sibling rivality
"Does it feel any better"Morro asked
"Yeah,thank you morro"kaia said to Morro
Vania walked next to Orano
"Hey Orano i have a question, Where did you got that name?i forgot to ask it last time we met. it sounds so cool and why you're sister has so boring it's litteraly the red ninja name just with extra A"
With that kaia got little offended
"Well my parents were fighting and almost named me Ayatsuru.which was name clause and one man who name ends with an Eye called me that name,i don't personally like that name because that's means controlling people,i actually don't know why my parents named me Orano,they just thought it was cool name"orano explained
"You're Ayatsuru?the one who clause teached dark magic?damn i am sorry for you're arms"ceiline said
"Don't worry.i got better with time"orano said
Vania than turned to Lloyd
"You know i was wondering.maybe i could join you're team.i would be helpful"
"How much exactly?"Vania questioned
"Hmm let's see,Kai, Zane,Cole, Ceiline,Nya,Orano,Lloyd,Jay, Morro,Pix, Master Wu and Me,so 12 people and its all enough,it was 14 before but Akita went back to Neverealm and i have no idea where did Harumi go"Kaia Answered
"Then why shouldn't you guys get rid of atleast one of current ones?some of you only gets everyone in i right?Souless Ninja?"Vania said looking at Kaia
"I would broke you're neck for this but i need two alright hands to do that"Kaia said looking at Vania angrily
Yakuki stepped out of woods
"Are you children stupid?everyone knows no one should go out in the forest at night"
"Yakuki?"orano questioned
With that leader of group stepped out of another side of forest aswell
"Yakuki? never knew you would have urge to come back"she said
"You should let them go Vartraline.they are literal
children"Yakuki said to Leader looking at Ninja's
"Elemental masters are not welcome in the land of spirit dwellers.they been in this forest way too much and they bothered our land.the elements are evil"Vartraline spoke
"What she's talking about?"kaia questioned
"The elemental powers had only caused Chaos to this seen what seen everything.these ones you call children are evil.they most be derminated from the Ninjago for their actions.or should i remind you what happened with Alzenara?she tried un-do her mistakes by restoring Vania only just so she could face Brutal Death.even she was a mortal.and these children are littleraly in wanted posters everywhere"Vartraline spoke
"Remember when we all got corrupted by Dead-eye one by one?it seems we have somehow damaged that forest with those powers .i mean Dead-Eye actions mostly took place in this one and same forest right?they knew we were evil and almost all of us are elemetal masters"ceiline sayd
With blink of an eye the leader were gone
"Let's find nearest cave here and i explain about those Spirit dwellers"Yakuki said and they entered Dead-Eye cave
"Damn.this place has many memories"Cole spoke
"Do you mean getting corrupted by skull and than imprisoning me just to realize in the end there were no use from me at all and you're spinjitzu Brust is actually useless and only thing you destoryed with that was white diamond.bro you litteraly would just destroyed the diamond second power is littleraly super strength"kaia spoke at Cole
"Okay what the heck happened when i was dead.and honestly where is even that skull"vania asked
"Destoryed and powerless so nowhere"ceiline said
"Ehem.Yakuki"orano said to Yakuki
"Spirit dwellers are ancient tripe from spirit realm who moved to Ninjago.they knew about Dead-Eye and his doings and he threatened them.when he was defeated,spirit dwellers finnaly got live in peace but in fear of elemetal powers so the spirit dwellers started hunting after elemetal masters because they thought every elemetal master is evil.and no one should be worhty of power like that because it's always just gonna cause chaos.bad thing is that they Cannot survive the sun but something seems wrong.sun should showed up hours ago but it isn't there.spirit dwellers purpose is to get rid of every elemental master so the world won't ever have to be in danger again and they search to destroy the thing what holds the elements together"
"So you wanna say that they hunt after us because they think we are dangerous?"Kai questioned
"Yes"Yakuki answered
"Hold up....there really exist one place.the place what holds Every element.the First Spinjitzu masters's very far far away from if we get there before them we could protect the PowerHolder.but because it's Mountain we need dragon or wings or something like that because it's gonna be difficult with bounty""Lloyd explained
