Chapter 21. Doubles

Ben 10 belongs to Man of Action Studios and Cartoon Network

Monster Hunter belongs to Capcom

RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum

I only own my OC and Ultimate forms

Dedicated to Braedey95 and CorJayNelson


Opening - Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Theme


(I'm too tired of explaining everything. So, Jack introduced Zack to Ozpin and he made Zack a special student, same as Jack and Emma)

Russel sprinted away from the mayhem behind him, spinning around he turned to face his opponent Penny Polentina and her beret wearing teammate. With a simple flick of the wrist, she summoned six floating sword behind her, rearing them back before launching the towards Russel, who barely managed to duck behind a rock shielding himself.

Wasting no time Penny turns her attack towards Sky Lark another group of blades honing in on the member of CRDL who uses his halberd to vault over another stone for defense. Exchanging looks with one another as their makeshift shields were pierced with multiple blades, Penny grinned fiercely as she looked to he partner who simply tapped her watch. Waiting no time Penny raised her hands the almost nonexistent wires raised the boulders into the air Russel and Sky both clinging on for dear life, bringing her arms down to her sides the rocks fall back to the earth crushing their occupants underneath.

Her swords returned to her backpack as the buzzer rang out. "And victory goes to Penny and Ciel of Atlas!" Oobleck announced.

"Thank you for a wonderful time!" Penny said, pressing her fist into her palm bowing to her opponents before exiting the arena with her teammate.


"Phew, remind me not to tick her off." Zack said staring down at Penny and the bright smile she wore, despite having just decimated her opponents as she exited the arena.

"Definitely." Alex responded. Ruby rushed past them to meet her friend calling out to her before being glomped on by the ginger-haired girl.

"Ooo~" Zack winced.

"Ow!" Jack hissed.

"Whyyyyy!" Ruby called out.

"Ease up Penny I think you're crushing her." Jack said as he and Zack approached the group.

Penny gasped, hopping up to her feet. "Ruby I am so sorry!" Penny said.

"It's ok Penny." Ruby said as she got to her feet dusting off her combat skirt.

"Gotta admit you were on fire out there." Zack said.

"Strange, I did not register any hardware issues at such a severity." Penny said tapping her chin thought.

"It's a metaphor." Jack said. This girl was starting to remind him of Rook.

"Oh, thank you for the compliment." Penny said before glancing back at her teammate.

"Oh Ruby, Alex, and friend. I'd like the three of you to meet my teammate. " Penny said gesturing to the girl behind her

"Ciel Soleil." She introduced herself bowing formally.

Waving Ruby replied, "Hi I'm Ru-"

"Ruby Rose, 15, hail's from Patch, leader of Team RWBY. Status: Questionable." Ciel Said before turning to address the others.

"Zack Masayoshi Orion, 17, hails from a town known as Bellwood in an unknown region, late entry student close relations with Jack Andros. Currently working alongside team RWBY and JNPR. Status: Unknown." Finally Ceil's attention turned to Alex.

"Jack Andros, 17, Also hailing from Bellwood, current mentor for Beacons first-year students primary interactions alolngside Emma with Teams RWBY, JNPR and CFVY. Status..." taking on a troubled expression as she stared at the young man. "Classified."

"Okayyyyy." Zack said a little, weirded out by the information Ciel had, an awkward silence quickly followed before Ruby decided to speak up.

"So...Penny! You two were awesome out there! How can you keep control of all those swords?! it's so-"

"Penny," Ciel interrupted. "I believe it is best if we move on to our next location."

"Oh I'll meet you guys there. Penny and I are going to catch up first." Ruby replied. Zack and Jack waved goodbye as they began making their way back towards the stands.

"Did something about that girl seem off to you?" Zack asked his friend.

"Yeah, she was a little robotic but that's probably just normal with her. I mean, Ruby did say she was sheltered." Jack responded.

"Yeah, good point" Zack said.


Yang and Weiss stood in the center of the arena waiting for their opponents to arrive. Yang stretched her arms out above her head as she turned to speak with Weiss. "Welp, now it's our turn." Yang said.

