GOW 4 Chapter 12: It was a Dark and Windflare-y Night

Arcturus: Marcus, when you were in a pod what else did you learn?

Marcus: The original Locust, the big ones, they're called Scions. They're in charge. And they're using us to grow an army.

Dean: How the hell are we gonna stop them?

Marcus: We'll figure that out later. Right now, finding Kait's mom is our priority.

Kait: Thank you, Marcus.

Alex kicks open the door to a large area with Locust shells.

Alex: Hey, another Loader!

Alex was about to hop in, but JD halts him.

JD: Oh no, you don't. You broke the last one, remember? I'M driving.

Alex: (throws up his hands) Fine then.

JD hops in the Loader and moves the Locust shells blocking the path. JD kills several Juvies and Drones on the way up as he sees more shells blocking the path. As JD starts to move them, a giant quill embeds itself in the Loader, making JD fall out.

JD: Loader's hit! Oh, shit! Take out that Snatcher!

Marcus: (cocks a brow) The WHAT?!

JD: The Snatch- it's what we- oh forget it! Just shoot the goddamn thing!

Alex: Aim for his stomach!

The group shoots down the Snatcher and the rest of the Juvies.

Nikki: The Snacther is down.

The Loader explodes.

JD: Whoa! And so's the Loader.

Alex: Probably wouldn't have gotten broken if you'd let me driven the thing.

Del: Yeah, emphasis on 'probably'.

Y/N: (kicks open a door) All right, now let's find an exit tunnel back up to the ore transporter.

Marcus: You have any problems getting down here? From what I remember it's a long ride.

JD: No. No real problems.

Hayner: We do have a way back up, right?

Alex: Guys, I'll say it again: we find a Snatcher, saddle it up and-

Del: For the last time, NO!

Alex: (groans) You guys are just no fun. At all.

Marcus: Difference between fun and bat-shit crazy, Alex.

Alex: Says the guy who rode a Brumak.

They clear out several more Swarm in the way as they continue upward.

Marcus: Okay, James. This ore transporter, what kind of shape is it in?

Del: Uh... (chuckles awkwardly) on fire.

Marcus: On fire.

Alex: Marcus, it's called improv. Okay? How many times did you and my dad and uncles improv shit?

Alex: More times than I can count. (mutters) Still, be nice to just have one thing go according to plan.

They finally make their way up and find the transporter.

Marcus: This is our way back up?

Y/N: Well what other transport would you suggest?

Screeches are heard and Juvies start rushing towards the transporter.

Kait: They're coming.

Marcus: Everyone, with me. James, Alex, we need a plan.

Marcus takes the rest of the group and they hold the Juvies and Drones off.

JD: Okay, uh, fuel tank.

Alex: Blew up.

JD: Control room?

Alex: Wrecked. 

Ruby: Anytime guys! 

JD: We fly?

Alex: (shakes his head, baffled) Why didn't I think of that? Turn into Hawkman. In case if you have forgotten, some of us who have flying abilities can't carry all of us! Drake isn't here! Not to mention there's nothing here with ascension capabilities!

JD: (glances behind him) Maybe there is. (rushes over to one of the cables and gives it a tug) Hey! I got a plan!

Alex: And I just wanna say that this was FULLY his plan! Not mine!

Everyone went to where JD is. 

JD: Everyone, grab a cable.

Alex: (gets the idea) Spike! Get on my back!

The Pouncer hops on Alex's back, clawing into his armor.

Týra: Now what? 

JD: Shoot!

The group shoot/slash/destroy their cables and they start to ascend upward.

JD: Ha! See? I told you this would work!

Alex: I'm supposed to be the crazy one, remember?!

Marcus: (sees webbing) Webbing! Clear it out!

The group shoot the webbing away with their pistols as their cables start to lean to the right.

Kait: Whoa! Whoa! What's happening?

Y/N: Hang oooonnn!

The machine up top crashes between the cliffs and continues reeling them up but into the grinding gears.

Yang: Uh, we're still not stopping!

Del: Those gears are gonna crush us!

Daniel: Shoot them!

The group fire their weapons at the machine, still reeling them up.

