The Music of Lucy Chapter 9
Hello everyone and welcome to the ninth chapter of The Music of Lucy. With me again is my friend and co-writer, Darklord331.
Dark: (GRUMBLE)!
... What's wrong?
Dark: I still haven't found that damn elder chaos god.
They are hard to find when they don't want to be found. These things do take time.
Dark: Time? Me and Joy have been searching this Elder chaos god every inch corner of the universe and somehow it's not there!
... Have you been looking through the Ominvers...? (I make him some strong coffee and give it to Dark) Here, this should help you.
Dark: (SIIPPS)! Ahhhhh! Sadly no, the System is already searching through the Omniverse and is rather in a bad mood. One angry bard is enough but an eldritch being? No thanks, I prefer living.
Fate wasn't too happy about them destroying her home either, so I know how you feel. Let's try and get these two chapters done, then we can do something you like, the Izuku Gamer and Nanami Gamer stories to help you feel better. It's the least I can do for you helping me with these stories. Sounds fair?
Dark: Sounds fair enough. (SSSIIIPP)! Now, who's tonight's special guest?
... That was your job, you get the odd numbers when I'm writing. (Sigh) But I'll do it. Please welcome, Mirajane Strauss.
Mira: (Walks in and does a curtsy) "Hello, thank you for having me~"
Glad to have you here, Mira.
Dark: Glad for you to be here with u-
Mira: "What was that?"
I think Natsu and Happy are being punished.
Dark: You mean the sound of an angry bard.
... What's the difference?
Mira: (Looks nervous but still had her smile on her face) "I should do the disclaimer now, shouldn't I?"
Yes, that is a good idea, we don't need her to break in here. Right Dark?
Dark: Ri-
Mira: "EEP! Okay, doing it now! Both Light/Xara and Dark do not own Fairy Tail, One Piece, Kingdom Heart, and/or any of the music. They only own their original characters and changes to the story. That's good?"
I think so, yes. Now Dark, I want you to go ham in writing all the fighting and things that happen when Lucy starts her punishment.
Dark: I'm always prepared.
Good. Want you to be happy in writing this as well. Now, onto the story.
Chapter 9: Punishing a Dragon Slayer and Blue Cat
When we last left off, Lucy was about to deliver a punishment to Natsu and Happy, the likes of which they'd never forget.
"N-Now, now Luci, let's talk about this," Natsu tried to calm her down.
Lucy broke the chains off them. "I suggest running... Now..."
The two pales and started to run. Lucy got ready to sing, to punish the two. Natsu and Happy booked it, trying to get to a safe place.
"We're sorry, Lucy!" both shouted, trying to plead. "Please don't hurt us!"
Lucy pulled out her Guitar, a manic smile on her face. "You should have thought of that before taking my music!" Lucy started to play, reality warping around her.
Just then something appeared in front of the two, Lucy stepping out of a portal through time and space, smiling with all her teeth like knives. She had a manic look in her eyes.She then Spoke in a robotic tone.
Mz. Hyde
Lucy then stummed so hard, it sent the two flying back making the two crash land on the road, perfect creature shaped holes of the two.
The two got up, swirls in their eyes.
"Anyone get the number of that magimoble...?" Natsu asked, dazed.
"Aye..." Happy agreed. Just then all kinds of blades flew at the two, all round them.
"AAAAHHH!" Natsu shouted in pain and fright when a knife got close to him but managed to avoid it, however he felt a shiver, looking back he saw that his underwear was showing.
Happy was shivering, from both cold and fear, due to Lucy giving the cat a trim, and making the haircut look embarrassing. "WAAAH!"
Lucy then appeared behind them, a kind warm smile on, and what looked like a halo over her head. She hugged them in a buddy buddy hug. She then started to sing again.
In the daylight, I'm your sweetheart
Your goody-two-shoes prude is a work of art
But you don't know me, and soon you won't forget
Bad as can be, yeah you know I'm not so innocent
Lucy's angelic facade faded away with each lyric, and replaced with a devilish one, making the two sweat in fear. The two gulped.
"N-Now now, Lucy, w-were friends, remember..." Natsu said, sweating, but trying to hide his fear.
"Aye," Happy agreed, doing the same.
They looked above and saw a rope was lit as it burns it way to the devilish Lucy before their pupils shifted towards their captive.
While the two were blinded for the moment, they fell, and started to slide down a slide that wasn't there before. Natsu got sick from his motion sickness, while Happy yelled in fear. The two were then sent flying and crashed landed in a cart of hay.
The two got their heads out, and saw multiple Lucys when they could see, all floating like specters. The environment looked a little darker as well, all of Lucy and her clones' eyes were glowing in the dim light. They were all slowly getting closer, making them look creeper with each chanting verse of the song.
Better beware I go bump in the night
Devil-may-care with a lust for life
And I know you can't resist this
You know you are so addicted
Boy you better run for your life!
Natsu and Happy did as Lucy sang, and jumped out of the cart and ran for their lives.
"HEEEEEEEELP!" both shouted, wanting anyone to save them from this madness. They were trying to get into any of the buildings, but they were all locked shut.
Both Natsu and Happy heads were slammed by anvils. This made the two hit the ground, dazed again.
"Oooooo, look at all the pretty fire/fish," both said, both seeing sprawling fish and fire over their heads.
The fishes swam toward the duo.
