Chapter 12

Yuri's pov





Stupid alarm clocks, I need to buy a new one. I get up from my bed and walk into the bathroom. I strip down and get into the shower. I turn on the hot water on and wash myself. Then I wash my hair and rinse out. I wrap the towel around my body and walk out of the bathroom and go to my walk in closet. I pick out this outfit and dried my hair and did my makeup. And I put a gun in the waistband of the skirt. 

 Then I walk out of my closet and wake up jack. "Oppa wake up, we have school" I said and shake him. "Ok, I'm up" He said and walked into the bathroom. Then he came out and walk into my closet and got dressed into the same clothes I had. Then I walked to the girls room. And if you didn't know they are twin sisters. I get to their room and wake them up. They go brush their teeth's and get dress into this. 

After their dress, we walk downstairs. "Morning guys" I said. "Morning" They replied. "What's for breakfast" I asked. "Cereal" Ash said. "Ok" I said and sat down next to jack. Ash places the bowl in front of us and we eat it. After we're done ash did the dishes. "Guys see ya in school" I said and got up from my seat. "Jiwon, seoyeon and jack, lets go" I said. And they got up and we walked out the door and went to my yellow lambo.

I drive out of the garage and go drop off the girls to their school. After I drop them off, I drive to school with jack. I go there and parked in an empty space. We get out and meet with the gang outside of school. "Sup guys" I said. "Hey" They replied. "I feel like, we are going to have a good day at school" Mike said. "No day at school is good" Jack said. And we start laughing. "Come on guys lets get to our lockers" Taeyang said. "Sure" I said and we go to our lockers. We got to our lockers and we got our notebooks.

Time skip to lunch~~~ 

"Ugh class was so boring" I said. And we sit down at our table. And we all started eating and talking. "I'm going to the bathroom" Taeyang said. "Ok" I said and he got up and went to the bathroom. As he went to the bathroom, some guys came in the lunch room with guns. "Everyone down and hands up" The guy said and everyone got down except my gang. "Hey get down" The guy yelled at us but we weren't moving. This guy doesn't know who he is messing with. As the guy was yelling at us, taeyang got out of the bathroom and the guys got him. "If you guys don't get down then we will  kill him" The guy said. "Fine we're going down" Mike said. The gang got down and sat on the ground with their hands up. But I didn't get down. I got up and made my way to them. "Yah, get down or we shoot you and him" The guy said. I keep walking to them. "Yah, get down or he'll shoot" Jimin shouted at me. But I just keep walking. And the guy shot me three times. One at each shoulder and one in my arm. It hurts but not that much. "Yuri, get down" Jimin shouted again. I just ignored him. I got in front of the guy. "Let him go, or i'll kill you, you don't know who you're messing with" I said coldly. "What are you going to do princess" The guy said teasing me. "I warned you" I said. And I grabbed my gun from the back of my skirt and I shot him in his head. 

After I shot the guy. The rest of their man started fighting me. I took them all out by shooting at their heads. And everyone started shouting and running. Annoying kids. I get my phone out and call someone. "Hey, come clean this mess in the school" I said and hanged up. "Noona thank you for saving me" Taeyang said while hugging me. "I always told you to bring your gun and today you didn't" I said. "Sorry noona, i'll bring it always for now on" He said. "Ok, lets go" I said but we got stopped by bts. "What do you want" I said coldly. "You kill-ed them" Jungkook said stuttering. "Yeah, they were going to kill taeyang and I wont let no one killed them" I said coldly. "Don't you feel regret" Taehyung asked. "Not anymore, I stop feeling regret at age 13" I said. "You killed started killing at age 13" Jhope said. "Yeah" I said. And me and taeyang started walking away from them. "Wait, do you want to hang out" Jin asked. I look at my gang and back at them. "Sure" I said. "Let's skip school and hang out then" Rap monster said. "Sure, where do you wanna hang" I asked. "The café near here" Jin said. "Ok" I said. And me and the gang started walking towards our car. We got in and drove to the café. 