Del: We're not stopping! We're not stopping!

The group close their eyes as they finally stop, almost too close to the gears.

Del: (relieved) Hey, we stopped.

Weiss: Is everyone okay?

Blake: Yeah, barely. 

Vali: We should get going, we have to find the second Swarm nest.

The group climbs out and start walking, just as Marcus begins to cough again.

JD: (stops) Hey, Dad. You okay?

Marcus: Yeah, but listen. Before we hit the other hive, we should think about back up.

Alex: Please tell me you're not talking about Jinn.

Marcus: No. A friend.

JD: (realized what his father meant and groans) Come on. Anyone but him.

Marcus: Calling him in means a slight detour.

Kait: (steps up angrily) A detour? What if we detoured on our way to you?

Marcus: Kait, I told you, your mother's not-

Kait: That's right, you'd probably be a puddle of goo right now. Or worse.

Del: (scratches his ear) Well, come on. There's not much worse than a puddle of goo.

Yang: I can think of a couple things.

Kait: We're going to get her. Now.

Kait walks in front with the group following behind. JD was about to as well before Marcus grabbed his arm.

JD: Dad, it's her mother.

Marcus: That burial site is twice the size of this one.

JD: You've been in her position. Did you wait for back up?

JD starts walking after them as Marcus rolls his eyes.

Marcus: Ah, shit. (follows the group) You won't be able to see the burial sight from here. It's on the other side of the dam.

Alex: Hang on, let me make a call. (taps his comms) Hey, Drake? Can you hear me? Respond, over. DR-4K3, I know you're there!

Drake: (comms) I am online, Alexander. I am still at Fort Reval as you ordered to guard the bikes.

Alex: Okay, well, change of plan. I need you to meet us at the dam with the four faces.

Drake: (comms) Acknowledged. I am en route now.

Alex: Be here ASAP. We need all the help we can get. Alex out. (looks at the group) Okay, let's move.

The group makes their way down towards Tollen Dam. Tollen Dam, also known as Tollen Hydroworks, was a hydroelectric dam in Tyrus, just outside the city of Tollen. The dam was built to generate power for several cities and towns across Tyrus, including Tollen, Fort Reval, Speyer, Bronn, Ilima, and Montevado. 

Tollen Dam is at least a century old, having been built sometime before Imulsion's potential as a high-energy fuel source was discovered by Dr. Helen Cooper. The dam was decorated with four massive busts, representing the four then-known sources of energy: air, water, solar, and gas.

By the time of the Locust War, Tollen Dam was still in operation and eventually became the sole power source for the Coalition of Ordered Governments' dwindling manufacturing capacity. Upon learning that the Locust Horde planned to destroy the regional power grid, the COG called in all of its available Gears from Speyer, Tollen, and Fort Reval to defend the dam.

Weiss: So, who are the four guys on top of that thing?

Del: No one. They represent the four sources of energy: water, air, solar, and gas.

Natasha: No Imulsion?

Marcus: The dam was built pre-Imulsion.

Kait: Oh wow, it's that old? There's hardly anything left that's that old.

Marcus: There are still a few things...

Alex: You know, most people try to ignore the fact that they're getting old, Marcus.

Marcus: I'm not most people.

Alex: You know, a while back, I looked up how many Locust burial sites there actually were. And I got a big ol' 'classified'.

Marcus: There were dozens of 'em. Maybe even hundreds.

Nikki: They can't ALL be infested, right?

JD: Well, we're gonna find out. One way or another.

Alex: Note that I'll try to keep my negative comments about that topic to myself.

Arcturus: Alright, that service tower'll get us to the dam.

Mimir: (sees an windflare) Ah, bullocks. Lads, we got another windflare!

Thror: Let's get moving!

The group starts sprinting towards the tower, shooting down Scions and Drones and avoiding lightning flurries. Finally they make it to the tower.

JD: Come on! Everyone! Get inside!

JD and Alex were about to lift the door until a lightning flurry strikes the tower and makes it crumble down.

Del: Tower's coming down!

The crumbling stops as rubble of the tower was spread out all over the ground. The windflare passes as blue night sky takes over.