Before repeatedly slapping the two of them with the bottom of its fin. This knocked the two back to their senses... before the two were then sweeped away in a flood of rainbow water. Lucy and Her close appear around the two while singing. Their sharp tooth manic smiles on their faces. The music blasting loudly, making the two cover their ears from their sensitivity.
Welcome to the nightmare in my head (Oh God!)
Say hello to something scary
The monster in your bed (Oh God!)
Just give in and you won't be sorry
Welcome to my other side
Hello it's Mz. Hyde!
Just then, Natsu and Happy slammed into the Guild, right into the windows, the two squished onto the pains of glass. The guild winced seeing that, but were not sorry it was happening to them.
Just then the water stopped, and Natsu and Happy slid off the windows cartoonishly. They then jumped up, quickly recovering, and ran to the guild doors, trying to pry them open.
"LET US BACK IN!?" The two pleaded to the guild members, the doors being held down by the guild so the two idiots wouldn't come in and make them have to deal with the two's punishment as well.
They noticed something on their waist, when they looked down, a rope was tied between their waist. They two paled to the color of bone. They were then pulled back, harshly might I add, towards Lucy who had grown three times her size. She had devil horns, a tail, and her eyes were shadowed again, but a glow of red was seen where they were supposed to be. Still with that dagger smile.
Both Natsu and Happy were whipped by Lucy relentlessly from their backs, not sparing the duo.
"AY-WAIT WHAT?! NATS-what's that below you?"
Natsu looked below him and immediately paled when a stone cone with a sharp edge at the top shined brightly, lowering itself.
The following scene has been censored due to its exhibit excessive nature. Please do not repeat this back at home kids. (A/N 1)
We cut back to Natsu on the ground, groaning while holding his bottom. Lucy walked up to him, a sway in her steps. She then lifted his chin up to make him look at her, Happy scared for Natsu's well being. She then sang to Natsu in a sultry voice, making Natsu blush at the tone for some reason.
I can be the bitch, I can play the whore
Or your fairytale princess who could ask for more
A touch of wicked, a pinch of risqué
Good girl gone bad, my poison is your remedy
Happy Grabbed a now blushing Natsu, and tried to fly away. "SNAP OUT OF IT NATSU!" Happy ordered, getting Natsu to shake his head.
"Thanks, Happy, I-WATCH OUT!" Natsu called out but too late as they slammed into a wall that appeared. There left a Happy and Natsu shaped impact in it. "... This is getting ridiculous..."
Just then they were hit in the back by a sack of flour.
"Why not hit us with a wrecking ball?" Happy asked.
"DON'T GIVE HER ANY IDEAS!" Natsu shouted.
Just then, Lucy fazed through the wall, making the two yelp. And Clones of herself right behind them, doing the ghostly choir again.
Better be scared, better be afraid
Now that the beast is out of her cage
And I know you wanna risk it
You know you are so addicted
Boy, you better run for your life!
Natsu, out of reflex, went to punch Lucy with a Fire Dragon's Iron Fist, but missed and hit the wall Lucy was fazed through. The music paused for a minute, all of them looked at the fist in the wall, each with different reactions; Lucy was really not happy about that, her smile gone and her aura of anger around her. Happy's face went pale again. And Natsu at the moment knew.... He f***ed up...
"Uh... Oop...?" Natsu asked, sweating in fear. "Sorry... reflexes?"
Happy did the smart move and tried to fly away from ground zero, but one of the clones grabbed him before he could fly off. Both gulped in fear.
"That hurt."
"B-B-B-B-B-But I didn't even hit you..." Natsu said, gulping in fear. Lucy got into Natsu's face, glaring at him. "And you don't care..."
Just then, the two were dragged to the ground. The two screamed in fear, but instead of hitting the ground, they went into and they were now in a dark tunnel of some sort. Just then, Lucy was a giant behind them, making the two freeze up when the music started to play again. Lucy was singing while typing to smash the two.
Welcome to the nightmare in my head (My God!)
Say hello to something scary
The monster in your bed (My God!)
Just give in and you won't be sorry
Welcome to my evil side
Hello it's Mz. Hyde!
(Hello it's Mz. Hyde!)
(Hello it's Mz. Hyde!)
Natsu and Happy were dodging all the attacks, trying to get out of there.
"AHHH! MY BACK!" Natsu shouted as he was hit in the back with something.
Just then, another rope tied up the two of them, both being dragged back to Lucy who looked normal again. She started to walk around the two, tapping her fingers on Natsu.
I'm the spider crawling down your spine
Underneath your skin
I will gently violate your mind
Before I tuck you in
Put on the blindfold
There's no way to be sure
Which girl you'll get tonight!
(It's me Lucy, I swear!)
Natsu tried to burn the ropes away, trying to get out of there. He broke free and grabbed Happy and booked it down the tunnel. Lucy was hot on his trail.
"I'M GOING AS FAST AS I CAN!" Lucy sent out chains to catch the two of them, but Natsu was dodging them. "COME ON LUCY YOU HAVE TO BE RUNNING OUT OF MANA SOON!"
Just then, the two were sent flying into the ceiling from a pillar that was summoned under them.
"WAAAAAH!" both shouted.
Welcome to the nightmare in my head (My God!)
Say hello to something scary
The monster in your bed (My God!)
Just give in and you won't be sorry
The nightmare in my head (Oh God!)
Say hello to something scary
The monster in your bed (Oh God!)
Natsu pushed past his motion sickness, and summoned another attack.
