Volume 1 Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon
Y/N's POV:
We are aboard the bullhead on our way to Beacon when Yang comes up to hug Ruby and I which annoyed us.
Yang: I can't believe my baby brother and sister are going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!
Ruby: Yang, stop!
Yang: (let's us go) Sorry, it's that I'm so proud of you two!
Ruby: Really sis, it was nothing.
Yang: What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone here is gonna think you're the bee's knees.
Ruby: I don't wanna be the bee's knees, okay?! I don't wanna be any kind of knees! I just wanna be a normal girl with normal knees.
Yang: What's with you? Aren't you excited?
Ruby: Of course I'm excited. I just, I got moved ahead two years while Y/N moved ahead one year. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything.
Yang: You are special. (smirk) And besides, being a normal girl means you're having a crush on someone, hmm~?
Ruby: Huh?
Y/N: Say what?
Yang: (hands on her hips) You have a crush already, don't you?
Ruby: (blushes) N-no I don't! S-shut up!
A news report came on about the guy me and Ruby fought last night. Then an article about a protest invaded by the White Fang it goes on. A hologram of the same huntress from the interrogation room appeared in front of us.
Huntress: Hello and welcome to Beacon.
Yang: Who's that?
Huntress: My name is Glynda Goodwitch.
Yang: Oh.
Glynda: You are among the privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing a an incredible time of peace, and as future huntsmen and huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it.
Y/N: I guess we have a lot to look forward to.
Ruby: Wow! Look, you can see Signal from here!
Us and the other students looked out of the glass to see the town below.
Ruby: I guess home isn't too far away after all.
Yang: Beacon is our home now.
Y/N: Yang's right, Ruby. Home is where you make it.
We all heard groaning coming from our right as a blonde boy holding one hand on his mouth and one on his stomach then gags as he runs to find a trash can.
Y/N: Poor guy.
Yang: I guess the view isn't for everyone.
Ruby: It was a nice moment while it lasted.
The ship is now flying across a large body of water and approaching Beacon.
Y/N: Nice.
Ruby: I wonder who we're gonna meet! I just hope they're better than Vomit Boy.
Yang: I think we're all gonna meet some friends!
Ruby: Ew Yang, you got puke on your shoes!
Y/N: (laughing) Oh this gonna be fun!
When the airship lands all of the students pour out of the door and 'vomit boy' found a trash can and finally spilled his lunch. I pat him on the back.
Y/N: You okay bub?
His response was a thumbs up. Me, Ruby, and Yang started walking to the school which was massive.
Ruby/Yang: Woooooowwww!
Y/N: It truly is beautiful.
I heard Ruby and Yang mumbled something but I couldn't make it out.
Ruby/Yang: Yes you are~.
Y/N: Hmm? What was that?
They both looked away red as they said in unison.
Ruby/Yang: N-nothing!
Y/N: (turns back to the school) So this is it, huh? The school for the big boys.
Yang: Yep. And speaking of which. You need to learn to play nice.
Y/N: Me?
Yang: Yeah you. You always get into fights with other guys and plenty of other trouble.
Y/N: Hey, I'll have you know they said that they would do things to you and Ruby if they were given the chance. And as your brother, I didn't like that so I told them to either keep it to themselves or I'll shove them in a locker.
Ruby: Do things to us?
Y/N: Don't worry about the details, sis. Just know I'm here in your corner and I'll be rooting for ya.
She smiled and hugged me tightly. Yang pouted and I took notice.
Y/N: Group hug?
She smiled and happily hugged me as well.
Yang: (lets go) The few from Vale's got nothing on this.
A person walked in front of us then Ruby turned into a small floating version of herself.
Ruby: Ooh!ooh! Sis! That kids got a collapsible staff! (gasps as another person walked by) And she's got a fire sword!
Ruby was floating away until Yang pulls her back by her cloak.
Ruby: Ow ow!
