Volume 1 Chapter 23: Ice Fang (lemon)

The scene starts with Y/N recovering on one of the hospital beds. He heard a knock on the door as it opened, revealing Weiss and Blake.

Y/N: Oh, hey Weiss. Blake.

Blake grabs a chair near the bed and sits down will Weiss did the same but sat at the opposite end of it.

Blake: (worried) Weiss and I wanted to see if you were ok.

Y/N: I'll be fine, the doctor said I need to rest for the day.

Weiss: (grabs his hand) Your positive?

Y/N: (smiles) Of course

Weiss and Blake smile to the response of his answer, but they were still a bit worry because of the injury he sustain from the fight he was in.

Y/N saw this, so he let go of their hands and put his hands on their cheeks, this action resulted in both of them to blush.

Y/N: (worried) Hey, what's wrong? 

Blake: We have something to tell you.

Y/N: What is it?

They both got up from their seats and sat at the edge of the hospital bed.

Weiss: Ever since we've met and get to know you, we both started to have feelings for you.

Y/N: Wait, you don't mean...

Before he could say it, Blake caught Y/N by surprised by grabbing his cheek with both her hands and kissed him in the lips. Y/N widen his eyes in surprised and started blushing before he melts into the kiss.

Y/N wrapped his arms around her waist and Blake wrap her arms around his neck. They kiss for 1 minute straight before ultimately separated the kiss leaving a string of saliva.

Blake: (blushing) We both love you Y/N.

Y/N: Blake...

Weiss then grabbed his cheeks and gave Y/N a kiss has well. Y/N kiss back as he wrap his arms around her waist while Weiss did the same around his neck.

It took a bit longer than when he kissed Blake, but they separated, leaving a trail of saliva has well.

Y/N: Weiss...

Weiss: We've talked it over with Ruby and Yang. And they're fine with sharing you.

Y/N: Girls, I don't know what to say.

Unexpectedly, both girls sat on Y/N's lape, getting him to blush a lot more redder then he already is. Not only that, both girls gave a seductive smile. Blake and Weiss move there hands slowly to Y/N's crotch. (A.K.A the Vitamin D)

Y/N: (blush) Uh, girls? Are we really gonna do this?

Weiss: (seductively) Yes. (slowly removing her clothes) Yes we are.

Y/N: (sighs in defeat) Okay, let's do it.

(Warning: Lemon! If you're under 18 or if you don't like it, skip it to the end)

Weiss went in first by giving Y/N a kiss, but not just a normal kiss, a french kiss. Y/N was stunned because he didn't expect Weiss to do a french, but he still melted into it anyway.

Y/N and Weiss were making with each other. While they were doing that, Blake was removing her top as well has her pants, leaving her only in her black bra and black panties.

Y/N was slowly removing Weiss's top while she was removing her skirt all while they were still making out. As for Blake, well, she was slowly removing Y/N's pants. Although it prove a bit difficult considering Weiss was on top of his lap. Weiss notice this as she moved her butt off his lap, making easier for Blake to take off his pants.

While Weiss was making out, she removed Y/N's shirt so she can see his well built tone upper body. At the same time Y/N finally removed Weiss's top leaving her in her blue ocean bra and panties.

Y/N: (broke the kiss) You're a good kisser, Weiss.

Weiss: Same could be said about you Y/N.

Blake took off Y/N's pants and shorts, revealing his crotch.

Blake: (seductive) Looks like someone is very excited. (licking her lips)

Y/N: (blush) Wow, I didn't know you can be flirty and seductive Blake.

Blake: (seductive) Well you're the only one that can see this side of me~.

Weiss: (seductive) And she's not the only one handsome~.

YN's blush was getting more. He already seen Glynda, Ruby, and Yang being seductive before. He never suspected that Blake and Weiss would be this seductive aas well, considering the fact that Blake is the quiet and doesn't talk much while Weiss is more of a formal, stubborn and sometimes organized person.

But what Y/N is witnessing is the complete opposite of that. Y/N started to moan when Blake put her hand on his crotch and did a few strokes. Weiss saw this and decided to join in by licking his crotch in which case Y/N moan a bit more louder than before.

Y/N: (moan) Your hand and tongue feel so good~!

Blake:(smirk seductively) I think you're going to enjoy this even more~.

Y/N was confused on why she said that, until he saw both Blake and Weiss removing their bra's and tossing it to the floor.

Blake's breasts were pretty big, not as big as Yang's or Glynda's but still they were big. As for Weiss's breasts, they were as big as Ruby's, only a bit smaller but still a bit rounder than Ruby's. This left Y/N to have a bit of a nosebleed in which both women giggle. 

Weiss: (smirk seductively) Looks like he got a nosebleed, Blake~.

Blake: (seductive) Let's give what he deserves~.

Blake started giving him a boobjob while Weiss went in and started giving him a blowjob, leaving Y/N in pure ecstasy like he was in heaven because this two are working together.

Y/N: (moan) Oh god~!

