Chapter 2 First Day at the Manor
Girl's POV:
As I walked in to my new home I was showed to my new room by Bruce. I walked into my room and looked around. I then turned around and saw that Bruce was gone. I mean he is Batman. Even though he doesn't know that I know.
I sat down on my bed immediately and smelled something very familiar. As I followed the amazingly delicious aroma, I walked into the kitchen as I noticed some familiar cookies on the kitchen counter. Alfred walked in from behind me and handed me the tray of cookies. I stared at him puzzled .
He twirled a finger. I immediately turned around and in front of me stood Damian in his "I don't" care face and Tim with a stupid smile on his face. I was about to speak but was stopped as Damian grabbed the tray of cookies from my hands and Tim grabbed my wrist as they dragged me through the many halls of Wayne Manor.
We then stepped into a game like room. I was mesmerized. I guess you could easily read the expression on my face because I noticed Tim smiling at me. Almost like lost in thought or something. He quickly woke up from his trance as he noticed that I was smiling back at him. I felt so stupid! I didn't make one of those cool confident smiles! I made a stupid school girl crush smile. I think Tim noticed that after he had awoken from his trance because he was blushing as he explains to me what games were in here and how they had all the latest consoles.
I listened carefully as I also noticed his physical features of his face. His bangs that almost cover his face is just so... He just looks hot! There I admit it! I might have a crush on Tim Drake! Oh! And his eyes! His light green gorgeous eyes! He ain't no Chris Hemsworth but man I could stare at him all day.
I guess I wasn't really paying attention and I was so lost in thought, very deep though that Tim had to wave/ hover his hand over my face to get my attention. "All day." was the last thing I heard myself say as I awoken from my deep thoughts. I turned red. " Um... Tim did I say anything like..." I stuttered. "Um... Damian will keep you keep Catherine company until I come back so... Yeah." Stuttered Tim as he scurried out of the room.
I quickly turned to Damian. " What the he*l did I say!" I protested. " Nothing much. Just that you think that Drake is hot with his gorgeous light blue eyes and beautiful bangs that almost cover his non Chris Hemsworth face." Stated Damian. My jaw dropped. "OmiGod OmiGod OmiGod! Did I really say that! I hate when I do that! Sh*t! I've talk to myself way to much that I'm starting to talk to myself out loud without knowing it! As if there were two of me!" I yelled.
"Don't worry. It's obvious that Drake likes you too." Stated Damian casually. I stared at him. I then plopped on the couch and sat next to him. "Don't mess with me dude! You don't mess with a girl's hormones! Especially A teenage girl's hormones." I stated in serious yet half trying not to scream tone. I was just 14 but I was practically a teenager already. Tim walked in and sat down on the same couch as Damian and I.
Damian quickly got up and shut the door. I blushed. I was alone in a room with Tim. I know we just met and I was already crushing on him but there was just something about him that I am automatically attracted to. Maybe it's the hormones but... No! It can't be! I turned to face Tim.
He was just a couple scoots away from me. "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" Tim questioned warily. "Sure why not." "Do you like horror films?" Tim questioned. "Sure what ever you want." I tried saying casually. I swear to God that barely 10 minutes into the movie I was closer to Tim. He noticed how close I had gotten and put an arm around me. I looked up at him. "Is it okay if I do that? I mean no offense but you look a bit scared ." He stated. "I am! I'm terrified of horror films! Especially clown ones! " I said in a frightened tone. "Well scoot in closer. I promise that I don't bite." He said in a serious tone. I scooted into his arms. I felt so relaxed. Halfway through the film I realized that my face was in near his neck and my hand had a huge chunk of his shirt. I just closed my eyes as I laid my head on his chest and heard the screams of to be victims of a murderous clown.
Tim Drake's POV:
I felt her head lie on my chest and her grip on my shirt ease. I turned my head down to see her eyes closed and a cute smile on her face. Well at least I know that she is not a robot. Robots have no feelings. Before I had walked in I had heard Damian telling her that I like her too. Well she didn't say that she liked me just that she thought that I was hot. And what does Damian know anything about love? I don't love her just that... I mean I don't not like her either. As a friend I mean! Of course! I like her as a friend. Well... I have to admit it. I mean she admitted that I was hot so I should admit it that I kinda am starting to like her. It's not the same thing though.
