
"Well, to be specific, it was Wonshik." Sanghyuk told them.

"NO.WAY." Hongbin said, as he left his jaw wide open.

"THE Wonshik?" Hakyeon asked.

"Yep, that's the one. And sadly, we're in the same class." Sanghyuk replied.


"Oh yeah... Well-" Hakyeon started saying, but was interrupted by Hongbin.

"WAIT. You always tell the story, it's my turn." Hakyeon just nodded and kept silent.

"Hang on, before you start Binnie... Let me remind you that we have another period coming up." Sanghyuk told him.

"Oh don't worry about that, it's a half day today. We only have 1st period, lunch, 2nd period, then we can go." Hakyeon said.

"Oh, okay then."

"CAN I continue now?" Hongbin asked. Everyone nodded and looked at him. "Okay... Before high school, we all went to the same junior high school, including Wonshik. Wonshik was the worst, the most rude and despicable guy you could ever meet. However, he is quite good in his studies... A smart guy, but a BAD attitude. He kept on bullying people, and most of them were too afraid to stand up to him, except... Leo."

"Wait wait wait... Did you say Leo?" I glanced over at Hakyeon and death-stared him. He awkwardly laughed, so I let this one slide.

"Yeah why?"

"It's because he sits behind me in class." I told them.

"How can that be? He's... Never mind."

"Huh? What happened?"

"Oh, nothing... He just... Doesn't go to this high school, hehe, that's all." Sanghyuk said.

"O-okay? Oh, sorry Hongbin. Continue please..."

"Thank you. As I was saying, Leo. He wasn't afraid of Wonshik. In the end, Wonshik kind of changed, partially because him and Leo kind of dated..."

"Oh? Then what happened?" This was so interesting! I'm such a curious child...

"Umm... An incident came up. I have no idea why, but uh, they broke up and Wonshik went back to his old self. Yeah, that's about all I know."

"So, Jaehwan is like, the 2nd person to actually stand up to Wonshik, right?" Sanghyuk asked.

"I think so... Yeah." Hakyeon replied. "GAH! Enough talk about this jerk, I'm hungry. Let's eat!!!"

We ate our lunch, and spoke, all under that tree where we first met. After lunch, there was only one more period, then we could go home earlier, since the whole half-day thing.

"Well, have fun guys!" I told Hongbin and Sanghyuk. "Come on Hakyeon, let's go." I dragged him from the tree all the way to class. He was not cooperating with me though...

On our way back to class, we saw that Wonshik again. "HEY BLIND-BOY!" He was talking to me. I just pretended I couldn't hear him, and just ignored him, while still dragging Hakyeon. "IM TALKING TO YOU! HEY!!!" I started walking faster and pulled Hakyeon harder.


"Oh sorry..." I said as we entered the class. He was gasping for air, and fixing his shirt.

"It's okay. I can tell, you're pretty pissed at that guy aren't you?"

"NOOO!!!" I said sarcastically. "HE'S MY BEST FRIEND."

"Hahaha... Very funny Jaehwan."

"Yeah, funny.. I don't recall us being friends." Wonshik said, as he was standing in the door frame.

"What are YOU doing here? Don't you have someone else to bother?"

"Yeah, but you're more fun to annoy. Besides, I was switched with your friend. So now I'm in this class and he's in the other class."

"How is that even-"

"Shut it you." He said to Hakyeon. "Now move it!"

"You can't talk that way to him!!!" I told him.

"I can do whatever the hell I desire."

"Just shut up and leave me alone." I walked away, to my desk and watched Hakyeon leave the class. Why me? Why does life hate me?

"Welcome back from lunch class!" Mrs. Choi said. "We have a new-ish student. You must've seen him around at lunch, he'll be with us for the rest of the year. Sadly though, Hakyeon will not. He switched with this fine, young man."

"Hello, my name is Kim Wonshik." He said to the class.

"Okay, now Wonshik, you can sit in Hakyeon's old seat, beside Jaehwan."

Now I know life just hates me.

He came to the desk and plopped right down into it. I whispered to him, "Wow, didn't know you could actual be polite."

"It's just a show for the teachers. In their eyes, I'm a good boy."

"Save me now..." I muttered.

I slouched in my seat, listen to Mrs. Choi talk about some random thing. I wasn't listening though... He wasn't behind me this period... I wonder who this 'Leo' guy really is, and why his stuff is here if he goes to a different high school.

Home time...

I hurriedly walked out the class and out to the entrance gate. Time for me to go home...

"Hey Jaehwan! Mind if I come over? I have nothing to do at home." Hakyeon asked me.

"S-sure? I guess so..." I plugged my head phones in my phone, then put then in my ears. I started to play some music and began walking home with Hakyeon. Hongbin and Sanghyuk were nowhere to be seen. They probably already left to go home...

When we finally got to my house, I told Hakyeon, "I apologize if my mom freaks out when she sees you. She's not really used to me making friends this fast."

"Okay!" I slowly opened the door and walked in.

"I'm home Umma!!!" We both took our shoes off and started going up the stairs, to my room.

"Wait Jaehwan! You're not here alone. Who's the friend?!?!?!?" She came out if nowhere and asked me this.

Oh jeez... "Friend? OH!!!! Hakyeon..."

"Uh, hello! My name is Cha Hakyeon."

"YAY!!!! JAEHWAN IM SO PROUD!!!" She fangirlled.

"I told you." I whispered to him.

"She seems nice." He whispered back.

"Oh okay, I'll stop embarrassing you now. Go ahead and stay in your room, I'll bring snacks and stuff."

"Gomawo!!!" We continued going up the stairs and went into my room. I closed the door behind me and we both put our bags on the floor.

"You have such a nice house and room!!! I'm jealous Jaehwan.." He just sat on the floor, amazed at my room, just looking around.

"Thanks... So what do you want to do?"

"I think Wonshik likes you."


Huh? What does he mean 'I think Wonshik likes you.' You do not say that to someone you just met THAT day.

"I.think.Wonshik.likes.you"He poked my chest and I fell to my knees.


"Knock knock! I have snacks!" My mom came in and left the snacks on my desk.

"Thanks mom." She closed the door and left the room. "Now where was I.. Oh right...WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? IT'S ONLY THE FIRST FREAKING DAY OF SCHOOL HAKYEON!"

He just looked at me, silently.


"Excuse me?" I asked him. I was so confused at what was happening right now.

"I was only messing with you!!! He's too mean to have a heart!!! And YOU fell for it!!!!"

"Hehe?" I forced a laugh out. I was still confused.

"It's a prank I like to do to one of my friends who don't know Wonshik. Most don't fall for it, but I guess you're that gullible."

"Yeah yeah Hakyeon... You're such a bum..."

"I know I am!!!" He grinned and started eating the snacks my mom brought in. Today was really fun, except for the Wonshik parts. I met new people and befriended them, new school, new home, new everything.

I think I'm really going to like it here.

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