23 | MVP

Today all of them will going home after their 3 days and 2 nights camping. They all divide into three group to take three different bus and luckily Hwayoung, Aera and Nellie got into same bus with the mvp member.

Hwayoung get in the bus and the only sit available is beside Jay and Jake.

Where’s Aera? She always sat next to Jake tho. Hwayoung thought.

Hwayoung looked around but Aera still not in the bus.

“Where’s Aera?” Hwayoung asked making all of them looked around the bus.

“She said she was going to the restroom earlier.” Jake said.

Knowing that Aera was sitting next to Jake, she went to Jay's side and sat there. Jay only looked outside while listening the music from his earphone.

Hwayoung wanted to sit next to the window but she was too embarrassing to ask Jay. She patted Jay on the shoulder.

Jay looked at the person annoyingly but when he saw it was Hwayoung he smile widely.

“Hi.” Jay said sweetly.

“Hi Jay…. Umm.” Hwayoung looked at him nervously.

“What is it?” Jay looked at Hwayoung while tilting his head slightly.

“Can I sit there?”

“Of course, why are you even nervous to ask me that kind of question?” Said Jay as they both exchanged seats.

“I don’t even know why am I nervous...” Hwayoung said while giggling.

Hwayoung and Jay talking a lot while the other member is sleeping. After for few minutes, they both stop talking as Jay looking at his phone while Hwayoung looking outside.

Hwayoung began to get sleepy with her head leaning against the window. Her head banging to the window making Jay notice that and took her head carefully placing it to his shoulder.

“Thanks.” Hwayoung said making Jay surprised.

“I thought you were sleeping.” Jay said and gently patted her head.

Hwayoung murmuring something that Jay can’t understand. He chuckled and still patting her head.


All of them were at Jungwon’s mom cafe. Niki and Sunoo was planing to hang out before going home, so they all agree.

“Nellie can you send me home later?” Aera asked.

“Babe, I will send you home don’t worry.” Jake said.

“No thanks.” Aera pushed his face away.

“Yah, let him send you home, Heeseung will send me home so I can’t go with you.” Nellie said.

Heeseung putted his hand around Nellie shoulder as Jake and him giving a high five.

“Fine, just please don’t call me babe we’re not DATING!” Aera said angrily making Hwayoung laughed.

“Hwayoung-ahh, I’ll send you home.” Sunoo said making Niki, Jay and Sunghoon looked at him with a frown.

“Thanks.” Hwayoung said making the three of them look at Hwayoung.

“No problem.” Sunoo said and they looked back at Sunoo.

“What do you mean send her home? I thought you're going home with me. Let Jay or Sunghoon send her home.” said Niki Making the siblings looked at each other weirdly.

“You can go home alone. Besides, you're a boy not a girl.” Sunoo said while rolling his eyes at Niki.

“Anyway, next week will be a busy day right?” Heeseung said.

“True, Jake, Heeseung and Jay will having a basketball competition while I and Jay will having swimming competition and of course Sunoo and Niki will have a competition too except Hwayoung and Sunghoon.” Nellie said as they all nodded.

“Huh? I thought you were taking the model selection next week?” Niki said while looking at Jay.

“Wow, you take that all in one day?” Hwayoung said as her mouth opened slightly.

“Yup, we all here get call as mvp for a reason.” Jay said while crossing his hand and smirking at Hwayoung.

“Brat...” Hwayoung mumbling after scoffed at him.

“It’s too bad that I can’t have Hwayoung as my partner for my dance competition.” Niki said while pouting.

“It’s okay, you will win for sure because you get call as MVP FOR A REASON.” Hwayoung emphasized the word that Jay just said earlier and earning a chuckled from Jay.


“Sunoo!” Hwayoung shouted his name and running to him.

“Hwayoung?” I thought you were with Nellie?” Sunoo said while they both walking to Sunoo’s cooking contest.

“Aera with her and I just thought I will company you for the whole contest then we will go to see the swimming competition, cool?” Hwayoung said holding his arm shirt while walking with him.

“Thanks, nobody will company me because Jungwon is having a taekwondo competition at the other school while Heeseung with Niki and the other is warming up for their swimming but Sunghoon I don’t know where he is...” Sunoo said with his pouty lips.

Hwayoung laughed at whining Sunoo.

Hwayoung was cheering for Sunoo at the cooking contest making Sunoo smile the whole time while cooking. Once they are all done cooking with the allotted time, the judges test the food they made and at the end Sunoo will always win.

They both walk out from the hall and walking to the pool.

“You were cool, wow you was attractive earlier while cooking damn you’re so cool!” Hwayoung kept praising him excitedly while jumping and holding Sunoo’s hand making Sunoo jumped with her while smiling.

“Can you stop jumping and walk properly?” Sunoo said making Hwayoung walked properly while giggling.

Sunoo and Hwayoung sat in front of Niki and Heeseung while waiting for the next round.

“Did Nellie already done?” Hwayoung said looking at Heeseung.

“Yup, she’s get the second place.” Heeseung said and continue looking at the pool waiting for the next swimmer.

“How about you Niki? You did well?” Hwayoung asked.

“Yup, it was really tough competition. I almost lost due to my sprained leg.” Niki said sighed with relief.

