Act 6: The Mysterious Masked Man - The Pretty Suited Sailor Soldier In White

Aiko's P.O.V.

"Bye, mother!" I called as I went out of the house. It's the weekend and my friends and I are gonna hang out.

"Whoops!" I said as I tripped over someone's foot. I look behind me and see the person I tripped on lying on the floor, just like me.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I cried as I tried to help him up. He looks familiar...

"It's fine. Though, I'm not usually that much of a klutz."

"Oh. It's you," we said to each other in unison.

"I didn't catch your name last time we ran into each other. All you said was 'Chiba', soooo..." I informed him. He chuckled.

"You remind me of someone... wait... do you know Amanda Aino?" How does he know my sister?

"Y-Yes... I'm her sister," I answered truthfully. He smiled.

"My name's Takeshi. Yours?" He held out his hand.

"Aiko," I replied, shaking his hand. "But how do you know my sister?"

"She's come over to my school before. I go to Moto Azabu High. You?" I felt myself smile as I reply.

"Juban Middle."

"Where you headed?"

"I'm gonna go hang out with my friends. Wanna be introduced?"

"Sure!" I led him to the ice cream place that we were meeting at.

"Hey, girls!" I greeted, sitting down. Takeshi did the same.

"Who's this?" Dara asked.

"Takeshi Chiba," I answered. I heard gasps.

"You don't mean-"

"Can it, Ena," Bree said, interrupting Ena. "He can hear you."

Takeshi and I just sat there while the others whispered amongst themselves. When they turned back around, I noticed that their smiles were fake, as if they were hiding something.

"Welcome to the club," Bree said robotically.

"We are so PLEASED to have you join us today," Ena joined in, following suit.

"Hello," Dara added randomly, also sounding fake. It didn't look like Takeshi was fooled either.

"I should probably go," he said.

"Why?" I asked him.

"I... Uh... have... STUFF... to do... yeah... bye!" Takeshi said before he ran out of the building.

"You scared him off!" I shouted at my friends before running after him. I feel like I need to apologize and explain.

"Takeshi!" I called to him. "Wait up!" When I finally caught up to him, I saw we were in the woods. We were lost...

But that is beside the point.

"Takeshi?" I began, putting my hand on his shoulder, causing him to turn around. "Are you okay?" He shook my hand off and walked away.

"Wait!" I yelled, reaching out to him. I was about to grab his arm when a bolt of lightning struck between us and launched me backwards. When the smoke cleared, I didn't see him anywhere. I felt something cold and wet land on my head. Rain. A storm was starting...


Dara's P.O.V.

A storm is starting... and Ai hasn't come back yet...

I felt the ground below me shake.

"WHERE IS THE SILVER CRYSTAL?!?!" Was that the storm? It sounded like thunder...

Everyone ran out right before it was lifted up... everyone except me, Ena, and Bree.

"What are you guys doing?!?! Run?!?!" I turned around and saw them... HOLDING TRANSFORMATION PENS?!?! Then, we all understood. They're Mars and Jupiter... and they now know I'm Mercury... time to transform!

"Mercury Aqua Power..."

"Mars Fire Power..."

"Jupiter Thunder Power..."

...MAKE UP!!!"

Then, the three of us transformed together!

"Girls!" Luna called, dashing over to us. "You need to head to the center of the storm!!!" We nodded and ran.

Aiko's P.O.V.

I transformed and ran. I have more endurance in this form, and that's perfect for when I'm lost. I found myself in the worst spot in the storm, where the storm was being formed based off the clouds. The enemy must be in there! I tried to reach it, but a tornado formed and launched me. I'm not giving up yet! I ran back, only to almost get hit by lightning! Here comes another one... it's gonna hit me!

But it didn't... I looked and saw a red rose deflected it. I look around to see where it came from. I saw a man in a Tuxedo next to a girl in a Sailor Suit. I've never seen them before...

"Using the eye of the storm as a destructive zone?" the boy started.

"You're hurting all the beautiful nature!" the girl finished.

Then they began some sort of catchphrase...

"The Guardian in a Sailor Suit..."

"And the Knight in a Tuxedo..."

"Sailor Dream..."

"And Tuxedo Mask!" Who?

"Dream... Calming... Powder!" Sailor Dream exclaimed, launching magic powder into the air. I felt the storm die down a little... and I felt full of vigor...

I tried launching an attack at the monster, and I felt a surge of power! I purified the monster with my attack! I went up to Sailor Dream and Tuxedo Mask.

"Thanks for saving me," I said to them. I suddenly felt a lot of pain.

"Sailor A!" I heard voices say. "SAILOR A!!!"

Then... everything went black.

Ena's P.O.V.

We reached the center right as Sailor A purified it. We were too late, I guess...

I saw her go up to two mysterious strangers, and thank them... but for what? I then saw her collapse on the ground.

"Sailor A!" We called, running up to her. "SAILOR A!!!" We shook her... She won't wake up... she's out cold.

I glared at the two strangers.

"What did you do to her?" I asked. They must know something... but they stayed quiet.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?!?!" No response.


Still no response.

"Alright then... I'll make you talk!!! Mars... Flame... Soul!!!" There was an explosion.

When the smoke cleared, they were gone...

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