Just give in and you won't be sorry
Welcome to my evil side
Hello it's Mz. Hyde!
(Hello it's Mz. Hyde!)
Hello it's Mz. Hyde!
(Hello it's Mz. Hyde!)
Natsu then hit the ceiling of the cave, making an explosion. There was now a giant hole and two were sent rocketing out of it. The two screamed then crashed and landed on the ground, hard.
"D-Did we lose here...?" Happy asked, shakily getting up.
"I-I think so..." Natsu answered, still woozy from what happened. He got up shakily as well. "We should try and get out of here or find a safe place."
"And where do you think of going?" a voice asked from behind the two.
"Well we were thinking of taking a Quest... out of... the city..." Natsu answered, then released who spoke. The two slowly turned around and saw it was Lucy again.
"Hello there~" Lucy greeted with a sickly sweet voice.
"You two didn't think your punishment was over, did you?" Lucy asked the two, slowly walking to them.
"N-Now, now, Luci, w-we don't have to fight, do we?" Natsu asked.
"Aye..." Happy agreed.
"Oh, this isn't a fight, Natsu," Lusy stated. "A fight means that we're equal in a battle~"
"HEY!" Natsu shouted, actually sounding indignant, his dragon pride hit. "I CAN HANDLE A FIGHT WITH YOU!"
"......I stand corrected." Natsu said while a wrecking ball fell on him. He then tossed it off him. "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU KEEP GETTING ALL THESE THINGS!?"
"Uh... Natsu... I don't think we should anger her further..." Happy tried to pull Natsu away.
"Ohhhh, so you want it rough huh? Then I'll show you rough." Lucy looked extremely ticked off, a stained smile on her face. She then started to play again on her guitar again. While she was playing, the world's colors were inverted at random intervals, and what looked like music notes and lines were coming out of Lucy's back.
Natsu was both shaking in fear, but also excited to fight. Just like the times with Erza. Happy on the other hand was pailing in fear again, almost fainting.
Lucy then started to sing, sounding annoyed.
My mem'ries so good and awful, it seems they gave me a grudge
But I have left bitterness and resentment behind me
And it is all thanks to him
Lucy sent the notes and lines at Natsu, who punched them out of the way, trying to get close to Lucy to stop her.
Happy was flying around, dodging all the things Lucy was sending at them.
"Come on Lucy, can't we talk about this!?" Natsu called out.
"Let me think about" She then went back to singing, trying to capture the two idiots.
Oh look, it's the clowns who think they know
How crushing loneliness can be
You know nothing 'til you come with me
And run wild! Release your rage
Let the winds of wrath blow them away
Not gonna live in compliance-iance-iance
I'm not playin' the victim no more
Time to go rage, let's punish them all
For their love; I'm done trying to trust
Not gonna live in compliance-iance-iance
Gonna play with fire, backlit by the flames
Lucy then had the lines grab Happy and Natsu by the legs. Both looked worried at what was going to happen. They were then lifted into the air and swung around, and slammed into the ground from time to time.
"WAAAAAAAAH!" both shouted, while they were being dragged around.
Natsu tried to break free, but was having a hard time doing so. "W-Why can't I break this...?"
"T-They must be empowered by her magic," Happy said, trying to fly out.
"Well I'm not giving up!" Natsu roared, grabbing the magical construct and pulling at it.
Lucy rolled her eyes at Natsu's stubbornness, and put more power into her magic and music.
By the end, everything turned to red, it was brutal yet so beautiful
A kind of red, pulls you in, and won't let you look away
Make you feel a bit feverish
Scarlet crimson lit up from behind, so bright'll make you go blind
Hypnotizing every eye that sees its red aura blazing
Held captive by the allure
Natsu got his leg free enough where he could get free. He was abl;e to grab Happy out of his, when he was freed, and pulled him out.
"Okay, Lucy, I think we've learned our lesson by now," Natsu said, huffing a bit. "We are truly sorry for what we did."
"Aye," Happy agreed.
Lucy gave them the stick eye. "You two should've thought of that before you decide to watch my entire music collection."
"Well actually, we didn't watch all your music, we still had hundreds to go thro-" Happy tried to correct, but was interrupted by a musical note hitting the blue cat in the head. "... Aye, shutting up..."
"Come on Lucy, you're an amazing singer, and I normally don't like music," Natsu told her. That... gave Lucy mixed feelings. She didn't know whether to feel annoyed or flattered at the compliment.
"Flattery will get you nowhere..." Lucy said in a dry voice.
"Flattery?" Natsu asked, looking lost.
"... Seriously...?" Lucy asked, almost palming. She just ignored him and continued playing. The tone of the music became softer. She sent the notes and lines out like a river, sweeping the two down the road. The two were shocked and tied to keep up with the mass of notes and lines.
My heart got tangled up bad and now it's frayed
No matter how much I've learned
I understand that my anger's here to stay
The words rush out
The river then turned to rapids as Lucy brought the music back up to full force. Making the two yell in fear, both being swept away.
And run wild! Release your rage
Let the winds of wrath blow them away
Not gonna live in compliance-iance-iance
I'm not playin' the victim no more
Time to go rage, let's punish them all
For their love; I'm done trying to trust
Not gonna live in compliance-iance-iance
Gonna play with fire, backlit by the flames
Happy and Natsu were being swept through the streets. Natsu saw a flag pole on a building, and grabbed it. He grabbed Happy in his other hand and got up on the roof of the building.
