(Y/n) POV
It's a nice sunny, summer day in the forests of North America, now normally I would be looking for animals for Aviva to check out, but today, she asked the Kratt Brothers and I to test a new invention, and by the Kratt brothers and I, I mean Chris and myself. As a joke I asked Chris not to tell Martin what we're doing and see what happens, so here we are on a river that I mapped out for the test.
Chris: Ah, nothing better than canoeing an North Anerican river.
(Y/n): *relaxed breath* You said it. I love hanging around a river.
Martin: Except, when we're lost. Are you sure you know where we're going, (Y/n)?
(Y/n): Oh yeah, I mapped it all out. Hakuna Matata.
Martin: I could've sworn we took a wrong turn at that last bend in the river.
Chris: Trust us. This is a shortcut.
Martin: *slightly worried* Shortcut? *hears rushing water* Uh, that's a shortcut alright. A shortcut to a waterfall!
I look down the river and there is indeed a waterfall coming up.
(Y/n): Aha! Told you it was around here, Chris.
Chris: Okay. You got me.
Martin: What do we do?
(Y/n): Paddle faster!
Martin: *frightened* Faster?!
Chris: *starts paddling* Go, bro! Go!
Martin: Okay, okay!
We all paddle hard to get to the waterfall, where we launch off the edge, with Martin screaming all the way.
(Y/n): Now, Chris!
Chris: Testing emergency feature, now!
Chris pushes a button and the canoe deploys a parachute and slows our decent, I then realize Martin is hanging on me for dear life, I simply chuckle.
(Y/n): *taps Martin* Uh, Martin. You can let go now.
Martin: *looks around* Oh, right. Sorry.
Chris and I then burst into laughter as I see Martin's freaked out face.
Martin: Why didn't you tell me you guys were testing a new invention?!
(Y/n): *laughs really hard* That was priceless!
Chris: *laughing calms* I thought you liked surprises?
Martin joins in as he realizes the joke, I calm down enough and show I was recording the whole thing and sent the video to HQ for laughs, Martin then grabs our attention.
Martin: Check it out. Looks like we're headed for a perfect landing.
*rope SNAPS*
I look back and see the line connecting the parachute to the canoe snapped, I then looked at the ground and saw we were still high up and I look back at the brothers with concern.
(Y/n): Oh, no.
We all scream as we fall several stories and crash land on, something woody. I come to a few seconds later and see nothing but branches around me and my creature pod ringing. I have to really work and press the answer button and I see Aviva on the other end of the call.
(Y/n): *groans* Hey, Aviva. What's up?
Aviva: *giggles* I was about to ask you that. Where are you?
(Y/n): You kinda had to be there to believe me, but I think I'm in a pile of branches. Hang on, I'll-! *starts pulling and pushing*
I move around and find out that only my head is stuck so I work my way out and my pops back above ground and I take a look around.
(Y/n): Well, the parachute worked for a little bit then we crash landed-
Chris: *excited* On a beaver lodge!
Martin: The doorstep of a beaver's home!
(Y/n): Huh?
I look down and we did indeed crash on top of a beaver lodge and I start getting really excited.
(Y/n): *gasp* Cool! I love beavers! They're like my favorite rodent! Aviva, sending coordinates. You've got to see this.
Aviva: On our way, big guy!
Chris, Martin and I then start looking around and admiring the beaver's handiwork.
Chris: Ho, ho! Talk about solid construction.
(Y/n): This lodge is so strong only a bear could break into it.
Martin: I wonder what it looks like inside.
(Y/n): If only someone was home to show us around.
Speak of the devil, we spot the owner of the lodge, carrying a branch.
Everyone: Beaver!
Chris: He's brought more sticks to the lodge.
Martin: Nice work, Sticker.
(Y/n): Sticker? What kind of a name is Sticker?
Martin: Well, look what he builds, one stick at a time.
Chris: Guys, check it out.
We look and see Sticker dive underwater.
Chris: He might be going inside, let's follow.
(Y/n): I may be a bit too big to follow, I'll wait for the Tortuga. Send me a video feed though?
Chris: You've got it.
Martin: See ya.
The brother's dive down and Chris activates his creature pod so I can see from up top. The Kratt brothers make their way through an underwater entrance and follow the tunnel to the inside of the lodge. When they surface, Chris activates his light and explains.
Chris: What a home! A dry cozy fortress surrounded by a protective moat of water, with secret underwater entrances.
(Y/n): Hey guys, look near the back.
Martin: *slight gasp* A whole family of beavers are tucked away in here. Father, mother and two beaver babies, or kits. The mom and dad stay together for life.
(Y/n): Oh Aviva's calling. Be right back. *answers call* Hey Aviva, what up?
