GOW 4 Chapter 14: Delta's Back (lemon)
As the group with Y/N and Team DVANT reunited walks towards the entrance of Speyer, they see another one of Jinn's screen DeeBees.
Yang: (sighs) Great.
Alex: Spike, stay here.
JD: (steps up to the bot) You know, Jinn, as much as I enjoy our chats, we're a little busy.
Jinn: You said before I didn't know what was going on, so why don't you educate me?
Del: (scoffs) Look who finally figured out that a group of people and a robot aren't taking on the entire COG army just for the hell of it.
Kait: (huffs) Took her long enough...
Jinn: Here's what I propose, we all go back to New Ephyra and you tell me exactly what's out here.
Alex puts his Lancer on his back and steps up to the bot, face-to-screen.
Alex: So then what? You'll just sit us down, we talk about it over a cup of coffee, then once you got your answers you stuff all of us in a cell? Yeah, I don't think so.
Jinn: (raises a brow) Do I really come across that barbaric to you, Commander?
Alex: Bitch, you got A LOT of strikes against you. Do you seriously want me to answer that question?
Jinn: ...
Alex: (chuckles) I didn't think so. But let me summarize it for you: In short, the grubs are back. And tougher than ever. Though I'm guessing you obviously knew that.
Jinn: (starts to become angry) What's obvious is that my efforts to keep our society united is the only chance we have against whatever's out here.
Alex: (laughs hysterically) Are you even listening to yourself? Jesus Christ, you are overcompensating nothing! You are the world's worst fucking humanitarian, Jinn! I mean I'm still trying to figure out if you're related to that 'Chairman Peacock' guy my dad was always going on about!
Jinn: Commander-
Jinn gets cut off by Alex yanking the bot's screen down by the neck.
Suddenly several quills embed in the back of Jinn's bot, rendering it useless.
Jinn: Alex what's happening... (turns off)
Several Pouncers come into view and growl at the group as Jinn's bot suddenly grabs Alex by the throat and starts choking him.
Y/N: Alex!
Alex: (grabs his pistol and coughs) Chew on this, scrap heap!
Alex releases an entire mag down the bot's neck as it falls to the ground sparking.
Spike jumps on one of the Pouncers, biting at its stomach as Drake grabs the other and jumps into the sky and drives it face-first into the ground, dead. Alex takes out one of his pistols again and unloads another mag at the bot.
Alex: Stupid! Worth it...
Del: What the hell happened to Jinn?
JD: Just... (shakes his head) I dunno we'll sort it out later. We need to get to that radio tower.
Blake: I second that.
Alex: Come on.
Alex kicks open the gate and they make their way into town.
Ruby: So what did happen to Jinn's bot?
Weiss: I think that Pouncer's quills hacked into it somehow.
JD: (surprised) How would that work?
Kait: (shrugs) A bioelectric field, maybe?
Arcturus: Or a voltage gates ion channel?
JD: Oh, that makes sense.
Hayner: (cocks a brow) It does?
As they move through town, killing several Scions and DeeBees along the way, they enter some kind of garage with Centaurs.
Marcus: Well look at that. An old Centaur factory.
JD: (sees one covered in pods) So you used to ride in these heaps, huh?
Marcus: (shrugs) They weren't so bad. A little cramped. Broke down all the time.
Del: (chuckles) That sounds like they were pretty bad.
Marcus: (rolls his eyes) Heh. Yeah, maybe. But they got the job done.
A group of Drones and a Scion attacks them from the upper level. Spike pounces on the Scion and eats his head as the group takes care of the Drones.
Y/N: It's over. Now let's find a way out of here.
Marcus: (then sees a large crate of ammo) Better load up on ammo while we can.
Alex: (sarcastic) Think we're gonna need it?
Marcus: (grunts) Yeah, Alex. Unless your Lancer runs on smartass.
Alex: I think you mean 'badass'.
The door hisses open.
Nikki: How farther is the radio tower?
Marcus: Should be just up ahead. Up this hill.