"W-We're safe," Happy said, crying rivers.
"We're not out of the woods just yet, Happy," Natsu said, looking in the sky and seeing Lucy hovering in the air.
Happy looked to where Natsu was looking and his jaw dropped. "SHE CAN FLY AS WELL!?"
"She has a whole bag of tricks, and she doesn't look to be out of magic yet, or even seem to be winded," Natsu said, sweatdropping.
"What should we do Natsu?" Happy asked.
"I am... unsure Happy," Natsu answered truthfully.
"Well we better think of something quick! Because I don't want to be punished anymore!" Happy cried out.
"You two do know I can hear you, right?" Lucy asked the two in a dull tone of voice.
"... THROUGH ALL THAT SOUND!?" the two shouted in shock.
"Sound goes with music," Lucy answered, shrugging. "You get used to hearing everything." She then kept playing and sent out her attacks with more force. Natsu and Happy kept dodging the best they could.
Though my anger exhausts me and I fall apart
My actions may cost me but
I can't let go of the past, I refuse to move on
I know if you would listen, you would understand
It's time you entered into this bad dreamland
You made for me and suffer like I have
Natsu was now flying with Happy's help, albeit awkwardly. Natsu had grabbed two of the notes and was going to use them on Lucy. "Let's fight music with music~!" he called out.
"You sure that's a good idea Natsu?" Happy asked, worried.
"Maybe, we'll never know unless we try," Natsu stated.
Lucy rolled her eyes. He didn't really think that would work, did he?
Natsu was now flying at her, the notes on fire to make a combo spell. "Fire Dragon's Flaming Song!" he roared. Lucy just summoned a wall of sound, making the two collide into it like glass. Both groaned in pain.
"... Did you really think I wouldn't know how to defend myself...?" Lucy asked, giving the two idiots a deadpan look.
"We'd thought we'd be fast enough..." Natsu muttered out, face squished on the wall.
"Yeah... that's not happening..." Lucy said, an angry tick mark on her head for being underestimated by these two. She then sent that anger out as a shockwave, sending the two flying, and finishing the song.
So let's run wild! Release your rage
Let the winds of wrath blow them away
Not gonna live in compliance-iance-iance
I'm not playin' the victim no more
Time to go rage, let's punish them all
For their love; I'm done trying to trust
Not gonna live in compliance-iance-iance
Gonna play with fire, backlit by the flames
Natsu and Happy were in crater holes that were the shape of them... again. Natsu was the first to pull himself out. "Thaaaat... could have gone better..." Natsu groaned out.
"Aye..."Happy said, sounding dazed.
Lucy then landed behind the two. She had an irritated look on her face. "Did you really think I'm not a capable bard...?" she asked, her voice holding a calm anger to it.
"I didn't..." Happy answered, sitting up in the hole.
"... I didn't think that, but I wasn't just going to sit back and take it all lying down..." Natsu said, groaning and pouting.
Lucy had a tick mark on her forehead, her eye twitching in annoyance. "If you two boneheads didn't go through my stuff, you wouldn't be in this mess!"
"Gray and Erza were there too," Natsu pointed out.
"Those two would know how to keep out of someone's belongings, unless it was an emergency," Lucy said, getting into Natsu's face with a dark aura around her. "You and Happy, have no such restraints."
"That's not tr-" Natsu started, but Lucy gave him a flat look.
"Don't even try to finish that sentence..." Lucy said, growing at him. "You did that when I first got my new apartment, with you both ruining my stuff and looking at things without my permission...!"
"... Is that a bad thing...?" Natsu asked, looking confused.
Lucy's eye was twitching harshly now. "You can not be this stupid...!" she growled out, her temper getting higher than before.
"... What do you mean?" Natsu asked, looking lost. Happy was slowly going back into the whole he was in. "I am smart when it comes to battling."
"Uh... Natsu... I think you should stop talking now..." Happy pleaded, seeing the anger rising in Lucy once more. She was starting to be as scary, if not scarier than Erza was.
Natsu looked at Happy, confused. "Why's that, Little Buddy? It's not like I'm insulting Luci or anything, isn't that right Luci~?"
He was hit upside the head by Lucy's Guitar, her fiery aura of anger and rage on full force. "YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT, NATSU DRAGNEEL!" she roared so loud, the whole town shook. "I THOUGHT MY LESSON WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THROUGH THAT THICK SKULL OF YOURS! BUT I MIGHT HAVE TO TEACH YOU MORE TO FINALLY GET IT THROUGH TO YOU!" (A/N 2)
At the hospital, right in front of what was happening, Makarov was coming back out, feeling better. "Ah, it always helps to get all my troubles off my chest with the shrink. Thank you again for helping me."
"It is no trouble, it seems you recovered faster than normal," the doctor said, happy for the Guild Master to recover in just a few hours.
"What was that?"
"... Either my Guild children are destroying the place... again... or Lucy-" Makarov stopped, seeing Natsu, Happy and Lucy in front of them, a few feet away from the hospital. Lucy looked completely enraged. "-is back early and is on a warpath... Uh... Mind if I stay inside...? I might need a bit longer... say... half an hour to an hour?"
"... I believe that might be for the best," the doctor agreed, both closing the doors to the hospital.
Back with the trio, Lucy had started to play a new song, a dark and powerful one. One that was causing the clear blue sky to darken with storm clouds, thunder and lightning coming down from them, Lucy making wings of fire appear out of her back, and her using Script Magic to write ruins in the air to send out attacks at the two, with different effects.