When we arrived at the café, we saw bts in a table and we sat with them. "Noona can you bring jiwon and seoyeon" Kookie asked. "Sure" I said. "Jack can you go get jiwon and seoyeon from school and bring them here" I asked. "Sure" He said and kissed my cheek and left. "Are you two dating" Jhope asked. "Yeah" I said. And jimin looked like he was mad and jealous?  "Since when" Asked kookie. "A few days ago" I said. "And why did you leave for a few days and just return now" Taehyung asked. "Me and my gang went to busan for some buissness and we stayed there for a few days to relax and we just got here yesterday" I explained. "Ohh ok makes sense" Jin said. "Mommy" Someone said. I turn around and see jiwon and seoyeon. "Come here" I said. And they come and hug me. "Ugh the slut brought her kids" Jimin said. "Excuse me" I said. "Jimin don't be rude" Jin said. "Whatever" Jimin said and walked away. "I'm sorry for his attitude" Jin said. "It's fine" I said.

Few hours later  

"It's getting late we should get going" Mike said. "Yeah we should" Jhope said. "Cya at school" Ash said. "Yeah, bye guys and jiwon and seoyeon" kookie said. And they walk back to their cars. "Lets go" I told my gang and we got in our cars and drove home. 

Once we arrived home, ash and hunter went to the kitchen together. "Oppa, don't they look suspicious" I ask jack. "Yeah, do they, lets interrogate them" Jack said. "Ok" I said. Then we walked to the kitchen, trying not to get caught. "When are we going to tell them" Ash whispered to hunter. "I don't know, but soon" He whispered back. "I don't think I can keep it longer" Ash whispered to hunter. I look at jack and we both ran to my room. "Woah, what do you think they are hiding" Jack asked. "Maybe their dating" I said. We both look at each other and burst at laughing. "If they were dating then they will tell us, right" He said. "Yeah, lets wait for them to tell us" I said. "Ok" He said. And we both got in bed and cuddled with each other. Then the door open and in came in the girls with taeyang. "Can we cuddle with you guys to" Taeyang asked. 
"Yeah sure" Jack said. And they got in bed with us and we all cuddle together. "Noona, I miss my parents" Taeyang said. "It's fine, you have me and I will always protect you taeyang" I told him. "Thanks noona" He said and hugged me, I hugged back. 

"GUYS, GET DOWN HERE TIME FOR DINNER" Ash yelled. "COMING MOM" I yelled back. Then we ran outside my room. We all looked at each other and we jumped off the stairs from the third level and landed in front of the kitchen. "One day you kids are going to break a leg jumping from that high" Ash said. "And ever jiwon and seoyeon jumped" Hunter said. "But oppa it's fun" I said. "Fine" He said. "Yay" We yelled. "Be quiet and eat" Ash said. We sat down and started eating the food. 

We all finished our food and we were about to leave but hunter stopped us. Ash and hunter stood up. "We have an announcement" Ash said. "We're dating" Ash and hunter said at the same time. I stood up and face jack. "I told you" I said. "Fine, you were right" Jack said. "Wait, you guys knew" Hunter asked. "We kinda of heard you in the kitchen and I guessed it" I said. "Oh ok" Ash said. "Is that all" Mike asked. "Yeah" Hunter said. We all get up and run to our rooms. "Well today was a very eventful day" I said. "Yeah it was" Jack said. We got to our closet and get into our pjs. "I'll be back, I'm going to go check on the girls" I said. "I'm coming to" Jack said. We got out our room and head to the girls room. 

"Have sweet dreams, girls" I said and kiss them on their heads. "Good night mom and dad" Jiwon and seoyeon both said. "Night" Me and jack said then we leave their room. "Let's go to bed, its been a long day" Jack said. We both go to my room and get in bed and sleep. 



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Bye, till next time

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