Thoughts and feelings. But I mean her soft red hair and crystal blue eyes it's so overwhelming! And her smile! Oh! Don't even get me started on her beautifully curved smile. And she smells so good too! I mean all the other girls at my school smell well... Not as great as Catherine but... Well actually most smell like really expensive or super cheap perfume. Either to strong or barely a scent. But Catherine... She smells just right.
"Tim?" I was awoken out of my deep thoughts by those tired words. "Are you awake?" Catherine asked. "Yeah! Of course!" I said in a high pitched voice. I noticed that the credits started rolling in. "Thanks for letting me ruin your movie." She said in a sad tone. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I was bothering you! I was cuddling you... In a way I guess. I mean come on! I practically left you paralyzed on the couch because I didn't move from your arms! She stated. "I didn't really mind the cuddling. Maybe we can do it again some time." I could not believe that those words slipped out of my mouth.
She stood there smiling at me with her flushed cheeks and big blue eyes. "Tim?" "Yeah?" I said questionably. "Damian said that you liked me." She said so innocently. I stood there frozen. "Um... Well... Don't believe anything that comes out of his mouth! Except the part about him saying that I liked you... I mean not like you like you but like, like you! Wait What! I said so quickly.
I was sweating. I never sweated like this before. Only when I'm training or talking to a girl I like. Wait! A girl that I like! I like her! That makes so much more sense now! "If it is true that you like me... And I liked you back what would you do?" She said so unsure. Kiss you I thought. Ask you out I ended up saying. Thankfully! "Like on a date or... like the together thing?" She questioned with blushed cheeks and a big smile. "On a date!" I practically screamed out.
She was still in my arms. I did the smoothest thing that I could think of. I pulled her in closer until she was a couple centimeters away from my face. "On a date." I said sternly. "And if I said yes, where would this date take place?" She asked. "Do you like the fifties?" I asked stupidly. She smiled "Malt shops and long skirts. Who doesn't like the fifties?" She said with a big uncontrollable smile on her face. I am a man who is in interest of future tech and developments. But once in a while it's feels good to go back in time.
"There's a new malt shop that just opened up in Gotham. Not to far away." I said. "I've never been in a malt shop before." She said sadly. "Well I can fix that if you say you'll go on a date with me." I said stupidly. Why isn't my brain working! My mouth has taken over! "Yes. I will go on that date with you." She said. "Great! How about later at around 5?" I said. "Why so early?" She questioned so innocently. "I got some homework I gotta work on" I lied.
"Okay well I gotta go then. Gotta get ready and all." Why so early? It's barely 1." I questioned. "I'm a girl Tim. It takes me like 20 minutes just to put on make up ." She stated. "You don't need makeup to look pretty." I said. Even though my mouth had taken over I didn't regret saying that! "Thanks! How sweet of you!" She said nervously. She then pecked me on the nose and got up. I touched my nose and smiled. My arms felt empty. She was blushing and the color started to brighten as she saw me smile and touch my nose. Almost as questioning her risky move. She started walking backwards towards the door and suddenly turned around. She crashed into the door. She was red. "Are you all right?" I asked as I quickly got up to help her. "Yeah! I'm just really clumsy when... Well all the time I think." She said half giggling. I did what I never thought I would. I held her nape which was located in the back of her head and slowly started moving closer towards her. She closes her eyes and put her arms around my neck. We're about to kiss when Damian walks in and pushes his way between us. "Get a room and go make out somewhere else!" He said. "We did and we were about to until you came in Son of Satan! I was really mad. But then I realized what I had said.
"We were just about to make out Tim?" Catherine questioned with a sly smile on her face. "I um... Well yes... Yeah I think so... Wait no! I don't know... If you want to I'm okay with that but you don't have too... Wait! I um..." She grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards her. She pecked a side where my two lips meet. I stood staring at her a bit shocked yet satisfied. "And I thought you were quiet and shy." I stated with a hint of sarcasm. "I am! Just that the moment was ruined and I thought that you deserved at least something!" She stated. "Technically that wasn't a kiss!" I yelled as she headed back to her room. "I said something! I didn't say a kiss. Well... Not yet anyways" she replied smoothly as she walked away.
Catherine Wayne's POV:
I can't believe I just did that! Wait! I gotta go shopping! Luckily Bruce left me a credit card before he left me in my room. But I need a ride. I have no idea where I am. I'll just walk back to the kitchen. As I walked down the staircase I noticed Alfred standing near the oven.