JD: Yeah, and I'm sure we'll get there without a hitch.
On cue, a turret starts firing at them along with several nests opening up. The group clears them out and Marcus opens the door to the tower.
Marcus: Wait here.
JD: (stops him) Hey, Dad, hang on. Look, tell him we're gonna need more than a couple of extra Lancers here and, seriously, bots might do more harm than good.
Marcus: Don't worry. He'll pull something out of his ass. He always does.
Marcus then heads inside, leaving the group to hold the fort. On the rooftops, they hear growls and screeches, as tails swish by and Drones take cover.
Dean: They're surrounding us.
Alex: (grabs his Gorgon pistols) Lock and load, guys.
They start to back up and hear a loud bang behind them, aiming at the noise... only to see Marcus with a Fabricator.
Kait: Holy shit! You scared the crap out of me!
Marcus: Huh. Sorry. Back up's on it's way.
Týra: How long will it take?
Marcus drops the Fabricator and hits the activation button.
Marcus: Long enough that we'll need this.
Y/N: Alright, let's do this.
Alex: JD, Del, put barricades at the bottom of the stairs. Kait, Marcus, put as many auto-turrets as you can behind the short-walls. I'll take the turret in the center. Drake, you got rooftop duty.
Drake nods and flies on top of the roof, aiming his gun and missile launcher.
Ryder: Marcus, what's the deal? Where's he meeting us?
Marcus: Close. But we got time and Swarm to kill before he gets here.
Ruby: Here they come!
Y/N: Hold them off!
The Swarm then attack, Scions coming in with Mulchers, Boomshots, Dropshots, Buzzlaunchers, you name it. Then Pouncers, Snatchers, and Carriers all attacked, destroying some of the buildings.
One of the Drones was sliced in half down the middle by Vali, causing it to fall apart and die. He blocked the attack of a Pouncer before slicing it diagonally, while quickly turning back with the two Scions coming toward him, cutting them both in half, killing them as well.
Dean immediately began to fire his guns. The magic bullets blasted out of his guns rapidly at the oncoming Swarm. The Juvies and Drones were torn to shreds and disintegrated into dust as soon as they died.
Nikki then uses her magic, summoning Karasu and Ravage to unleash lightning or cut some Swarm in half. Ryder throws his shield and knocked out a few Drones and a Scion.
Thror unleashed lightning from Stormbreaker and smashed it on the ground, creating a field of lightning which electrocuted any Swarm near by.
After exhausting the Fabricator's power supply, green smoke appears a few hundred yards out.
Marcus: (points) There! That's his signal! Let's get to the rendezvous point.
JD: Hey, whaddaya know? Looks like it's all clear.
Del: No, no, no! You have got to stop saying that! Seriously!
JD: Saying what?
Del: 'All clear.' Come on! It's the perfect way to jinx us!
JD: Come on, you're kidding.
Alex: No, we're not! Think about it, man! Since we started this shit, when the hell has it ever been all clear?!
Kait: Normally I'd say 'jinxing' has nothing to do with actual probabilities, but in this case, I agree. Don't say it.
Marcus: All right, this is ridiculous! Look around. It is all clear!
Del: Marcus! Come on, man!
JD: Yeah, Dad, I don't know. They've kind of convinced me.
Arcturus: Since when are you convinced?
Marcus: Tell ya what, if I really did just jinx us, I'll deal with it myself. Now let's get to the damn rendezvous point.
As they make it to the smoke, large thumping is heard, shaking the ground.
Natasha: What's happening?
Thror: An earthquake?
Hayer: I don't think that's an earthquake.
Drake: Three large objects are heading in this direction.
Two Builders and another large bot stomp into view.
Arcturus: Holy shit!
Del: Hey, Marcus, you jinxed us. Great job.
Marcus: (holsters his Lancer) Actually, I don't think I did.
Alex: (laughs crazily) That's my baby! Blackout!
The group then approaches the bots.