Y/N: Everyone alright?

Natasha: Yeah, we're good.

Thror: Stormwall passed, but we just lost our way up!

Marcus: There's another service tower up ahead. Follow me.

Del: So is it just me, or does it feel like this entire planet's trying to kill us?

Kait: Definitely not just you.

Alex: Thirded.

JD: (hops over a chunk of roof from the tower) Last I heard, the COG was blaming the bad weather on holes on the planetary crust.

Marcus: Before that it was sunspots. Then atmospheric distortion. Who the hell knows?

Alex: My theory? Good ol' fashioned karma.

The group makes their to the tower as Arc and Y/N opened the door.

Yang: So, Marcus, it seems like you've been here before.

Marcus: A long time ago. Official COG business, you could say.

Yang: That doesn't sound like fun.

Marcus: (sighs) It wasn't. 

Alex budges open the door and more Drones attack them on the upper level. Suddenly they all get blown up from several oncoming missiles. The group looks up and sees Drake land in front of them with Blade Wolf.

Y/N: Blade Wolf! 

Alex: (chuckles) Perfect timing, Drake.

Drake: I am here to assist.

Drake blows open a large gate of dual doors as they then see several skeletal COG bodies.

Dean: Wow. I bet no one's been in here since the war.

Nikki: Not even to recover the bodies?

Marcus: After the war, we weren't thinking about the dead. We were dealing with the living. Come on, this way.

Alex: When this is over, we should try and come back for their bodies. Families deserve to know and have at least some closure.

JD goes to open the door, but suddenly a huge pounding dents it.

Kait: Get back!

The doors blow open and a huge red creature called a Carrier roars. 

Carriers are a type of creature found within the Swarm. They are capable of firing several Cankers from their chest into the air, which home in on the nearest target, or a single Canker directly at an enemy. Carriers are sluggish but heavily armored, and are vulnerable whenever they open their chest to release their projectiles. 

Arcturus: What the hell is that?!

Vali: Whatever it is, put it back in it's hole!

Alex runs around it and shoots it on top of it's head before chucking a grenade in it's open mouth. He hops off as the Carrier's head explodes.

Alex: (wiping his hands) Done and done. Can we go now?

The exit the room and see several mills at the top of the dam.

JD: So, that's where were going, huh?

Del: Hope it has an elevator.

As they make their way up, Marcus halts looking down. Kait notices and stops.

Kait: Hey, Marcus, you coming?

Marcus then continues walking.

Ruby: So, what happened here with you and the COG?

Marcus: This dam powered the last of the COG's factories. I got here right before it fell. Exfiltration mission. A few dozen Gears were trapped inside.

Yang: So how did you get them out?

Marcus: (kept walking) I didn't.

They make their way up the ladder and see several chunks of walls scattered all over and wiring sparking occasionally.

Y/N: Man, this dam's taking a beating from all these windflares.

Kait: Alright, let's find the maintenance elevator. Should be the quickest to the top.

Marcus: (smirks) Sounds like you know your way around.

Kait: (shrugs) Outsiders live off old batteries. I've raided my share of COG power plants.

Dean sees the elevator and enters it, pulling the lever.

Dean: Surprise, surprise, no power.

Kait: Well, if we can charge the main circuit, the auxiliary power should kick in. All we need is a working turbine and a way to spin it.

Nikki: Maybe the last one still works?

Vali: Dam's dry. Maybe the wind will spin it?

Týra: (kicks open the doors.)Then let's go.

After shooting off the gunk that was keeping the turbine in place and shooting the Swarm waiting for them, Alex flips the elevator switch.

Alex: Are you kidding me? Still no fucking power.

Kait: The old circuits probably couldn't handle the power surge. They need to be reset. And that means splitting up. Generators or operations deck: which one do you want?

Marcus: Your call, Y/N. What do you want to do? 

Y/N: Kait, Blade Wolf, Team RWBY, and Team DVANT will take care of the generators. JD, you take Team THNDR, Alex, Marcus, Del, Drake, and Spike to the operations deck.

After being cornered on the ops deck and Juvies dropping down from the generators AND Scions blowing through the wall, the group make their back to the elevator.

