Chapter 13

Yuri's pov

"Jagi wake up" Jack said. "I'm up, wassup" I said. "First of all, you have a fight today after school and second I feel like we haven't got in trouble, and that we should do a prank on the school" Jack said. "Yess, it's been so long since I got in trouble" I said. Then I got up from bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put my pink hair in a ponytail. Then I did my make up.

 After I did my makeup. I went to the closet and I wore this.

"Ok so what are you thinking of doing" I asked. "Mmmm maybe we can pull the fire alarm and everyone will get to go home early" Jack said. "Ok, its a good idea" I said. " Jack go get ready for school" I added. "Ok jagi" He said and went into the bathroom. I got up picked a gun and put it behind me, in the waistband of my pants. Then I when out of my room and went to jiwon and seoyeons room.

"Girls wake up you have school today" I told them. "Ne mom" They said in their sleepy voice. They got up went to the bathroom to wash their teethes and got dress into this.

Jiwon Wore this.

Seoyeon wore this.

"Come on lets go eat breakfast" I said. Then we ran to the kitchen. "Morning!!" I said. "Morning aunt/uncles/dad/oppa" The girls said. "Why are you so happy yuri" Mike asked. "I'm going to go die my hair after the fight" I said. "What color" Jack asked. "It's a surprise" I said. "Fine" Jack said pouting. "Eat up" Ash said. And we started eating our food. 

"Jack, we're going to school on our motorcycle, you get jiwon and I get seoyeon" I said. "Ok" He said. "Yay I get mommy" Seoyeon said. "Well I get daddy" Jiwon said. "Come lets go" I said. "Bye Guys" We said. "Bye" They replied back. We get out of the house and go to our motorcycle. I get on my with seoyeon on front.

And jack gets on his with jiwon in front of him.

And we drive to the girls school. We get there and drop the girls off. And we wave them good bye. And we head to school. Once we arrived in school, we parked our motorcycle in front of the gang. And go off our motorcycle and walk towards the gang. "Hey" I said. "You guys don't need anything for class" Jack told them. "Why" Taeyang asked. "Because it's going to be a short day" I replied. "Ohh, the duo is back" Mike said. "We sure are" Me and jack said in unison. "Just don't do anything extreme, like burn down the school" Hunter said. "But... why, Burining the school was fun because then we didn't have school for a few months" I said. "Yeah, that was one of your best pranks" Ash said. "Fine, we wont burn down the school this time" I said pouting.

"Wait you burn the school once" Someone said. We turn around and saw bts. "Yeah, it's not a big deal" I said. "It's not a big deal, of course it's a big deal, how come you arents worried" Jin asked. "Because it's not the worst prank I did" I said. "What was your worst prank" Jhope asked. "The time the teacher came in the classroom and when she opened the door, glue fell on her and she slipped on some marbles and yuri threw feathers at her" Mike replied. And we all burst at laughing. "And is that how you got expelled from that school" Taehyung asked. "No, she got expelled because the teacher took her phone in class and yuri got mad and fought the teacher and the teacher ended up in a coma for 6 months" Ash said "Wow, your bad" Rap monster said. "Yeah but only when people get on my nerves or if its business related" I said. "Yeah, there was this one, this Barbie doll from another school was talking shit about yuri when yuri bursted and beat the crap out of her and broke her nose and jaw and the girl needed plastic surgery again" Hunter said. "Ohh good times" I said. 




"Well lets head to class" I said and we head to class. We got in the classroom and we sat in the back with bts. The teacher came in and started teaching about I don't know and I zoned out.

Time skip to third period

"Miss I have a headache and my vison is going blurry can I go to the nurse with jack" I asked. "Sure" The teacher said and let me and jack out of the class. Once we got out of class I stopped pretending I was sick. "That was good acting" Jack said kissing my cheek. "Thanks oppa" I said and we head to the fire alarm. "1..2..3"  Me and jack said in unison and we pull the fire alarm. Everyone was heading out of their classroom and was heading towards the front door. 