Týra: When Marcus Fenix calls in help, he does not mess around.
The Builders and Blackout kneel as the driver of one of the Builders climbs down and reveals his face, Baird.
Baird: (speed his arms) What? You don't call, you don't write...
Marcus and Baird grab hands and hug like brothers until they saw Cole walking up to them.
Cole: Hey, who loves ya, Marcus! WOOO!!!
Marcus: (laughs) Been too long, Cole! (the two embrace)
Cole: Yeah, about ten years too long!
Then the armored COG soldier Rex Carmine walks to them.
Rex: I gotta say though, that beard does not suit you.
Marcus: And when's the last time you looked in a mirror, recently? (bro-hugs Rex)
Alex: (takes off his helmet) Dad?
Rex takes off his own helmet, revealing his elder features.
Rex: Alex...
The two Carmines approach each other and embrace as hard as they could.
Rex: (holds Alex's shoulders and chuckles) Damn kid, look at you. All big and brawny.
Alex: (shrugs) What can I say? I took after you.
Cole: (laughs) Man, Alex! Last time I saw you, you were no taller than my good knee!
Alex: (snickers) Good to see you too, Uncle Cole.
Baird: 'Uncle Cole'? Excuse me? What-didn't I give you enough toys when you were a kid?
JD: Oh, we've seen enough of your 'toys' to last a lifetime, thanks.
Kait: 'His toys'?
JD: (pats Baird's shoulder) Everyone, meet Damon Baird. CEO of DB Industries, whose bots have been trying to kill us for the last twenty hours.
Baird: (raises his hands defensively) Hey, whoa, whoa! The whole 'killer DeeBee' thing? Jinn did that, not me.
JD: Yeah, well they've still got your initials on them.
Alex: (cuts in) JD, cut the guy a break would ya? He just brought us three giant robots to kick ass with, especially my baby Blackout. By the way, thanks for finishing her, Uncle Baird.
Baird: (turns to Rex) Hey, Rex? Remind me again why I didn't steal this kid from you and raise him myself?
Rex: 'Cause you said 'kids are a waste of energy and time'.
Baird: (snaps his fingers) Ah, right. (looks at JD) Look JD, let me know if any if this sounds familiar: You go AWOL from COG, oh, about say six months ago, and somehow, no one arrests you. Or even more recently, there you are stuck in Settlement 5, and just magically, a bot transport cart pulls up and tells you to get in? (smiles)
JD: (glares at Marcus) Oh, seriously, Dad? You had this asshole watching out for me?
Baird: I think the word you might be looking for is 'thank you'?
Drake: That is two words, Damon Baird.
Baird: (sighs) And I thought Iris was a pain in the ass...
JD climbs up in one of the Builders as Cole sees him.
Cole: You sure you can handle this thing?
JD: (looks down at Cole) If you knew the kind of day we've had, you wouldn't ask.
Baird: JD's in Jack Junior, so one of you take Second Betty. Alex, I don't need to tell you what to do.
Alex pounds his fists as he runs up to Blackout and the bot opens up, allowing Alex to jump inside.
Marcus, Cole, Baird, and Rex approach a pod and stare at it.
Cole: So they're back. Really back. Kinda missed 'em in a weird, messed up sort of way.
Marcus: I know what you mean.
They then see a King Raven land in the courtyard.
Rex: And that's our ride.
Sam: (coms) I'm here, sweet cheeks. Ready to go?
Marcus: Tell me your wife wanted to do this?
Rex: (scoffs) You try stopping this woman when she finds out one of her kids are in danger. Not. Pretty.
Marcus shakes his head as he, Baird, and Cole head for the Raven. Rex casually salutes Sam as she comes out and blows him a kiss.
Rex: (puts on his helmet and taps his comm) Hey, kids? You hear me?
Alex: Loud and clear, Dad! And try to keep up!
Y/N and Team DVANT hitched a ride on Blackout while everyone else went inside the Raven as Cole mans one of the turrets.
Cole: WOOOOO!!!
