Chapter 2 - Breakfast

Lily Metto's POV

Kellar and I were walking back to my aunts' place. It wasn't everyday that you make a friend who has the same music taste as you, lucky me. But actually, Kellar seemed like a nice kid, and his free wifi spot was cool. I pretty much explored the whole town, but not a thorough exploration like I had orginally hoped. I'll have to go back out, maybe with my aunts, after breakfast.

The song we had gotten to on my playlist was "Life Itself", one of my favourites. Kellar had been head bobbing the entire time, and I had to fight back the urge to head bob as well. Glass Animals really set the tone for walking through a small town, who would've thought?

I looked over to the house across from my aunts', we had gotten only a good 50 feet away from the house, and I noticed his mailbox had the name 'McCartney' on it. So his full name is Kellar McCartney, interesting. His house had a painted fence, the fence was nice and new looking, with a coat of baby blue paint on it.

"That's your aunts' house, right?" Kellar asked me, pointing at my aunts' house.

"Yep, I guess this is where we split?" I answered with a question of my own.

"I guess so, I'll see you later?" He seemed hopeful. I wonder how many teenagers there are here, I only saw elementary aged kids on the play structure.. he must be pretty lonely.

"Yeah! I'm going to look around town more after breakfast, hopefully with my aunts, maybe I'll see you then?" I told him. I was smiling, but he started fiddling with his sleeve.

"Uh yeah! Y-yeah, I'll see you then!" He replied, before waving and walking into his house, giving me one last smile before disappearing behind the front door.

"What got him so nervous?.." I mumbled to myself, my thin brows furrowed. I shrugged it off and walked  to the front door of my aunts' house, turning off the music on my phone and grabbing the guest keys.

I put the key into the door knob, twisting the key to the right and then turned the handle, opening the door. I walked inside, taking off my shoes and resting my mini backpack on the small shelf below the key hooks. I hooked the guest key on its hook and made my way into the living room, where both my aunts were waiting for me.

"Oh there you are! I was starting to get worried, it's already 11:42am!" Christie greeted, sitting up from her seat next to Marrietta.

"Good morning, Lily! How are you liking town?" Etta asked me.

"Sorry for worrying you, Christie. Town is great! I met a kid my age, named Kellar. He said his mom was friends with you when you were little, is that true?" I replied, smiling. Etta looked confused.

"I'm glad you like town, but I don't know how I could be friends with any of the parents here, if I never even lived here as a kid." Etta told me, she shook her head, and smiled once more. "I made breakfast a few minutes ago, it should still be hot!"

Etta got up, offering Christie a hand, which she gladly took, and hey both walked to the dining room, holding hands. It always makes me happy when they hold hands, but I just feel off after Etta said that.

Did Kellar lie? No, he couldn't have, his information checked out, how else would he know? But Etta wouldn't lie, so how?

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Breakfast is all I need to focus on St the moment, I'm hungry, and I can confront Kellar later. I follow my aunts into the dining room, where Etta is placing down plates of pancakes with syrup and some whip cream. The smell wafts through the room, a sweet maple scent that could entice anyone, even if they weren't orginally hungry.

"Mmmmm" I hummed, I quickly sat down, and started eating. The pancakes were amazing, I'll have to ask Etta the recipe.

"How are they?" Etta asked, a small smile on her face as she used her fork to get herself another bite.

"Absolutely lovely! Did you use mom's recipe?" Christie replied before I could. I didn't know which of their mom's they were referring to, but if I had to guess, I'd guess Etta's mom.

"Mhm! I've been dying to use it lately, and I thought where else to make it other than here? It just feels right, sort of dejá vu.* Etta replied. So it's safe to assume that I was right.

But dejá vu? I won't lie, the first thing that came to mind was the song by Glass Animals, but upon further thinking, why would she be experiencing dejá vu from here? Unless, she did used to live here? Maybe she just forgot or something, but that doesn't make any sense either!

I take another bite of the pancakes, my appetite smaller, but still there. A dull ache in my head, which would probably grow into a full blown headache soon. Best to enjoy breakfast while I still can, I guess.

"Oh, dejá vu is always a strange feeling. Hopefully it clears up soon, dear! Lily, you've been awfully quiet, anything on your mind?" Christie responds, and then throws the attention onto me.

"Oh nothing, I just want to finish breakfast so I can keep exploring!" I say smoothly, a smile on my face. Maybe I'm overthinking this, I've probably read too many mystery novels for my own good.

But this would make a good plot! A women and her wife bring their niece to an small town for a few weeks, and the niece discovers that their aunt used to live there, but her aunt denies the claims and says she has no memory of it, only to also feel dejá vu. I wonder where the story would go though.

"Oh that's good! We'll let you explore more then, would you like us to come with you?" Christie asked me. Originally, I would've said yes, but now, I can't help but say no.

"Eh, I'm good on my own. Like I said, I made a friend already, and he had been showing me around before breakfast." I told her, I wasn't lying either.

"Oh yes, what did you say his name was? Miller?" Christie replied.

"His name is Kellar, Christie." I corrected her, snickering.

