When The Music Stops
*Jeremy Pov*
I tightly held the phone in my hand, while I waited for mom to pick up the phone. My eyes were red and puffy from all the tears, I felt sick and ready to throw up. I wanted to crawl in a corner and never see the light of day.
"Hello?" My mother's voice made extra tears fall..
"M-mom.." I choked, tears now coming a mile a minute..
"Jeremy? Sweetheart what's wrong?" She was concerned and I could imagine her face right now.
It's a shame she not here with me, instead she in another state for work. I honestly felt like a little kid in desperate need for their mother.
"Ech-Ech-o" I threw my other hand over my eyes and tried hard to wipe the tears away..
"Echo? What about her??" She sounded even more concerned now..
I can't say her name..not without seeing her bloody and tore up body laying in the hospital bed. That's a horrific picture that will never leave my head, ever time I blink that's all I see.. Imagine seeing someone you love in that kinda state, it will stick to you for the rest of your life.
"Sh-she" I gasped in the cries and went for it "She's-d-dead."
The phone went silent and all I heard was a little click, showing she had hung up. I wanted to hear my mother comfort me and tell me it was going to be okay, and she's in a better place now..but I was only greeted with silents and the darkness
I sat in the silents alone, with the thoughts of my dead sister.
*End of BackFlash*
*Days later*
I sat in the hard office chair, thinking how Echo use to bother me and always ask what I was doing..
Why I'm I even still in this restaurant? The memories in this restaurant about Echo filled my heart and brain, making the pain much worse. I guess I find comfort, knowing I'm somewhere she actually liked.
Mom never can back.. I don't blame her, she probably doesn't want to see her little girl in a casket. At first I thought maybe she would come back after awhile, but she stop answering my phone calls and lost all contract with me. So I figured she won't come back.. Heck, the only reason she stayed in this dump, was because of Echo.
I'm just glad mom didn't see her mangle body.. The doctor's told me she died extremely painfully and I believe them. When I saw her, blood was leaking out of her mouth and nose, while her skin took a pale and dead like color. They told me they could hear her screaming in her room. They thought it was just her in her sleep or the drugs kicking in and making her see things, but turns out it was her body shutting down in a excruciating way. The thoughts of my sister dyeing while screaming out my name, hurt more then anything.. I wasn't there to help her and she died thinking that I didn't care..
"Jeremy, make sure the animatronics are off, okay??" My boss's words put the horrible images of my sister to a stop.
I looked up at him, I probably looked like a mess..
"Sure..." I said with no care in the world..
My boss felt sorry for me and even offer for me to take a couple weeks off, but I didn't take his offer.. I wanted to fight off the pain and not give in to it.. I pulled out my chair and stood up. I kept my eyes fixed on the floor as I walked into the main room.
The animatronics looked off and fine. Freddy stood in the middle of the stage with his head held low and the others did the same. The place seemed quiet without Echo running around now..
I took in a big sigh and made my tears hold back for now, as I walked in the prize corner. I never really understood why Echo love the Prize Corner, it's actually really spooky to me.. The toys eye's seemed to follow you ever movements.. But to be honest the most scary thing was the animatronic that stayed in here..
I never like that thing, it always seemed to be...thinking.. almost like it had a mind of its own. The thing didn't act like any animatronics I have ever seen, and plus it didn't even look kid friendly.
Once I was fully in the room, I saw that it's box was close and I took that as a sigh it was off. I went to turn around to just go home for the night, but was stopped when I heard the most faintest sound of Echo's music box.. I'll always remember that sound, she use to listen to it all the time when dad died. It helped her get over the pain, and it also helped me. I remember when she was a baby it was the only thing that put her to sleep..
"The music is on, you can go to sleep better now?" I barely heard a man speak, causing me to suddenly jump.
"Yeah.." A little girl's voice replied, Her voice seemed shaken and Fragile..
Is someone in the restaurant after hours?!
"Hey? Is someone here?? It's closing hours!!" I bravely said..
I couldn't hear anything anymore, the only thing I could hear is the Music Box. But the sounded of the music seemed to fade as I watched the box lid start to open..
"Hello?? Who there?" I shouted much louder.
The music seemed to suddenly stop, causing my heart to do the same. I looked carefully at the box and waited for someone to show themselves..
A white face peered out of the darkness. It spooked me at first, but I quickly realized that it was the puppet..It looked right at me, it's eyes seemed much more black in the darkness and its white skin seemed to glow. It didn't take its eyes off of me , and I felt like it was trying to figure me out..Shouldn't this thing be off?? Why is it acting like this??
"Why did the music stop?" It sounded like a little girl who was about to cry. Her voice seemed like it could be heard thoughout the restaurant..
The puppet looked back down in the box and put its long finger on its lips, as if it was trying to tell someone to be quiet..Was someone in the box, with that thing??
The puppet look back at me and his smile seemed to widen, and little white dots appear in his eyes..
"What.." Was the only thing I could choke out..
I took a few steps back and tried to leave..
"Looks like someone didn't windup the music box for us.." The puppet spoke, it's voice sounded like multiple voices speaking at once..
His eyes glowed much brighter and I took that as a sign to run. But before I could even think about running, two large metal hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in the air.. They put a extremely strong grip on my shoulders causing my bones start to ache and me to suddenly gasp in pain.
I looked up at my attacker and was extremely terrified to see a large brown bear looking down at me. His eyes where now black with little white dots, just like the puppet. I began to put my feet up in the air and start to kick him as hard as I could. My feet made loud banging noises when making contract with his metal chest..
When I lifted my foot back in the air to kick him, something stopped it and pulled my legs straight out, making me howl in pain. When I looked down I was truly horrified to see Chica holding my legs out, and making them impossible to move. Freddy put a stronger grip on my arms, and Chica did the same....before I knew it I was in the air and and unable to move my body.. I felt Freddy start to pull at my arms and chica started to do the same with my legs. I felt and heard my bones snap and my flesh start to slowly tear..
They're going to rip me apart!!
"STOP!!" I screamed..
*Echo Pov*
"Marionette what's going on?" I bravely asked him.
He had the box open and was watching something that made him have a large smile on his face.. I could hear something happening outside and it started to scare me. All I want is my music back on so I can sleep.
"M-Marionette?" I asked again.
He looked down at me and smile.
"It's nothing, the animatronics just found a rat.. Nothing more.." He said as he closed the box, making the noises from outside more muffled..
"I'm scared.." I was on the verge of tears..
Marionette wrapped his arms around me once again and began to snuggle with me..
"Don't worry the music will come back on, when Freddy is done getting rid of the Vermin.." He said as he put his head in the cook of my neck..
I waited patiently for Freddy to be done, all I could hear was little thumbs and squeals from outside. I heard Freddy start to laugh, when The rat screamed.. Maybe they kill it now??
I was wrong, the rat let out one last loud and horrific scream that pierce my ears and caused me to press my face closer to Marionette.. Honestly it didn't sound like any rat I ever hear before. The scream lasted for what seemed like minutes but really could've only been a few seconds. Poor rat, it sounded like it was in a lot pain..
I hear Freddy's metal feet walk over to to counter, and rewind the Music.. Everything was silent now and I could only hear the beautiful waves of the music.. I positioned myself to get more comfortable im Marionette arms and prepared myself to fall asleep..
"Goodnight Echo, I'll make sure the music never stops.. And if it dose, I promise to make someone pay for it.." He said as he kissed the top of my head.
I started to shut my heavy eyes and listen more carefully to the music..
"I promise...it will never stop..." He whispered in my ear, as I fell asleep...
Nothing will wake me up now...only when the music stops..
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