Chapter 1 The Beginning
* Panting *
Girl's POV:
Damm*t those guys are catching up to me! And fast. Where to to go where to go Aha! Fire escape! Just gotta run a bit faster and whoops! Almost slipped backed there! Got it! Now I just gotta climb this here and get to the roof!
I know that I have powers that would be useful in this situation but I hate using my powers. Always have and always will. I don't like taking the easy way out. It's more exciting and thrilling when I don't use my powers. H*ll I don't even know what other powers that I might have! Well luckily I grabbed my file before I left that h*ll hole.
Now that I think about it , it wasn't that ... Oh no! I think they found me!
Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t gotta hide gotta hide! It's probably those guys chasing me again! Luckily there is a shed up here.
Oh my God! It's them! It's really them! The Batman and his weirdly attractive sidekick Red Robin! Wait ! Did I just call a kid in tights who runs around at night kicking bad guys ass*s attractive ? Ok I think those scientists back there drugged me or something because I just called Red Robin attractive! Maybe also because I feel kinda dizzy and ... (Blackout).
Red Robin's POV:
"Um... Batman I think we found her." I carefully examined the unconscious girl on the ground for any signs of injuries or any signs of distress. Obviously she was in distress because she ran a couple miles without stopping. Which I think is pretty impressive for the fact that she is a girl. But I've met a good amount of hardcore chicks that can kick my a*s any time.
Batman quickly awakened me from my deep thoughts as he lifted the unconscious girl's body bridal style and brought her to the batmobile. She looked so pretty and relaxed unconscious. Wait! She's an experiment who turned on her own scientists and nearly destroyed their laboratory. As a man of science I cannot allow that to pass. For all I know she might not even be human! Well that would make more sense because I have never seen such a beautiful face quite like hers before.
Back at the Batcave:
I think she's regaining consciousness...
Well she looks pretty dead to me...
Shut up little son of Satan...
Did you just call Batman Satain?...
No just that ...
Both of you shut up she's awake!
Girl's POV:
"Um... Hi! How's it going?"
"Good now that you regained consciousness and not dead." Stated Red Robin.
"Ooh! Red has a crush! " said Robin
"Shut up you little demon!" Red Robin spat out coldly as his cheeks flushed an good amount of red.
"Um well it's nice to meet you all but I gotta get going! After all a runaway can't run away if she ain't running right? Haha so yeah bye!" I said as I tried to look for an exit out of the most awesomest place I have ever been. The Batcave! I never had imagined my self running from such a cool place but I had to run away and not stop running.
As soon as I saw an entrance open up I saw an elderly looking man, not that old but had all white hair come in with a tray of cookies in one hand and a towel folded neatly over his other. I stopped immediately. I could smell the beautiful aroma of such wonderful cookies.
"Oh please do decide to stay miss and enjoy these nice fresh batch of cookies I baked up especially for you." said the nice elder man.
He held them out for me to grab one and I grabbed one and said a quiet thank you as he nodded and asked if I'd like a glass of milk. I shyly nodded a yes , he handed me the tray of cookies to hold and he went back up those mysterious stairs to grab me a glass milk.
I turned around as I saw Red Robin and Robin looking at me with the tray of cookies on my hand and my cookie that I was munching on in the other. "You guys can have some. I'm not going to finish them all so... Yeah get some." Robin immediately dashed towards me and grabbed a good amount of cookies in each hand and sat on the floor next to me.
I glanced at Red Robin as he was hesitant to grab a cookie from me. I motioned him to come and get one and he did so. Before he grabbed one he said thank you then grabbed a cookie and sat near Robin as they both were munching on their cookies.
Robin was more like hogging them down as if he had never eaten one in months. I giggled at the sight of that as Robin noticed me and I sat down near him as I laid the cookie tray in the middle of all three of us and finished up my cookie. I asked them what I was doing here and Red Robin said that I was supposed to be rescued tomorrow but since I broke out tonight they had to come and find me. I was just about to ask them why when I noticed a big shadowy figure hovering over me.
I could see it's big shadow in front of me on top of the cookies. I looked up to see the Batman with a hard locked stare on me. I tried to quickly get up with out bumping into him but I tripped on my feet and landed on Red Robin who was sitting right across me before I fell on him. Our noses touched and I quickly stood up and was looking back at the oh so famous Batman.
Batman motioned me to follow him to the Bat Computer as he explained to me what I was doing here and where I was being held. I told him about what was done to there. I handed him my file that I had snatched away before leaving that place. I told him that the scientists were injecting me with chemicals and probably drugs but never knew what they were injecting in to me. I was also being trained. They were training me for something but they never told me what. They were also making me study, I knew a couple languages but I didn't master any. And how I had to take advanced tests every know and than.
