Blairwood High

Isabella's P.o.v

'Blairwood High,' I thrilled, watching the very visible and palable huge letters vividly printed with the crimson colour on a sign board near the school with keen interest from the car's window.

In less than a few minutes, the fantabulous red convertible of my really 'fantastic' cousins came to a halt in the school's parking lot.

And of course, the lovely and amazing cousin of mine was totally agitated at the fact that I'm not just attending the same school with them, but I get to actually enter their luxurious property (car) with those 'filthy' legs of mine, like she had stated earlier.

Believe me, I'm starting to hate her guts, and I'm totally trying my best to control myself and tolerate her ruthless behaviors towards me. Well it's a no other choice thing anyway.

Blairwood high, is a magnificently built academy, established with tons of redbricks and created like that of a dreamscape, also filled with lots and lots of hearts and minds of creative dream scholars.

The quaint but particularly picturesque building had a very beautiful lawn decorated and embellished with nice beautiful flowers at the sides of the school, leading to the pathway and finally, the entrance of the school itself.

Made for the rich of course!

I was marvelled at how huge and well streamed the school was with numerous and uncountable students as they filled the whole packing lot instantaneously.

Soon, quick off the mark, the twins and I got down from the car and unexpectedly, a numerous crowd of students suddenly surrounded and encircled the twins like a hawk, hovering over it's prey.

The students, mostly girls, pushed me aside as they did, not like they even noticed me anyway. More perplexed than ever, I apprehensively shook my head in disrray, a bit surprised at how popular the girls were.

Amelia's mood 'unexpectedly' lit up all of a sudden as she smirked proudly, pushing her beautiful golden blonde hair aside, and I mean with style.

As for Audrey, since she literally inherits the same gene from her  mother, yup, her whole concentration was all on the gadget (phone) before her, probably used to the whole attention already.

With a typical eye roll, not like I'm jealous though; I totally ignored the ludicrous scene before me, and walked off immediately, pushing my way past the stream of anticipated and ecstatic students before heading towards the head office.

All I needed to do was receive my my schedules for the semester and the number for each of my classes, and there, I'm good to start up a new school day with or without the help of Audrey, since she is quite occupied with some businesses to attend to.

As soon as I entered, I found a young woman, probably in her 30s, filling out some documents or whatever that was. The green eyed woman, finally looked up with her 'four' eyes, staring questioningly at me.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" She inquired.

"Morning, I'm actually here for my schedules."I replied.

"Oh, I'm guessing you are a new student. What's your name dear."

"Isabella Moore."

"Isabella Moore," She repeated, dragging the words as she did before turning out a file cabinet, running her hands busily through the folders and handing over to me a plain sheet of paper that had my time table printed on it.

After receiving the rough plain sketch, I hastily turned around and headed towards the exit only to be halted to a stop on my tracks.

"Just one moment please." She appealed and I nodded in agreement.

"Are you by any chance related to Mrs Freya?" The typical secretary asked anxiously, yearning for a satisfiable reply.

"Yes, I am!" I replied bluntly, trying to suppress a eye roll actually.

"Oh, I see, "she soliloquised openly before looking up at me again, "Please you can head to your classes now. The lessons are going to start anytime soon."

"Okay, thank you." I said and left the office immediately, hurriedly making it past the crowd of students on the hallway.

For the umpeenth time, I actually wished I was tall. Arriving to my first period was even harder than I thought and getting past the crowd of students was even the worst part of it as I continually got pushed or hit by a few number of people.

Eventually, I looked up at my time table once again,and somehow managed to make it to my first period for the day.


* * * * * *
I hate introductions.

Hate is a small word, I detest it. Not like it's a bad thing or something like that, just that, it happens to be one of my most horrifying and terrible moments.

In few words, I suck at it.

"Hi, umm... I'm Isabella Moore, a transfer student from Texas. I will be studying here for quite sometime but I really hope I could make new friends with you guys during those periods. Once again, it's really nice meeting you all." A little bit short of words, I said, twirling my fingers nervously, my eye brows momentarily stared at the ground after the lame introduction I made.

"Thank you for the introduction Miss Moore, "the teacher quipped, her eyes, searching high and low around the class, "Yes, Isabella, please have you sit over there." She pointed her fingers towards a middle sit at the back of the class in indication.

Soon, I followed her gaze and walked towards the sit in anticipation, but just as I was about to settle down slightly, a deep voice broke in, stopping me dead on my tracks.

"You can't sit there." The voice groused instantly. I recognized it as a male's voice.

But me being me of course, sat down firmly on the well furnished seat, totally ignoring his or her ferment remarks.

I lingered my head towards the direction of the voice, well not before making sure I actually sat down well and comfortably. Just like I predicted, it was a guy.

And not just any guy, but a really good looking brunette. I watched as his green eyes which were randomly browsing through some note suddenly looked up, meeting mine. The color of his eyes shocked me a bit more compared to before. I realized it was actually more of green and hazel mixed eyes.

"And why can't I?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows in utter annoyance.

"Because I said so," he replied bluntly, a sudden smirk suddenly crept up his face as he stared blatantly at me. Oh my gosh!

I just hate it when people smirk!

It only means they have an evil motive and are either plan on taking you down or making life miserable for you.

A good example is my dearest adorable cousin, Amelia, who has and is still staring and glaring at me ever since I entered into the class. Well it wasn't my fault we had to be in the same class first period. Sighs..

"And what if I told you, I don't give a steamy apple pie about whatever you say, and actually remained here,"

"You wouldn't dare." He responded menacingly and there was this sudden tension that erupted between us at that moment. Gosh, who does he think he is?

