Chanyeol's worst nightmare

This is a little different then my usual one shots, it's very heavy on pulling at your heart. I won't give any more away.

please be kind in any feedback

A red haired man winces and grabs his abdomen, as he sits rather uncomfortably on the sofa. He keeps watch over his precious little prince. Thankful that Milo is content at the moment to lay on his play-mat, seemingly taken with the blue sparkling unicorn and parrot hanging above him. It's been a long day at home, Milo now  nine weeks old has been extra grisly this morning. Baekhyun winces again perhaps the spicy chicken last night hasn't agreed with him. Milo is normally so laid back, or maybe it's because the only one who has been able to calm him down this last week is noticeably late. Being that it's now after 6, Chanyeol is never normally later than 4, but he knows producing chart topping music has no time limit. Which is why he is hoping his silver haired giant got his message about take out for himself , as he really can't stomach the thought of  eating or moving, let alone even heating up something. Even if it has been pre portioned,  by his ultra efficient best friend. A small excited gurgle breaks him out his reverie, he smiles as Milo kicks his sky blue baby grow incased feet. He still can not believe they have him, that they were picked to be parents. "Daddy and Papa love you so much, little prince."

There is one thing he would change these last few weeks, something that has been niggling in the back of his mind. No thanks to the subtle dig from his mother in law, that has him second guessing himself and how he has handled being both parent and husband. When he recalls the last month he knows she wasn't mentioning their parenting. He admits his soulmate has been acting off this last week, to the point he didn't race to the nursery when Milo woke up this morning. He has a pretty good idea what it's about, both Chanyeol and himself have always had a very high sex drive! Baekhyun shivers as he remembers before having Milo they would be at it like rabbits. Now their daily intimate moments have been reduced to that one special night last week. The arrival of Milo has certainly put the breaks on their intimate moments, something Baekhyun wants to rectify, just maybe not tonight. He feels his forehead it's drenched with sweat, perfect just what he needs with a baby around. Tonight the only thing getting action will be his pillow. He can't dwell on being sick, with no Chanyeol around at the moment to help, he needs to focus his energy on Milo who will really start getting grisly if he doesn't have his bottle soon.

Finally in the kitchen, Milo safely, but not particularly happy to be placed in his car seat. "I know baby boy, papa needs both hands to make your dinner, Daddy will be home soon." Closing his eyes as he knows he is saying it aloud, to reassure himself that his better half will come waltzing rather clumsily through the door. He internally curses, he definitely getting sick,  grabbing his mobile, he will try and call him to see where he is. It rings twice before going to voicemail, "Sweetheart, I know your busy but you haven't called to say where you are, I'm worried call me back." Glancing at the clock it's now  reads 18:39, "Milo daddy better be home soon, otherwise he going to miss bed time." He places the bottle in the microwave as he gets Milo out the car seat, precious cargo secure he tests the milk, satisfied he slowly shuffles to the nursery, to feed their little prince hoping his main man comes home.

Walking out the nursery careful not to wake the baby, he checks his phone, no missed calls, no texts! He knows it only 19:39, but to have no contact since the morning and that was a simple ok, he is starting to get worried. When he hears 4 legs, and notices a black blur scurry past him, finally Chanyeol is home! Wanting to look a little less sick he walks in to the guest bathroom, his normal reflection is replaced by a flushed face and sweaty forehead what a way to meet his husband. Splashing his face to relieve the heat radiating of his cheeks, he swallow some pain relief, and heads out to meet his husband. Slowly walking in to the kitchen he stops short when he sees the bottle of soju that Chanyeol is taking a gulp from, "sweetheart, is every thing ok." Chanyeol and his normal has to rush in and see Milo mood is no where insight, in his place is a man with fury in his eyes! "Peachy" oh dear something must of happened at work, or maybe one of their crazy friends has done something, he is about to enquire when Chanyeol's phone rings! Even more shocking is the fact that Chan leaves the room to answer! Baekhyun tries to move faster, the pain in his stomach has moved to the lower right side of his abdomen and is throbbing! Sucking it up he heads to the lounge as Chan hangs up. "Yeol, baby you been gone all day, has something happened, you haven't even answered my calls."