Yang: Easy there, little sister. They're just weapons.
Ruby: Just weapons?! They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us they're so cool!
Yang: Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?
Ruby then transforms her scythe then hugs it.
Ruby: Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose, I just really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people, but better.
Yang then throws Ruby's hood over her head while saying.
Yang: Ruby, come on. Why don't you go try and make some friends of your own?
Ruby: why would I do that when I have you and Y/N?
Then a bunch of people surround Yang.
Yang: Well, actually my friends are here! Gotta go catch up 'kay?! C'ya! Bye!
The sudden burst of speed she had caused Ruby to spin around and stumble.
Ruby: Wait, where are you going?! Are we supposed to go to our dorms?! Where are our dorms?! Do we have dorms?! (stops spinning) I don't know what I'm doing...
Y/N: Uh, Ruby?
She then crashed into somebody's luggage. I looked up to see a white haired girl wearing mostly white. That's Weiss Schnee, the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company.
Weiss: What are you doing?!
Y/N: Oh boy.
Ruby: (stands up) I'm sorry! (grabs a case) Uh...
Weiss: Give me that! (she snatches the case from Ruby and opens it to reveal it to Ruby) This is Dust-mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!
Ruby: Uh...
Weiss: What are you, brain-dead? (grabs a vial of red Dust and shutting the case) Dust! Fire, water, lightning, energy!
Ruby: I... I know... (starts coughing from the Dust that was going over Ruby's face)
Weiss: Are you even listening to me?! (shaking the dust bottle) Is any of this sinking in?! What do you have to say for yourself?!
Y/N: This doesn't look good...
Ruby sneezes as an explosion consumed the three of us after the smoke cleared up.
I quickly quickly rushed to her side as Weiss's clothes were dirty from soot and dust.
Weiss: Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!
Ruby: (embarrased) I'm really, really sorry!
Weiss: Ugh, you complete dolts! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?
Ruby: Well. I-I...
Weiss: This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... watch where you're going!
Her father was a complete asshole, but when else can you expect from the head of a large company with connections across all four kingdoms?
Y/N: (thoughts) Time to step in. (speaking) Excuse me, Miss Schnee.
They both look at me approaching them.
Ruby: Oh, hi Y/N.
Weiss: You know this dunce?
Y/N: Yeah, she's my sister. So what's the problem?
Weiss: She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and made some of the dust explode!
Y/N: Whoa whoa calm down! It was an accident and she apologized, don't make it harder than it needs to be princess.
???: It's heiress, actually.
We all turned to the new voice and saw a girl with black hair, amber eyes, wearing black and white clothes with a black bow on her head holding a book and a bottle of dust. I had to admit, she's kinda cute.
???: Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.
Weiss: Finally! Some recognition!
???: The same company infamous for it's controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.
Y/N: And also pretty famous for ethics they have on Faunus. Pretty horrendous. Boom, roasted!
The black haired girl looked at me and gave a small smile.
Weiss: Wha.... How dare you! The nerve of...
Ruby: (chuckles)
Weiss: Ugh!
Weiss got up to the black haired girl's face and takes the bottle from her and then walked off in a huff.
Y/N: Wait!
Weiss: (looks at Y/N) Now what?!
Y/N: Look, I'm sorry for what she did, so please don't take out your anger on her. It was a minor slip up. She was just overwhelmed by everything. Can you forgive her?
Weiss stumbled at my words before she looks away.
Weiss: Just this Once.
Y/N: Thank you.
Her helpers gathered the luggage and followed behind her.
Ruby: I promise I'll make this up to you!
She yelled to Weiss as she walked away. Ruby then let out a low sigh.
Ruby: I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day... So, what's...
We looked to see the book girl walking away too. Ruby then collapsed to the ground on her back and sighed again.
Ruby: Welcome to Beacon...
Y/N: Cheer up sis, I doubt our whole time here is gonna be like that. (offers my hand to Ruby)
Ruby grabs the hand as I pulled her off the ground.
