M o r s e - C o d e d



"Kkamjong! I HATE you! "

EXO, B. A. P , Mira and the Draque Twins stared in shock as an infuriated Jae Song stormed out of the room after slapping Kai, Leaving a red mark in her wake. (on his face of course)


Jae Song's POV:

What was he thinking?!
That I would let him off easily?
Hah! No way in hell.

I have NEVER been kissed.

N E V E R.

He stole my first kiss, of course I'd be upset! It wasn't really my first kiss but you know what I mean..

Nope I never had a boyfriend, engagement, fiance, JUST NO.
Whenever my parents pulled that card, It'd be on Mira cause they think that she'll never get married with her head up in the thought of some science project. Poor her, but we'll get to that later.

I prefer finding someone I love than just date them for money cuz I already have money. (Psh HAHAHAHHAHAHH lol)
Sure i have had admirers before but not any person or mythical being I found suitable, until Sehun came along.

I ACTUALLY like him since i met him when EXO came over to our house the first time to play.
I just knew something was different about him but couldn't tell what. For once, I felt like I didn't have a care in the world.
Not having to think about studies, not about Dads selection about the heir to the werewolf throne.
I felt something.
I felt like we was destined to be with him as i had made eye contact with him.
I felt this warm feeling in my abdomen,and I felt..well,happy! Those were symptoms of a werewolf imprinting.
How do I explain this... Its like.... Love at first sight.
Like in the fairy tales.

Well, they did teach us about them in school but....
---Let's return to our normal program-------------

And when i had ran to the toilet to check my eye colour,it was expected, instead of my usual blue-ish black specks in my eyes,it had ruby red or light grey(it was flashing)a significant sign of werewolf imprinting.
I had to deal with the pain of being away from my 'mate' but it soon became normal. okay. sorry. i was ranting again.

I just realise I side track. A lot.

Mira teleported me and CD (I just realized ) back home and CD comforted me.
"Breathe. "

She stretched out her hand to stop me from entering and I raised and eyebrow at her questioningly.
She smiled at me and let Mira in first, then she stepped in.

"Guys, be polite. Kai, " I felt the tension in the room rise from behind the oak door.
She must have switched on her deadly staredown aura...
"if. " she placed deadly influence on the word. "IF you make Jae Song cry, " I was very sure she made the cutthroat sign, because I heard someone gulp.
She opened the door by a creak.
"Come in Jae. "

Staup the act.

Drop it.

You ain't my mom.

Okay never mind.

Deal with that later.

After i stepped into the room, all heads shot up to look at me with worry.
I did tell them i was fine and we all decided to go back to our respective rooms.(I had my not-very-common poker face on)They did tell me they wanted to make Sehun kiss me but i was too traumatized and they were afraid of making me cry again.(and have my beloved dongsaeng,Mira, kill them)

When i was in my room with the girls (aka Gabby and Cerise),i had recieved a telepathic message saying:

"Please meet me at SM ENT. garden tomorrow,at 9a.m."

- *hold two beats* click click. Click. *hold two beats* click click click. *hold two beats* click *hold three*. *hold three* click.

Morse Code?

"Jae? What's wrong? "
Cerise asked while she waved a hand in front of my face.
" You stopped in the middle of your sentence. "

I raised a hand to stop her and ran to Mira's room where I caught her in the middle of brushing her teeth.

"Wae? You want to borrow my what? "
She reached for her glasses on her desk hurriedly and stared at me like I was a purple sparkly unicorn that grew bat wings.
"You want to borrow my Morse decoding book? "
I nodded furiously and I saw her grab a random book from the shelf before handing it to me.
"here. "
On the cover I saw the title: "Decoding Morse. "
(How'd she get it right on the first try? Idk don't ask me)

"Thanks. "

I rushed back into my room and found a very distressed Cerise and a laughing Gabrielle.
gabby sighed in humorous relief and stared at me.
"oh hi Jae Song. "
Cerise whipped her head up at me and scowled before hiding under the bed sheets, muttering some stuff.

I sighed and apologized to Cerise. "Sorry for ignoring you. I still got things to take off. "
I heard her snort from under bed sheets and I could detect an eye roll.

"Ugh fine. Be that way. "

I slammed the book open on my desk and decoded the message. "S. E. H. U. N. Sehun.... "

"Sehun what? Invites you to his room to sleep? Oh how scandalous?! " Gabrielle said while dramatically 'fainting' on the silk duvet.
Gabby sniggered and Cerise burst out laughing as my face bloomed into fifty shades of red. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and I shouted in embarrassment.



"Night Jae Song, sweet dreams. "

"Gosh Cece, you don't have to be so motherly, she's the same age as–OWWW THAT HURT! "

"Shut up Gabby. Good Night Jae~"

"Make sure you dream of Sehun. "

I threw a pillow at the door where laughter echoed from the corridor.
Night fell soundly and I had dozed off to sleep thinking about what 'he' wanted to tell me.

Whatddya know? I did fall asleep dreaming of Sehun. Nice guess Gabrielle.


End of chapter


Editors and Authors Note:

E:Whee!!!!!! Cliff hanger!!!!!

A: You edited it so much it doesn't look like the original anymore.

E: which part you emphasizing? And or me?

A: more like CUT and HALF.
(E is for editor/A is for author)-Jae Song

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