Um... Alfred" I asked "Yes Miss Wayne." He asked. "I'm super sorry to ask you this but I need a driver." I smiled my biggest smile that I could. "If you don't mind me asking but why?" He asked. "Well... I was kinda asked on a date and..."
"On a date! Oh who is the lucky fellow? You see Miss Wayne things are starting to lighten up all ready!" He said in a big smile.
"Well I wouldn't say lucky but ..." I was interrupted by Alfred again but It was so great to see him smile that I didn't care. "Well Miss Wayne! Any young fellow is lucky enough to even stand next to you!" He stated. "Aww... Alfred you didn't have to say that!" I stated back. "No! I am certain of that Miss Wayne!" He said. "Well? Who is he?"
"It's Tim, Alfred. He asked me to go on a date with him." I stated. "Master Timothy isn't really the young man who asks out young women on dates. The young ladies are mostly the ones who convince him to go out and do something with them. He must really like you!" Alfred said with a huge grin on his face. "I hope so." I muttered.
Alfred drove me to the a mall. He showed me to different stores and I bought some stuff. We got back to the manor and I quickly thanked Alfred and ran upstairs to my room. I checked the weather forecast and decided on what to wear. I decided to wear a gray long sleeve shirt, some skinny jeans, and some cute boots. I know that the forecast said that there would be a 60% chance of snow but there were no clouds outside. I had put my hair up in a bun and sprayed hair spray and waited a while. I let my hair down and fixed my now wavy hair. I looked hot! I checked the time. It was 4:32. Damn I really do take long to get ready. I ran into my bathroom in my room.
So cool! And I was starting to put on my mascara when I noticed that I am pretty without make up. I mean I'm not those kinds of girls that say that they are gorgeous and beautiful but I looked not ugly. And I just noticed how big and blue my eyes are. I started touching my face. Every curve and bump on my face. I couldn't help but smile at how actually pretty I was.
Back at the laboratory I didn't have a mirror so I never really knew what I looked like. A flashback came suddenly. My parents! My sister! They're on the ground. Pool of red surrounding them. I look into a puddle and see my face . I don't have red hair and blue eyes! I have brown eyes and brown hair! The flashback then ends. I wake up on the bathroom floor. I get up and lie on my bed. It's 4:59. Is that how I looked like? Before the experiments?
*knock knock* "um... Who is it?" I ask. "It's me. Tim! Um... Do you still want to go on that date or...?" He asked warily. "Of course I still want to go on a date with you!" I said while opening my bedroom door. He was wearing a red buttoned up shirt and black pants. Obviously he was wearing black shoes and his hair pulled back. "Why do you have your hair back?" I questioned. "Um... Because I don't know? I thought it would look a bit more...appropriate." "Is it okay if I ..." I stated as I put his bangs forward like it normally is. He chuckled. "So it is true." He said. "What is?" I questioned back. "That you think I'm hot with my bangs down." He said in a sly smile. "Maybe." I said as I started stroking his bangs with one hand.
He pulled me closer to him. His hands on my hips. Our lips were just inches away from each other when Damian tugs on my shirt. I slowly turn to him. "Yes Damian?" I ask. "Alfred just wanted to ask at around what time will the date be." He said in an obnoxious tone. "Um... That's up to Tim." I said. "Such useful information." He grumbled and walked away. I turned to Tim. We're so close to each other. I just want to kiss him a all over his beautiful face and give him my eternal love. My thoughts were quickly interrupted as Tim grabbed my nape and started pulling me closer to him. My arms were around his neck.
We were interrupted again as Alfred walked in asking what time is the date. He quickly noticed what we were going to do and apologized. "It's alright Alfred we weren't going to do anything." Tim said frustrated as he pulled away from my arms. I chuckled.
I followed him downstairs and we both exited from the Wayne Manor front doors. Alfred opened the door for us and I slipped in first then Tim. We sat in the back seats. Alfred dropped us off in front of the malt shop and drove away. Tim opened the front doors of the malt shop for me and we were seated at a window seat. We sat across from each other. I read the restaurant's name in big letters on the menu. "Sandy's Malt Shop." I read aloud. "Do you not like it here? I mean we can go somewhere else if you want." Tim stated. "It's perfect Tim. It's great." I said as I reached to touch his hand.