"Just remember to keep proper form." Weiss said.

Yang sighed. "Alright. You're from Atlas. What can we expect?" She replied.

Weiss crossed her arms.  "Well, seeing as their kingdom, academy, and armed forces are all merged as one, I think we can expect strict, militant fighters with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategies." At that very moment, a rainbow shot by them coming to a stop in front of them reviling a pigtailed Faunus with roller blades and a cat tail and a pair of nunchucks in hand, standing beside her was a young man with a fedora and sunglasses holding a trumpet in his hands.

"Or... whatever they are?" Weiss said, looking at her partner.

"Hey!" Weiss looked at the one who called to them, the young man with the fedora Flynt Coal. "Your Weiss Schnee, right? The heiress."

"I am!" Weiss said smiling at the recognition.

"I take it your pretty good at Dust, then?" Flynt asked.

"I do my best." Weiss replied shrugging while still smiling.

"Yeah, my dad was good too. Owned a little dust shop of his own." Flynt replied nodding his head, his eyes hidden behind his glasses as his smile quickly turned into a scowl. "Til your father's company ran him out of business."

"Oh," Weiss said lowering her head in shame. "I'm sorry to hear that." She replied sincerely.

"Suuuure, you are." Finn replied sarcastically.

"Hey, why don't you-"

"Hey, why don't you-... that's what you sound like." The Faunus, Neon Katt, remarked.

"Uh..." Yang responded in confusion.

"Hey, where did you get your hair extensions?" Neon then asked.

"This is just my normal hair." Yang responded in confusion.

"Ooh, Really?" Neon replied.

"Yeah, is that a prob-"

"You should try rollerblading some time." Neon once again interrupted. "It's super fun! It'd probably take you a while those since your so... you know... top heavy!"


Within the stands, Emma covered her face with her hands, while Zack simply stared at the scene in shock. Ruby, Jack and Blake shook their heads, those two had no idea what they were getting into. "She had to mention the hair, didn't she?" Alex said

"Oh, here we go." Ruby said, rolling her eyes.

"Welp, they're screwed" Zack said.

"Oh yeah." Blake and Jack, said nodding in agreement.


The field opened up around them reviling a volcanic wasteland, a desert, another set of geysers and a destroyed city. Both teams of combatants took their positions as Ports voice came over the intercom. " Three... two... one!. Begin!"

Right off the bat, Flynt raised the instrument to his lips unleashing a sonic wave that blows both Weiss and Yang back from the force. Acting quickly, Weiss generates a glyph beneath her stopping Weiss from sliding back. The two remain unaware as Neon spins into the attack using it to push herself towards her opponent, knocking Yang into the city biome.

Weiss leaped to the side attempting to get out of the line of fire, Flynt switched his target focusing his sonic assault on the Schnee Heiress. Weiss formed a black Glyph beneath her feet slowly edging towards the musician so she can land a blow. suddenly Flynt ceases his attack causing Weiss to dart forward past the young man while simultaneously receiving a kick to the back.

Flynt smiles as Weiss crashes through a red dust crystal landing in the center of the volcanic landscape.


Within the destroyed city Neon zooms ahead of yang easily dodging the rounds fired from Ember Celica, jumping into the air she grinds across a railing while blowing a raspberry at the blond brawler further, antagonizing Yang who growled in response giving chase. Yang opened fire on the Cat Faunus who darted across the destroyed landscape easily avoiding her attacks due to her superior speed.

"Never miss a beat, Never miss a beat, Never miss a beat, Never miss a beat." Neon said to herself as she continues to flip and slide over any terrain that comes into her path, dropping back to the ground she rushed the blond Brawler disappearing into a rainbow blur striking Yang from multiple angles. As the attack ceased, Yang ejected the empty shells from her gauntlets allowing new ones to take her place as she stares down Neon.

Ther multicolored Faunus smirked as she cracked her nunchucks/glow-sticks causing them to glow a light blue, dashing past yang before the blond brawler could even realize it freezing her leg in a block of ice.

Neon began to giggle." Look! Now you're bottom-heavy, too!" She said while slapping her rump.