"Oh really..." I blurted out instantly and practically went on with staring at my seat thoroughly in a serious manner, "well, I don't see any name written here, so," I stared at him once again with a sinister glare, "Deal with It!" I exclaimed, taking him by surprise. This time, increasing the former tension between us as it suddenly rose up again.

He was going to reply, I was certainly sure of that, but not until the teacher finally spoke, hindering us from probably starting up an argument or something.

"Okay class, we will be continuing from where we left off the other time. Please open your books to page 54."

A few moments later, as the teacher started scribbling some notes on the board, a girl suddenly entered the class breaking the whole silence that had suddenly erupted the whole room.

The whole class ignored her presence completely, the teacher as well, while she, probably used to the same treatment, ignored them too and went ahead to find a sit for herself. In no time, I found myself sitting beside the late comer.

Her Chestnut hair was tied into a ponytail and she had this intense almond shaped hazel eyes that could drive any guy crazy. To my surprise, for a girl, she wore a very huge shirt, blue sweatpants and a black sneaker to do the finishing. One could easily tell she was a tomboy through her appearance.

Anyway, I turned from staring at her and finally shifted my attention back to the notes I was writing.

Oh, and again...I hate writing notes.

"Psst....hey you!" A voice called beside me and to my dismay, it was the same girl from earlier.

"You're talking to me?" I asked.

"No...the invisible Man behind you." She scoffed giving me the 'its obviously you I'm talking to look'. Oh well, without thinking twice, I whirled my head to face my note again, she could talk to the invisible Man for all I care.

"Yes you, I am talking to you!" She raised in a frustrated sigh and this time, I turned to face her again.

"Got an extra note? A jotter? Or a rough sheet perhaps?" She whispered, trying not to distract the teacher writing.

"Here!" I thrilled, handling over to her a new note.

"So, you are new student here right?" She suddenly asked after a few moments of silence. I nodded in agreement.

"I see." She implored.

After the little lifeless talk we had, we both went back to writing and everything was back to normal again. The silence I mean.

* * * * * *

".....and over there is the school's basketball court. My favorite part in Blairwood," The tomboy from earlier thrilled as we passed through the hall way, literally just coming back from viewing her 'best part of the school.'

"By the way, I'm Luna," She bounced the basketball in her hands like a 'bazillion' times, "you can call me....Luna." she shrugged.

"Luna as in queen of Blairwood's pack?" I inserted mockingly.

"Nah, Luna as the boss. I'm no queen." She implied and I shrugged in response.

"Anyway, I am Bell..." Series of noise coming from the background suddenly interrupted me.

A bit curious of what was going on, I looked to see where everyone's eyes had darted into and instantly, I rolled my eyes in, should I say, disgust?

There walking down the hallway was the same guy/jock I had met earlier in my first period. He was with a group of students I assume are his friends and also with this beautiful girl walking and sashaying hand in hand with him.

He appeared as the school's golden boy as every girl in the hallway were smiling subtly in his direction while the guys were trying all their best to get the attention of the girl he was holding hands with.

I coughed slightly using my handkercheif to cover my nose after mistakenly inhaling a perfume. Apparently, the guy next to me was rubbing one all over his body as an attempt to catch the girl's attention. Like seriously!

"That," Luna said, referring to the scene before us,"Is Aiden, Aiden Parker. A quater back in Blairwood's football team. He, ranks as not just the second to the richest student in our school, but also very good looking as well." She emphasized, twirling the basketball in her hand with a finger actually.

And just like she had said, Aiden Parker, the guy to the left hand side was nice looking. I couldn't see him very well from afar but I could easily tell he had really deep blue electric eyes. He, like the others, walked freely, flirting with a number of girls as they literally craved for more of his attention. I rolled my eyes again and turned to face the other.

"And that, is Jason!" She chirped, smiling smugly before bouncing off the ball again. "Jason Walker is also a quarter back member in our football team. Literally the best player, "she sighs dreamily and I so much knew where this was going to.

Yeah, he was gorgeous. And when I say gorgeous, I mean pretty attractive, stunningly handsome and ravishing. His looks, very intimidating and quite enough to make any girl fall subtly to him. He walked on the right hand side, and compared to the others, he looked rather bored and most likely used to the whole attention.

"And the last one," I shifted my gaze to the jock in the middle as he smiled cockily walking down the hallway majestically, " He is Ryan Bryant, the school's golden boy, also, captain of the school's football team." She said, bouncing the ball again continuously. Her whole attention now focused on the valuable item in her hand.

He, Ryan, was indeed very good looking and every now and then, he and his friends would smile flirtatiously at every girl as they practically craved and pleaded for more of his attention. Each time, he would smirk and laugh alongside with his so called friends and girlfriends, his green eyes twinlking and glittering in amusement.

Just like I mentioned earlier, he was pretty irresistible. His cloth or dressing, I could easily tell he was brought up from a rich background. He looked like someone of about 6 feet's tall and he was literally the most handsome of all amongst the two other guys.

All of a sudden, I watched as his eyes flickered searchingly around the hall way, and eventually, landing on mine. He stared at me, I didn't know why, but he was, and it seemed like he didn't plan taking those eyes off me any time soon.

Either way, I tore my gaze away and walked off to the cafeteria with Luna ahead of me, bouncing her ball on the marble floor continually, but__I could swear, he had his eyes on me the whole time.

Unlike most other girls perhaps, my sole aim was to get straight A's, come out in flying colors and get a scholarship to study further in college and finally, become the successful business woman I have always craved to be.

Well, not until he appeared into my life, and that he...

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