Sam: (comms) We kept up just fine, little one, didn't we? Yeah. We'll scout ahead, let you know what we're up against!
Alex: Thanks, Mom! Missed you too!
Yang: (comms) How come you never mentioned your Mom and Dad were this cool?
Alex: (chuckles) You never asked.
Arcturus: So, JD. The one guy you didn't want help from is the one guy who could actually help? Oh, come on, that's gotta be ironic!
JD: Uh, yeah, you know what? That one is ironic.
Del: (comms) HA! I knew it!
Baird: (comms) All right, kids! There's a lot of these assholes between you and that dam.
Alex stomps and swipes Drones and Scions on the pavement.
Alex: (laughs) Thanks, Uncle Baird!
Baird: (comms) That's the main thing I always liked about you, Alex. You knew how to say thank you.
Rex: (comms) Oh, shut up, Goggles.
JD: (sees a large tower in their way) Guys, we're blocked.
Baird: (comms) Those mechs have remote targeting systems! Paint what you want, we blow it up.
Alex: Okay, then. Mom! Gonna need an airstrike!
Sam: (comms) Roger that, kiddo! Airstrike, incoming!
A missile barrage blows up the tower clearing the way. As they continue on, Baird comes back on.
Baird: (comms) Good news and bad news, kids! Bad news is a lot of Swarm are coming after you!
Dean: Yeah, no shit!
JD: And the good news?
Baird: (comms) Uh, the good news is, um, your dad's very, very proud of you?
JD: Uh... yeah. Okay, I'm just gonna kill some more monsters.
Alex lifts his foot and stomps down on a Carrier, leaving a large footprint of blood on the ground.
Cole: (whoops on the comms) Give 'em hell, Alex!
They then hear a roar and see a Swarmak come into view.
Týra: We got a Swarmak!
Alex: I got this!
Alex starts rushing at the monster. He punches the Swarmak to the ground and grabs it by the head before snapping it's neck.
Rex: (comms) Hahaha! Way to go, kid!
They blow their way out of town and follow the canal.
Ruby: (comms) Hey big bro, how are you doing?
Y/N: So far, so good. What's up ahead?
Blake: (comms) We're seeing a lot of bad guys! Big ones too!
Alex: Pretty sure we can handle big, Lumina.
Cole: (laughs on the comms) That's the story of my life!
They then kill several more Snatchers and Carriers and pull apart a massive water wheel blocking the way. Another Swarmak attacks, but not for long after Alex tackles it and grabs a massive boulder, smashing it down on its head. The bots blow through the dam and see what looks like the nest.
Marcus: (comms) James, the cave! She's in there!
JD: You're sure?
Marcus: (comms) Yes! That's the heart of the network!
Alex: (brings his fists together) Then let's get her out of there!
The ground then began to break apart as air pockets broke through.
Arcturus: Uh, guys?
Del: (comms) Whatever's coming our way, isn't gonna stop us... right?
Baird: (comms) Hey, kids! I'm getting some serious seismic readings up here!
Suddenly giants floating pods came up and started heading for them.
Nikki: Incoming!
Y/N: Shoot them!
After taking them all down, the ground caved in and a large monster came out with four tentacles and a huge mouth known as a Hive Beast.
Del: (comms) Okay! That! That! Now that might actually stop us!
Dean: What the fuck is that thing?!
Alex: It's like a Snatcher, a Pouncer, and a Carrier all in one!
Y/N: It must be guarding the hive!
Rex: (comms) Go for the tentacles!
The three bots, Nikki, Dean, and Y/N shoot down the tentacles and rip them off, allowing the Raven to shoot all four sockets before they grew back.
The Hive Beast then unleashed several more pods that flew at the Raven.
Baird: (comms) Sam! We got incoming!
The pods hit the Raven, making it spin out of control.
Marcus: (comms) Hang onto something!
The Raven then crashes onto a nearby hill.
Alex: DAD!!! MOM!!!
