Chapter 1 "We heal physically, never emotionally"
[Location: Kamino] [Time: 19:00 hours]
*Reaper would wake up sweating a female clone looking at him* Anya: You ok? I heard you yelling something in your sleep. Reaper: I'm......fine just a bad dream. *Anya would have X2 and Destiny behind her* Anya: Yeah that didn't sound like a nightmare more like you relived a terrible event....What was it? Reaper: None of your damn buissness. X2: Hey! watch what you say to my sister! Anya: It's ok girls he's reaper I expected this. So was it about your squad? *The entire barracks falls silent* Anya: What? *The male clones look at each other then at them whispering something they couldn't hear* Destiny: Um I don't like this anya. *Reaper gets down* Reaper: STFU ABOUT MY SQUAD YOU HAVE NO BUISSNESS TALKING ABOUT THEM.......COMMANDER! *2 male security troopers enter* Trooper1: Alright back to bed Reaper We don't need another infraction now do we? *Reaper would give the girls then the troopers a death stare* Reaper:.....Fine *He would go back to bed* Anya: What was that about? Trooper2: His squad died horrible painful deaths he was forced to leave them after being forced to watch them painfully and slowly die at the hands of his enemies killing those people are what drives him. X2: oh so that's what happened.....poor guy so he isn't like this naturally? Shinny: He used to be kind and fun but he was never the same he was in the med bay for a week he walked into the base dripping blood from his arms and legs he collapsed at the entrance to the base. *Anya sees enty walk by but she had likely been watching and listening* Anya: strange girl......
Trooper1: Please leave ladies your not permitted in the male barracks. X2: Fine. *They leave and hear yelling* Anya: Tf? *2 arcs rush by and they follow* X2: What are they yelling about? *Anger and zara would be yelling at each other* Anger: YOU CAN'T CALL YOURSELF A VETERAN UNLESS YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH THE HELLS THAT ARE GEONOSIS, UMBARA, OR FELUCIA AND YOU HAVEN'T! zara: I MAY NOT HAVE BEEN THERE BUT IM MORE SKILLED THEN YOU IM A COMMANDO YOUR A ARC I OUTRANK YOU AND IVE BEEN ON DANGEROUS MISSIONS TO YOU PATHETIC EXSCUSE OF A CLONE!! *That did it for anger anf he threw the first punch square into zara's face and they started fighting* male arc1: HEY BREAK IT UP *They rush down and grab anger and start pulling him back. zara and angers face would be bloody the arcs drag anger to the med bay* Anya: Wasn't that a little harsh zara? Zara: Maybe....But its true.... *They see reaper standing in the corner silently watching* X2: Hey how did he get there?! *He walks into the dark corridor and the lights turn on but he is gone* Destiny: Um..... (A/N CT is a male clone FCT is female keep that in mind) CT: What? Anya: Reaper just disappeared CT: Oh that no one knows its not actually reaper it looks like one his squad mates if you get a good look at it. Dimitra : Hmm Strange *Anya, X2, and Destiny turn around and hug Dimitra* Anya: YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! *Dimitra hugs back* Dimitra: I missed you girls to! X2: What should we do now that most of us are here? Destiny: Sleep first we need to sleep. Dimitra: Agreed *They all go to their sleep pods an go to sleep*
*The next day*
[Location: Control center] [Time: 12:00 hours]
*A male officer would be looking at the holo table while female 501st troopers would be in a large circle around him and the table* officer:..... *He clicks a button and a trooper appears* 501st CT: THIS IS BASE ALPHA ON ILUM WE ARE UNDER ATTACK I REPEAT WE ARE- *The trooper in the back ground gets head shot* 501st CT2:AGH! CT1 gets force choked and a light saber goes through his chest* CT1:ACK- * A female human steps up and takes the lightsaber out and lets go of the corpse and she looks at the camera then grabs a 501st trooper charging her by the neck* CT3: AGH! * She looks him in the eyes but doesn't kill him she keeps him alive* ?????: Come and rescue him if your brave enough clones. *She breaks the device* officer:*sigh* Get me Ashoka and Ark, Anakin is busy and get me Plo Koon and the wolf pack they have a trooper to save.