Aviva: We're coming up on your location. What exactly am I looking at?
(Y/n): Oh, a Beaver Pond. This entire watery world is completely made with pure beaver power.
Aviva: Cool, I'll meet you downriver, and bring back the canoe so I can add a stabilizing line so it won't tip in midair.
(Y/n): Got it, boss. *calls brothers* Hey guys, Aviva wants that canoe back. We should get moving.
Chris: Alright, on our way.
The brother's come back as I get the canoe in the water, Martin and I grab our paddles then Martin notices something.
Martin: Uh, Chris. Your paddle is missing.
Chris: What?! That's my favorite paddle. It's got to be around here somewhere.
Martin: Maybe it floated away?
(Y/n): *looks around and spots a kid* Hey? Is that a Wild Kratt's kid?
Chris and Martin see who I'm talking about.
Martin: Yeah, it's Aiden. Maybe he's seen your paddle, Chris.
Martin and I row over to Aiden as he walks across the Beaver's dam, Aiden spots us and greets us.
Aiden: Martin? Chris? What are you doing here?
Chris: We're looking for my lost paddle.
Martin: Oh, and this is (Y/n). He's the crew's new member.
(Y/n): Hey, Aiden. What brings you out here?
Aiden: I just found a beaver working on her dam. Look!
Aiden points out the female beaver dragging a stick onto the dam.
Martin: Timber! You guys don't stop. Not only did you build the lodge but this entire dam too.
(Y/n): Some beaver ponds can be over 100 acres big, provided the beavers have enough food, and it's all made by two beavers that can weigh from 20 to 70 lbs.
Chris: This giant dam is the secret to the entire pond. Without it, the pond wouldn't even exist.
Aiden: Yeah, when I moved here all that was here was a little river, then the beavers moved in and built their dam, and now there are animals living everywhere! Come on, I'll show you!
We all follow Aiden to shore to show just how many animals live in or around a beaver pond.
Aiden: Star-nosed moles like to dig for insects near the wet side of the pond.
Martin: Oh yeah! Bullfrogs live and breed here too.
Chris: Wood ducks build their nests in dead trees close to the pond. Whoa! *startled and falls out of tree* And so do their babies. *chuckles*
(Y/n): Whoa! This pond is full of fish.
(Y/n): Oh, and fish predators, like the otter.
Martin: This place is a creature jackpot!
Aiden: All thanks to the beavers and their dam.
(Y/n): Even animals as big as a moose depend on this pond for food and water.
Chris: *as he walks on the dam* Wow, there must be 3 tons of sticks here.
(Y/n): And that's part of the reason they're big, it's because it allows the beavers to have enough muscle to haul whole trees so they can build the dam.
Chris: Yup, the beavers dragged them here stick, by stick, by stick, by paddle- *excited* My paddle! So, that's where it went, the beaver took my paddle.
Sticker comes by with another stick and Chris makes his way to his paddle and explains.
Chris: Hey, it's very nice that you guys build this pond for yourselves and the other animals that use it, but I need my favorite paddle back.
Chris then trades and tries to pry his paddle from the dam, when he does break it free I start to follow the others across the dam, when the dam itself starts shaking.
Chris: Uh-oh.
(Y/n): Yeah, uh-oh is right!
The dam burst and all the water from the pond floods out and me along with it, the ride was quick but the flood landed me face first, in the mud, in front of the Tortuga. I then hear Aviva's concerned voice.
Aviva: (Y/n)! Are you okay?
(Y/n): *muffled speech*
Aviva: Uh, what?
(Y/n): *pulls face out of mud* I said, the dam broke, all for a stupid paddle. *groans* *face lands back in the mud*
Martin: *over comms* Aviva! Koki! We need help at the beaver pond fast!
Chris: The dam broke and all the animals here that depend on it need help.
Aviva: We're on our way! Come on, (Y/n), you can nap later.
(Y/n): *pulls himself together* Alright, I'm coming.
Aviva, Koki and myself rush back to the pond and everyone helped grab an animal and take them to the Tortuga for safe keeping until the dam is built. Aviva, the brothers and I go back to the beaver pond to help rebuild the dam, and Aviva is amazed at the beaver's craftsmanship.
Aviva: Wow, I can't believe just a couple of beavers built all this!
Chris: And now we have to figure out how to fix it.
(Y/n): Stop beating yourself up about it and just do this beaver style.
Martin: Hey. Where's Timber going?
Timber heads into the the forest and we all follow, then I realize what we're traveling on.
(Y/n): This is a beaver path, right Martin?
Martin: Yeah, wherever she's going, she's been there before.
We come to a stop where Timber already started chewing into a large tree.
