"It is here in these halls. I know it." Vistial watches as Thorin paces the floor. A crown adorned his head and his cloak swished in his wake.
"We have searched and searched." Dwalin states.
"Not well enough!" Thorin shouts. Balin walks up to the dwarf.
"Thorin, we all would see the stone returned." Thorin immediately flips around and stands over Balin.
"And yet, it is still not found!" Thorin snarls.
"Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here?" Balin questions. "The Arkenstone is the birthright of our people. It is The King's Jewel."
"Am I not the king?" Thorin growls at his old teacher. He looks at the rest of the Company. "Know this: If anyone should find it and withhold it from me, I will be avenged." With that, Thorin sweeps around and stalks off.
"Dragon-sickness." Balin sighs. "I've seen it before. That look. The terrible need. It is a fierce and jealous love. It sent his grandfather mad."
"Balin, if Thorin had the Arkenstone or if it was found, would it help?" Bilbo asks. Vistial notices how he messed with his pockets.
"That stone crowns all. It is the summit of this great wealth, bestowing power upon he who bears it." Balin states.
"Would it stay his madness?" Vistial asks.
"No, lassie." Balin replies, staring sadly after Thorin. "I fear it would make him worse. Perhaps it is best it remains lost." Vistial looks after Thorin. She was getting tired of him acting like this. She goes to walk after him, but Kili stops her.
"Vistial, where are you going?" He asks.
"I'm going to try to talk some sense into Thorin." Vistial replies.
"Oh, okay." Kili seemed slightly upset about it, but he shrugged it off. "Well, let me know when you finish. I want to talk to you." Vistial responds with a nod, then walks after Thorin. The dwarf was muttering things under his breath as Vistial follows him through the halls.
"What do you want?" Thorin suddenly demands, turning around to glare at Vistial.
"We need to talk." Vistial replies, approaching the dwarf.
"Unless you know the whereabouts of the Arkenstone, leave me." Thorin says, going to turn around, but Vistial grabs ahold of his arm, making him face her. Thorin looks down at her hand, then glares up at her. "You dare threaten the king..."
"Enough! Stop acting like this!" Visital shouts. Thorin seemed slightly taken back at her reaction.
"Stop what..." Thorin starts, but Vistial cuts him off.
"You know exactly what." Vistial says. "Thorin, you're not alright. The gold is taking you over. You need to stop this."
"I don't know what you mean." Thorin states, looking away.
"Yes, you do." Vistial says. "The Thorin I know wouldn't have questioned the loyalty of the Company, or accuse their word. The real Thorin wouldn't snarl at his friends and glare at them like they just stole his most precious possession. That Thorin would realize what is wrong with himself and try to fix it!" A look of hurt reflects behind Thorin's eyes as Vistial speaks, but it quickly disappears and his gaze hardens.
"You should know better than to approach the King of the Mountain in such a manner." Thorin snarls, ripping his arm out of Vistial's grasp and drawing his sword. Vistial backs up as Thorin points his sword at her.
"Stop, Thorin. You don't know what you're doing." She says. Thorin just grins.
"I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm going toshow you what we do to traitors."
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