a battle taking place between two male kangaroos, one is the current boss of the mob and the other is a challenger.
(Y/n): Now here's what kickboxing is all about.
Martin: One roo saying to the other: "I'm tougher than you!"
Chris: So for kangaroos, the best kickboxer gets to be top roo of the mob!
Martin: I wouldn't want to go near that boxing match.
(Y/n): I got kicked by a mob boss kangaroo, I had three broken ribs from one kick. That's power.
The two kangaroos kick each other multiple times, I can still feel the pain from last time.
Chris: Oh, it's a good thing male kangaroos have an extra-thick layer of skin on their belly to absorb blows like that one.
(Y/n): Good luck, challenger. If you win you'll take over as roo boss!
The current roo boss, then grapples his opponent's face and then kicks him in the stomach three more times and that forces the challenger to back down.
Chris: Ooh, and the Roo Boss wins!
(Y/n): And stays head of the mob, for now.
Martin: Hey, where's Hopster? I want to play with him again.
(Y/n): Yeah, he's definitely more your speed, Martin.
We all have a little laugh before we start trying to play with Hopster and the other joeys. But then, Martin gets the not so brilliant idea of jingling the Createrra's keys to get Hopsters attention, to which the little joey promptly steals.
Chris: It looks like he wants to play keep away with our keys!
Martin: Hey, get back here with those keys! *runs after Hopster*
(Y/n): He's going that way! No, now that way! No, no your other left!
Martin keeps after him until Hopster hops into his mother's pouch.
Chris: Ah, now he wants to play hide-and-seek inside his Mom's pouch!
Martin: Heh, you might be a quick little guy, but I know where you're hiding, Hopster!
Suddenly, Hopster retreats his head into his mom's pouch and more female roos start hopping around and even I can't keep track of which one is Hopster's Mom.
Chris: Uh, this could be a problem.
Martin: *confidant* Relax, dude. I know exactly where Hopster is hiding with our keys.
(Y/n): Oh yeah? Where?
The females then start hopping around and I can tell Martin has no idea where Hopster is.
Martin: *slight gasp* Uh, can I get back to you on that?
(Y/n): *hears rustling* Uh, guys, we might have bigger problems.
We all look to see the massive Roo Boss staring us down. He's huge, even for his species, standing nearly 7ft tall at full height and weighing close to 200 lbs
Chris: No problem here, Roo Boss. Just a little thing with keys. Nothing to worry about.
We start to back away with the Roo Boss still staring us down.
Aviva POV
It's honestly nice to see (Y/n) back in his element and having fun for a change. Ever since we arrested his old partner, it's like a weight has been lifted off (Y/n)'s shoulders and he's finally opening up to everyone, especially the brothers and I.
Martin: *on-screen* Guys, I think Hopster and our keys are in that one! Sort of? Maybe? Oh?
(Y/n): *on-screen* Maybe that one- oh no, nevermind, uhm.
Chris: *on-screen* No, he's in that one? Or not? Hm.
Crew: *laughs*
Aviva: I think Hopster is in the pouch three over to the left.
Koki: Which is now the pouch five over to the right.
Jimmy: I think he's in the pouch of that really big red one.
Koki: That's a guy kangaroo, he doesn't have a pouch.
Jimmy: Probably for the same reason I never wanna carry my mom's purse.
Martin: *on-screen* Okay, crew, guessing game is over. I'm 99.9% positive the keys are in this one!
Martin approaches the female and takes a look inside the pouch.
Martin: Huh? That's not Hopster- *kicked* Oof!
Aviva: Whoever he is, he sure got a kick out of you, Martin.
(Y/n): *on-screen* Ha! Good one!
Koki: Keep cool, guys. I'll look for the spare keys for the Createrra VX.
I pull up some footage of two red kangaroos in a kickboxing match.
Jimmy: Yikes!
Aviva: You've got that right Jimmy. Red kangaroos' kickboxing kicks are powerful enough to break ribs. These suits are going to pack a lot of kick.
(Y/n) POV
The brothers and I continue chasing down females to try and find Hopster's mom.
(Y/n): I'm going to check those females over there.
The second I turn around though, I am face to face with the Roo Boss and he snorts in my face.
(Y/n): Whoa. Uh, hello Roo Boss, really big red kangaroo. How's it going? *to brothers* Hurry guys, I'll keep Roo Boss distracted while you two look for the keys.
Brothers: Yes sir!