Yang growled in response shattering the ice around her leg, suddenly Neon appeared to her left encasing her arm in a similar state as her leg. Ducking under two archways, Neon darted forward in a multicolored blur delivering a swift double kick to Yang's stomach launching her into a stone wall a few feet away.

"You should cool off." Neon began as Yang regained her footing. "Get it? Because you're angry." Yang shattered the cce surrounding her arm and simultaneously the wall behind her as she struck it.


Weiss and Flynt face each other in the volcanic biome. Weiss gestures around with Myrtenaster her before twirling three times summoning four small Glyphs launching shooting out an equal amount of ice shards at her enemy. Flynt looked down and smiles leaping sliding onto his knees unleashing a sonic wave redirecting one of the lava geysers into the path of Weiss attack.

Getting back to his feet, he looks at Weiss over the rims of his shades. "Too bad all that money can't buy you skill." He taunts.

Weiss grimaces before quickly spinning the revolver cylinder at the hilt of her rapier selecting a white dust. As Flynt attacked she thrust her weapon forward unleashing a miniature cyclone their attacks meeting and battling for dominance. Weiss formed eight glyphs surrounding their battle bouncing off each one she struck the musician from every available angle, planting his foot down and begins to play once again splitting into four almost identical copies the only difference being the color of their tie and hat.

Joining their sonic wave together their combined attack launched Weiss back into the desert biome.


Within in the announcer's booth, Port turned to his fellow professor. "What's this?" He asked

"It appears young Flynt has just activated his Semblence! And quite a remarkable one at that. Ladies and Gentlemen, feast your eyes on Flynts Killer Quartet! " Oobleck announced each of the Flynts flipped their hats to the audience.

The Flynts each lookup examining the scoreboard seeing Weiss and Yang down to half their Aura but still in the fight. Stepping forward he absorbed his counterparts getting ready to finish this.


Neon darts across the destroyed landscape Yang hot on her heels, he usual lilac eyes now a solid crimson which Neon instantly took notice of "Ohh! Flashy eyes. You know, your actually kinda pretty when you angry."

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Yang cried out as she launched herself towards her adversary.


Weiss attempted to rise looking up at her sword, she reached out for it only for Flynt to step on the blade a smirk present on his face.

"Get back here!" A voice called out causing his attention to switch to his partner who currently skated circles around a furious Yang Xiao Long.

"I wasn't trying to say you should go on a diet." Neon said while she scatted around the blond. "I was saying you really need to go on a diet!"

"THAT'S IT!" Yang cried out in anger, sensing his opportunity Flynt turned away from his downed opponent activating his Semblance the four readied their attack, Weiss looked up to see her teammate distracted by the multicolored cat Faunus unaware of the oncoming attack acting quickly Weiss leaped up to her feat tackling Flynt breaking his concentration his clones quickly dissipating.

The two teens crashed into the magma geyser erupting in their faces.

"What?" Yang said as she turned towards the explosion her eyes widening at the scene.


"Weiss!" Emma, Jack, Ruby, Zack and Blake yelled in shock and worry.


"It appears we have a double knock out on our hands" Port announced.

"In fact, it looks a though Miss Schnee's Aura has been completely! She sacrificed herself to take out Flynt." Oobleck added, then the two announcers noticed something "Wait a minute. What is this!?" Oobleck said.

Flynt stumbled out of the smoke almost at his limit, but still standing.

"Ladies and Gentlemen Flynt Coal remains standing!" Port announced.

"You did it, Flynt!" Neon said as she skated over to her partner. "Don't worry about her, she's easy! But kind of annoying." Neon said whispering the last part.

Yang growls clenching her fist's tight her knuckles audibly cracking."Ohh, it looks like Yang's angry! And you wouldn't like her when she's..." Yang let out a roar of anger, her golden main lighting up in a blaze of fire as the volcanic background behind her exploded spewing magma into the air. "...Upset."