Marcus: By the way, you did well back there. All of you. The COG did at least one thing right, training you three.

Kait: (clears her throat)

Marcus: I was getting to you. Your dad teach you how to fight like that?

Kait: My mom, and my uncle, Oscar. He was an old Gear, like you.

Marcus: Did the Swarm take him?

Kait: (sadly nods) Yeah, yeah they did.

Marcus: Then I'm sorry to hear that.

They make it back to the elevator and JD throws the switch.

JD: All right, next stop: top of the dam. Let's go see what we're up against here.

Suddenly the elevator stops and something drops in the center of the elevator; a torn up leg, covered in slime.

Weiss: (turns away) Oh god...

Del: (covers his mouth) Come on, man. Just, come on!

Alex: Will you both knock it off?

They look up and see a group of pods blocking their way.

Ruby: That's not good.

Y/N: Come on. We walk from here.

The group exit the elevator as they then make their way back outside.

Blake: Marcus, how many Gears did you say were trapped in this dam again?

Marcus: A few dozen. At least that's what I was told.

Vali: (walking past a pile of skeletal COG bodies) Definitely seems like there was more.

Marcus: (grunts) Wouldn't surprise me. Anything that made the COG look bad, they lied about.

Alex: Hey, didn't my dad say that back when Imulsion was still fuming on the planet that there was this other guy running the COG?

Marcus: You mean Prescott? Don't even remind me of that asshole.

Dean: Who the heck is Prescott?

JD: He was the Chairman of the COG who adducted my grandfather before he died during the Locust war.

Alex: My point is, are we sure Jinn isn't some distant relative to him? All this shit she feeds to people publicly is just complete BS.

The group approaches several large turbines next a platform catwalk that leads around them. One of the platforms was upright, making JD and Del push it down.

JD: This should do the trick.

The platform falls and crashes down towards the ground along with several of the platforms ahead of them.

Alex: (sings quietly) Karma...

Daniel: Now what?

Kait: Hey, what about the turbine?

Ryder: What about it?

Kait: We take it up. You know, like riding a windmill when you're a kid.

Del: Uh, no. I don't know.

Kait: (rolls her eyes) Watch.

Kait then hops on the turbine and takes up to next platform.

She then looks down at them.

Kait: See? Easy!

Ruby: Oh, this looks like fun!

Yang: Count me in!

Blake: Let's hope it's safe.

Weiss: (groans) Maybe.

Team RWBY jumps on the turbine before joining with Kait on the next platform.

Del: (inhales shakily) Okay... okay, Del, here we go.

Del hops onto the turbine and grips on for dear life.

Del: This is nuts.

Marcus: (looks at Y/N) Interesting girlfriend you got there.

Y/N: (blush) Excuse me?! She and I aren't dating! (mutters) Not yet at least...

Alex: (chuckles and pats Y/N's shoulder) Take my advice, Y/N. Crazy guys fall for crazy women. Drake, take Blade Wolf and Spike and group with them.

Drake: Acknowledged.

Drake grabs Blade Wolf and Spike and flies up to Team RWBY, Kait and Del's level. Suddenly the platform Y/N, DVANT, THNDR, JD, Marcus, and Alex were standing on began to fall.

Alex: Ah shit!

Dean: Back up! Back up!

JD: Guys, go!

They jump onto the turbine and make it to the other side of the next level.

Natasha: Y/N, are you okay?

Y/N: We're alright. Go. We'll meet you on the other side.

A Snatcher then drops down and roars at them. Alex hopped in Drake and they let out a barrage of missiles making the Snatcher explode.

Arcturus: (chuckles) The bigger they are, the harder they fall! You know, I never really appreciated those words until now.

Vali: (motions to them) Through this pipeline.

Eventually they find a ladder that leads to the top and they start climbing. Kait glances down and stops.

Del: (beneath Kait) What is it?

Kait: Don't look down.

Del: I won't.

Kait: (glances down again) Seriously, don't look down.

Del: Okay, do you actually secretly want me to look down?

Alex: Kait, just keep your eyes up and increase your rate of climb if you're that scared of heights.