Martin: Hopster, here I come.
The brothers take off, but Roo Boss stands at his full height, easily towering over me.
(Y/n): Uh-oh, red kangaroos stand tall to show their size, strength and confidance. They usually do this as a challenge. *realizes* Uhm, you're not thinking about challenging little old me are you?
Roo Boss then starts scratching his chest with his hands.
(Y/n): Oh no. Ritual #2, chest scratching. Kangaroos usually do this before a kickboxing match. Hurry, brothers, I don't think I'll last long against Roo Boss when he starts kicking.
The brothers are sure taking their sweet time though.
(Y/n): Guys, where are you? *dodges kick* And where are those keys?! Ah! *dodges kick*
Finally though...
Martin: Hopster! *takes keys* Sorry but you can't drive yet.
Chris: (Y/n), we got the keys!
(Y/n): Whew. Great work guys. That plan worked better than I thought- *kicked* Oof!
I get sent flying back and crash into the brothers then we all crash into a bush.
(Y/n): Ow.
Chris: *recovers* That definitely wasn't part of the plan.
(Y/n): *slightly dizzy* That Roo Boss will have to kick me a lot harder to show me who's boss. *shakes head*
Martin: Yeah, Hopster's a tricky one, but I've got him all figured out.
(Y/n): *sigh* Who are we kidding? That Roo Boss showed why he's the boss, he totally tenderized me.
Martin: Who am I kidding? Hopster totally tricked me.
Chris: Hmm, you guys thinking what I'm thinking?
(Y/n): Are you thinking, what I think you're thinking?
Martin: Catching the first bus out of here?
Chris: No. We use our Creature Power suits to join right in with the mob.
(Y/n): I'll be able to last much longer against Roo Boss.
Martin: And Chris and I will be able to search pouches easier for those keys.
(Y/n): Aviva? How's those kangaroo Power discs coming? We could really use an assist. I could use some of that extra thick stomach padding in mine, please?
Aviva: Consider it done, (Y/n). I can't believe how roos use their tail as a kickstand so they can throw a powerful kick with both feet!
(Y/n): I can. *groans* Ow.
Koki: Okay, so here's the update on the spare keys. Martin lost the first set in a snowdrift, Chris lost the next set in a mud wallow and the last set was stolen by a monkey.
(Y/n): *face-palm* Oh, I never saw that monkey coming!
Jimmy: Hey (Y/n), you should try this in the next match. *accidently punches himself*
(Y/n): I'll stick with what I know, thanks though, Jimmy.
Aviva: Okay Jimmy. Teleporting time, coming at ya! *tosses power discs*
Jimmy: Ready, and Zap it!
The discs teleport over our head and we catch them and slip them into our suits.
Martin: Alright!
Chris: Now all we need to do is touch the animals to activate our suits.
(Y/n): I can't wait to try out the extra stomach padding and kicking power
Martin: And I'm so psyched to ride around in a pouch!
Chris: And find the keys.
Martin: Oh, yeah, yeah, and find the keys, right. Wish us luck.
(Y/n): Wish me more. I'm up against Roo Boss.
Chris: Yeah, but if anyone can do it, it's you. Luck!
I walk back towards Roo Boss and he is still intimidating, but I swallow any fear and walk up to him.
(Y/n): All right, Roo Boss! you think you can beat me then aim right here *points to chest* and try me. *kicked* Oof! *crashes in bushes* Thank you. *groans* Activate Creature Powers.
The suit forms around me and I can feel the raw power my legs and tail now have.
(Y/n): Wooo! I feel so strong and not just in my legs, but my tail and arms too. All right, Roo Boss! Ready for round 2!
I let Roo Boss take a couple swings at me so I can see the technique he uses.
(Y/n): Okay, so rock back on the tail and kick legs forward. Sounds simple enough.
I try to lean back and kick forward, but...
(Y/n): Whoa! *falls over* Sounds easy in theory. In practice, not so much.
I get back up and eventually start to get the hang of kickboxing, kangaroo style.
(Y/n): Hah! *kicks forward* Whoa!
Roo Boss then gets close and starts using his arms to try and out wrestle me, but that ain't gonna happen.
(Y/n): *annoyed* Take your time Kratt Brothers. *blocks kick* I'm really nice once you get to know me, Roo Boss!
Martin: Hey (Y/n)! Still no sign of those keys! You hanging in there?
(Y/n): No worries! I could go another ten rounds- *endures kick* *groans* Maybe not ten.
