Chapter 10

Yuri pov

"Jagi wake up" Someone said. "Mmm 5 more minutes" I said. "It's an important day today" The person said. "What day is it, it's not my birthday, its not the gang's birthday or my girls, or Christmas." I said. "Today is our date, and I have the full day plan with you and jiwon and seoyeon" The person said. "Ok" I said and opened my eyes to see jack. He looks so hot with his bed hair and morning voice. "Go get dress" He said. "Ne...oppa" I said. "Then go downstairs to eat jagi" He said. "Ne ne oppa" I said. Then I went to the bathroom and took a shower. After the shower I brushed my teeths and got dress into this and did my makeup.

And it showed off all my tattoos. Then I put on my piercings. After I got ready I went to the kitchen. "Morning guys" I said. "Morning" They said. "How are you my sweet hearts" I asked jiwon and seoyeon. "I'm fine just a little tired but thanks for asking" Mike replied. And I just started at him. "I was talking to jiwon and seoyeon" I said. "I knew that" He said. "Sure, anyway how are you girls" I asked. "We're fine mommy" Jiwon replied. "Guys eat up" Ash said. And we started eating. After eating hunter and ash were washing the dishes. "Guys come on lets go on our date" Jack said to me and the girls. "Ne" We said. And we got in jacks Lamborghini. 

"Where are we going" Jiwon asked. "It's a surprise" Jack said. It's been a 20 minute drive and we parked in front of a park. "What are we doing here" Seoyeon asked. "To play" Jack said with a smile. "Yay" The girls both said. We got out of the car and the girls were running in the field with jack. "Let's play soccer" Jiwon said. "Sure" Jack said and got a soccer ball. The girls and jack begin playing soccer and I sit down and watch them play and I take pictures of them. "Mom come play to" Seoyeon said. "Ok" I said and took off my heels to play. I got to the field and jack said "Let's play jagi" Aww he is so cute. "Ok" I said and kick the ball to jiwon. "Here here" Seoyeon said. And jiwon kicked the ball to seoyeon but jack got it first and he kicked it in the net. "I win" Jack said with his goofy smile. "good job" The girls said. "Ne good job oppa" I said. "Don't worry you can win another time" He said while hugging me and the girls. This is the family that I always image. 

"Come on let's go walk" Jack said. "Ne" We said and jack got jiwons hand and seoyeon got jiwons hand and I got seoyeons hand. We look like a happy family I always wished for.  I we were walking, we saw an ice cream parlor. "Mommy can we get ice cream" Jiwon asked. "Sure lets go" I said. "Excuse me but can we get two chocolate ice cream and one banana sundae" Jack said. "Is that all?" The man asked. "Yeah that would be all, how much is it" Jack asked. "$20" The man said and jack paid.  Then we went to find a table to sit on. "Mommy are you two dating" Jiwon asked. "No no....yet" Jack said while blushing. And I blush as well. "Here's your ice cream" The man said. "Thanks" Jiwon and seoyeon said. And they start eating their ice cream. "Yah where is my ice creams oppa" I asked. "We're sharing" Jack said. "Fine" I said and blushed. I grab the spoon and feed jack some ice cream. And I eat some to. Both me and him, finished our ice cream and we saw the girls did as well. 

"Now what are we going to do" Seoyeon asked. "Let's go to the beach" Jake suggested. "Yeah lets go" I said and we grabbed the girls hand and we went into the car. And he drove to the beach. And when we got there he parked in front of the beach. "Wah so pretty" I said. "Just like you" Jake said and I blushed. "Lets go" The girls said and we got out of the car and held the girls hand. "Lets take a walk then we can play" Jake said. "Ok" Both of them said. 

We walk around the beach and people give us weird stares because they think we are a family and that we are to young to have kids. Like bruh, their my girls and I don't care what other people think of me. I love them. Their my family and I will do anything to protect them. "Girls do you want to go in the water" Jack asked. "Ok" They said and ran to play. "Yuri, i liked you ever since i meet you, you dont care what other people say about you and you always stick up for your friends, thats what i like about you so yuri will you do the hornors and be my girlfriend" Jake said/asked. "Yess" I said and hugged him.  "Thank you" He said and kissed me. "Eww mommy what are you doing" Jiwon asked. "Nothing sweetie lets go play" I said and chase the girls around. "Mom can we build a sand castle" Seoyeon asked. "Sure jack go help them" I said and he went to help the girls. While their building i take a picture of them and put it as my lock screen. 

"Mom check it out" Jiwon said and pulled me over to them. "look mommy we build this" Seoyeon pointed to their castle.

"Wow its big, nice job guys" I said. "Thanks mom" The girls said. "Lets take a selfie guys" I said. "Sure" They said and I took a selfie of us. and I put it as my home screen. "I think its getting late now, lets go home" Jake said. "Ok" The girls said and we walked to the car. 

We got to the house and we parked the car and went inside. Then I saw taeyang running to me and give me a koala hug. "Noona I missed you" He said. "I missed you to" I said and hugged back. "Lets go eat dinner" He said. "Ok, just let us go get changed then we will come, ok" I said. "Ok noona" He said and went into the kitchen. "Girls go get changed" I said and they ran to their rooms. "Lets go get change to" I said to Jake. "Ok" He said and we went into my room and got changed into our pjs. 

"Where we you guys" Hunter asked. "We went to park, beach, ice cream" Seoyeon said. "Ok sweetie go eat" He said to the girls. "Ne" They said and went to sat in the table. Then we sat together. And we started eating and everyone was looking at us. "Ok, so spill the beans" Ash said. "Wha--t do you mean" I said. "Umm I know something is up so spill" Ash said. "Fine, we're dating" I said while blushing. "Finally" Mike said. "Don't break her heart like jimin" Hunter said. "Yah, don't bring that name up while were eating and he means nothing to me, he is just a player" I said. "Ok" Hunter said. "I wont hurt her" Jake said while holding my hand. "Aww so cute" Mike said. "Do we have a daddy" Jiwon asked. "Yes you do princesses" Jake said and the girls look happy. "Yay" They said. "Guys eat" Ash said. "Ne" We all said. 

After we finished eating ash and hunter washed the plates and I got the girls to bed. Then me and jack went to my or our room to sleep. I went to the bathroom and took a shower then I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I was about to fall asleep but my bed dipped to the side. I turned around and saw Jake. "Good night jagi" He said and kissed my forehead. "Good night oppa" I said and he pulled me closer to him with his arms. Then I fell asleep thinking that my life is getting better. 

A/N Hello guys please like and comment on my story

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