"Good! Cause I haven't been on a date in quite a while so I forgot what to do and stuff." He said "and stuff" quietly, I thought it it was cute. "It's alright. I've never been on a date before and I don't like to judge anyways." I said. "You've never been on a date before!" He said in a shocked tone. I couldn't tell if he was lying or not because I would think that he knows about my past and well, because he's Red Robin and all.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you just that you're so..." "Different?" I interrupted him. "No. Just that who wouldn't want to ask you out?" He stated. I smiled.He put my hand in his hand while his thumb was stroking the side of my hand. I giggled. I'm really ticklish. He smiled back at me. We ordered our food and just talked. "Do you know what school that I'll be going to?" I asked him. "Gotham Academy." He said casually. "What?" I stated. "That's a rich kid school and really expensive!" I protested. "It is an expensive school and I go there." He said. "I didn't mean rich kids in a mean way. I meant like super smart and beautiful kids and... It's really overwhelming!" I stated as I put both hands on the sides of my forehead.
"Trust me. You'll be fine. I mean we'll be in the same school together and... I'll take care of you." He said with an awkward smile. I was about to say something when the waitress came in with a milk shake. "Two straws please." Said Tim as he held out two fingers. "Sure thing!" Said the waitress excitedly. The restaurant had just opened a couple days ago. She'll be sick of her job by the time she gets her first paycheck I thought. I turned to Tim who was handing me a straw. "I know that this is cheesy and all but..." It's okay. I think cheesy is cute." I said with a big smile. "I've never been on a date before so... I don't know the codes or violations of dates." I said while I made quotation marks with my fingers in the air.
He half laughed. I took the straw from his hand and asked what flavor was the milkshake. "Strawberry. If you don't like strawberry I can..." He started saying. No! It's okay. I love strawberry milkshakes." I said. We both started sipping from the milkshake. We were laughing and talking. I was doing most of the laughing while he was doing most of the talking. He was funny. Mostly it was just sarcasm that he used but... I love sarcasm. It helps me protect myself from hurtful words of other people. It was winter so he was on his winter break. He had two more weeks left. We were walking back to Wayne Manor when I just realized something. "I've never been in snow!" I said while suddenly stopping. Tim turned to me with wide eyes. "Are you kidding me! You've never been in snow before!" He questioned.
I nodded a sad nod. "Well we're going to do snow stuff just for you." He stated. "We don't have to Tim. It's okay. It's getting late anyway." I said as I started to walk. I felt something cold hit my back. I turned around and saw Tim with an obnoxious grin on his face as he was holding a snowball in his hand while the other at his side. "Did you just...!" I started say. "Oh yes I did." he said as he threw another snowball at me. I caught it in my hand and put more snow on it. I chased Tim around until I saw him behind a tree. I snuck up behind him as I threw a snowball at the back of his head.
He shrugged his shoulders and turned around. I giggled. The look on his face was priceless. I started running. He soon caught up to me. I was getting tired. Running in snow is tiring. I was slowing down. I half tripped half threw myself to the ground. Tim had a questioning look on his face. I put my hands above my head. He threw the left over snowballs that he had in back of him and laid next to me. We rested. He started laughing when I stated that we mostly ran than throw snowballs at each other. He turned his body to face me. I also turned to face him. His eyes are just saw beautiful I could look at them all day.
He had a dreamy look on his face as he was starting at me. He quickly awoke and got up. He helped me up. A tripped on a rock or something as I was getting up and I practically fell into his arms. This always happens to me. He just held me and studied my face. So was I. It started snowing and we both looked up.
He looked down first. I noticed that he was staring at me again. But with kind eyes and half a grin. I looked down at him. His hands were around my waist. Cold hands yet warm. He grabbed my nape and I knew what that meant. We started moving closer to each other. Inch by inch. Our lips were just like two inches away. "Have you ever kissed anyone?" He asked in a low yet soothing voice while he was looking at my lips with his dreamy eyes. "No." I said in the same tone of voice. "Do you do this with every girl?" I asked while studying his eyes . "No. Cause you're special." He said as the hand that was holding my nape was now holding my chin.