[Location: hanger bay] Wolffe: Alright listen up men and mostly ladies we have a mission enty from the 501st will be joining us along with sharp, reaper, and Anya load up *They say yes sir and get in the gun ships* Sharp: Here we go again reaper. Reaper: yep. *Anya gets in and enty gets in next to her and reaper and sharp get in at the front and enty would be uncomfortably close to Anya* Anya: Um mind backing u enty your a little close. *Enty would refuse so Anya sighs and deals with it* Wolfpack CT1: ETA 30 SECONDS! *They get ready* Reaper: Can't wait to get out of this gun ship. Wolfpack FCT: Is it cause there's only 3 boys here? Reaper: Yes please take offense. FCT2: Rude. Reaper: That's the point. *The doors open and the boys rush out faster then the girls taking lead* CT3: GO GO GO!! CT5: SUPRESSING FIRE! CT9: INCOM- * A explosion takes out large group of male clones* CT1: FORWARD! * The girls set up the FOB as the males push forward*
[TWO DAYS LATER] *Enty and Anya look at a message sent to them by the males* CT2: WE'VE BEEN OVERRUN THEIR COMING FOR YOU NEXT GET READY ITS NOT DROIDS ITS ORGANIC MARINES! * He blasts a female marine and they retreat and the message ends* Enty: Scout? Anya: Yep *They go to where the male clones were* Anya: Smell something? Enty: Yeah.... *They find the corpses of their brothers* Enty:!! *Anya checks the captain's pulse* Anya: Their dead... all of them.... * A blaster aims point blank at Anya's head* Female CIS marine: Drop your weapons hands up. (A/N Cause this is mostly female the organic marines of the CIS will always be female remember that) *Anya does so and enty does to* CIS2: Got the- *2 Blaster bolts head shot them saving Anya and Enty but one shoots her blaster after hitting the ground dead seriously wounding Anya* Anya: GAH!! *She collapses and Enty rushes to her and picks her up and takes her back to the FOB med bay not questioning who saved them only caring about Anya right there* Kix: Woah slow down set her down gently. *She does so and kix starts working while Enty Watches*
[MEANWHILE AT FEMALE CIS BASE] Sharp: What happened to never being captured reaper? Reaper: shut up. *They would be in seperate cells they had broken all the other clones so they could be sold s slaves to any royalty within the CIS* Sharp: If we're gonna die here its for the republic and each other. Reaper: Agreed *2 CIS marines arrive at reaper's cell and they enter with 2 more and a officer* Female Officer: Hmm *The marines aim their guns at reaper so he can't do anything as the officer inspects him and she would grab his chin and move his head around so she could see his scars and blood red eyes* Reaper: Ever heard of personal space woman? Officer: Hm? Oh my name is Tanya and I know who you are reaper...I broke your squad and they now serve as slaves you will meet the same fate. *she lets go and leaves with the guards an they lock his cell* Reaper: NOT LIKELY YOU BASTERD! *They do the same to sharp* Tanya: Never seen you before you're name is? Sharp: None ya. Tanya: Yes well from your marking I say you we're a sniper before being a arc and the tally's say you were so skilled they called you 'sharpshooter' but sharp for short so your name is sharp isn't it? Sharp:.....
Tanya: We're gonna have a lot of fun torturing you sharp never tortured such a skilled arc I hear you people can resist tremendous amounts of pain let's put that to the test tomorrow shall we? *Sharp's eyes would he was clearly seeing how fast they could pull the trigger if he moved* Tanya: Nice try they'd stun you before you could do anything. *They leave and lock his cage then Tanya is told something by a guard* Tanya: Yes send her down *The guard nods and princess no older the comet walks in with her mom* (A/N: for reference comet is like 12 the mom is 27 but the daughter is as mature as a college kid) *A guard pulls the daughter away from reapers cage his claws on his glove scratching her once on the neck* Reaper: Lucky little girl... *his arm goes back in the cage his red visor glows a bit and he sits down*
[5 HOURS LATER] *They toss sharp back in the cage he would horribly beat up and bleeding* Sharp: Nice try idiots.... *Reaper would be equally beat up* Reaper: When we're girls so aggressive? [MEANWHILE AT REPUBLIC FOB] *Anya would walk out with Enty helping* Enty: We're going back to the ship now Anya. Anya: Not...Yet I found something on the captain's corpse... *she plugs something in and it shows a still image of them capturing sharp and reaper and a few wolf pack members* Anya: We have to... save them. Enty: Your not exactly in any condition to do saving we are leaving ok Anya? Anya: I'll leave after we rescue them... Enty: Fine Anya lay down on your bed and I'll call the team*
[MEANWHILE AT KAMINO] Echo: GET OFF OF ME YOU LITTLE PUP *Comet would be on echo's back biting his shoulder pauldron* Destiny: And who is this cute little wolf pup? Wolffe: That's comet he is mentally and physically a 12 year old he mimics what I do and I bite shinies when I get mad so he developed the biting habit to. *Destiny whistles a certain whistle and he would be in front of destiny in a second* Comet: Yes? Destiny: Why do they call you comet? Comet: I love comets their amazing! *Destiny pets him and he smiles at her* Destiny: Your adorable your a smaller version of wolffe! Can I have him for a bit wolffe? please?? wolffe: Sure he's more trouble then I ever was. * He leaves* Comet: Now what?
*They hear yelling at the training room and they go and see what it is* Anger: CMERE YOU DROID *Anger would soloing a training simulation* Destiny: What the? *Anger grabs the droid and surplexs it then tosses it at another droid and the simulation ends* Anger: WHY DID YOU STOP IT?! Overseer: Cause cadets need to train now *Anger Flips her off and leaves* Destiny: Anger mission against organic CIS marines. Anger: Organic marines?! YES SOMETHING THAT DOSENT BREAK MY KNUCKLES WHEN I PUNCH IT!!