I told him how I only used my powers once but quickly lost control of it. The scientists were waiting for me to develop my powers but they hadn't waited long enough. I told him how I escaped and how much planning and patience it took for the right time to leave no! The right time to escape. He was quickly skimming through the my file but was stopped by an alarm that turned on and scared the sh*t out of me that a scream slipped out through my lips. Red Robin just smiled at me as he heard my girlish scream but quickly turned serious as he noticed that I was smiling back at him.
Batman told me to stay put and to not touch anything. I did as he said and shortly after they all three left was when the nice elder man came in with three glasses of milk and a mug of black coffee. I could tell it was black coffee because one of my scientists used to stink of that kind. A lot. Her breathe reeked of it and that sent will never escape my nose now. He gave me a glass of milk and asked me where they had all went. I told him what I knew and just sat there on Batman's swirly chair drinking milk and munching on cookies.
I sat there quietly not moving from that seat until the Batmobile rolled in and I swerved the chair around to face Batman and the robins jumping out of the Bat mobile. He had a serious yet shocked face to see me just sitting there not moving a muscle. He asked if I had touched anything or set something off to explode. I noted that he added a bit of sarcasm in to the last one. I nodded a no and he just stood there for a few moments just staring at me with a questioned look.
I quickly got up as I noticed that he was walking towards me and he sat down on his chair. The robins walked upstairs. I was a bit saddened they seemed cool. Well I was left with the Batman. He told me that he was gonna take me to the Gotham City Police Department. I nodded a bit disappointed. I wanted to stay here with them and Red Robin's company.
Speaking of him he quickly sped down the stairs and asked if he could accompany us. Batman arched an eyebrow and said yes. I jumped in to the backseat of the Batmobile in back of Batman. Red Robin was hesitant to sit next to me so instead he sat in the front with Batman. I giggled as he tried to make up his mind where to sit.
As soon as Red Robin sat down in the front Robin came in and also asked if could accompany us. He sat next to me.
The whole ride to the G.C.P.D. was quiet. I quietly observed the inside of the Batmobile as I tried to recognize what technologies Batman had installed into his sweet ride. There came a sudden stop as I realized that we had reached our destination. I sighed as I tried to jump out of the Batmobile but had trouble. Uhh... How embarrassing! I can't even get out of this car! I thought to myself. Red Robin saw how it was difficult for me to get out of the car so he held out his gloved hand out towards me motioning me to take it. I did and I swiftly got out but tripped on my feet again and kind sorta... bumped into him. Again! Why do the embarrassing stuff always happen to me?! He smiled at me as he saw that I was making an angry face at myself and lost in thought. I quickly noticed and sped walked to catch up to Batman.
As soon as I got in there Police Commissioner James Gordon told me to follow him into a room. I turned around and the three vigilantes weren't there anymore! I quickly followed the Commissioner into the room. As I sat down on a chair I noticed that he had a stern look on his face. He told me that I already had a foster family that wanted to adopt me but it was up to me to choose. I was a bit surprised. "Shouldn't I be assigned to a foster family and not choose one? And how did they find out about me that fast?" I asked the Commissioner. He said that this family was different and that Mr. Wayne always wanted to adopt me. I arched an eyebrow and put on a questionable look on my face. I then asked "What kind of different ? And how does he know me?" He sighed. I could tell that he was tired and wanted to go home already.
He then told me that it was the Wayne family that decided to adopt me and that he heard about me a while ago and had always planned to adopt me since then but it was up to me if I wanted to stay with them. Wayne... it was a familiar name. Bruce Wayne! Of course! Duh! I told the Commissioner that I had to think about it. He nodded and went into his office. Probably to get a cup of joe or something.
As I sat there in the cold solitary room I wondered if this was their interrogation room. I noticed some blood stains on the table and walls. Uh! Gotham was a pretty beat up city that's for sure! I thought about my offer and decided what the hell! It wouldn't hurt to live with a billionaire. Wait! Hadn't he adopted some kids before? And weren't they all boys? I think he had adopted one girl but she grew up and moved out. I think.
The Commissioner came back in and sat down with his cup of coffee in one hand and pieces of stapled papers in another. I told him that I would like to live with the Waynes. He nodded and asked me what my name was. I never realized that I had to tell anyone my name. I didn't want anybody to recognize me. I told the Commissioner that I forgot what my name was. He arched an eyebrow and had a "your kidding right?" Look on his face. I nodded and he said that he would contact Bruce to pick me up in the morning.