"Either way, I'm glad that you made a friend, Lily." Etta told me, resting her head in her palm, her arm supported by her elbow on the table.

I've only been in Camelloe Grove for almost 20 hours, considering we got here late last night, but it's already been a whirlwind. I wouldn't be lying if I said that I was slightly nervous as to what happens next, considering I'm here for at least two weeks, if not longer.

I'll just have to find out on my own.

Well, maybe not on my own, as long as Kellar isn't lying and stuff. Yeah, Kellar and I against Camelloe Grove. Sounds fun, surprisingly. Although it also sounds quite cliché, but I can't help that, now can I?

"Now that you're done with your breakfast, we'll let you go out an explore on your own, or with Kellar, if you know what I mean.* Christie said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up from my plate, where I had been staring off into nothingness, and at my aunt, who was doing that wiggly eyebrow thing that your family does whenever talking about a boy you told them about.

I sighed, placing my face into my palm, my form of a face palm, and smiled, picking up my plate. "I'll go put this in the sink, then I'm leaving to explore some more! I'll be back back, hmmm what's the time?.." I trailed off, looking around the room for a clock, and found a circular clock resting in the wall. It was already 1:34pm. "I'll be back by 3pm!"

"Ok, have fun, Lily!" Christie told me enthusiastically, while Etta just waves, a small content smile on her face.

My stomach turned slightly, making me aware that I was slightly guilty on just kind of walking out in them, but my small headache reminds me of the bigger task at hand; Confronting Kellar, and getting some answers.

Oh, and exploring Camelloe Grove more, because it seems nice so far.

After placing my empty plate in the sink, running the water for a moment as to wash all the maple syrup off the plate so it'd be easier to clean later, I walked out of the kitchen and towards the front door. My things were there waiting where I had left them. I grabbed them, and left the house, licking the door on my way out.

I was tempted to put in my ear buds and listen to music again, but I thought better of it. I wonder where Kellar is, he said that he'd be home, but I don't think I have the courage to meet his family yet. I stare at his house a for a few minutes, weighing my options, thinking of scenarios, and taking in the possibility that ge isn't even home into mind. Eventually though, I decided to just walk along the side walk like I had only around an hour ago.

Nothing much had changed, other than the fact that there were even more children on the play ground now, and I even saw some kids around what seemed to be my age. Well, that answers one thing, Kellar can't be completely alone here.

I decide to stop staring at the playground, considering that it'd be weird if I accidently caught someone's eye contact, and kept walking down the side walk and towards the half of the tow that had restaurants and such.

"Ayo, are you new here?" I heard someone ask from behind me, startling me. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you-"

I turned around to see a girl, one of the teens who looked around my age. She had gleaming brown eyes, with hints of gold, tan skin, and black hair that was slightly swept to the side, and fell past her shoulders in waves.

"I'm Terresa! But you can call me Terrie!" She said, flashing a toothy smile, and extended her hand, looking for a hand shake.

"I'm Lily, and yeah, I'm new. I moved in right across Kellar, I'd you know who he is." I told her, trying my best to introduce myself. I shook her hand as well.

"Oh! So you're Marrietta's kid?" She asked. How did she know Marrietta? Unless, Kellar really did tell the truth..

"Uh, no, I'm her niece." I corrected Terresa, forcing a small laugh to prove that it was light hearted.

"Ohhhh, sorry for jumping to conclusions there! I'm Kellar's friend, I'm assuming you've met?" She replied, her last sentence sounded more like a question than an observation.

"Yeah, he was the first person I met here actually. We bumped into each other right around here. Should I be expecting a new person every time I walk down this side walk or something?" I asked jokingly, a genuine laugh escaping my lips. Terresa quickly joined in, finding the irony.

"Maybe-" She said between laughs, she was doubled over, hands on her knees as she wheezed.

"Hey, sorry to kind of kill the mood, but, do you know why Kellar seemed so nervous after I brought up exploring with my aunts? Even if you weren't there, I just though that since you're his friend and all–" I asked after I had stopped laughing, and cut myself off when I realized I was beginning to ramble.

"Oh, he's the type to get scared and believe in ghost stories, don't worry about him." Terresa said, chuckling a bit.

Ghost stories? I was talking about my aunts, not ghosts.. Unless..

No, I'm just paranoid, she probably heard me wrong, she was still laughing, afterall

"Oooh, since you're new around here, wanna go to one of my favourite food places here? They have amazing milkshakes made from scratch, and they're cheap!" Terresa offered. "It'll being me, since you're new and all!"

"Uhm..sure, yeah! That sounds fun!" I replied, thinking about my answer while talking, but milkshakes sounded good, and a smile found its way on my fave rather quickly at the thought.

Yet still, even with the thought of delicious milkshakes, my stomach still sunk as I contemplated what Terresa meant by "Ghost stories" in the back of my mind.

Sorry for such a late update- I lost motivation for a hot second there, but I sucked it up and wrote the final 800 words for this chapter after almost a week of not writing. Also I'm glad I did, since this is the longest chapter is a while.

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