Chris: Alright, Timber. Four dam builders reporting for duty. What's the first step?
The tree starts to creak and both Chris and I gain a freaked out look as the tree Timber was chewing into started to fall. I quickly grab Aviva and get her out of the way as Chris yells.
Chris: Timber!
Martin: Yeah, that's what I named her.
Chris: No, TIMBER!
Martin: *confused* Timber, yeah, Timber.
(Y/n): Not the beaver! The falling tree!
I rush back and pull Chris and Martin out of the tree's path and just barely manage to miss the tree falling on me.
Martin: Oh, that kind of timber.
(Y/n): Ow.
Martin: Thanks for the save, (Y/n).
(Y/n): Yeah, no problem.
Aviva: That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen! How do they do it?
Aviva walks over and looks at Timber, the beaver, and sees her teeth.
Aviva: *amazed* Whoa! Big, orange teeth.
(Y/n): *recovers* And they're super strong. Those teeth can chew through a whole tree as thick as a man in just a couple hours.
Aviva: What?! No way, to chew through wood they're teeth would get worn down in no time.
(Y/n): True, the teeth do wear down but a beaver, like all rodents, have teeth that continuesly grow throughout their lives. The teeth never stop growing.
Martin: Heh. Imagine if the beaver didn't chew on trees. In one year they're teeth would grow four feet long.
Aviva: *imagines and gains a weirded out expression* That would be weird. *shakes her head and walks away*
Martin: *confused* Was it something I said?
(Y/n): *shrugs shoulders*
Chris: Okay, first step to rebuilding the dam: collecting the wood.
(Y/n): Okay, Chris, Aviva, grab some sticks and branches. Martin, help me move this log and we'll take it back to the dam.
We all set about collecting the wood necassary for the reconstruction.
Aviva POV
I leave the guys to their work on the dam and head back to the Tortuga and I'm really excited.
Aviva: Koki, while the guys work on the dam, I'm going to see if I can harness the power of the beaver.
Koki: *uses computer* Hmm, it says here that the orange part is really hard, while the white part behind that is softer. So, when the beaver chews the teeth are sharpening themselves.
Aviva: Neato! One set of beaver chompers coming up. You can't build a beaver dam without beaver teeth.
(Y/n) POV
Back at the dam, the brothers and I are hauling our second load of wood.
Chris: Whew, I can't believe how much wood you guys move.
(Y/n): Up to 500 lbs of wood per day?
Chris: That's a truckload of wood.
Martin: Well then, we'd better get hauling.
Over the next few hours sees the three of us hauling more logs and branches, and slowly but surely the dam is starting to come back together and the pond is filling back up.
Chris: Yes, it's working the dam is stopping the water again.
Martin: Well, that was easy.
Just then a leak springs and hits me in the face, I place a hand over it to the leak. Then another leak sprung out, so I blocked with my other hand. Then I stopped another with my foot, then another.
(Y/n): Uh-oh. I don't have any limbs left. Ahh!
The dam broke again and, just like the first time, my face skids across the mud.
(Y/n): Well, at least I'll never have to go to a spa again for a while.
Chris: Hey, speaking of mud. Check out, Sticker.
I pull myself together and wipe the mud from my face and see Sticker placing mud on the dam itself.
Martin: Oh, now you tell us.
Chris: The mud fills in the gaps and that makes the dam strong and watertight. Using the mud on the dam is like using cement on a house.
(Y/n): Alright, new plan. Chris stay here and place mud in the gaps while Martin and I get more wood.
Martin: Sounds like a plan.
Chris: Let's do it.
So, back to the woods I went and as Martin got stick and branches, I helped fell move logs of already fallen trees.
Aviva POV
I am make great progress on the beaver power suit and am ready for testing and Jimmy Z is my lab rat for the test.
Aviva: Okay Jimmy, ready? These teeth, along with hard work and determination, make beavers the best builders in the creature world.
Koki: You're not kidding. A beaver can chop down 200 trees a year. That's a lot of comping.
Aviva: Ok, JZ, hold this while I test the springs.
Jimmy: You got it.
The test didn't go quite like I planned, I guess I need to take down the super chomping power levels, because the teeth mechanism started chomping away while chasing Jimmy. I managed to jump on the teeth and stop the chomping.
Aviva: Sorry, JZ. I guess the teeth had a mind of their own.
Jimmy: Yeah, well, they had a mind to take a piece out of me!
Aviva: Don't worry, Jimmy. These chompers were made for trees not people. Besides, I doubt a beaver would find you very tasty.
(Y/n) POV
In the forest Martin and I just finished gathering a good pile of sticks when Martin says.
Martin: Man, that's a lot of work to move all this wood around, I'm hungry.