He then led me to a room that was full of bunk beds with each a blanket and pillow covering up its mattresses. He told me that I was to sleep here until the morning which was when I was to be picked up. I nodded and thanked him quietly as a laid on a bed and stared up at the bottom part of the mattress which was laying above me. I woke up to a knock at the door and rolled out of bed down onto the floor. I stood up and opened the door as a neatly dressed woman in a pencil skirt, high heels, and a blouse rushed me in as she pushed me towards the nearest bed as she sat me down next to her.
"You don't have to stay with them you know." She said in a serious tone. "I know." I said back giving her a cold hard stare. I was starting to think that maybe she was a social worker. "Just because Commissioner Gordon gave you that only choice doesn't mean that you have to take it!" I smiled and said "I know." She gave me a questionable look and was about to say something when Commissioner Gordon walked in to say that my ride was here. I got up and curtseyed at the social worker then walked out of that room to follow Commissioner Gordon walking out through the GCPD's front doors.
I saw the elder man that handed me the tray of cookies! I walked up to him and he greeted me a warm smile. He opened the back door to his car and I slid in as I thanked him before he could close the door. We just chit chatted all the way to the manor. My eyes slowly lit up as I realized where I was going to live. The elder man opened my door as I climbed out and slowly moved my neck up trying to calculate how big was the mansion.
I quickly awoke myself from my deep thoughts as I asked the elder man what was his name. "Alfred. Alfred Pennyworth at your service miss." He said in such a happy grin. I smiled back. He was about to ask me something when we both noticed one of the big doors opening. We both froze as we saw a tall hand some man walk out first. And at his side was a kid around the age of ten. I couldn't help but notice how much the kid looked like the tall man. Then came out a teenager around my age. He had blue eyes and jet black hair. He was wearing a red shirt with jeans and some converse on.
I couldn't help but notice how familiar they all looked to me. The tall man cleared his throat to get my attention as he saw that I was staring at the teenager. I quickly awoke from my deep thoughts and had my full attention towards him. He bent a knee and put his right hand on my shoulder.
Was I that short or was he that tall? "Welcome to Wayne mansion. I hope that you will enjoy your stay here and warm up to this new environment." He stated in a low muscular voice.
That's it! He's Batman! And those are his robins. But where are his first two robins then? I mean I know that Bruce Wayne adopted ... 4 boys and one girl. I never knew their names. "You must be Bruce Wayne!" I said as cheerfully as I could. He nodded and managed to slip out a fake laugh. Which I thought was hilarious and then turned to the kid next to him. Bruce nudged the kid who had his arms crossed over his chest and had a bored face on. "My name is Damian Wayne." He said in the most cute yet serious voice ever. I grinned as I realized that he was was the current Robin. I slowly turned to the teenager as he also had crossed arms over his chest. "Um... Hi my name's Tim Drake and I hope that you will like your stay here." I laughed as he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I did so and all four males turned to me expecting me to say my name.
"I told the Commissioner that I did not know my name." I said then soon put my head down. "You don't know or you just don't want to tell us?" Damian said irritated. "Damian!" Said Bruce as his voice turned into a fiercer tone. "Well actually I don't know my real name." I lied.
"Well maybe you can make up one?" Questioned Tim. I grinned and nodded. I thought about it and soon realized that all eyes were on me again. I was starting to get nervous. "I don't really know any names to be honest with you." I said putting me head down once more. "What about Catherine?" Asked Bruce. "That's a pretty name... I am now Catherine!" I said in a half excited tone in my voice. "Do you want a last name?" Asked Bruce. I nodded and said the first last name that came into my head. "Wayne!" I stood there shocked. How could I use his last name. "I'm sorry I didn't mean..." I stammered "Hmm... That could work." Stated Bruce.
My eyes almost flew out of my eye sockets. Everybody else was also pretty shocked as well. "Well thank you!" I said. "So from now on my name will be Catherine Wayne!" "Wait why Catherine ?" Questioned Tim. "Because it is Latin Greek for pure and clear." Bruce said confidently. Yep! Cause you have very pretty clear blue eyes Catherine." Tim joked. I giggled and was walked into the mansion where I was going to start my new life!
Thank you readers who are reading my book. I will try to update as much and quickly as possible. Please like and comment if you like it so far. This is my first time writing a book so... Yeah hope you all enjoy!!! Have fun my little Bat-Mites and dancing squirrels. :)
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