"You gave me an idea Lloyd, thank you"kaia said and turned to Yakuki"can you please heal my arm.i think i have made a suits for events like that and i won't wear it without a alright hand"
Yakuki slightly touched Kaia arm and it healed
"Okay..TOO THE BASEMENT!!!!"kaia yelled
"Did you had to scream it out like that?"ceiline questioned
"Yep C.C, i had"
"Hey i thought we agreed that we don't use those nicknames"ceiline spoke
"Well guess what.we didn't now let's goo."kaia spoke
Ninjas went to Kaia basement once again and kaia took out every type of suits and Wings
"Now put thesw wingling suits on y'all.and in 2 hours we start moving"
"Hold's 10 wings"Vania said
"Well you shintarians have those flying strings.i didn't see a reason why should I give you a suit"kaia spoke
"Oh"Vania sighed"alright"
All ninjas finnaly changed their suits
"woah kaia,those suits are amazing"Morro said to Kaia
"Thanks, let me see is there anything that can help us"Kaia replied and walked to the green button pressing it so weapons could come out
"Yeah let's take sword of sanctuary and we're ready to go"
Meanwhile Vania was staring at skull
"Don't even think about" ceiline spoke
"Think about what?"Vania replied
"You know what"Celine replied and kaia putted all weapons away
2 hours later ninjas we're ready to go and Yakuki hands orano a bag
"I packed you 2 sandwiches.6 apple juices,and 60 colo cookies.52 marhmellows,a pocket knife and a hunting gun.take a good care of youre will always be my little boy"Yakuki spoke touching orano cheek
"Aww master Yakuki stop"orano replied
"You don't have to call me master,for you it's granny Yakuki"
"Nothing for me?"Vania asked from Yakuki
"Vania, you're an should be capable of packing you're own things like you were capable of rulling shintaro unless if heilmar didn't do all that for you,you spoiled princess"Yakuki said and looked at ceiline"i am so sorry dear for what happened to you back in the day.whenever you wish you can always come to my cottage,and i will make sure no mercy towards Vania will be shown after what i heard.oh you poor thing"
"This granny...has my respect"ceiline sayd to herself
"How about i send u ninjas away before you start you're bird flying"
When ninjas we're walking Vania walked next to Kaia
"Can I-"
"You don't even knew what I was about to sa-"
Don't you know i am litteraly a qu-"
"Not for me.i don't bow to anyone.mostly for spoiled princeses"kaia spoke
"Kaia that was rude! have u any right to feel sorry for yourself?!"Orano yelled at Kaia
"I am just trying to protect you"kaia spoke
"What's wrong with you lately?"Orano asked
"Just something between me and ceiline"kaia sayd
"Ceiline has ruined you, Kaia"Orano spoke
"What?NOT TRUE!"kaia yelled at Orano
Orano sayd"Even since you started hang out with her you be judging people who propaly changed.morro changed, Harumi changed.EVEN LORD GARAMDON CHANGED even i... changed...what makes you both think she cannot change to better like i did.tell me kaia what are u so afraid of-"
"LOOSING YOU!"kaia yelled and than sayd"i am afraid Orano, loosing my only family I have left"
"Well atleast i try to be nice with people not judging them by their past"
"Well atleast i wasn't a clauses student!"
"Well atleast i knew how to read!"
"Sometimes i wish you would be more careful!"
"Sometimes i wish you weren't my sister!"
Kaia took to heart what Orano just had Sayd and teared up a little bit
"Kaia i didn't me-"
"Don't"kaia Warned"i need to be alone for while"
And she flyed away and Orano looks at the ninjas seeing schoked faces
"What is it?"he asked
"Well.we aren't used to see you two fight"Lloyd replied
Nya than sayd"yeah like you're two are family"
"Oh Orano...."Yakuki sighed"how you fell from so high to so low?"
"I must apogalize to her.its all my fault"Vania spoke and was about to walk away but ceiline catched her "we go together.even tho i hate it i try make sure you wouldn't try kill her again like you did back at Yakuki cottage "
"It's kinda private conversation"Vania sayd
"That's exactly why"
"What did you put into Orano's tea?"Yakuki asked from Vania"he normally acts like this when pixie dust gets into his food"
"Yakuki, everything is fine"Orano spoke
"You just made you're sister cry.i can see the guiltless in you're eyes.telling me you did not actually wanted to make her cry,it was an accident but for you're relief i say that it wasn't you're fault and she will forgave you"Yakuki Said
"But what if she don't....?"Orano asked
"She's you're sister and she would do anything for will see... like i always say..... trust you're heart"Yakuki spoken
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