(Y/n): Me too.
Martin: How bout a snack break? *hears Timber chomping* Huh?
We look down and see Timber eating, bark?!
Martin: You're kidding? You're expecting us to eat a bark sandwich?
(Y/n): Uh, Martin?
Martin: Oh, you're eating the soft inner layer of bark, the cambium. Huh...
Martin, like dork he is, takes some cambium fragments on the ground and makes a sandwich with them. Gross, even for me, and I'll eat just about anything. When Martin found the cambium, as expected, unpleasent, I handed him a PB&J sandwich I made earlier and I just drink my dad's legendary chicken and noodles from my thermus. With full bellies, it's back to work and carrying wood back to the dam, until I accidently leaned against a tree that was weak from the beaver chomping, causing the tree to fall over and cause a domino effect, somehow, all the way back to the dam and broke it, again. Martin and I get back and see the damage and both brothers look at me with slightly annoyed looks.
(Y/n): *blushes embarrassingly* Uh, oops.
Koki: *over comms* Guys, tell me the dam is done.
Chris: Not exactly.
Koki: Not exactly? Well, I'll tell why you should have that done now. There's a huge storm upriver and is sending a flash flood your way.
(Y/n): Oh, man. If we don't get this done in time the flood could wipe out the entire dam and the lodge along with it!
Chris: We gotta get to work and fast.
We've never pushed ourselves so hard but we are finally making progress but it won't be fast enough for the flood.
Aviva: Guys, here!
Aviva frisbees creature power discs our way and I manage to catch mine first.
(Y/n): Awesome! Beaver powers! *notices something on the shore* Uh-oh.
As Timber slaps the surface os the water with her tail, which is used as a warning of danger, we all look at the lodge.
Chris: An otter!
(Y/n): The only predator that can penetrate the beaver's fortress.
Chris: Sometimes, they'll sneak into the lodge and take the kits!
Aviva: But Twig and Buddy are in there!
Martin: A beaver can swim pretty fast but not as fast as an otter.
(Y/n): *gets an idea* But a fish can. Martin, give me your bass power disc!
Martin does so and I see a smallmouth bass in the water and touch it.
(Y/n): Activate Bass Powers!
The suit transforms into a bass shape and I start racing to the lodge way ahead of the beaver and enter the lodge.
(Y/n): Hey, otter! Want a nice juicy fish to chase instead?
I manage to keep the otter distracted until Timber comes to the lodge and drives the otter away, but the otter decides to chase me.
(Y/n): Ahh! Help! Otter attack!
Chris: Hang on, I'm coming! Activate beaver power!
Eventually I see Chris underwater and swim towards him, Chris then chomps his beaver teeth and scares the otter away.
(Y/n): Whew, that was way too close. Thanks for the save.
Chris: That's why we're a team. You don't take a hit for the rest.
Aviva: *over comms* (Y/n), are you okay?!
(Y/n): Yup, and more importantly the kits are safe.
Koki: That's great but that flood is going to be there any minute! Get that dam done!
(Y/n): Alright, team. Back to work. Aiden, Aviva, place the mud on the dam. Brothers, you and I will get logs and branches.
Aviva: And remember, place the heavy end up so that it weighs down the dam.
Everyone: To the creature rescue!
It took a lot of work but eventually, with help from the beaver creature power suits, we got the dam rebuilt, and just in time, because the flood is almost here. I tell everyone to take cover on the shore, as we wait for the flood to pass, and low and behold....
(Y/n): Well, blow me down! The dam worked, it held together!
We all congratulate each other for a job well done. After the dangers of the flood passed, everyone brought the pond residents back to their home, the beaver pond.
Martin: Creature mission accomplished!
(Y/n): You said it. Everything is back to normal at the beaver pond.
Chris: Hey, Timber, Sticker. Sorry again for breaking your dam.
Martin: And again, and again, and again.
(Y/n): *chuckles* You guys really are Nature's master builders. Thanks for showing us your secrets.
Koki: *while relaxing on a innertube* This really is an awesome pond.
Jimmy: Uh, guys. Where's the other paddle?
We look around see that, once again, Chris's paddle was used for the beaver lodge. We look at each other and start laughing as Chris says.
Chris: You guys can keep the paddle.
(Y/n): Besides, I can build you a new one, *activate power suit* with beaver power.
I use my suit's beaver teeth to make Chris a brand new paddle, because it's a fantasy story. Hahaha!
(A/N) Hang on! Let me just get the flex tape! Aaannnd, got it. Whew. I need to have a Jesus moment with my cast members about breaking the fourth wall. Anyways, thank you for reading, I hope you have a great rest of your day, and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!
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