Then we walked out of school and headed towards our motorcycle. "Yah wait up" Ash said. "Nee" I said. "You guys did that" Mike asked. "Yup" Jack said. "Where are you going" Taeyang asked. "I'm going to the gym with jack, to practice for the fight" I said. "Hunter oppa can you go pick up the girls from their school" I asked. "Sure and we're going to go watch you fight" He said. "Ok" I said. "Well bye guys" Jack said and we wave bye to them. And we got in our motorcycle and head to the gym. 

Jimin pov

I can't believe I messed up big time. I shouldn't have run out of the hospital on her. That was her secret to tell me or not. And I really shouldn't have let that fake Barbie kiss me. I even called her a slut for having kids. And now we broke up and she's dating that jack guy. I regret saying all that stuff to her. I wish I can take it all back and we can get back together. But I don't think, sorry can fix this. If I were her, I wouldn't forgive me either, because I called her a slut with kids. Those kids didn't even do anything bad. As I was in deep thought, the fire alarm came on and I walked out of the classroom and head to the front door.

Once I was outside of school. I saw yuri, smiling and laughing with jack and her gang. I'll be lying if I say I wasn't worry for her, for fuck sakes shes in a gang and any moment she might get shot like she did yesterday. But one thing is for sure, i'll win your heart back yuri, I don't care if your in a gang or not, or if you have kids, or if you were a nerd. That was in the past and now i'm going to be nicer and win your heart back. Just wait for me yuri. Wait for me. 

Yuri's pov

Left punch 

Right punch

Right hook

Roundhouse kick

Left hook


I been practicing for an hour and the fight is about to start. "Blaze, your fight is going to start in 5" Jack said. I drink my water and practice for a bit more. "Welcome everyone, today we have fighting Blaze and death" The speaker said. I make my way up to the ring and wave to the people. Then I saw Death, his 6 foot and 5 inches. He is pretty buff but I'm going to take him down. "Hey there, just because your a girl, I'm going to go easy on you" He said looking at me up and down. I just ignored him. I look around the crowd and saw the rest of my gang and my two girls. "!!" The speaker said. And I look at death and look for a weakness. I saw his right knee looks injured. 

He punched and I dodged. I punched his jaw and he fell. But he got back up and tried to kick me. I kick his right knee and he fell. "You bitch" He said, getting angry. He stands back up and I did a roundhouse kick and I knocked him unconscious. "The winner is Blaze" The speaker said and the crowd went wild. I got out the ring and went to get my money. "Hey blaze, today you got 60k" The man said. "Thanks" I said and grabbed the money back and make my way towards the gang. "Mommy" The girls went running to me. "Hey guys" I said. "You did great mommy" Jiwon said. "Yeah mom, you were awesome" Seoyeon said. "Do you guys want to go to the mall" I asked the gang. "Sure" They replied. 

We got out of the fighting place and went to our motorcycle. I put jiwon and seoyeon in front of me and made sure they don't fall off. "Ready" I said. "Ne" They girls said. And we drive to the mall. 

Once we arrived to the mall, we all got separated. And the girls went with ash and hunter. Mike went with jack and taeyang. And I went solo, so I can get my hair done a surprised. 

"Excuse me but can I get may hair died blue" I asked the woman. "Sure come here" She said and I made my way to a chair. I saw down and she started dyeing my hair. 

30 minutes later

"Ok sweetheart, I'm done" She said. I get up and walk towards the mirror and I look at myself.

"Wow its so pretty, how much" I asked. "20$" She said and I paid her. And left the salon. Then I went to forever 21 and h&m and bought some clothes. By some I mean lots of clothes. Then I text the gang to meet up at the food court. And I walk to the food court.

"Hey guys" I said. "Wow, you look beauty" Jack said. "I love the color" Ash said "Noona you look pretty" Taeyang said. "Mommy I love your hair" The girls said and play with my hair. "Absolte stunning" Hunter said. "Thanks guys but now lets get something to eat" I said. "Ne" They replied. 

After eating in the food court we head home and get ready for bed. I went to the girls room and kiss their foreheads. Then I went back to my room and clean my face and get dress into my pjs and get in bed. "Night oppa" I said. "Night jagi" He said and pulled me closer to him. And I drift to sleep into dream land. 

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