Blake was speeding up her boobjob while Weiss was going deeper each time she gets the chance and Y/N was moaning like he's in heaven.

Blake: (seductive) You like that big boy~?

Y/N: (moan) Yeah~! Aw~!

Weiss kept going faster and deeper eventually reaching his saft, all while she started touching herself. Blake got a bit jealous and started to lick the shaft while giving him a boobjob.

Y/N moans a little bit louder as his crotch starts hardening inside her mouth. Y/N saw Weiss touching herself and decided to even the playing field.

He extended both his arms in order to touch and began to stroke Blake and Weiss pussies in which cause both to moan with ecstasy

Y/N: (moans) You girls like that~?

Weiss: (moan) Faster daddy~!

Y/N's jaw dropped because he did not expect Weiss out of all the people to call him daddy!

Y/N: Oh my god, Weiss have you become horny?

Weiss: (seductive smile) Maybe I am~.

Blake got a bit jealous because of how Weiss is acting but she realizes that she stopped giving him a blowjob. So she springs right into action and started to give Y/N a blowjob and a boobjob. Y/N moan a little louder as his dick started to throbbed and twitch.

Y/N: (moan) Blake~! I'm gonna cum~!

Blake started to do it faster so that he can cum faster and before she knew it Y/N cum in her mouth.

She was surprised by the amount he was pouring in but still drank some of his seed before ultimately letting go of his dick with some cum spraying to her face and breasts.

Blake: (seductive) Mmm~. Yang was right, your cum taste delicious and sweet. You should try it Weiss~.

Weiss went in and started licking some of Y/N's cum from his dick, meanwhile Blake started cleaning herself like she was an actual cat by licking the cum from her breasts. Weiss kept on licking his dick and Blake join in afterwords. They Kept licking it until Y/N got hard again.

Weiss: (seductive) Look Blake, he got excited again~.

Blake: (seductive) I think it's time for the main event~.

Y/N: (blush) A-Are you sure about this? You girls don't have to-

Both girls shuts him up with their fingers.

Weiss: We want to do this.

Blake: You earned this after all the times you did for us.

They start removing there panties but very slowly, Y/N's face was blushing madly as the girls took off their panties, revealing their wet pussies to him. Weiss and Blake smirk seductively and started to shake their asses in which Y/N was hypnotized because of the view.

Weiss: (smirk seductively) Come on Y/N~. 

Blake: (smirk seductively) You know you want it~. 

Y/N holds Weiss by the hips and insert his crotch inside her womanhood.

Y/N: (moan) Weiss, you're so tight~! (sees blood dripping down) Weiss, you ok?

Weiss: Yeah, just let me adjust for a second.

Y/n nodded and decided to ease her pain by fudeling her breasts which she moans. 

Weiss: Okay, now you can move. 

Y/N starts thrusting his hips, in and out of Weiss which made moan. 

Weiss: (moans) Faster~!

Y/N did so and thrusted faster making Weiss moan louder. Y/N saw Blake touching herself and so used his free right hand because he was foudeling Weiss breasts with his left. Blake felt his hand rubbing her pussy in which she moan as well. 

Y/N: (moan) Weiss, Blake, both your pussies are tight~! 

Weiss:(moan) Your dick his so big~! (moan) Oh harder daddy~!

Blake: (moan) Y/N rube my pussy faster~! 

Y/N did what they said and thrust harder on Weiss while rubbing Blake's pussy faster. 

Weiss: (moan) Yes more~! (moan) Harder, faster daddy~!

Blake jumps right into Y/N and putting her pussy right in his face. Y/N knew what she wanted and started to licking and sucking her pussy leaving her to moan even louder.

Blake: (moan) Yes~! (moan) Keep going~! 

Y/N continues licking Blake while thrusting faster and harder at Weiss as his crotch twitched and throbbed. 

Y/N: (muffed moan) Weiss, I'm gonna cum~! 

Weiss:(moan) Do it inside~!

Blake: (moan) Me too, I'm gonna cum~! 

Y/N cum inside of Weiss which made her moan loudly while Blake cum inside of Y/N's mouth, making him drink hers. 

Weiss: All right, Blake, he's all yours~. 

Weiss got out of Y/N's dick while cum was starting to leak out from her pussy meanwhile Blake position herself right in front of him. 

Y/N: (panting) Blake... 

Blake: (puts her finger in his mouth) Let me do this for you. 

Blake slowly went down on Y/N's dick and slowly inserted it in her pussy. Blake paused for a moment before ultimately went in fully inserting it, Blake moan in a bit of pain as blood slowly drip down. Y/N got worried and gave Blake a look of concern. 

Y/N: (worried) Blake, are you ok? We don't have to continue.

Blake: Don't worry, I'm okay. Just give me a second and let me do all the work.  

Y/N decided to ease her pain by doing what he did to Weiss earlier. He began sucking and licking Blake's tits, leaving to moan with more pleasure, once Blake was ready she started to move slowly with her hips up and down. 