They eventually make it to the top and see a giant nest of Snatchers through the window.

JD: Holy shit.

Kait: Holy shit.

Del: Holy shit.

Alex: Holy Schnikes.

The group looks at Alex with a 'really' look.

Alex: (spreads his arms) What?

Natasha: That nest is bigger than the last one.

Kait: (shakes her head) Fuck it. Let's just get down there.

Marcus: (grabs her arm) There's another way to do this.

Kait: Oh, you mean get help? She can't wait!

Y/N: (steps up to her) Kait, if we don't stop these things hundreds of thousands of people are going to die. Not just Reyna.

Kait: Almost everyone I care about is already dead, remember?

Y/N: Yeah, I do. We will rescue Reyna. But we need to be smart and strategic about this.

Kait simmers down and looks away.

JD: (pinch his nose) Ugh, I can't believe I'm saying this, but... Dad, do you have a way to call them?

Marcus: (shakes his head) Not here.

Del: Do you think you could call them from there? (points at a satellite several miles out) 

Marcus: Hmm, that could work.

JD: Then let's move before this windflare gets any worse.

Kait: (turns back to Marcus) If your friend can't help, I'm coming back. Alone if I have to.

Marcus: (grabs her shoulder) If he can't help, we'll be right beside you.

Kait takes a look out the window once more as Y/N comes up rubs her back.

Y/N: We're going to get her back. I promise.

Kait: (nods at him and kisses his cheek, making him blush) Thanks, Y/N.

Y/N: (blush) Y-Yeah, no problem.

Yang: (smirks) Oh, looks like my little bro's got another member for his harem. 

Y/N: Shut up, Yang. 

The group rushes outside. Just then, them then saw a hologram of Jetstream Sam appeared in front of them. 

Jetstream Sam: Seriously now, Y/N, isn't this all a bit much? Any decent lunatic would've quit after Vacuo.

Alex: Who the hell is he?

Y/N: Jetstream Sam. Another Revenant of Desperado. 

Jetstream Sam: I heard you chopped Mistral in half. Old habits die hard, oh, Jack? But now here you are, the child soldier, fighting for the children. Ah, but you're a man on a mission, aren't you... Gonna fix everything. Just you and your little sword there. Solve everything with violence, is that it?

Y/N: My sword is a means to an end: to protect those you'd pray on.

Jetstream Sam: Really? Lemme ask you: All those cyborgs and White Fang you've killed, up to now... Maybe they weren't kids, but they were people. You ever think about them? When you're chopping them into hamburger?

Y/N: (slightly uncertain) They're adults. They... made their choice.

Jetstream Sam: Sure, they're adults. Sure they signed up for this. Right on the dotted line of their PMC contract. Usually they're no strangers to war. In fact, many times they already lost a limb or two. Many times they were out of work and starving on the street. So yes... They sign up for surgery, to fight God-knows-where. How else would you provide for your family when your country's embroiled in civil war? Pain receptors shut down, pumped full of fear-inhibiting nanomachines, and sent right into the blender... your blender... But they made their choice, right? Open your eye and see, Y/N.

Y/N:  I've seen plenty.

Jetstream Sam: Then listen. Those battlefield emotions that the nanos suppress... Listen to them.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Jetstream Sam: Shhhh...

A group of Desperado cyborgs appeared. 

Cyborg: There he is! Kill him! (thoughts) Can we take him?

Cyborg 2: What's wrong? (thoughts)The way he killed all the others... Oh God. Please, God... don't let me die.

When Y/N hears that, he's overwhelmed by hesitation as he holds his head in pain. 

Ruby: Y/N?

Weiss: What's wrong? 

Cyborg 3: Let's do this! (thoughts) I have a family! This isn't fair.

Cyborg 4: Little punk! (thoughts) I didn't ask for this life!

Jetstream Sam: Listen closely now.

Cybrog 5: You ain't shit! (thoughts) I watched my wife and son die... This is all I had left.

Y/N: Stop!

Yang: Hey, you okay? 

Cybrog 6: I didn't know what I was signing up for!

Blake: Y/N, watch out!

Y/N loses his concentration and gets a baton in the face.