Ruby: Easy for you to say. Sorry for making you stand up for me.
Y/N: That's my job, Ruby. Besides, Dad would flip if he found out I didn't stand up for you. I was pretty close to slapping her upside the head if she insulted you again.
Ruby: Yeah...
Y/N: (sighs) Cookie, listen, you'll make friends here. You just have to give it time.
On cue the blonde guy from the airship came and offers us a hand.
Blonde guy: Hey, I'm Jaune.
Y/N: (shakes his hand) Y/N.
Ruby: Ruby. (shakes his hand) Wait, aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship?
Y/N: Yikes. He just introduced himself to us and you insult him right off the bat?
Ruby: Oh! Sorry! Yang called him that.
Me, Ruby and Jaune are walking inside Beacon's walls and I gotta say the inside was just as beautiful as the outside.
Jaune: Look motion sickness is more of a problem people let on.
Ruby: Look I'm sorry but Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind!
Jaune: Oh yeah? How would you like it if I called you 'Crater Face'?
Ruby: Hey! That explosion was an accident!
Y/N: Seems fair to me. It's simply the law of equivalent exchange.
Jaune: Is that a reference to anything?
Y/N: Maybe.
Jaune: Well, the names Jaune Arc. Short, sweet rolls off the tongue- the ladies love it!
Y/N/Ruby: (skeptical) Do they?
Jaune: They will, or well I hope they will. I mean, my mom always says that... uh... n-never mind.
Y/N: All you gotta do is be honest and sweet with the ladies, that's what they love.
Jaune: Really?
Y/N: Don't worry buddy, you'll find someone.
Ruby: (laughs a little) So, I got this thing. (pulls out Crescent Rose)
Jaune: Whoa! Is that a scythe?
Ruby: It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle!
Jaune: A wha?
Y/N: It's also a gun.
Jaune: Oh! What about you?
Y/N: I have this. (unsheathed Rebellion) I call it "Rebellion"! It's a 6ft long double edged unbreakable blade! The skull is just for show.
Jaune: That's so cool!
Y/N: And I also have these babies with me.
I reached behind me and showed off two pistols. Ruby started to drool and tried reaching for them, but I kept them high above my head. Since I was taller than Ruby, she struggled to reach for them. Even when she stood on her toes.
Y/N: This is Ebony and Ivory.
Jaune: What do they do?
Y/N: They shoot bullets which are .45 ACP rounds
I laughed to myself before I then put the pistols away as Ruby pouted.
Y/N: But they never run out of ammo. I don't know how or why. On the bright side, I don't have to worry about reloading.
Jaune: Dude, that's awesome!
Y/N: So what do you have Jaune?
Jaune: Oh I got this sword. (unsheathes his sword)
Ruby: Oooohh!
Jaune: I also have this shield.
He raises his arm and the metal turns into a shield.
Ruby: So what do they do?
She touched the shield as it starts retracting and deploying with jaune trying to catch it.
Jaune: The shield gets smaller so when I get tired of carrying it... I can just put it away.
Y/N: But wouldn't it weigh the same?
Jaune: (looks down in disappointment) Yeah, it does.
Y/N: So did you make it yourself or is it a hand-me-down?
Jaune: It's a hand-me-down, my great-great grandfather used it in the war.
Ruby: Sounds like a family heirloom (laughs a little) well I like it! Not many people appreciate the classics nowadays!
Jaune: Yeah, the classics.
Y/N: Ah don't sweat it, Jaune. As long as it gets the job done.
Jaune: I guess you're right.
Ruby: Hey, uh where are we going?
Jaune: I don't know! I was following you two.
Y/N: Really? I was following you!
Jaune: (panicked) Do you think there's a directory maybe a food court somekind of recognizable land mark? Is that at no?
Ruby: (gigles)
Y/N: I think that's a 'no'.
Chapter 2 ended.
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