Natsu's instincts were now screaming at him to stay in the fight, to show he wasn't a coward, they were also warning him to be on his guard the whole time. Happy, fainted on the spot, now thoroughly scared out of his wits.
"... Okay... I might have actually screwed up big time this time..." Natsu said, looking at Lucy like she was an Archangel ready to attack.
"Not arguing with you on that one, Natsu," Lucy stated. She then started singing, her magic firing at Natsu.
ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ [Gah zak tak gah zak tat tat brak]
ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ [Gah zak tak gah zak tat tat brak]
Lucy had sent out magic lasers at Naatsu, who was dodging them. He broke the ground and brought a giant slab to use a shield to defend himself with. Natsu then heard the sound of swords cutting the air, and looked around to see he was in a dome of blades. Natsu's face paled seeing this.
"L-Lucy, d-don't you think you're going overboard...?" Natsu asked. "I think you might wreck the town!"
Lucy was irked hearing that from him of all people. "THAT'S RICH COMING FROM YOU!"
"But aren't you the one who does want to do property damage?" Natsu asked, hoping that might snap her out of it.
Lucy had a manic smile on her face, her head to the side, almost like a marionette doll. "OH, I CAN JUST UNDO ALL THE DAMAGE AFTERWARDS~!"
Natsu's eyes widened. "You mean...?"
"I CAN GO ALL OUT!" Lucy shouted, sending the swords flying at Natsu, while she returned to singing.
Wandering heart, clouds above
Rain begins to fall down
My bitter tears, flowing out, they never dry up
I let the words of a curse be my deliverance
Natsu went to dodge the attack around him, but he couldn't move. He looked down to see his feet were frozen to the ground.
"When did she do that!?" Natsu yelled in shock. He saw the swords flying at him. He punched the ice breaking free, and made a hole in the ground that he fell into. The swords all hit the ground.
"She... might actually be trying to kill me..." Natsu muttered. He then sensed something under him. He looked down and saw and saw water coming until it shot him up in a geyser. "Gah!"
Lucy then sent lightning at the geyser, making it be electrocuted and Natsu, making him scream in pain and his skeleton was showing through. He then fell to the ground, body twitching from the shock he was given from that attack.
"HOW IS SHE DOING ALL OF THIS?!" Natsu roared... then paled seeing a tsunami coming at him, and only him. He then saw that the Runes Lucy wrote in the air were glowing from time to time.
ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ [Mie keg ok giek giek kah phas tezze lah]
These ancient words, like a hymn of reclamation
Not even death will escape them
How to center these troubled thoughts? I pray
Can the future bring calm to the sea? I beg
Natsu didn't have time to contemplate it right now. He ran to get away from the giant wave that was after him. He summoned his Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame and threw the fire ball to try and evaporate the water, which worked, but left Natsu in a cloud of steam, making it hard to see.
"... Okay, I can't see, but I can still smell if I have to keep track," Natsu said to himself. "She can't see me either..."
"I can still hear you," Lucy said from all around him, making him look around.
"... Right, I forgot about her sharp hearing..." Natsu muttered. Just then, he felt the wind pick up. He looked up and saw a hurricane appeared right on top of him, blowing away the steam. 'OH COME ON! HOW IS SHE NOT OUT OF MAGIC ENERGY YET-!?" Natsu stopped, remembering the conversation on Lucy tapping into Nature Energy Magic. "... Oh that is unfair..."
"Unfair aye!" Happy Agreed, finally awake, and holding down in his hole. Just then, the two of them were starting to be lifted into the air. Happy grabbed onto Natsu, and both flew with the wind.
"I was surprised when I found out I could use it," Lucy stated, sending pillars of light at the two. "Trained to use it and control it when I ran into a master of the craft."
"Just how much stronger are you?" Natsu asked, shocked. "Why hide how strong you are, acting so scared all the time?"
"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE LABELED AS A DARK MAGE!" Lucy shouted, getting furious. She used this anger and summoned meteors at the two, making them gawk in shock.
It's time for salvation to finally come
I feel this rage and I'm feelin' it strong
This weeping and wailing has gone far too long
Nothing left but to yell yeah yeah
I know you feel it too
So keep on singin' this song
Even when they abuse us
We'll keep singin' along
We'll start another big bang when we all sing as one
United, we're fightin'
Bring 'em down with our song of ruin
"THIS IS OVERBOARD EVEN FOR FAIRY TAIL!" Natsu and Happy shouted. Natsu saw that fire was building around the thing, so he sucked some of the fire to give him a boost. "Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" Natsu shouted, sending the attack that blew up the thing. "That was close..."
"Uh... Natsu..." Happy called, looking behind the two, and sounding worried.
"... There's something really bad behind me.. Isn't there...?" Natsu asked, sweating.
"Does it have to deal with something that is apocalyptic in nature of sorts...?"
"Aye sir."
"Something that isn't something I'ver faced before...?"
"AYE!" Happy cried out.
"Bring it," Natsu said, turning around... and seeing a giant spike ball that was covered in darkness. "... That's going to hurt..."
The two were hit by the thing, their vision getting blurry from the Darkness Magic from the giant mace. They were then slammed into the ground again.
"Gah! I-I can barely see," Natsu stated, getting back up.
"S-Same," Happy said, still on the ground.