Baird: (coughs on the comms) All right, all right, everyone get out!
The Raven then slides down the hill as the Gears hop out just in time.
Rex: (comms) We're okay, Alex. But we got Swarm up here to deal with! Just kill that thing and quick!
JD: (approaches the crashes Raven) Hey, Baird! What's the Raven's condition?
Baird: (comms) Main rotor's okay, tail's gone! Why?
JD: (rips off the rotor and spins it in his hand) 'Cause I just got an idea.
JD blocks several flying pods that attack him and manages to saw off of the monsters legs.
JD: (kneels) Alex! You're up!
Alex: One dead behemoth, coming up!
Alex runs and jumps off JD's mech, landing on top of its' head and yanking it up.
Alex: JD, toss!
JD throws the rotor at Alex as grabs it and spins it as fast as he could before driving it in the monster's skull and splitting its face in half.
The mechs kneels down as Alex, JD, Kait, Y/N, and Team DVANT regroup with everyone else.
Y/N: (looks at the entrance of the hive) Let's find Reyna.
Kait was the first to run in but drops her Lancer at what she finds.
Kait: Oh my god.
Natasha: What have they done to her?
JD looks at his Dad in disbelief as Marcus walks up and holds her shoulder.
Kait: You knew... didn't you?
Marcus: (slowly nods) Yes. But I didn't know we'd find this...
Reyna: (looks up at them all) If I'm released... I'll die... they've seen to that.
Kait walks up to her mother.
Reyna: Kaitie... cute me loose... please.
Y/N: (shocked) What? Reyna, no!
Kait: (stops Y/N) Y/N...
Y/N: You can't ask her to-
Y/N gets cut off by Kait shushing his lips.
Kait: Don't. Just let me say goodbye.
Y/N: (nods sadly) We'll... we'll be outside.
Reyna: Y/N... wait. Please.. come close...
Everyone heads out as Y/N approach Kait's mother.
Y/N: Yes?
Reyna: Promise me... You'll protect Kait... and watch over her...
Y/N: I will...
Reyna: (smiles weakly) Thank you... Y/N... I know she loves you... and I couldn't see her... with anyone other than you...
Y/N was surprised as he looked at Kait, before he nods and leaves as Kait steps to her mother. She holds her hand and sees the necklace she always wore.
Reyna: Take it...
Kait sobs as she pockets the necklace and kisses her mother's cheek. She then pulls out one of Reyna's broken knives from back at the village and starts to cut off the tendrils attached to her while crying.
JD, Alex, Del, Marcus, and Delta Squad were sitting down as Team RWBY, DVANT, and THNDR were comforting Y/N.
Soon they all look and see Kait walk out with tear-stained cheeks. Y/N rushes to her and she to him as she cries in his chest. Y/N pulls her head up and presses their foreheads together.
Y/N: (tearing a bit) She loved you with everything she had, Kait.
Rex: (walks up to them) This isn't over. Not by a long shot. So get her some place safe and private.
Kait: I don't need protection...
Rex: I know. You need time. Trust me, Marcus and I have been there.
Kait pulls out her mother's necklace.
Alex: She wanted you to have that.
Kait: (wipes her eyes) It was... it was my grandmother's. (holds it up) I never knew her.
Blake: It's beautiful.
Kait then looks at the symbol on the back.
Now we see Y/N inside the Team RWBY's dorm after they arrived back at Beacon with Ruby and Weiss.
Ruby: Hey Y/N, you okay?
Weiss: Yeah, you've been very quiet sense we got back.
Y/N: I... Probably because I failed.
Weiss: Failed?
Y/N: On saving Reyna. I could've saved her, but I was too late.
Ruby: Hey, you and I both know that this wasn't your fault.
Y/N: But I made a promise to Kait that I could save her mother. And now... (looks down)
Seeing him sad, both Weiss and Ruby pulls him into a hug with his face smooshed between their breasts. Y/N widen his eyes in surprise while blushing.
Weiss: Shh... it's okay... You're with us now.
