Chapter 18

Katsuki's POV~

The smell of neapolitan flooded my nose. I opened my eyes and sat up, inhaling the sweet scent further. I glaced at the nest that was stationed near the window. I smiled and pushed myself out of bed.

I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I look like shit. I groggily thought to myself. I walked out of the bathroom and marched over to my closet and dresser and grabbed a change in clothes. I marched back to the bathroom, almost like a robot following its program. I closed the door and decided to hop in the shower.

The water felt nice, cleaning off any dirt and grime I had collected.(After the shower, it's pretty boring and I didn't know what to write....)

I hoped out of the shower feeling refreshed. I grabbed some towels and dried off. A sweet smell started to seep out from under the door. My Deku's heat smell. Damn why does it have to be so fucking tempting. I held my hand over my nose, trying to not inhale the sweet smell.

I quickly dressed and stepped out of the bathroom. I was soon greeted by an Omega in heat.

"Alpha~" Deku cooed at me, trying to catch my attention. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. I kept repeating to myself. I steadily made my way to the door. I looked back at Deku, who was still in his nest and was drowsily making his way out of it.

"I'll be back later..." I stated before opening the door and stepping out. I quickly shut the door and locked it, ensuring that Deku was secure inside and that no Alpha or Beta would make their way into the room.


The clock finally struck 9. The time Icy-Hot would be here. Just like that the door opened revealing an emotionless half and half.

"What do you want now?" I asked him angrily.

"I here for business." He stated, his voice was monotone.

"I'm not running a company asshole." I said slightly snickering.

"And I never said you did." He said with a slight hint anger. "It has to do with our groups."

"Well then spit it out." I let out a slight growl.

"I wanna strike a-" He stopped mid-sentence. Crash! I hopped out of my seat and glanced around the room, trying to figure out the source of the sound. "An Omega?" Icy-Hot mumbled barely audible, but still loud enough so I could here.

"Oi Shitty Hair!" I shouted, calling for that red headed loser. He charged through the door almost instantly afterwards.

"You called." He said, to which I nodded slightly. "Something wrong boss?" He asked walking over to me.

"Yeah, I need you and Dunce Face to find out where that loud crash came from and deal with it accordingly." I said slightly frustrated, but I tried to keep my cool. He nodded and left the room.

"Anyways as I was saying," he said as if he just snapped out of a trance. "I wanna strike a deal with you, or well more of a code for the both of us and our groups to follow." His stare never left me. Eye contact was a very serous thing when in a mafia group, especially when being a leader of a group.

"Well I'm listening. And make it quick I don't have all day." I snapped at the duel haired boy. Then a waft of neopolitan entered the room. I felt my body tense at the sudden sweet smell.

I could tell the Icy-Hot smelt it too, his whole body tensed as well. The smell then disappeared and Icy-Hot shook his head and once again acted like he just broke out of a trance.

"The code is quite easy to follow." His voice remained as it usually was, monotone. "Have you ever heard of the three P's?" He asked. I felt insulted.

"Of course who hasn't ever heard of that. You think I'm some kind of fucking idiot!" I shouted, letting out a deep growl afterwards.

"I didn't mean to anger you." He stated. "I just wanted to know for sure because not everyone actually knows of that rule." I heard him slightly snicker.

Izuku POV~

"Alpha~" I called out. My whole body hurt. I felt really hot too. I crawled out of my next and tried to stand up. I took a couple steps. My legs feel weak. I felt tears fill my eyes.

I took a deep breath, in and out, before trying to take a couple more steps. Why is heat so painful. I cried to myself. My legs started to shake and I stated to wobble. I fell to the floor with a big crash.

My body hurt more now, not just from the heat but from the pain from hitting the floor, hard. I let out a whimper, distress pheromones mixed with my heat pheromones.

I heard the click of the door and looked up. I tried to get up off the floor. I managed to stand but the room seemed to spin and my body felt wobbly.

I smiled when I seen Kirishima and Kaminari. I let out a small sigh of relief, though I didn't know why I was worried to begin with.

"Midoriya are you okay?" I heard Kirishima say as he ran over to him and helped steady him after seeing him wobble.

"I-I don't know!" I cried in the red haired Alpha's arms. Kaminari walked over to us and took me from Kirishima. He walked me over to my nest and let me go. I felt slightly happy to be back at my nest. I crawled in and tried to get comfortable only to feel as if something was missing.

I let out a small whimper without even knowing it. But Kirishima and Kaminari noticed it and started comforting me. I let out a sad smile at their comfort but the feeling never left.

"Hey Midoriya it's okay." Kirishima said in a calming voice. He started rubbing my back gently. Kaminari started doing the same thing. My body started to relax in their touch. I stated purring, the red haired Alpha and golden haired Beta seemed a little taken back by this action, but they soon relaxed and continued.

I feel like a cat. I thought to myself as Kaminari started petting through my hair. But I enjoy it... Why does it feel so wrong though? I asked myself hoping for an answer.

Cause their mates and their not your Alpha. As if almost on cue my inner Omega answered my question. I stopped purring, an even bigger emptiness filled my chest.

Kirishima and Kaminari looked at me with concern as they brought their hamds back to their sides.  Then a huge wave of heat hit me. I curled up to help stop the pain but it didn't work, it still hurt.

"Kiri go get some pain medication and some sleeping medication." Kaminari demanded Kirishima. Kirishima gave him a confused look. "I think our best bet is to help him sleep through this until Bakugo gets back." Kaminari said turning his attention back to me.

Kirishima noddes and quickly dashed out the room, leaving me and Kaminari alone in the room. An unmarked Omega in heat and a marked Beta, what could go wrong?...

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