Y/N: (moan) Blake, you're tighter than Weiss~! 

Blake: (moan) Your bigger than I expected~! 

Y/N: (moan) Your ass is big, much bigger than Yang's~! 

Blake: (moan)Thanks~! (moan) Let me help you get a better view~. 

Y/N was confused on that statement before seeing Blake changes position into reverse Cowgirl. Y/N was not just enjoying the feeling but also view of her ass and he had a nickname in his mind.

Y/N: The Bellabooty... 

Blake starts moving her hips up and down, causing her ass to bounce in front of his face. Y/N and Blake moan again as he used hands to touch her ass. Y/N squeezed her ass and Blake moan louder. But what he heard next, he did not expect that from her. 

Blake: (moan) Oh yes~! Squeeze my ass harder daddy~! (moan)

Y/N squeezed her ass again, making her moan louder as Blake moved faster and harder, making his crotch throbbed and twitched.

Y/N: (moan) Blake~! I'm gonna cum again~!

Blake turned around and hugged and kissed Y/N while moving her hips up and down. Once she opened her eyes, Y/N saw Blake pupils gain a heart shaped.

Blake: (moan) Cum inside me~!

Y/N: Are (moan) you sure? 

Blake: YES~!!! I don't care if I get pregnant~! I love you so much that I would gladly have a baby with you~!

Y/N was stunned by what she said before ultimately nodding and moving his hips as fast as possible while Blake was moaning with ecstasy. 

Y/N did a final thrust and cum inside of Blake, making them both moan loudly. Blake fell on top of Y/N while the cum was dripping from her pussy and both looked at each other and kissed. Weiss lay down next to him on the right side and gave Y/N a kiss has well in which he gladly return.

(lemon ended) 

Y/N: (panting) You girls were awesome... 

Weiss: Look who's talking. You were pretty incredible as well.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. (looks at Blake) Hey ummm Blake. Were you serious about not caring about getting pregnant? Or was that just... you know. 

Blake looks at him and gives him an honest smile and kisses him his right cheek. 

Blake: Don't worry, Y/N. If I do end up pregnant, I know I've picked the right person to be the father. 

Y/N: That's... not bad at all. (realized and looks at Weiss) Weiss, I for- 

Before he could say anything Weiss gives him a kiss on his left cheek. She looked away with a bit of blush in her cheeks.

Weiss: (blush) Don't get the wrong idea. It's not like I want to have a child right now.

Y/N: I know. 

Weiss: (smiled) But... IF it does happen, (grabs Y/N cheek with her left hand) than I'm glad you would be the father. 

Y/N was surprised on what he just heard from Weiss herself, but smile knowing she would be happy if the baby happened to be his. He kissed both Blake and Weiss forehead and gave them the biggest smile he could make. 

Y/N: (smiled)I'm glad I met you two. And if you do get pregnant, well, (grabbed both Weiss and Blake's hands) then I'll do my best to take care of you both. Especially the baby if I do become a father. I love you, Weiss, Blake.

Weiss and Blake: (smiled) And we love you two Y/N. 

And with that said, both Y/N, Weiss, and Blake fell asleep at the hospital bed with Blake and Weiss cuddling his left and right sides. All 3 of them having a smile on there faces knowing that that they were finally together after so long.

At the headmaster's, Ozpin is seen holding a Scroll showing a "LIVE FEED" of attack at the docks. He closes the video and opens up a communication with Qrow, whose team name and other information is left blank and his only message is: "QUEEN HAS PAWNS."

Ozpin: Hmmm...


In a dark room, Wesker was kneeling in front of a few statues with glowing red eyes.

Wesker: My friends, our suspicious have been confirmed. One of the students is in fact the son of the first Nephilim F/N. 

??? 1: Is he aware of us and about the child? 

Wesker: No. I assume that F/N and Ozpin didn't reveal to him about those topics. But if I had to guess, they'll join with Team DVANT to find it. 

??? 2: Very well, then. You may go.

Wesker leaves and the statues were alone. 

??? 3: So, the son of F/N has met the grandsons of Sparda, the Speedster Sapphire, the daughter of Bayonetta, and the descendant of Kratos. 

??? 2: It matters not. We will prevail and succeed in our plans to rule the worlds as we see fit.

???: Do not underestimate them. I've dealt with both F/N, the dragons, Sparda, and his kin defined me. But rest assured; they will fall... and they'll know the wrath of Mundus.

Chapter 23 and volume 1 ended. 

That's the end of volume 1 of RWBY. Personally, after calculating I decided to replace Ghost of Tsushima with Resident Evil. 

Sorry Ghost of Tsushima fans, nothing personal. Also, which one do you want to do next? 

1. Gears of War 4

2. Resident Evil 2/3

3. Fairy Tail (either any arc before the Oricion Seïs arc or B/N's arc which takes place after it)  

4. Kingdom Hearts 2 

5. RWBY volume 2

6. Legend of Korra 

Let me know what you guys think at the comments below, peace out!

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