My hands were around his neck. Finally your lips touched. We both open our eyes as we both pulled our lips from each other. He was smiling at me. He grabbed my nape and put my lips on his. "Best. Kiss. Es. E. Ver." I said between kisses. "I. Know. Right." He also added between kisses. I blushed. When we finished, which was like 3 minutes later, we were walking back to the manor. "Are we a thing now Tim or was it a one time thing cause mph..." I was interrupted by his lips being pressed on mine. When he finally let go he said "I don't want that to be a one time thing." He grinned as he said that. He then grabbed one of my cold hands. He rubbed it and kissed it. He then started pulling me and sooner or later we were running through the snow. We got to the mansion tired and out of breathe.
We were about to knock on the door but Alfred beat us to it. "I was worried sick about you two. I went to the malt shop and looked all over for you two." He protested. "I'm. Sorry. Alfred. I. Didn't. Know. That." I managed to say between pants. "You both are soaking wet!" Alfred cried. "I don't know Alfred. I think Catherine looks smoking hot!" Said Tim. I turned red. So did Tim. Damian walked in with a confused look. Then back to his regular look on his face. "It's not even been a day yet for her here and your already hitting on the new girl. You've got issues Drake." Said Damian shaking his head.
I smiled. "Well at least I have feelings, you robot." Tim barked back. "I too have feelings you weirdo! Just not towards anyone like you do." Damian said as he said the last sentence in a low tone of voice. I smiled. "I went to the mall today but only bought clothing for going out." I said randomly as I smacked my forehead with my hand. "Huh. I'm so dumb and forgetful sometimes I just..." I was interrupted by Tim. "You can borrow some of my clothes." Tim said. "Oh! It's okay. I was the forgetful one I'll just..." "No. I insist!" Said Tim as he started dragging me to his room.
"Drake! Already taking the next level! You rascal you!" Cried Damian. "What do you know about the next level you brat?!" Tim shouted back. "Need I remind you of all the times that Jason was actually here!" Damian shouted to Tim. "Never mind!" Shouted Tim back. As we walked in to Tim's room I sat the end of his bed. "So... We're going to take the next level?" I questioned with a sly smile on my face.
He turned around with a red cheeks. "Um... Here you g-go." He said while handing me a t-shirt and pajama pants. "Thank you. But you never answered my question." I said as I moved closer to him so I could take the clothes from his hand. "Umm... Well you see um... If you want..." He started stuttering before I interrupted him. "Because I don't know what the next level is. So I'd be nice If you could teach me." I said with a grin and blushed cheeks. "If you want to really know then maybe we could..." He was cut off by Bruce calling him.
He had already managed to snake his arm around my waist and pull me in closer to him. "I gotta go. I could drop you off at your room if you'd like?" He said sweetly. "I would really like that." I said with a low sweet voice and batted eyelashes. Corny yes. Desperate no. We got to the door of my bedroom. "Are we only going to get to kiss in the snow?" He said all of sudden. I turned to him. "Depends on you. You're the one who knows about this stuff." I said in a sassy tone of voice. "I already made a move." He stated back. "And what move was that Mr. Drake?" I questioned. "Kissing you and asking you out of course." He said. "I think it went the other way around." I stated back.
He had his arm above his head leaning on the side of my door. I was standing right in front of him. We were a couple inches apart. "Tim!" Bruce yelled from out of nowhere. "I'm coming I'm coming!" Tim yelled back. Tim had his head to the side which was pointing to the direction of where Bruce's voice came from. I took this opportunity and I took it well. As soon as Tim turned around to face me I cupped my hands around his face and kissed him. He had a shocked look on his face which then turned to a grin. He put his arms tightly around my waist and pulled me towards him. My hands that was once holding his face was now around his neck.
"Tim!" Bruce yelled. I made a worried look on my face. Tim noticed and yelled back "In 5 minutes ok!" We then started walking towards my room. I walking backwards and Tim walking forward. He then closed the door behind him and leaned against the door his arms still around my waist. I then saw a look on his face that I will always remember. It was a look of hope, fear, and love all at once. His face then softened in to a smile. I knew the smile. He then bent his knees a little and started kissing me. I was very pleased. Alfred was right things were starting to lighten up.
I hope you all liked this chapter. I will be updating as soon as possible for chapter 3. Please follow, like, and leave comments or suggestions and don't worry JadexTodd you will still be in my book. I'm working on it!!! Have fun my little Bat Mites and flying Squirrels!!!😁
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