Ruby: Don't feel sad, Y/N.
Y/N: (muffed) Ruby. Weiss.
They then place him on the bed.
Ruby: (smirks) You know, I think it's about time to have our turn with you.
Weiss: (smiles) Yep.
(Warning: Lemon scene! If you are under 18 or don't like lemons, skip it till you've reached the end)
The two then slowly start to take their cloths off in front of Y/N.
Y/N: (blush) W-wait, you want to do it now?
Weiss: Yes now.
Ruby: Yang told that you've done it with her, Blake, and Natasha. We thought we could do it with you as well.
Y/N: B-But...
Ruby then places her finger on his lips.
Ruby: Shhhh, don't talk just lay down.
Y/N blush as he silently nodded, knowing that he had a feeling the girls went to do it as well and accepts his fate.
Weiss: Good boy.
The two then starts to unzip his pants and take out his cock as they start licking the sides of it. Y/N moans and gasps in pleasure as they then started to places his cock between their breast while still licking the sides.
Y/N: (moan) Ah~! Girls~! (moan)
They then started to move their breasts faster on Y/N's cock while licking it. Ruby start sucking the tip of his cock with her mouth while went down to sucking his balls.
Y/N: (moan) Girls~! If you keep this up, I'm gonna cum~!
They start to move their breasts even faster on his cock while opening their mouths.
Ruby: Go ahead, cum in our mouths~.
Weiss: Do it!
Y/N moans loudly as he released his cum. The two then caught the load with their mouths as they swallow it.
Ruby: Mmm~. It tastes good~.
Weiss: Now for the main event.
They then get on top of him with Ruby hovering over his head and Weiss hovering over his cock.
Weiss: Ready Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah. Go for it.
Ruby then sat on his face as Weiss enters his cock inside her and starts thrusting her hips slowly.
Weiss: (moan) Oh yes~! I miss this feeling~!
Y/N moans before he starts licking his tongue at Ruby's pussy. Ruby moans as she presses her ass against his head while Weiss kept thrusting her hips on his cock.
Ruby: (moan) His tongue is good~!
Y/N moans while licking Ruby's pussy as he felt Weiss getting tighter around his dick. Weiss starts moving her hips faster on his cock while moaning while Ruby presses his face with her ass.
Y/N kept on licking until he inserted his tongue inside of Ruby. She moans while Weiss started to move her hips even faster on his cock.
Weiss: I can feel you're dick twitching. Go on, cum inside me like last time~!
Ruby: Y/N, I'm about to cum!
Ruby then cums in Y/N's mouth while Weiss keeps moving her hips faster on his cock wanting him to cum inside her. Y/N moan loudly although it was muffed when he was drinking her cum as he released his sperm inside of Weiss.
Weiss moans loudly and shiver a bit before getting off of him as Ruby and Weiss switch spots as Weiss hovers over his head and Ruby hovers over his cock.
Ruby: Here I go.
Ruby then enters his cock inside of her as Weiss sat on his face.
Weiss: You know what to do.
Y/N: Go for it.
Weiss then presses her ass against his face as Ruby start thrusting her hips on his cock. Y/N moans even it was muffed by Weiss sitting on him as he licks her pussy. Weiss moans as Ruby starts moving her hips more faster on his cock.
Weiss: (moan) His tongue~! It's so good~!
Ruby: (moan) His dick is bigger than before~! I love it~! (moan)
Ruby then starts moving her hips on his cock even faster then before while Weiss presses her ass on his face. Ruby then starts moving faster on his cock wanting him to cum.
Weiss: I'M GONNA CUM!!!!
Ruby: ME TOO!!!!
Ruby and Weiss then cum on him as they shivered and moan loudly. Y/N then cums inside of Ruby while drinking Weiss's cum.
The two then get off of him while they both rest on his chest.
Ruby: You feel better?
Y/N: (panting) Yeah, much better.
Y/N: I love you...
Suddenly, they heard the door opened as they saw Kait.