*eagle call*
Chris: Uh-oh. Kangaroo preadator. Martin! Hide in here!
Martin manages to get into Chris' suit pouch and the Wedge-tailed eagle flies away hungry. I manage to get away from Roo Boss and rejoin the brothers.
(Y/n): You guys okay?
Martin: Yeah, thanks to Chris' new pouch. Whew.
Chris: Okay crisis averted.
Martin: Hey, there goes Hopster, with our keys!
(Y/n): Get him!
All three of us chase after Hopster, who takes cover in his mom's pouch.
Martin: All right, we got him right where we want him.
*Low rapid thumping*
(Y/n): Huh?
Chris: Sounds like thunder.
(Y/n): Oh no.
I stand tall and look around and see another male kangaroo stomping his foot on the ground.
(Y/n): Male red kangaroos will often pose as sentries and rapidly stamp their foot to sound a danger alarm.
Closing in on the mob we see the only other major predator of the red kangaroo...
Chris/Martin/(Y/n): Dingo!
(Y/n): Martin get into Chris' pouch! *as he does* Hop away!
Martin: Dingo's might be dogs, but their wild dogs, and they have the stamina to chase down red roos over long distances.
Chris: Hey, maybe we'll hear the keys jingle while we escape.
(Y/n): That's crazy, Chris.
Martin: I like it.
We keep hopping with the rest of the mob, but the dingo keeps up with the mob, eventually though, the mob reaches a watering hole when Roo Boss turns around in the water and waits for the dingo.
Martin: What's Roo Boss doing?
(Y/n): This is new to me.
Chris: Whoa, Roo Boss is trying to grab the dingo with his arms.
(Y/n): Ha! He's trying to dunk him.
Indeed, Roo Boss, grabs the dingo and pushes it under the water over and over again.
Chris: This is unbelievable! Kangaroos actually go to the water and try to drown dingoes to defend themselves!
Eventually, the dingo had enough and retreated.
Martin: Yes! Roo Boss saved himself from the dingo!
(Y/n): And the dingo got away, but I don't think he'll be back anytime soon. Way to go Roo Boss!
Chris: Whoa, kangaroos have an amazing anti-predator defense!
(Y/n): Oh, they're off.
Martin: Oh, and so is Hopster, with our keys!
We all groan, as we are all tired of this game.
Martin: Aw, Aviva, come in. We give up! We need you to come pick us up.
(Y/n): And make sure to bring the towing line for the Createrra. *rubs stomach* Ouch.
Aviva: We're on our way, guys. Hang tight.
Chris: *sigh* I can't believe we'll never drive the Createrra VX again.
Martin: No more driving as fast as a roo leaps.
(Y/n): No more driving up a mountain at a near 90 degree angle.
Chris: The way it handled itself over rocks and through streams. I'm gonna miss it.
(Y/n): Not as much as I will.
*kookaburra laugh*
We all hear the familiar call and recognize it as-
(Y/n): Aviva's horn!
Chris: In the Createrra!
Martin: Somebody's in the Createrra, Aviva! Hang tight!
The three of us get to the Createrra and see a familiar baby joey hopping inside it.
Martin: Hopster! You gave us our keys back.
(Y/n): Thanks little guy.
Martin grabs the keys and we deactivate our suits.
Martin: All right! We got the keys back!
(Y/n): Aviva, keys re-aquired. Mission accomplished.
Aviva: *giggles* Yeah, and after this adventure, we are making lots of spare keys. *crew laugh*
Feeling a little insulted, I turn off the call.
Chris: Well, I'm glad that dingo didn't hurt the Roo Boss.
(Y/n): I'm just thankful my insides are still intact.
Martin: You held him off pretty well, (Y/n).
(Y/n): *confidant* I did, didn't I!
Martin: Bet you couldn't take me on, though.
(Y/n): Is that a challenge, joey boy? Doe boy?
Chris: Oh, I could take you on easy.
Aviva: Uh, guys. The Createrra!
We all look and see the Createrra rolling down the slope of a gorge.
Chris: Oh no!
We all start chasing after it as it continues to roll down the slope.
Martin: We may have gotten the keys!
(Y/n): But we lost the Createrra!
Crew: *Laughing*
(A/N): And Cut! Good take everyone. Take lunch and we'll get back to it.
Hope you all enjoyed, if you didn't..... who cares. Enjoy the rest of your day/night and I'll see you all in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!
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