Just then, the weather got worse, an ice and lightning storm forming over the two. "Now what!?" Natsu shouted. The two were then cut and electrocuted at the same time.
ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ [Mie keg ok giek giek kah phas tezze lah]
We will rejoice when we get the freedom promised
The freedom so many die for
When there's nowhere to run, we must find hope
Left forgotten within the light, it glows
Keep making this music 'til you breathe your last
We dream but never lose sight of the past
Illuminate hope and forget all the rest
Nothing left but to yell yeah yeah
Natsu summoned fire around him, making the ice that was hitting him and Happy melt. The lightning on the other hand, was still hitting the two.
"Gah! We need to find somewhere to get out of the lightning storm!" Happy shouted.
"Easier said than done, Happy, we can barely see anything," Natsu stated.
Just then they see through their blurry vision, that Lucy summoned multiple versions of herself, and were sending out beams of light at the two, making the two yell in fear.
It's time for salvation to finally come
I feel this rage and I'm feelin' it strong
This weeping and wailing has gone far too long
Nothing left but to yell yeah yeah
I know you feel it too
So keep on singin' this song
Even when they abuse us
We'll keep singin' along
We'll start another big bang when we all sing as one
United, we're fightin'
Bring 'em down with our song of ruin
ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ [Gah zak tak gah zak tat tat brak]
ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ [Gah zak tak gah zak tat tat brak]
At the end of the song, there was an epsilon where the two were blasted at. When the smoke cleared, both Happy and Natsu were knocked out.
Lucy saw this, and let out a sigh. She floated down to the ground, sending the clouds and runes away. Lucy looked and saw the hole she made in the ground and winced. "... I might have... slightly overdone it..."
Natsu and Happy started to groan, waking back up again. Lucy looked at the two of them with a stern look. "So... Have you two learned your lesson?" she asked the two, looking really upset. "Or should I give you one more song to hurt you?"
GAH!" Both of them shouted in fear. They then bow to her in apologies. "WE'RE SORRY! WE'LL NEVER DO THIS SORT OF THING AGAIN! PLEASE DON'T HURT US ANYMORE!"
Lucy let out a sigh of relief. "Finally got it through those thick skulls of yours."
"Gah!" the three head shouting, and turning to see Makarov shocked look. "Look at what you have done! This is going to take months to pay off!"
"M-Master!?" Lucy shouted, shocked to see him here. "W-What are you doing here!?"
"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?! Weren't you supposed to be on a mission?"
Lucy looked sheepish. "Ahahaha... I'lll tell you that back at the guild hall master... But I should... clean up my mess..." She strumbed a few cords and all the damages were rewinding and fixing themselves.
Makarov blinked. ".. I knew you might be able to fix things... But I didn't know if I was right or wrong..."
"I hope this should be enough."
"Enough? Lucy this is barely enough. You caused many people to go on a psychotic breakdown due to your bard's wrath. Now other people and the magic council will send me a lot of complaints letter."
Lucy actually winced. "I'm sorry master... Can we talk about this back at the guild?"
Makarov just sighs. "I guess so, I just hope this all passes over soon..." He looks over to Natsu and Happy. "And as for you two."
The two sat upright. "Y-Yes master?" they asked, scared.
"I have half a mind to make you two do chores for the guild for the next few months and ban you from missions for that long!" he roared at them. "If you two had left well enough alone, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with! What do you have to say for yourselves!?"
Lucy sighs. "Matser, we can scold them later. Let's drag them back to the guild so they can be punished there, and get some clothes after I... torn theirs to shreds..."
"What do you mea-ohhhhhh, I see."
"... Sorry, I wanted to teach these two a lesson quickly... But you know how hard headed they can be at times..." Lucy said, looking away sheepishly.
"I understand my dear, I sometimes have to hit them here and there with my enlarged fists to make them listen," Makarov stated, sighing.
Lucy pulled the two by the ears, dragging them back to the guild hall of Fairy Tail. "Come on you two, let's move it."
"OWOWOWOWOWOW!" Both cried in pain from being pulled by the ear. "Not the ear!"
"Oh stuff it you big babies," Lucy ordered, getting a sigh from Makarov.
The four made it back to Fairy Tail, and Makarov went to open the door... but it was locked. "What gives!?"
"Master!?" called out Mirajane, looking through one of the windows. "You recovered early. And... Is that Lucy with Natsu and Happy?"
"Yeah, it's me Mira, and these two have been thoroughly punished," she answered... then sweatdropped. "... Even if I went a bit overboard in my rage..."
"I s-see." Mira said, sweatdropping. "... We-We're not going to face whatever those two went through... right...?"
Lucy just slumped, looking tired. "To tell you the truth... I'm too tired after those songs played... I... Just want to talk... If you all are willing to let me in still...?"
Mira turned to her brother. "Elfman, open the doors, the storm has passed."
"Are you sure sis?"
"Well, Lucy isn't busting the door open on her own... so I believe so..." Mira said, a sheepish smile on her face.
"Well, she does have a point," Gray agreed with Mira. "The place has stopped shaking for a few minutes, and it doesn't look like Armageddon outside anymore, so it might be safe... for the most part..."
Elfman sighs, but did as he was asked and removed all the things that were barricading the door. "Doors open..!" he called out.
"Alright you little ingrats, move!" Makarov barked out, slamming the door open, and barely missing Elfman.
Lucy just dragged in Natsu and Happy. "Mira, do you happen to have a spare set of clothes in case someone destroys theirs?"