Y/N: (blushing) Ka-Kait! Wait! Th-This is not what it looks like!
Kait: Don't worry about, it I'm fine with it.
she then takes off her cloths much to Y/N's surprise.
Kait: Besides, I let them have their first.
Y/N: Wow, Kait! Are you sure? I am, do you have...
Kait then places her finger on his lips.
Kait: Shhhh, just relax okay?
Y/N: (nods) Kait, do you love me?
Kait said nothing as she kisses him on the lips passionately before she pulls back and smiles at him.
Kait: Does that answer your question?
Y/N: (smiles) Yeah. If you want to do your first with me, go for it.
The two started to have a makeout session. Kait puts her tounge inside Y/N's mouth as she plays with his tongue. She smiles as she goes to his cock and start sucking on it slowly.
Kait moves her head up and down, giving him a blow job while sucking his crotch. Y/N moans and gasps. Kait unclipped her bra, revealing her breasts as she moves them up and down to increase Y/N's pleasure.
Y/N: (moans) Oh~! That is so good. Oh my God!
Kait contiues sucking his crotch until Y/N felt he's reaching his limit.
Y/N: I'm cumming~!
Kait: (muffed) Go on, cum in my mouth.
Y/N release his load into Kait's mouth. Kait began drinking it while some of his seed was dripping from her mouth.
Kait: (pulls away and licks her lips) That taste so good.
Kait gets up and turns her ass towards him.
Kait: You better get ready. Because I'm giving you my first time.
Kait takes off her panties as she insert her pussy on his crotch which made her moan loudly. She then starts to thrust her hips up and down.
Y/N moans at the feeling of her tightness as he noticed a blood went dripping down.
Y/N: Kait, are you okay?
Kait: (moan) Yeah I'm fine~!
She kept thrusting her hips up and down on his cock as she would start to go faster.
Y/N: (moan) Wait~! Slow down~! This is your (moan) first time~!
Kait: Sorry, it's just that your dick feels so big and good~!
She starts to go slow as she kept thrusting her hips up and down. She then grabs him and shoves his face in her breasts.
Kait: (moan) Here, you know you want to Y/N.
Y/N starts sucking on Kait's breasts.
Kait: (moan) Yes! Suck on them!
She starts going a little faster while thrusting her hips up and down.
Y/N starts thrusting even faster while sucking Kait's breasts. Kait also increases her thrusts as both Kait and Y/N were reaching their limit.
Kait: Baby, I'm going to cum~!
Y/N: Me too~!
Kait and Y/N moan loudly as they climax with her load on top of Y/N's crotch and his load inside of her. They lay down with Kait on top of Y/N.
(Lemon ended)
Kait: Wow...
Y/N: You said it. Kait, I want to apologize.
Kait: For what?
Y/N: I failed to save your mother. I know she was the only family you have left besides Oscar.
Kait smiles as she kisses him on the lips.
Kait: It's alright, my mom maybe gone. But I have you know, you are the only thing I have left that could make me happy.
Y/N: (smiles) Thanks, Kait. I'm glad you're happy right now.
Kait: (smiles) I love you.
Y/N: (smiles) I love you too.
She and Y/N fell asleep with Ruby and Weiss who are holding his arms like comfortable pillows.
Somewhere deep in a forest, a Snatcher roars before falling over as a knife breaks through, cutting open its' stomach.
Oscar falls out and stands up, wiping the goop off his face and holding his mangled hand. He then looks at his surroundings.
Oscar: So... where the hell is everybody?
Chapter 14 and Gears of War 4 ended.
Finally, I've finished it. Now I can work on Volume 2 of RWBY since you guys are desperately want to see it happen again.
The chapters I plan to do with it will be epic and blow your minds. I would also like to thank @GrimstoneRX1300 for giving me some ideas regarding his OCS that he made to increase their bonds with Y/N.
Anyway, if you guys have some ideas you would like to share for RWBY Volume 2, let me know at the comments below. Peace out and enjoy!
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