Reaper: I...*Coughs blood*...I'm not gonna be here much longer....what about you sharp? Sharp:....Same here reaper.....can't wait to...*Bad cough*...Not give these girls anything before I die....*start laughing a bit and 2 marines would look at him from the corner of their vision* Marine: Why do you put yourself through this? Your gonna break. Marine2: Just give us what we want and it all stops. Sharp: Clearly you don't live for pain and....I will never betray.....The republic or my......brothers and sisters....I will die for them.....Traitors are honor less cowards.... Reaper: We aren't traitors so....keep trying.... *A bounty hunter walks by and reaper knows who it is* Reaper: Look its Phantom.....still serving the CIS as their....Hound? Phantom: *distorted voice* Shut up reaper I will take great pleasure in watching you and your friend die today. Reaper: Keep dreaming we can.....take everything you us you pathetic....marines. Marine: Want to repeat that you male clone? Aren't you being replaced by females like us? Sharp: We don' fight and die we were born for war.... Marine: That's sad your bodies look so perfect its such a waste to do this and that. Sharp: Shut up so....I can die....quietly please.....*His vison goes dark all the sounds dissappear*
CIS female medic: Yo clone you alive? Sharp:.....ngh....I wish I wasn't....I can't feel anything.... Medic: That'll wear off in a few minutes. *She takes off her medical gear until she was only wearing her uniform and puts the gear away* Sharp:..... *He breaks his restraints and the medic had already left* Sharp: gotta get reaper and bail. Marine: CLONE GET HIM GIRLS!! *They tackle sharp having surprised him* Sharp: WHAT THE?! Marine: We punish people who attempt to escape in 2 different ways torture or something you clones consider torture and we like fortunately for you we cant do the second option....yet....girls throw him back in his cell *They do so* Sharp: Where's reaper? Marine: Interrogation [MEANWHILE WITH REAPER] Marine: WHERE WILL THE REPUBLIC NEXT?! *Reaper would be bleeding from cuts on his arms and face* Reaper: *starts laughing* Marine: What's so funny prisoner? Reaper: The fact you'd think I'd betray the republic!! *Keeps laughing until she stabs him with a vibro blade* Marine: Bring in the Arc maybe he'll talk make sure they see each other girls. *They do so* Sharp: what now? Marine: How many ships are guarding kamino? Sharp: Guess Marine: What clone is leading the 501st? Sharp: My sister. Marine: WHICH ONE?! Sharp: Figure it out you waste of space *The marine knocks him out and he wakes up in a different room* Marine2: Welcome to solitary republic dog Sharp: Feels like home. *A explosion goes off at the main door* Marine 3: A CLONE RESCUE TEAM IS HERE CMON WERE EVACUATING THE DROIDS WILL HOLD THEM! *2 marines drag a unconscious wolf pack male captain with them* Marine: Lucky Arc *She leaves and his cell opens a minute later* Sharp: This is where the fun begins.
[LOCATION: CIS STRONG HOLD] [MISSION: RESCUE SHARP, REAPER, AND ANY OTHER CLONE PRESENT] [TIME: 01:00 HOURS] Anger: LETS MOVE IT TROOPERS WERE HERE FOR OUR BOYS!! Hardcase: HELL YEAH * Starts firing Z-6 at droids and female marines while anger start meleeing them* Zara: Focus anger! Rescue first Mass slaught later you want reaper and sharp dead? Anger:....FINE! * Echo and fives would move up first taking out any hostiles and liberating their brothers after the front door is clear more female clones move in backed up by males with Z-6's* Fives: I hear yelling cmon *They follow it and find sharp stab a vibro sword through a CIS marine* Sharp: Glad you could make it help me Reaper were the last two prisoners alive back here. Echo: Roger that *He helps reaper walk as they get to the gunship with everyone else and arrive back on kamino in 2 hours* Destiny: Anyone else see the strange Black and orange arc over there? *The girls look and see a male arc watching them he walks off and dissappear's into the chaos of the hanger bay* Anya: Odd anyway I'm glad all of you are alive *Enty would be right next to Anya uncomfortably close still but Anya didn't care any more* Enty: Where is sharp and reaper? *4 medics come out 2 to a stretcher as they rush them to the medical bay* Enty: Oh...... Any good news? *A B1 flys out of the shuttle and his the ground and gets up* B1: Die republic dog. *Anger dis arms it and rips its arms off and breaks off its head* Anger: DIE YOU SCRAP METAL DIE!! * Puts a detonater on it and blows it up*
A/N: HEY HEY PEOPLE your at the end chapter 1 is coming up this was far longer then I thought so oops hope you like Part 1 Chapter 2 should come out later today if all goes as planned and please send me your characters I love to have more all characters you give me get their own Bio's page and will appear ASAP in this glorious story it just needs name, Training, personality, likes, dislikes, Favorite food, deepest fear. If you don't know what personality traits to use check out enty, phantom, and comet's Bio's in that order to get a idea of what you might use
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