It's in that moment, when two sets of obsidian eyes meet, that Baekhyun knows that Chanyeol is about to burst. "Finally remembered you have a husband have you, I'm surprised you noticed." The way his husband is vibrating with emotions something must be bothering him. As usual his husband has decided to hold it in and not say anything, to the point that he will explode. He is about to say how Chan as his husband will always be the centre of his world when the dam burst "you been so wrapped up in Milo, that you've practically ignored me." "That's not fair Yeol" he is about to suggest they don't do this now despite the pain in his abdomen easing, when the monitor beeps indicating a small human is stirring. Baekhyun watches as his husbands shoulders sag, and his eyes close in annoyance. "Milo needs you, I'm going out for a drink with Kungsoo, it's not like you would miss me  anyway don't wait up." Baekhyum sighs, he knew it "Chanyeol, let's talk about this," He is about to follow him, when a piercing wail sounds through the penthouse, the same time that the front door slams and Toben barks. Baek stops dead in his tracks, confused as to what has just happened, Chan is never normally so quick to leave. Milo's crying intensifies, taking a deep breath he heads back to the nursery. Their little prince only has wails that wake the dead, for two things, bath time and a wet nappy! Knowing it's the latter he try's to calm the anxiety and nausea, taking a cleansing breath Baekhyun heads to the nursery. Chanyeol and his absurd notion that he doesn't have time to show him just how much he is the centre of the universe will have to wait.

It's now 22:00 and a red haired man is lying down on the sofa, something is seriously wrong. His fever is raging, his stomach is swollen, his heart is beating so fast he can hear it in his ears. Every move is agony! "Please, please, please you have to pick up" Baekhyun closes his eyes as the tears fall, neither Chan, or Kungsoo are picking up, he desperately needs help he doesn't care that he has called both repeatedly. He needs someone to watch Milo while he contacts an out of hours help line, knowing that if kungsoo is with Yeol it most likely Kai is as well. Not wanting to disturb the newly weds, Chen would skin him alive for disturbing him and Minseok. He dials the only other number on his speed dial. Hoping his best friend will answer, on the fourth attempt of constant calling he gets a response. "Someone had better be dying" Baekhyun is too sick to care that he got Sehun and his attitude, he croaks "help, I need help!" Hoping the youngest out of the group of close friends can hear his desperation he waits for a response, "we are on our way." Sending a silent thank you to the heavens,  he waits for aid.

"Shit, Sehun check on the baby, and call Chanyeol, find out where the fuck he is!" Baekhyun opens his eyes, shit he has no idea how long he has been asleep for. Afraid, he has left Milo to cry "my baby" trying to get up he feels that red hot fire assault his abdomen again. He can no longer keep quiet and let's out a pain filled groan. That's when he sees his best friend come in to focus "Milo is fine, it's been 30 minutes since you called us." "It hurts Suho." He can see the worried look in his best friends eyes, which intensifies when Suho places his hand on his forehead "Jesus, your burning up" he can only stare as his friend, when a third voice penates through his fever "I got Chan's VM, Milo is asleep, Baek where is Chanyeol."

Baekhyun tries to respond, but even the motion of breathing, sets that fire in his abdomen off! Clutching his stomach it's definitely not a good sign, the room is spinning, he can feel the nausea in the back of his throat. He knows  its crucial that Suho and Sehun know where his husband is "Kungsoo." Is all he can say before he projectile vomits on his hard wood floor. The last thing he sees and hears is his concerned friend "fuck Chanyeol, I'm calling an ambulance" before his world fades to black.

"Let me get this straight you have an emotional outburst, because your upset Baekhyun is doing what any first time parent would do! Then to top it off you all but storm out, leaving behind a confused Baek, whilst your new born son cries. You certainly don't do things by half Chanyeol."