"I have some clothes made already, princess," came the voice of Virgo, who popped out of nowhere.
"GAH! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE!?" Lucy shouted, shocked.
"Just a few minutes ago," she answered. "Punishment?"
Lucy just slumped. "No Virgo... Just... Just hand me the clothes please..."
Virgo did what was asked, and handed them to her. Lucy then turned to the two, and ordered, "Put these on, now."
"A-Aye Ma'am," both Happy and Natsu shot up, saluting her. They then took the clothes and put them on as fast as possible.
"Wow, the only time I've seen them this scared is when Erza ordered them around," Mira said.
"True," Erza agreed with Mira's statement. "Good job Lucy."
"Uh... Thanks Erza... I think...?" Lucy said, not knowing how to feel.
Mira put a hand on Lucuy's shoulder. "I think you should take a seat now Lucy. I think we have a lot to talk about."
"............ Is she calm yet?" Macao asked while peeking through the table in nervousness and fear.
"She is, so get up old man," Gray said, sighing.
"Is she?"
Lucy just groans, slumping and facepalming. "Yes, Macao, I am calm now... You can stop hiding..."
"I still have doubts, last time a bard said they were calm, they explode, literally and I'm not the only one with doubts."
Lucy's eye started to twitch. "If you don't stop being a coward, you'll set me off right now...!" She said, gritting her teeth. "I just had to deal with Natsu and Happy's stupidity, don't make me deal with yours. Now. Stop. HIDING."
Macao shot straight up, getting out from under the table. "Sorry!"
"I told you not to hide under there," Wakuba stated, at the other end of the guild hall.
Mira clapped her hands. "Before anyone else wants to push their luck, and/or Lucy's passions, I suggest we all sit down, and talk," she ordered, having a dark aura around her and a way too sweet smile on her face. "Otherwise Lucy won't be the only one you have to deal with~!"
Less than a second people were immediately on their seats. 'What's with the top three girls and them being scariest of them all?' everyone thought to themselves.
Mira's aura vanished and looked chipper. "Good~!" she said, joyfully. She then helped Lucy to a table. "Okay Lucy, I'm guessing you want to ask some questions, while a lot of us want to do the same with you." Mira then looked at Kairi and Uta. "As well as your two friends over there." Mira then gave her a Strawberry Milkshake, Lucy's favorite dessert, to help her feel better.
"Thank Mira, I needed this," Lucy thanked her, and took a sip of the drink. "And yeah, I have a few things I want to ask. ... But I'll let one of the guild members ask something first." Lucy looked at them all. "So... What do you want to know?"
"I got something," Gray called out. "We know you wanted to hide your true abilities, but why? Aren't we friends and family to you?"
Lucy looked away sheepishly. "... I... Wanted to get to know you all first... build up a connection with everyone first..."
"... I guess that's understandable," Gray said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Okay... So I guess I can ask something now," Lucy stated, trying to think of what to ask. "Let's see... I guess... Why did you watch my holoprojections?"
"Blame Natsu for starting us off on them," Gray stated, pointing his thumb at the Dragon Slayer.
"Hey!" Natsu shouted.
"He forced us to watch the Lacrima recording after he, Gray, Happy and Erza watched your recording when he basically barged into your apartment. Which reminds me you need to get security in your home." Mira informed her.
Lucy gave him a deadpan. "I would, but it would have been suspicious... Like where I got the money and such..."
"Okay, true," Mira agreed. "You were trying to be normal, even if that's a mute concept as a Fairy Tail member."
"... Right... Any other questions you want to ask?"
"Is it true that you're related to the Heartfilia family? The Heartfilia stock market?" Elfman asked.
Lucy grimaces. "Yes... I'm the Daughter of of the Heartfillia conglomerate... Not that I want to be..."
Mira elbowed her brother in the side. "Why did you have to bring that up so soon brother?"
"What? I was curious..." he said, rubbing his side.
"I want to say it's not that bad, but after seeing some of the video's, I'm not so sure of that," Levy said, sheepishly scratching the side of her cheek.
"Yeah... Father wasn't the same after mom died..." Lucy said, letting out a sigh.
"If you don't mind me asking............ but what made you leave your home?" Natsu asked.
"Uh, didn't we already see the reason?" Happy asked.
"You did saw the video haven't yo-"
"Your reason, it wasn't just the marriage was it?"
"I............ I had to get out of there. I didn't want to be under my fathers thumb. I wanted to be me, not someone he groomed me to be. He changed a lot after my mothers death." Lucy said, somberly, rubbing her arm.
"You wanted a new family to feel what you had lost a while back," Makarov stated, understanding.
Lucy sighs. "Yeah... But I'm guessing you after finding out about me... You don't want me to be a part of Fairy Tail, because of my magic...?" Lucy asked, getting confused looks from others.
"Why would you ask that, Luci?" Natsu asked, confused.
"Yeah, it's not like we're going to kick you out or anything," Erza said.
Lucy looked confused. "B-Because I'm a bard, d-don't you know the reputation we have?"
"Lucy, this is Fairy Tail, we are a family, with all our strengths and faults," Makarovsaid, opening an eye to her. "We all have things in our past we're not proud of, but Fairy Tail is a home for all. So you're stuck with us kiddo~"
"Y-You mean it?" Lucy asked, tears forming in her eyes. Uta and Kairi wrapped their arms around her, smiling kindly to their friend.