Hwayoung was about to say something but the sudden whistle making her flinched as Heeseung, Sunoo and Niki laughed at her.

“Guys look it’s Jake and Jay.” Sunoo said pointing Jake and Jay that was on ready position.

The other loud whistle making Hwayoung flinched again. Sunoo patted her shoulder while giggling.

They all cheer so loud making Hwayoung close her ear. At the end Jay get the first place and Jake was the second.

“Well it’s Jay tho...” Niki said making Heeseung and Sunoo nodded not impressed he get the first place even they scream like crazy person earlier.

You and the other going to the last destination that was basketball court. There still not many student here because they will start after 30 minutes and there’s still other competition going around.

Heeseung, Jay and Jake place their bag on the bench and change their shirt there making the only girls Hwayoung, Aera and Nellie flustered.

“Wow...” Aera said looking at Jake.

Nellie said the same but she’s looking at Heeseung and Hwayoung looked away embarrassing by Aera and Nellie.

Jake and Heeseung saw them and gave a wink making Aera and Nellie gasped.

“Did you see that?” Nellie said.

Niki and Sunoo looked at them disgustingly.

“I feel bad for Hwayoung.” Niki said.

“Let’s help her.” Sunoo said making Niki nodded.

They both walked to them and pushed Nellie and Aera to sit to where they supposed to sit.

“Hwayoung-ahh you have a pervert friend.” Niki whispered loudly to Hwayoung making Nellie and Aera glared to him.

“I heard they will have a match with another schools.” Aera said.

“Yup.” Niki said looking at his member that was warming up.

After for 15 minutes, they rest a bit after warming up.

“Did you guys see Sunghoon?” Jay asked them that just sat behind their bench.

All of them shook their head. Hwayoung getting confused when she didn’t saw Sunghoon anywhere today.

That’s weird. Hwayoung thought.

The basketball court is full with student, they all started to simp over the player on both side.

“Damn do you see that, he’s so cute!” Aera said to Nellie.

Nellie nodded but when she looked in front of her, she saw Heeseung is crossing his hand while looking at her.

“Make sure to cheer me not that hot boy you guys talking about, okay?” He said making Nellie nervous by his deep voice.

“Y-yeah...” Nellie said.

Hwayoung looked at Jay, he didn’t even felt nervous and it’s making Hwayoung confused.

“Jay.” Hwayoung called his name.

Jay looked at where the voice were when he saw Hwayoung waving at him he smile and walked to Hwayoung and kneel with one knee in front of Hwayoung.

He suddenly patted her hair gently making Hwayoung the one was nervous.

Why is he so close and so sweet. She thought.

“What is it?” He asked while smiling.

“Y-you don't look nervous at this moment.” Hwayoung keeps blinking her eyes because of her nervous.

“I’m used to it, can you do me a favor?”

“Sure.” Hwayoung said while smiling.

“Don’t cheer for anyone just cheer for me.” He said while whispering to Hwayoung’s ear.

“O-o-okay.” Hwayoung said as she a can feel the heat on her cheeks.

“You looked cute when you blushed.” Jay said and walked away after ruffling her hair.

“Is that even Jay? I never saw he's flirting before...” Sunoo said his mouth gaped slightly.

“I don’t know.” Hwayoung said in crying voice.

“Why are you crying?” Sunoo said looking at her frowning.

“It’s cringe yet I blushed.” Hwayoung putting her head on Sunoo shoulder.

Sunoo only giggled and patting her back.


The senior students were having a party at school for their last day before they all graduate next month.

They all was having fun while dancing making Hwayoung who was just standing there laughing at them.

“LAST DAY OF SCHOOL WOHOO!” Niki said while dancing weirdly making them all laughed.

“I'll miss you all, and I will miss you my baby~” Aera said while touching Jake’s cheeks.

“Who let her drink this much?” Jake said while holding drunk Aera.

They all looked away making Hwayoung who has witness their behaviour was now laughing.

Suddenly the music turn to the slow one making Nellie and Heeseung dancing together sweetly while Jake handling drunk Aera to sit at the table.

“Hwayoung-ahh, can I dance with you?” Sunghoon asked.

“Sure.” Hwayoung said putting her hand on his neck awkwardly.

Sunghoon putted his hand on her waist and dancing closer with Hwayoung.

“Hwayoung, I’m still waiting for you...” Sunghoon said making Hwayoung felt bad.

She putted her head on his chest and dancing while hugging him.

“I don’t know Sunghoon, I don’t want to reject you but I can’t accept you if I’m still not sure with my feelings.”

“It’s okay, I'm still going to be by your side even you're going to reject me so don’t worry.” Sunghoon said as he patted her head gently.

They both were dancing until Jay came.

“Can I dance with Hwayoung?” Jay asked Sunghoon.

“I need to go home, you okay to go home alone right?” Sunghoon looked at his brother.

“Yeah.” Jay simply said as Sunghoon gave Hwayoung to him.

“Good bye, Yun Hwayoung.” Sunghoon said kissing her head.

“Bye.” Hwayoung looked at Sunghoon frowning as she can feel the weird feeling when he said goodbye to her.

“There is something wrong with him.” Hwayoung said looking at Jay.

“He’s fine don’t worry.” Jay said smiling to her


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