Wincing at Kungsoo's brutal assessment of the evening, the silver haired man can only bang his head against Kungsoo's kitchen worktop. He feels a hand on his back, lifting his head he sees Kai hand him a beer and nod his head in agreement before adding " I wouldn't bet on sleeping comfortably tonight." He is definitely an idiot, he and Baekhyun have  experienced hell to be parents, his delicate husband has done nothing but blame him self for the failures they  have endured to get here. It's only natural that Baekhyun has made their son his top priority, their beautiful little prince is a helpless 9 week old baby.

"I have been a total bastard," noticing Kungsoo's hardened stare soften slightly "No Chan, you and Baekhyun have always been the sole focus of each other's world. It's natural to be jealous when that attention shifts axis's" Chanyeol is thankful his friend is so honest, doesn't make the fact he is jealous of his own son easier to swallow. He can't blame lack of sleep, Baek has been taking care of night feeds, since day one, their penthouse is spotless, their fridge is filled and their prince wants for nothing, all thanks to his husband!

He will be lucky to get through the door tonight let alone share their bed, he knows the root of the problem is that he misses  the intimacy he shares with Baekhyun. What a fool he is, he should of said something sooner rather then leave like that. Knowing how Baek is, it will be one more thing Baek will blame himself for. First he needs to grovel, noticing that it is after 22:00 it's going to be too late to order their favourite takeout. Shaking his head, mandu will not fix this. He regards his friends Kyungsoo and Kai, both are single at the moment, and not the best at saying sorry. Getting an apology from either of them is like getting blood out a stone! He needs to call the most romantic person he knows? He just needs to pluck up the courage to disturb the man on his honeymoon! "Don't do it Yeol, he will go straight to Baek, plus you will never here the end of his whines at how you disturbed them."

Chanyeol stares at Kai, the dancer has a point! He loves Jongdae, he is normally his main partner in crime, but to disturb him on his honeymoon would just be asking for trouble.

Abandoning that call,  he turns to Kungsoo, "With how I have reacted tonight, I need to fix this fast, I can't believe I stormed out, what is Baekhyun going to think! It was at my insistence that we try and start a family. Did you know Baek has done every night feed, changed more soiled nappies. He even knows what Milo wants when he starts fussing." The tears start to form in his eyes, this is all on him, he can't believe he felt ignored when his light and soul has done everything he can, to make being a parent easier for him.

"Chanyeol, calm down, working yourself up is not going to help, listen to me, the love that Baekhyun has for you, is what we all dream of having. Yes he will think you have been an idiot tonight,  you have been. Baekhyun has probably figured out why you have been so distant. He is your husband and knows you inside and out, you are the ying to his yang."

Taking in much needed oxygen, Chan tries to calm down, the guilt he has at storming out will not abate anytime soon. knowing Kungsoo is right. "Soo how did you get so wise?" "Someone has to make you see sense, now might I suggest you swap the beer for tea, before you leave" nodding his head, grateful that he has such amazing friends. He is about to accept when he notices the clock on wall, shit it's after midnight, Kungsoo is right he definitely doesn't do anything by half! Chanyeol feels for his phone, hoping his precious heart is awake, when he notices it's not in his pocket.

Where did he put it, about to ask  both Kai and Soo? He is cut off by landline in the apartment going off! Kungsoo gets to it first, he turns to Kai who looks equally surprised that it's going off "Suho where are you what's all the noise, Sehun, what's happened to Sehun!" Chanyeol suddenly alert, hoping nothing is wrong with the youngest of their friends, he definitely needs his phone, when he notices Kai's face go deathly pale, as he hands him his missing mobile. Before he can check it, he hears Soo "Calm down Suho, we are our way, find a doctor, what do mean the doctor won't tell you anything, Sehun is where."

Chanyeol frowns at what he hears, as he checks his phone. he doesn't get chance to check the dozens of missed calls. All he hears is Kungsoo gasp as he turns to face him eyes wide" Sehun is with Milo, its  not either of them that need a doctor!"  That statement makes his blood run cold.

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