"See Lucy~ What did we tell you~? You had nothing to worry about~" Kairi stated, giggling.
"Yeah~ They are your family now~ They'll have your back~" Uta agreed, smiling widely at her.
Lucy started to let the tears flow down her face, the first tears of sadness and happiness flowing through her for the first time in years. She was home.
"Let's party, to make Lucy feel welcome!" Makarov shouted, holding up a cup to the air. The guild cheered.
Lucy felt her powers start to react, she summoned instruments in the air. Everyone looked surprised. She smiled at them. "I have a song I want top play, for everyone here~ To show what you all mean to me~"
"... You won't hurt us, will you?" Loke asked.
Lucy shook her head in the negative. "No, I swear." She then started to play, the toon upbeat and getting people to party.
Lucy: We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agree that
We are, we are
Close as close can be
Mira was serving drinks and food to everyone, dancing to the music, the whole guild cheering and in an upbeat mood. Some of the girls in the guild started to sing as well, the music and magic flowing through them.
Mirajane: So it don't matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
Cana: We got every kind of love
I feel so lucky indeed
Levy: They can keep on talking
It don't matter to me cause
All the girls: We are, we are family
We are are are are (We are)
We are are are are (We are)
We are are are are (We are)
We are, we are family, family, family
We are, we are family
Everyone was now buddy hugging each other, cheering and toasting. The song infected everyone in joy. Lucy had a big smile on her face. Lucy then jumped up on the tables, letting loose and just going with the Fairy Tail way of life, feeling freer than she had in years.
Lucy: So what?
We don't look, we don't act
We don't walk, we don't talk
Like you do
Cana joined her on the table, arm over her shoulder, and a mug of ale in her other hand. She was dancing with Lucy, and sang with her.
Cana: So what?
If we hang just to hang
Ain't no shame
We gon' do what we want to
Members of Fairy Tail were helping Mira get around by tossing her in the air, Lucy's magic making it so that all her food and drinks didn't spill while she was dancing on the ground and in the air. Erza got her favorite cake from Mira as the two sang the next part, as the two danced around the guild.
Mirajane and Erza: Cause we come from everywhere
Searching for ones to care
Somehow we found it here
We found us a home
The whole guild was now cheering all the girls of Fairy Tail, as well as Uta and Kairir who were all singing and dancing to the song.
All the Girls: We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agree that
We are, we are
Close as close can be
So it don't matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of love
I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don't matter to me cause
We are, we are family
Bisca and Alzack were dancing together, not caring what the others think, just having fun, the two long time friends smiling at one another. Bisca then sang the next part, smiling widely.
Bisca: OK, so the links in our chain makes us strange
But really they make us stronger
And I wouldn't replace not a thing
Mother or father
Cause we,
Levy was making magical fireworks with her script magic, the festivities in the guild at an all time high. She then took the next part in the song, her team cheating her on to sing.
Levy: Cause we come from everywhere
Searching for ones to care
Somehow we found it here
We found us a home
The guild was cheering loudly, the whole building in high spirits. Unknown to them, the music was spreading out to the rest of town, people feeling better and dancing and having a good time thanks to the music in Fairy Tail. Everyone was recovering better with Lucy's help. Everyone was now singing the song. Yes even Laxus, but not to loudly, and was just bopping his head to the music.
Everyone: We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agree that
We are, we are
Close as close can be
So it don't matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of love
I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don't matter to me cause
We are, we are family
(We are)
The song started to slow down, starting to end, Lucy finishing.
Lucy: We are, we are family
Cheers were heard from all around the guild, inside and out. People's moods were now better. Lucy let out a warm smile. She was finally home.
To Be Continued...
And Done! A Happy ending for this chapter.
Mira: (Claps her hands) "That was so fun~! I'm so glad Lucy sees us as family now~"
Mira: (Sweatdrops) "Did-Did he fall asleep?"
I think he overworked trying to find that being that's messing with Izuku... HEY WAKE UP!
We still have the ending stuff we need to do, then the Curse Island of Galuna next. Finally get to do some real fighting, Fairy Tail style. With a bit of DnD Bard magic.
Mira: "Wait, the S-Class Ranked Mission!? But how!?"
Dark: Uh oh, she knows! Quick the memory eraser gadget!
She won't remember when she leaves, remember.
Mira: (Pouts) "Hey!"
Sorry, that's the rules.
Dark: Anyway let's end this already.
Yes. We hope you all enjoyed this chapter. If you havre any ideas for songs, please leave your requests. Also, please lead a like, favorite, follow and anything else for this story wherever you are reading this on.
Dark: See you guys.............later(WHOOSH)!
(Me and Mira sweatdrop)
Mira: (Smiles nervously) S-See you later...~
See you next chapter...
Please R&R
Song 1: Mz. Hyde by Halestorm
Song 2: Backlight Cover By AmaLee
Song 3: Tot Musica Cover By AmaLee
Song 4: We Are (Family) by Keke Palmer
(A/N 1)Dark: I................. I can't............. What............ what did I just see?
... I'm not sure... Maybe Lucy finally snapping and made Natsu snap...?
Dark: I think we all know the lesson........ never mess with a bard or else.............. I don't want to say what comes next.
I told you we should have made Natsu a bit more aware, now look at what you've done!
Dark: NOT THE TIME! LET ME IN! Alright, alright! (Let him in)
Darklord331 Pages:
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