Throwing two quick jabs, she unloads two explosive shells at her opponents. Flynt took cover behind some Rubble as his partner came up on his left. "Yo, Neon go!" He yelled. Yang leaped forward quickly being intercepted by the sonic blast thrusting her arms back she pushed herself forward meeting Neon in the middle the cat faunas using Flynt's attack to quickly move in on the blond brawler.

Yang threw multiple jabs at her opponent, unloading her gauntlets with each punch for added power. Neon quickly ducking around them countering with her Nunchucks. Propelling herself into the air, Yang fired down into the battlefield bellow obliterating the ground below Neons feet barely dodging the aerial bombardment she pushed on, switching tactics yang aimed for Flynt the explosive round hitting next to his feet throwing his attack off to the side forcing Neon along with it.

Neon stumbled as she dodged the rough terrain around her caused by Yangs attack a stray shot obliterated the ground in front of her Neon racing up an improvised ramp landing on some more stable ground.

Yang rushed Flynt firing Ember Celica propelling her high into the air, Flynt uses his Semblance once more, pushing Yang further into the air. The blond brawler unleashes a roar of anger unloading her gauntlets pushing through the sonic attack, crushing Flynt's trumpet in her hands causing his attack to backfire on him literally. Flynt is sent tumbling across the arena finally coming to a stop the last of his aura depleted a buzzer ringing.

"Oh! A sour note for Flynt." Oobleck announced.

Yang turned her attention to Neon who was struggling to navigate the geyser fields. "Never miss a beat! Never miss a beat! Never...miss... a..." Neon lost her balance on the rough terrain her foot catching the edge of a rock-throwing her off her feet. "...Beat!" Neon squeaked, tears spilling from her eyes her weapon slipping from her hand as she tumbled directly into one of the geysers rocketing her into the air, screaming.

Yang watches from a distance a smirk coming to form on her face as she takes aim firing one last explosive round, the shot struck the Faunus head on destroying the last of her aura causing the buzzer to go off.

Yang stood in the center of the arena taking some calming breaths, her eyes widened as her head snapped towards her teammate. "Weiss!" Yang yelled as she sprinted over to the ash-covered heiress kneeling down next to her "Weiss are you okay?" Yang asked

"I may not be singing for a while." Weiss replied causing a smile to form on Yang's face.

"You know, I'm not sure that was proper form." Yang said.

"Oh, ha, ha-" Weiss began coughing violently from exerting her voice.

"What!" A high pitched squeal came from across the arena their heads snapping towards a shocked Neon. " We lost!? We lost!? Team FNKY (Funky) lost?! That was...That was... amazing!" Neon cried stars shining in her eyes. "Oh my gosh, you guys were super crazy awesome! We should definitely party together sometime. Right, Flynt?"

Flynt approaches them stumbling for a moment before regaining his footing. "That was a gutsy move, Schnee... I dig it." Flynt said, receiving a smile from Weiss and Yang.

Ruby and Blake sprinted over to their teammate, joining Yang on their knees. Emma, Zack and Jack not far behind "Good job you two." Emma said.

"Yeah!" Ruby cheered.

"You guys did great out there." Jack said

"Thanks." Weiss responded weakly.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Zacksaid as he and his girlfriend Yang helped Weiss to her feet the heiress leaning against them for support as they made their way out off the field as the crowd cheered around them.


Ozpin's Office

Within the headmaster's office at dawn, Professor Ozpin is facing the window, his back to the elevators when the doors open and Qrow Branwen steps inside, approaching his desk with coffee mug in hand.

"You know, he's making you look like a fool." Qrow said to Ozpin

"His heart is in the right place. He's just... misguided." He defended Ironwood.

"Sometimes, I'm not even sure he has a heart." Qrow said as he gulps down on his mug before looking at the Headmaster. "So, have you chosen your guardian yet?" He asked.

"Maidens choose themselves," Ozpin said, turning to face Qrow. "I simply believe I've found the right candidate. Ever since the day I met her, I had the feeling she would be the one."


Pyrrha is seen walking towards the elevator of the CCT.

"She's strong, intelligent, caring... but most importantly....."

Pyrrha enters and puts her hands in front of her as she let out a smile and the elevator closed.

"She's ready."

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