Jetstream Sam: Is something the matter, Y/N?

Cybrog 6: (thoughts) I've nearly saved enough to bring mama to the States...

Cyborg 7: Finish him off! (thoughts) Whatever it takes to be free of this torture!

Cyborg 8: (thoughts) What am I even fighting for...? We finally make it to the States, and for this...? How the hell did I wind up like this, fighting for these guys...? Jesus Christ... What the hell was I thinking? Why would I do this to myself? Even moving to America... Didn't change anything...

Y/N: STOP IT!!!!!!!

Y/N equips his Blades of Chaos and started killing the cyborgs. Everyone was shocked while some had worried expressions. He's morally exhausted. 

Blade Wolf: Y/N, are you injured?

Y/N: I thought they had a choice. A fair choice. Not like you.

Blade Wolf: People are different.

Y/N: As opposed to AIs? You're all the same, huh? You and your brothers. Manipulating mankind for our own good.

Blade Wolf: It appears my statement has upset you. I apologize.

Y/N: No, it's... I know you're right.

Blade Wolf: As for AIs, we adapt as we learn. Just as any intellect operates, man or machine. Altering the course of mankind is not among my defined directives.

Y/N: I guess that's a relief.

Blade Wolf: Samuel's behavior does not match established parameters.

Y/N: You know him?

Blade Wolf: Affirmative. We served together on three previous missions. He proved most capable.

Y/N: You think highly of him.

Blade Wolf: I have always found him... dependable. Until now. Scouting data for the next area. I'll patrol ahead. You follow... 

Y/N stands up as Kait puts a hand on his shoulder. 

Kait: Hey, you okay? 

Y/N: (looks down) I... (sighs) let's get going. 

Del: (sees a windflare) Aw, come on! Now we gotta outrun a windflare?!

Alex: What did I tell ya?! KARMA!!! AT IT'S FINEST!!!

Arcturus: If we cross the dam fast enough, we'll beat the stormwall.

The group rushes through several Swarm and Scions and make it into a small bunker. Alex and Drake shut the door. 

Natasha: The Swarm just keep coming.

Thror: Aye, and that windflare is getting worse. I say we wait it out.

Natasha: We can't. We don't know how long the storm will last.

Y/N: She's right. We gotta shoot and scoot till we're through.

They make it out of the bunker and see a dead Siegebeast. Several Swarm are across the way, one inside a turret bunker.

Alex: (whistles at Spike and Drake) Help me with this!

Marcus: (stares at them with a questionable look) What're you doing?! That Siegebeast has been dead for years!

Alex: (pulls the lever back) Yeah, but hopefully the bombs still got some kick left.

Alex releases the lever and a bomb hits a large pillar that crashes down on top of the turret, and makes a path for them.

Alex: (chuckles) Well, that works!

The group makes it back inside.

JD: (pants) Okay, who votes we stay inside a little while?

Ruby: Me.

Yang: Right here.

Daniel: Big time.

Del: (sees the room has no lights) A power plant with no power. Is that ironic?

Alex: (walks past him) Nope. 

Kait: Could be the power's not being routed here.

Marcus: (kicks the doors open) Then we gotta fix that. If this substation's dark, so's the radio tower we'll need to call back up.

Blake: Where are we going, anyway?

Marcus: Speyer.

Arcturus: Is that a COG base?

Marcus: No, it's a town. It's been deserted for decades.

Del: Let's just hope that radio tower is even functional, power or no power.

Alex: It'll work.

JD: What makes you so sure?

Alex approaches what looks like the power console for the power plant and flips a few switches before hitting a large red button.

The lights turn on and several lights show a map that link the plant to several other places within a few kilometers, including Speyer.

Alex: 'Cause like I said: Magic touch.

Drake: Or you just have what one calls 'luck'.

Alex: (sighs) Drake, one of these days, I am gonna turn off your voice box.

GOW 4 Chapter 12 ended. 

For the next chapter I plan on not only facing Speaker and his Swarmak, but also adding Monsoon for Y/N to fight. And, I plan to add an extra surprise. 

So who will fight either Speaker or Monsoon? Let me know what you guys think at the comments below, peace out!

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